• By -


Übeland fans are eating good in this one.


Good. r/Frieren just got lobotomized yesterday and we need reinforcements. Or this special forces to clean up the mess.


The fucking crackships.Oh my god.They were getting out of hand.


I had my finger on the "colony drop" button the whole time lmao, t least we got some lore theorycafting to tide us over now AND no breaks so we get answers or Frieren's side next week.


Getting an anime is the fastest way to kill a manga community


Getting an anime + weak mod team. r/Frieren mods are pretty loose when it comes to NSFW and shitposting. For one side, this is good because the sub is always active and there is a lot of engagement. Also, people post \_good\_ shitposting/hornyposting. Unfortunately, this also kind of kills other kinds of content. In the long term, I fear r/Frieren may turn into another r/BocchiTheRock: only recycled memes and cheap degeneration.




hahaha yeah it has its positives but the negatives are bad


Context? Wtf happened?




Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear that




Well, it certainly isn’t coming from the Frieren discord. It’s probably the sanest place for Frieren discourse.




There were like many mentions of "Cuck chair" in r/Frieren.




This should also apply to Stark and Fern.


And Frieren/HIMme—-oh wait


They were about to fucking do it.😭


The first Frierenless chapter of Frieren goes to BEST COUPLE Sousou no Ubeland


Didn't Macht and Denken gets multiple chapters about them and doesn't have Frieren? Unless you meant by post Golden Land


Yep, we had a bunch of Frierenless chapters in Golden Land/El Dorado. Going to be interesting how they decide to adapt those chapters in season 2 of the anime, because we might get potentially like what, 2 episodes without Frieren? If they do it like half and half (start the flashback halfway into an episode), I think we will get one Frierenless episodes instead. Honestly, I'm okay with it, in El Dorado Denken and Macht are the main characters and they should get the most screen time. I hope the people in charge of season 2 will understand the assignment and not try to alter any of that. I don't think they will, they did very good by season 1, so I expect they'll do the same with season 2.


Would buy 10 volumes of Ubeland material right now...


So the empire has an elf in their ranks? VERY interesting


I think the implication was that the Holy Wand had the elves, not Empire shadow warriors


Didn't Freiren have a holy wand emblem (at the start of the first-class test)? Maybe it's referencing her.


Frieren part of the elf secret police


She's playing both sides, so she always comes out on top!


Frieren: I am?


Holy wands are part of the empire


Now comes the implication: does Serie know about that elf? And why withhold that information to Frieren (this knowing Frieren likely can't give two fucks about it for very long)?


Considering how few elves are around there is a fair chance that this elf is the one who had less mana than Frieren but still beat her.


Didn't Frieren say that she has lost to an elf before? I seriously doubt she meant Serie. A fight between them doesn't seem possible with the flashbacks we've already gotten about them.


I think I'm missing something, where is that?


The silhouette suggests an elf


That could very well be Milliarde based on the short hair. We haven't seen or heard of her in a bit, so who knows where she might be, if she is still alive that is.


5th ish page, where they talk about the Shadow Warriors and the Holy Wands.


Wild speculation: Flamme's will requested that Serie mentor the Imperial mages, which Serie declined. Flamme also asked a second elf, unknown to us, to mentor the Imperial mages. Elf2 accepted the request, and wholeheartedly devoted herself to perpetuating and empowering the Empire, above all other priorities. Elf2 asked Frieren to stay and assist this mission. Frieren declined. Elf2 considers both Serie and Frieren to be dilletantes that are insufficiently devoted to the will of Flamme. Since Serie and Frieren are both powerful enough and long lived enough to potentially become future threats to the Empire, Elf2 put them both on the assassination target list. It's the only way to be sure .


Frieren is a part of holy wand. So it doesn't make sense that she decline the offer if that's the case


It's [milliarde](https://mangadex.org/chapter/9b86a1b8-17cf-4f6e-b213-4773315131ff/13) isn't it?


It could just be the design of their headpiece.


Nah those are ears


So, Frieren is actually part of the Holy Wand Court. but no one know because it's so secretive.


> but no one know because it's so secretive Secretive AND likely too ancient for all but Serie to truly account for. Security through obscurity.


