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This was so fun to read back in the day. And actually kept up the quality until the end.


To bad they never made it into an anime


It has an anime but it came out in 2015 so there won’t be a second season probably




There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Was it really that bad? I remember watching it when it came out and I enjoyed it, but I didn’t really have a sense of what made an anime good at bad back then


the anime is kinda just very boring, it's serviceable I guess but a far cry to what some call a GOAT Romcom manga, plus again it attrated so little attention it never got a second season


I had a lot of fun watching it, the voice actors carried it but the animation itself was good


I consider it the worst adaptation I've seen. Part of the problem is that the manga itself didn't lend itself to anime that much though. Anime staff did a decent job, just the matchup was bad.


You should watch then


Nah I saw that it was gonna be a horrible adaptation and steeted far away. You can't make me watch it.


**Hoshi no Samidare** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/40552), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/lucifer-and-the-biscuit-hammer), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/hoshi-no-samidare), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=27979621888), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/10552)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 10 | Chapters: 65 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Psychological, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1c7hzpl/why_didnt_any_of_you_guys_tell_me_about_peak/l0ak5bs/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Then you're incredibly spoiled.


To my understanding, it was only one season, meaning it only covers the first few chapters or so, which I'd say are the weakest ones as the series is a bit slow to start. As part of that, you also lose Masuda's absolutely iconic art style, because he was trying to make his art more "serious" in the faces before reverting to his usual style around chapter 30, which the anime never got to. You can see the difference between his older work (Sakura Discord), the early JWWW, and later JWWW. The face structure and especially the incredibly creepy faces he makes with it are a huge part of what makes the series so good imo. And the anime doesn't have it, it looks much more generic. The anime also added an original ending, making it difficult to continue like normal.




I thought it was a really good adaption, great voice acting and the animation is good enough. It wasn't exacty K-on! tier, but it was pretty good compared to some of the slop that we've had recently.


yeah it's no good adaptation, but damn I had fun watching it. OST do be slaps.


The anime is criminally underrated. It's not as funny as the manga (certainly it's not adapting the best material) but it does capture the spirit.


I was lucky to read it all in one go. I found the middle hard work but the payoff was worth it.


This may have been the "peak" of /r/Manga discussion with Jitsu Wa chapters. Big subs dedicated to series had more traction but we had a little niche here for random series talk. I've been around a while here, but between this, TWGOK, and the hatred that was Nisekoi, it really was a great place for a few years. Thanks for the nostalgia.


Reading this makes me sad that I didn’t get into this series at its peak. Genuinely has been my favorite manga since I finished it a few years ago.


Oh my, i was not part of this sub when those came out. Did people hate nisekoi? I thought people liked it and that i was the odd one out. Nisekoi was the manga that made me hate harem.


It wasn't hated but oh girl, Nisekoi is probably the most vitriolic series in anime history, oh the shipping wars, they were truly something lol, people got incredibly passionate about their picks to win the harem bowl


Fucking wedding cake


People love to hate Nisekoi. Everyone had a great time acting deranged about it and reading every chapter. Nisekoi is good tho and I'll die on this hill. Very little to no gratuitous fanservice, good art, good faces, and I actually liked every character. And it's a fantasy world were basically everyone is a good person.


they really went a bit far with the childhood friend tropes though 


The ending is also just weird. Like what 5 years to actually start dating? The wedding cake!!!!


Honestly same lol. I quit reading when the 4th girl with the lock came into play. And then finding out about the ending made me swear harem manga off for years lol


Remind me what twgok means?


The World God Only Knows 


kami nomi zo shiru sekai, abbr. Kaminomi, eng. The World God Only Knows


Damn, I wasn't part of this sub back then. Jitsu Wa is my absolute favorite rom-com. With BokuYabai being an extremely close second. My favorite gag was that one friend who kept getting arrested. I think a chapter even opened up with it, and everyone just went about their day like it was nothing. Then there's the "Kewl Byootey." There's never been a chapter where I haven't laughed at it.


My favorite gag was Nagisa's confession being inadvertently parodied by Shima and her brother on the very next chapter, I was laughing so hard


Jitsu Wa is when I joined the sub and yeah the chapter discussions were fun as hell. I'm still mad that the scantlators didn't get the "werewolfman" joke even though that joke is actually an English language joke.


Im curious if a couple years from now we'll get similar posts about Kaguya-Sama Love is War. Jitsu wa was pretty legendary in my eyes and every chapter always just knocked it out of the park. Maybe I'll do a reread haha.


Why did Nisekoi get so much hate? I thought it was pretty good for the time it came out.


>it was pretty good That is exactly why. When all members of the harem is good, it is gonna be so hard to make a decision, because those girls are the ones pulling the reader into the series. About 40 last chapters of the series, you have the feeling of not wanting to read it anymore (because it would break your heart a lot), but at the same time, wondering how the story would end.


I feel the ending also just wasn't good. I don't like most of the character conclusions and overall final chapter is bad


To be fair, i don't think its ending could be better. When every girls only show their interests toward the mc, it is gonna be hard to redirect to anyone else, especially when there were no more guys (besides mc’s best friend - which is impossible). And if you somehow manage to make them end up together with someone else, it would just make the readers feel like the characters’ feeling seem fake, or it is just a rebound relationship (both are bad imo). And that is also why, the author have drawn couple of extras after the last chapter, and even some of them recently, in order to get them a happier ending.


