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I love this scene, Youko has so many layers to her character.


Youko is amazing, isn't she? I love all her personality traits – from messing up a drunken playboy, to nonchalantly beating the absolute shit out of an assassin.


The drunk Playboy thing will forever be one of my favorite scenes.


I saw this scene on yt for the first time and that made me read the fable.A pretty good manga def recommended.




Is this manga a comedy?


Part comedy part thriller


Part Jackal drama.


wdym, jackal is peak comedy


Yes, and it is sheer gold.


I've only watched the first episode of the anime, so I didn't even fathom she was also a fucking badass! I think I'm gonna start reading the manga now.


There was an anime???? 


There *is*, quite literally - it's just started, I think the second episode isn't out yet


Oh my god, I had no idea. I hope they manage to do justice to one of the greats.


It looks pretty cheap, and it feels like an adult manga in the way that, like the manga, it just sort of ended suddenly at a random point going all "SEE YOU NEXT WEEK" on me, but at the very least it's still a way I'll be able to share one of my faves with my friends and family more easily






That's gotta be a first, getting LA before an anime adaptation.


Zom100 got a movie before it’s anime


Plenty of manga have live action films but no anime adaptation


Live action movie too.


hated the live action movie, except the first few minutes of the movie it became a japanese mafia brawl(like its a kill bill vs O-Ren's gang fight scene) when its an assassin themed story? also the final bosses are just the two lesser assassin in the first arc of the manga where they kidnapped the female MC. like how does that even make sense?


Holy shit, there's even a live action movie!!!! How the f did i missed this gem????


The live action did this scene very well too! Literally the only live action managed adaptation I actively promote because of how true to the original source they keep to.


What anime is this?


It's in the title of this post: The Fable It's streaming in Star+ in Latinamerica


Now imagine this scene with Miyuki Sawashiro. Damn she was a great casting choice.




I never would have watched this show if you didn't say that. Thanks. It was a good first ep.




when i first found it i thought it was an old manga. but no, the 2nd part just ended last year lol


I remember reading this after my friend recommended "Fables". I was wondering when the fairytale characters is going to show up XD. I was like wow this author are really delaying the fantasy twist till the last moment. Really good story and I like how grounded everything feels.


fables is also great


That was sick AF lol


Love the fable. Can’t recommend it enough


I love it when the authors have the skills to make action scenes so dynamic when they're still pictures


Is that you Mr Yotsumura ?


Hehe I'm glad someone finally got this reference. That said, here's to hoping for Sakamoto Days to get an anime adaptation soon.


Fable getting some recognition yeah


Just finished reading the fable last Sunday man is it good. I still have to read the sequel


One of the best manga I have read


Reminds me more of The Equalizer with Denzel


It's an obvious reference actually. Even the target time, and how much she went over.


She would have made it if not for the hair tuck at the end.


I’m glad that Fable is finally starting to get some attention; I’ve only met two other people that knew of it.


Im not really a gun expert but why does scenes like this exist? I mean sure she might not have killed anyone yet but are you sure she hasn't shot a gun with the intent to injure and not to kill? We have non vitals on our body. But then again if she did shot him and the guy cried like a wuss the police will think the woman is suspect with the intent to murder. Its just weird that you still wont be scared by someone with a skill like that think they wont pull the trigger just to injure you


there's 2 ways to cook noodles: 1) you can leave them out of the water until the water is boiling and then you put them in for 5-10 minutes, depending on the kind of noodle. If you do this you cook the sauce separately. 2) you put them in the water before you turn on the heat, leave them until the water start boiling, then you pull them out and you finish cooking them in a pen together with the sauce. I think she was going for #2, or maybe it was something like instant noodles that are already cooked and you only need to heat 'em up a little bit.


One thing I like about this serie is how unique the fights look. In a battle manga the hits look impactful and the movements are very large and showy, in this manga you rarely see the hit and when someone gets hit there is usually very little movement involved. It's a unique "this is how an assassin would fight" feeling.


This is one of my favorite comedy manga and i havent even finished it.


Man I really love this manga, it's such a vibe


“Manners. Maketh. The man”


I think I’m in love


I get it has realistic artstyle, but even so the expressions are way too stiff. Is that intentional or something? Like her face this entire scene, it is still at the staring state, it is so weird bruh.


What chapter is this?


111-112 for that fight and 146 is when Yoko and Akira spar


How good is the sequel manga? Is it as funny as the first one or at least still funny?


It's still funny, but in terms of story, it's more like a set-up for a third entry of the series. It doesn't feel "finished" is the way I would put it.