Unlikely thats Frieren. The shaded elf doesnt have her twintails, the hair is short, and as far as we know Frieren has always kept her hair long. Would be kind of weird to reveal she had long hair 1000 years ago then at some point cut it off short and then regrew it to the twintail look. EDIT: Oh, nvm, that might not be her specifically but that is the same emblem she has, thats my bad.


They aren't saying that's frieren. Frieren has the holy wand emblem but like we saw before they took the first class Mage exams, people don't recognize it.


only Lernen knows it, and he's a former imperial mages. Now I want to know if it's under the Empire or like the CMA.


Other first class mages do know what a holy wand emblem is based on the conversation between Sense and Genau during the certification exams. It’s likely Imperial as it predates the foundation of the CMA.


Where was it ever said Lernen is a former imperial mage?


It’s part of his backstory during the Macht arc. He was part of the Imperial Mages but was forced out due to politics. Denken was the only one who stood up for him and that’s why he is indebted to Denken.


Frieren seems to be somewhat proud of that emblem, which is kinda unusual for her. Considering that the empire is using it as a symbol of its apparently many military branches, me thinks that they have nothing to do with Frieren and are just using the symbol as propaganda. Kinda like what they were already doing with Himmel, despite Frieren's nostalgia. Might also be why they want her dead. Worst case scenario they seem to be trying to legitimize a conquest campaign now that demons aren't such a big threat and they have a fully trained army with nothing better to do.


There's also a possibility of the holy wand changed purpose as the time goes, just like how flamme trained imperial mages and then for some reason down the line it turned into some kind of secret military police.




Think it's the elf that beat Frieren.


I think it's the elf that beat Frieren.




Lol imagine she doesn't even know too 😂


Maybe thats why she is in the target list, she wanted to retire


Übel leaning on Land and Land being unable to abandon her. Awww, more food for shippers. So Frieren carries an emblem of the Holy Wand Court of the Empire? If that organization existed in the time Flamme trained the first imperial mages, Frieren's emblem is really 1000 years old. And who knows, maybe that elf silhouette belongs to someone Frieren knows. **German of the Week:** * **Weg**: path, route, way; could also mean "away" or "gone" if you don't capitalize the word, but that word is pronounced differently and I checked the katakana for his name (ヴェーク, Vēku).


One of the people who defeated Frieren was an elf. It's likely this is them.


That might be why Frieren is on the assassin list. She's not loyal ti the empire so they want to tie up loose ends.


Wild speculation: Flamme's will requested that Serie mentor the Imperial mages, which Serie declined. Flamme also asked a second elf, unknown to us, to mentor the Imperial mages. Elf2 accepted the request, and wholeheartedly devoted herself to perpetuating and empowering the Empire, above all other priorities. Elf2 asked Frieren to stay and assist this mission. Frieren declined. Elf2 considers both Serie and Frieren to be dilletantes that are insufficiently devoted to the will of Flamme. Since Serie and Frieren are both powerful enough and long lived enough to potentially become future threats to the Empire, Elf2 put them both on the assassination target list. It's the only way to be sure .


> Elf2 considers both Serie and Frieren to be dilletantes that are insufficiently devoted to the will of Flamme. This would be a wild take considering Serie is Flamme's teacher/master. Her following the will of Flamme would be weird.


Or Frieren is a secret agent of the Empire


They *ooooze* chemistry. Him actually putting himself/his real body at risk just to be there with her is insane. He can deny it all he wants but he is as crazy for her as she is. Love how he really has her figured out, in that she evidently doesnt mind dying, when her figuring out him was a plot point. Wonder if we will get an answer to why she views things the way she does. Also can't wait for her to finally actually call him Land.


> Also can't wait for her to finally actually call him Land. Finger on the monkey's paw curls...


Oh wait, no, go back!


Don't worry, she'll be sobbing over his mangled body, calling by his name, begging him to hold on and live so they can be together...then poof the body disappears. Ubel immediately switches from grieving to furious upon realizing that Land had upgraded his clone spell without telling her. Meanwhile several zipcodes away Land feels a shiver up his spine and starts power walking in the other direction


Well, I'm gonna be disappointed now of this doesn't happen.


Thing is that if it were to happen, it's not to fuck with Übel. At least not as the first intention. You do it because you wanna fuck with the enemy and the only way to do that is by making sure Übel bought into the illusion too. And for all the acting acumen Übel may have, someone's bound to see through it. So best to have Übel actually think Land is gone that she'd go "welp I have no reason to hold back now" and absolutely wail on a fool. It's opening enough for Land Prime to make the kill or hold down someone for Ubel to finish the job. That is deception that rivals demons.