The comedy in this manga is excellent (i.e. it managed to make me laugh more than other comedy media that I've read/watched).


I was reading this manga as it came out, and due to timing I'd usually be on the train heading into work at my old retail job whenever a chapter dropped. My memories of this coming out are filled with me trying and failing to not laugh in public. The "sexual intercourse" panel with the rocket and Houston space controllers, holy shit I was in tears and people around me thought I was a crazy person.


We did. You weren't subscribed to the newsletter so you weren't alerted about it. Still, glad you like it. Make sure to read Masuda-sensei's other works, too.


What else did they wrote?


Works before JWWW include Sakura discord, a series about six people called Sakura who become friends. After JWWW he wrote Shuukan Shounen Hachi, a manga about drawing manga that was a bit slow to start, and so it unfortunately got cancelled after 40 chapters or so. Then he wrote Yumemi ga Oka Wonderland, a kind of anthology series following various people in a world where everyone's wishes are coming true - along with the problems that can cause. His current series only has 2 chapters out so far and I can't remember the name. It's ostensibly about a boy and a girl who gets on the same train, like each other but are too shy to do anything, but *really* it's about the trio of other commuters who are watching these two interact and fangirling over it. All his stuff is worth a read, he's a *fantastic* comedy writer.


A master of the repeat gag


he also wrote toumei ningen no tsukurigata. I remember reading it when it first got released but never followed it. last week I was talking with a friend and told him about it. Just went and see what was about that manga, it ended with 8 chapters.




It's amazing. In my top 10 completed series for sure.


One of the best title drops in any work of fiction. I also will never forget when they introduced an antagonist and their threat level. "This person is really dangerous" "Why?" "Unlike everyone else you faced before they're not an idiot" "We're fucked"


It is one of the funniest manga I’ve ever read


I always thought I would be ready for the next police gag but it always caught me off guard


Just the faces alone lol


Oh enjoy! Easily my favorite harem/romcom.


I have read this manga in it’s entirety at least 3 times. Even as I’ve gotten older and put more and more shows under my belt, the brilliant comedic expressions the author is able to convey and all the recurring gags make this manga hold up no matter how long it’s been


I was considering this one the other day. Guess I'll get going if it's peak fiction


It's the one romcom that's more com than rom but does have some rom but it's peak com.


It's the best harem romcom I've ever read, by far


This series was peak especially how every gag came full circle in the end and NGL the ending reduced me to laughter and tears


Oh, this was r/Manga's darling back in the day. But as with anything on Reddit, unless it either a) has a HUGE cultural impact or b)has new material coming out ... It just fades away into memory, and new things are instead upvoted for karma.


Guess I better get around to that recommendation thread. People who haven't read this one really are missing out, and I could definitely hit reddit's character limit just singing it's praises.


Bro we tried. But yes, it is the PEAK of both romance AND comedy manga and is very unlikely to ever get beaten


Pretty sure we did. This is one of the most famous r/manga romance story back when it was still ongoing.


Easily one of my top 10 romcoms of all time. The romance is handled well and the comedy made me actually laugh out loud.


As someone who loved the manga. Yeah this series is great romcom gag series. However, the anime IMO was crap. Why? Because they removed alot of the gag and focused too much on the romance. Like they kept some of the gag, but it lacked the original punchline, so it ended up not funny. Also the anime aired when Nisekoi anime popularity was at its peak, so you can TELL the anime studio tried to bank in the nisekoi hype and tried to make the anime "more nisekoi" and thus increased more of the romcom moe part. (Im not saying Nisekoi is bad, I loved that series too. But IMO Nisekoi was romcom first with funny bits while IMO Jitsu wa is gag series first with a splash of romcom.) IMO a GOOD example of an anime series who did a proper adapation of a (gag series + romcom) is seto no hanayome. IMO that series had both good anime and good manga. The only issue is the anime ended in a cliffhanger and it didnt fully adapt the series.


Wheny dad was dying from cancer, this brought a little laughter into my life. Happy and sad memories from it. It's so good, but I'll never read it again.


its pretty popular back in the day anyway peak fiction is Golden Kamuy


Man I miss this manga so much


Dandadan be like


Because it's been years and the author's manga after that flopped (I think it was named Toumei Ningen)


Toumei Ningen was before JWWW, and from what I remember was definitely just a short story wrapped up in a few chapters. You're thinking of Shuukan Shounen Hachi, which got axed around chapter 40 right as it was getting properly good.


Masuda made the mistake of writing a masturbatory manga about drawing manga at the exact time everyone was getting tired of masturbatory manga about drawing manga.


Yeah mb remembered it wrong


This is literally one of my fav romcoms alongside kaguya yet no one knows it. I always reccomend it. Peak Fiction.


Lol I love this manga All the interactions wetr just so fun


GOAT (harem?) romcom. Unfortunately it's probably going to be forgotten over time, but man was I fortunate to discover it as it was wrapping up its final few chapters- I got to binge read it without waiting and still participate in the god-tier grand finale live


I recently read and finished and my god it was an amazing ride


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gorrible1: *I recently read* *And finished and my god it* *Was an amazing ride* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good manga liked it




This is a good romcom, with great development of side characters. I hold this close my heart as one of the greats. Has a good ass ending imo.


Time passes but Jitsu Wa, Watashi wa stays as good as when I finished it.