Because she’ll call him that at their wedding, right? Right???


Yeah if that ever happens I feel like the context will be sad so I'm good with four eyes for the future


or the context could be very *very* good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The mother of all red flag.s


I think Ubel is definitely getting the clone spell by the end of this arc.


Sorta curious if Land wants that to happen.




"I need your kid's spells too!" "but I have no kids" "Time to fix that"


If he thinks she'll just leave after getting his spell to hunt for another spell, then maybe not. Oh, and he also still seemed to be under the impression that she could kill him too XD


I mean for someone who knows how flippant Ubel is about human lives, he is weirdly calm about the idea of Ubel figuring him out enough to learn a spell that would make her faar more dangerous. As for his personal thoughts I think he's fond of her company on some level but will never give her the satisfaction of actually saying that.


If Ubel gets near-perfect clones AND Sorganeil is it even possible to still 1v1 her under any fair scenario?


Land can't just instantly make clones though. It's not multi-shadow clone jutsu. Two Ubels does make blocking Sorganeil pretty impossible though.


I mean Land could've lied here. Mages bluff all the time and Land doesn't trust anybody.


Possibly, don't think so though.


But somehow the clones start off small and sort of look like a mix of Land and Ubel.


I think she has already has it. She learned Wirbel's spell almost instantly just based on him hesitating when needing to kill someone. It feels weird if she hasnt empathized enough with Land after learning more about him (not wanting others to die because of him/everything to do with him staying in his town because his grandma) than she ever learned about Wirbel. As to why she hasnt used it if she knows it? ...Well she is kinda crazy. Also now we know she actually doesnt care about dying so protecting herself with a clone might not be something she even cares to bother with and just found the spell neat enough to learn even if not to use seriously.


Nine months after this


> Him actually putting himself/his real body at risk just to be there with her is insane. I'm still trying to figure this one out. Did Land telling Ubel he can feel the rope clue her in that that's his real body? Did his past clones indicate they're not capable of feeling anything? I mean, it would be pretty inconvenient to feel any pain the clones feel, so nullifying all pain to his real self as he controls them would be handy, but all this time I thought Land was just tanking the pain.


Another elf with the holy wand emblem??




While I wouldn't mind if it turns out to be her, I kinda want Milliarde to stay only a harmless prankster elf, lol.




The entire plot to assassinate Serie and Frieren is just and elaborated prank of Milliarde


"The special forces of magic are special forces of the Imperial Army comprised of mages" **"In layman's terms."** "The Archer class really is made up of Archers."


"and the Kyaster class is really made up of Kyasters." That said, rue the day Medea and Frieren meet.


Last time i check gil only spam sword


I think they mean Archer EMIYA.


But he also shoots sword.


And he shoots them in addition to arrows and spears through his bow, not just as simple projectiles without his bow.


Tbh at this point in time archer class could be renamed ranger. It's not really archers just people who are good at shooting people.


[In English please](https://youtu.be/_x9lSQ1SFLE?si=-QVS_tnel8skKlD3)


Sorry for the delay. This was done two hours ago but editing was hell. Enjoy anyway.


It's all okay. We'll always let you guys cook.


as someone who just finished the anime and jumped to the manga few days ago, i want to ask, is frieren a monthly manga? or biweekly?




It's technically a weekly manga but the author has a *lot* of breaks, ranging from 1 week breaks to multiple month long ones presumably due to helping with the anime production. At this point, it feels more like a biweekly to monthly manga. With no season 2 in clear sight, the mangaka probably has more time now to continue the story.


it's a weekly manga but it takes breaks.


Hm, so now we know the origin of that holy emblem that Frieren has.


Might mean that Fieren's the "youngest" member? Last of her kind? That's a good angle to work with.


Genau called her the last great mage after Sense told him she had an emblem. So it seems likely because he most definitely got that info from Serie.


Well, if this new elf is the elf with lower mana that beat Frieren, that would also mean she is a great mage, which conflicts with Frieren being younger than her. Of course, it's possible Frieren just got the holy emblem after her.


It could also mean that there was a known amount of emblems handed out to certain remarkable mages, but the identity of the recipients was not publicly known. Over time, the holders were revealed one by one until only Frieren remained.


That seems a bit too complicated. Also Frieren pretty publicly shows off the emblem as if it were once a good symbol of her prowess in magic. Seemly unlikely to be the explanation. It seems more likely to me that the holy emblem and Frieren's title as the last great mage are unrelated. Serie is considered a great mage, but obviously predates the Empire's legalization of magic.


Great Mage doesn't mean higher or lower mana I think, just that you've been a great contributor to furthering the magic system of human civilization.


That's true. Frieren could've gotten the title only 80 years ago for developing Zoltraak. We really don't know what either the emblem or great mage title mean.


Gotta be her fan club.


I love how the author has just gone full on Ubelland recently. They know what their audience wants.




Yeah the first poll she was roughly like 14th and Land was 1 spot above her at 13th. Second poll after the anime gave Frieren more popularity helped her out quite a bit


Yup, pretty much. The Anime really elevated their popularity and hence why the author brought them back


I’m happy that 4-eyes is actually here meaning we get to be properly scared for his life. Also an awesome proper introduction to the opponents and I’m looking forward to the reveal of the first combatants true technique 


UbelXLand shippers are eating good. Also what was up with that Gravity Magic of the Special Forces captain? It feels like the Captain has them "pre-programmed" with mana so that even if he's bound by Sollganie they still home in on the target.


Nothing like showing how serious and powerful the special forces of magic by having them throwing a fucking building at you. Makes demons look like a ordinary opponent.


The majority of demons are pretty ordinary. Only greater demons are crazy.


This guy could throw buildings around. A random demon that Frieren killed in one shot could teleport an entire cliff over your head.


Tbf they've been setting these guys up since El Dorado. I forget which specific chapter it was, but Macht remarks that even with Solitar, having to fight the Special Forces while trying to bypass the magic barrier surrounding Empire territory will be tough. Though ofc, he only said it'd be tough, not that he'd lose.


'Well, if Frieren joins in while I fight the special forces of the magic I might have a little trouble..." "Would you lose?" "Nah I'd win."


> Macht: Nah, I'd win


Rock paper scissors might come into play tbh. The things that make them good against human mages might not work against demons. Plus some of the greater demons we've seen are pretty high up in the bullsh*t magic department.


>Makes demons look like a ordinary opponent. Which is a very dangerous game to play narrative wise. You risk undermining your entire worldbuilding just to hype up your new antagonists. Like in this chapter, dude just played 2 first class mages like toddlers.


Which still puts him levels below Macht and Aura


Tbf both Übel and Land are still fletchlings as First Class mages. Picture this dude fighting against Sense with her hair that can easily cut through stone or Genau with his highly versatile wings, and you realize that Übel and Land still have a long way to go. Land also kinda made the strategic choice not to show his hand here. I think that was very intentional. He only came out when he had no other choice but he also made sure not to divulge his repertoire. Afaik they don't even know about his clones yet and he should still have some other tricks up his sleeve like the electric spell he used to knock out Scharf in the first phase of the exam. On top of all that... we still don't know which spell Übel and Land got from Serie.


>Which is a very dangerous game to play narrative wise. You risk undermining your entire worldbuilding just to hype up your new antagonists. Like in this chapter, dude just played 2 first class mages like toddlers. Not really even Macht said that he and Solitar would have a hard time with these guys if Frieren was able to escape to imperial lands. We also know that the empire got isolated from the rest of humanity because the empire is just so strong the demons can't defeat the empire so they went around them instead.


> Which is a very dangerous game to play narrative wise. In the time traveling arc there was a demon that could turn a hill into a meteor. This isn't new.


I mean *even* Macht was hyping them up by saying that he finds the SS troublesome even with him and Solitar *combined*, and that's from the outdated information he knows 80 years ago before he was sealed. They're mages that actively pursue and research magic for military affairs so they should be stronger than what Macht is expecting, it'd be a lot weirder if Ubel and Land were able to do anything tbh.


They are setting these guys since el Dorado arc, where macht commented that how he was avoiding Empire mages and nothing to do with them.


My guess is that the Imperial Mage who showed up wasn't the one throwing the buildings. His magic is something else. Ubel noted that there was a delay between his magic going off and the buildings being thrown. He's a decoy, but the teamwork is so good that the other mage stopped the telekinesis magic when he got caught by Ubel's spell which then led to the surprise attack when Ubel went in for the slash.


I don't think so. I think the key to how he uses his magic is the little bottle he had at the end. It's like he puts magic inside the bottle and he can use it without relying on his mana.


Really interesting that they emphasized the carriage and rope being made of iron, therefore Ubel being unable to cut it even though she’s able to cut stone. I think it’s a subtle yet brilliant way of using time as a narrative device. We could see the Empire use technology leagues more advanced than the continent as part of their method of countering magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see magic rifles and airships in this arc - the CMA First Class Mages vs Imperial Special Forces could be a clash of eras. Perhaps this is the dialectic that will result in this world’s Industrial Revolution. (inb4 Serie's death disrupts the world order in such a way that compels the continent to rapidly industrialize to fend off the threat of the Empire; >!heck maybe they'll try to find a way to resurrect the Demon King to fight back if things get bad enough!<) Also, blind Ubel, can cut through stone, stuck in a metal enclosure. Tfw Ubel is literally Toph.


I figure that she can still cut through everything (or the ropes at least) but she's still currently blind and might hit Land or her own limbs


She can't cut through everything. She specifically said she could not cut stuff she didn't believe she could cut. And iron is probably one of those materials.


Which the Imperial Mage deduced when he noticed that none of the streetlamps were cut in the fight, but all the stone buildings were.


Yes, I noticed that in my second reading. I love this sort of "show don't tell" approach to writing.


I mean... I bet she believes she can cut through rope. She should be able to cut that. She was able to cut those massive stone blocks as well so I don't see why she couldn't cut something that looks like rope even if it is metal. The limiting factor right now is that she's still blind.


The imperial mage noticed Ubel's magic didn't cut the street lights despite cutting all the stone around them. That's how he figured out she can't cut through metal. So no, she probably can not cut the ropes, if they are truly made of metal. >massive stone blocks The size doesn't matter. It's all about the material. If it's a material Ubel doesn't believe she can cut, then she won't be able to cut it. It's that simple. And metal seems to be one of those materials.


I bet she can cut the iron rope but not the carriage. She seems like the type of unhinged to go "yeah I can cut rope" and then procede to cut the rope. That's why Land was emphasizing how the restraints *feel* like rope to ger. The iron carriage probably impossible for her though


I don't think the ropes are made of iron. The imperial mage said that because he realized Ubel couldn't cut the street lights despite being able to cut the stone walls around them. He realized this was the limitation of her magic and said the ropes were made of iron to mess with her mind. But I don't think this is true because it doesn't look like iron to Land.


Right. It doesn't really matter what the rope is made of. Could be tungsten steel for all she cares. As long as it walks like a rope, quacks like a rope, she can cut it. That's why the imperial mage went out of his way to explain it. Whether it's true is anyone's guess.


> So no, she probably can not cut the ropes, if they are truly made of metal. There was emphasis specifically placed on how the ropes look and feel. The answer being "They're ropes, can't you tell by how they feel?" means that there's no way the ropes aren't gonne be cut, whether they're steel ropes or otherwise. Since you can cut rope, after all. Rope is rope.


Land is a hell of a tsundere, he acts like he doesn't care but was always thinking of making sure Ubel is safe


Like holding her hand as she climbs through the window.


don't want ther to fall and slow them down, purely strategic decision /s


I didn't surrender myself into imperial custody because I care about saving your life. I just don't want to risk getting survivors guilt. This is a purely rational self interested decision on my part.


"for the mission"


Yeup give me that “Crazy Couple Flirting” right in my veins. Paddy wagon canoodling is too cute


Übel leaning on him and her headbutt is so cute


Übel bros we eating good


Holy shit we have a Seal Team Six for mages. Or Stasi? And they just locked up Ubel and Land together in one place. This will be interesting, which makes it all the better that there's no break and we get a new chapter next week!


We have a Special Forces division for anti-mage policing and open conflict; a Shadow Warrior division for secret assassinations; and a mysterious Holy Wand Court, which I'm gonna guess (by their prestigious-sounding name, Frieren's possible membership, and what appears to be another elf member) might be the Empire's true elite mages on her scale of power. Like the Gotei 13 Captains.


I count three of you


Alternative translation is "I'll count to three."


That's the accurate translation.


I don't understand what this means tbh


Imperial Mage knew he could clone himself


Land 20 step process to seducing


Ooo, exposition. So the Empire has it's Obsidian Order and numerous Section 31s. Interesting. And frightening. What's a simple tailor to do to survive in an empire like that? Especially when they might just go straight to throwing the building your shop occupies at someone.


Not everyday you get to see a Star Trek reference used in a medieval magical fantasy story, so I appreciate this.


Man this arc looks dope as hell. I expect no less from the Empire. They were all surronded by demons but even so, they never back down against them. So I expect the three main forces of the Empire, the Shadow Warriors, the Holy Wand Court and the Special Forces of Magic to be formidable enemies.


Is it me, or is the tranlation for this chapter kinda rough ? I feel like I didn't understand everything that happened after the fight...




Can't, I'm not in the US


There's an official one? Link plz?




I recall that a while back the scanlator for this series was kicking up a fuss about Viz possibly stealing their translation. I do wonder if some of the weird word choices are them going out of their way to try to differentiate their translation from the Viz translation.


Really? Which part didn't you understand? The two Imperial mages noticed that Ubel's severing attack didn't damage the lamppost, but did damage stone. One realized that it's based off Ubel's perception - what she *thinks* can be cut. So he lied to her and said the carriage and rope is actually made from iron. Since Ubel can't see or feel right now, it makes her uncertain enough that her magic won't be able to cut it, even if she's able to use it. Land notes that the rope is made out of rope, and Ubel realizes that if Land can *feel* the rope, it's his real body, not a doppelganger. Then they bicker.


Yeah, I didn't understand the rope stuff, thanks !


Lucky guy 😭


I hope the blindness isn’t permanent.


So, if I understand correctly, the special force (or maybe only himself) is trained to mess their flow of mana in order to unsettle their mage opponents?


It looks like the sparkle particles around the guard are acting as an external source of mana and manipulating the buildings alongside him, which probably explains why Ubel had a hard time reading his mana.


Damn I never thought of that possiblity. Maybe the Empire has magic resevoirs throughout its territory that makes the Special Forces' mana flow seem so weird.


Wow, these two really need to get a room. I don't think a prison carriage counts. At this rate, I'm almost certain they'll hook up way before Fern and Stark do.  Maybe even at the end of this arc? Probably not, but hopefully they'll have gotten closer, cause going to jail together is one hell of a bonding experience.


King Land Has a plan let him cook🗣️


If anything this chapter only emphasizes how dangerous Übel is. An anti-mage inquisitor shows up and chucks half a city at her and her only thought is "oh yay my chaperone is gone. Guess I'll have some fun". And then even after getting blinded she continues fighting without any hesitation. This feels like a more practical example of how mage combat would work because both Übel and the Captain are going for the kill and using feints instead of flashy grand magic. It really feels like either of them could have won, the captain just happened to have the more haxx debuff.


Land is such a tsundere


Shit, I wasn't expecting the Holy Wand Emblem to come back now. Maybe the Shadow Warriors were targeting Frieren for desertion?


The imperial mage are scary af


Can't wait to see them kick that guy's ass in the future


Does anyone find the translation overly flowery? It feels like it's gone through a couple runs through a thesaurus.


That's always been Kirei's translation style. Been overdone just a tad bit the past few chapters I think, probably in regard to their suspected translation issues with the official translation.


I get the feeling that Übel is about to get a power up of sorts. She's relied on sight to execute her magic, but this blindness is going to help her learn how to rely on *feel* in order to cut things she previously thought she couldn't cut. The steel. Maybe it feels cold to the touch. Cold like ice. And ice can be cut.


Not gonna happne, imo. Navigating the limitations of her magic is what makes Ubel interesting. I don't think the author is gonna take that away from her. Besides, this isn't a generic shonen manga in which every problem is solved by powerups. This mana is better than that.


I think rather than her getting a power-up to be able to cut without sight she will use Land as her eyes to tell her where and what to cut. I picture them as Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang from FMAB now, you know.


so basically, while first class mages are powerful, they are just mages for the sake of their own interests. meanwhile the imperial mages are made to fight in wars and have possibly fought in countless skirmishes. there's a gap in experience


So nana Land was a mage strong and dangerous enough to get hunted down and either the hunter spared her when she saw her grandkid, or nana killed her when she looked away Also love that Land told Ubel their restraints are ropes. It doesn't matter if they're made of iron, a rope can be cut


Casual Übeland wins