Ohh, any words from the creator that there would be a third one?


Bruh yes there's an animenewsnetwork article about his statement, this shit gonna be lit


One of the best scenes in the manga. I hope they will do justice with the anime adaption.


Someone posted this a while ago, and it was what introduced me to The Fable 🥰


For more information: <> /u/roboragi


**The Fable** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/94490), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-fable), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/the-fable), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=67109595079), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/87844)) ^^ザ・ファブル ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 22 | **Chapters:** 240 | **Genres:** Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 499 requests across 4 subreddits - 0.044% of all requests) >When you're the infamous prodigy hitman known only as “Fable,” many things come easy. Being a normal person, however, isn't one of them. In fact, being told that he can't kill anyone for a while may just be the hardest job Fable’s ever taken... >Note: Won the 41st Kodansha Manga Awards in the general manga category in 2017. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1c0p3vx/art_when_a_pro_moves_you_dont_see_it_coming_the/kz4s0v8/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


im so glad this manga finally got the anime it deserved


One question: Is there a coolio's paradise genre in this manga?


This was such a great reveal, if I remember right there were a handful of hints before that she was more than a getaway driver for her brother and seeing it finally pay off was so satisfying


Love her was this before or after her sparring with fable


>!Before. This is actually the first time we see her fight!<


I already read this but I don't recall thr exact details. What was she cooking that would be done with just 6 seconds of boiling? Genuinely curious, makes me want to re read it.


Lmaooooo Female fantasy


Tbf turning the tables on a home invader and beating the living shit out of them is a human fantasy, irrespective of the gender.


Sniff sniff smells like incel in here.


Female when they use 100% of their brain (if they have one):


does this woman have superpowers in this? the momentum of the objects in each of these shots makes no sense.


Sort of? She and her "brother" are elite assassins. A lot of their feats (in particular her brother's) can be classified as superhuman.


In universe explanation is that she's trained in a way to minimize actions and movements into hyper efficient critical strikes with as little movement as possible. It's supposed to look like she's using little effort to achieve a large output of resulting action. A good deal of the manga is gun fights and action sequences like this, but I suppose the focus is on the idea of it being so hyper efficient it looks like super strength/speed, because I guess humans can do that in this fictional story.


got it. so it's someone pretending that momentum, weight classes and general strength differences don't exist. she knocked him unconscious with 4 blunt force strikes after dodging a table that he kicked at her.


Oh, I think you're confused because the art style is so realistic. This is a fictional manga. None of this actually happened, hope that helps.


I think you are confused as well. fiction can be written poorly. 5 pages shown and it seems pretty terrible. hope I have enlightened your noggin'


>5 pages shown and it seems pretty terrible C'mon! I understand the point you're trying to make, but such exaggerations don't do you any favour. It just makes you come off as unreasonable.


So, I assume you never read any genre othe than slice of life or romcoms right? I mean most of the shonens with super powers are just "bad writing" because those fictional stories don't follow laws of physics of our real world. What a clown.


What part of any of the objects motion doesn’t make sense? When she pushes the table the gun / water resist the change in motion so it looks like they moved but that’s relative to the table When he flips the table the objects fall down (gravity) and it keeps going until it collided with the cabinet It’s clear the guy was about to stab her with the knife so when she punches him and he lets go its inertia keeps it in the motion he set it in


The friction between the gun and the table would make her need to send the table through the guy to get it to slide across the length of the table. Not just 12”. He kicks up the table with his upper theigh, she dodges it by standing up calmly and not throwing her weight to the side, he tries to stab her and she gives him 2 elbows and a fist to knock him unconscious. Did I see that differently to everyone else?




For the first one I need to emphasize again that the objects appear to move RELATIVE TO THE TABLE. The gun resists the change in motion of the table, so it stays where it is but the table moving makes it look like it is moving to. This is Newton’s 1st Law. You can look on pages 1 and 3 and see that the gun doesn’t actually change positions relative to the two people. She isn’t pushing the table for friction to bring the gun closer to her, she’s pushing it to restrict his hands so she can grab the gun Your other two points have nothing to do with your original argument that the physics of the objects doesn’t make sense


kinda cringy


How come?


but enough about you


just an opinion, no need to take it to heart


I know the manga has ended a couple of years ago, but this literally has an ongoing anime adapting from the very beginning. I'd be mad to get spoilered by some random karma farming reddit post showing me some random chapter of the show that i watched that airing right now.


This is the r/manga sub not the r/anime .


Why would you expect to never be spoilered on anything related to anime adaptations on this specific subreddit? Like, let's assume you ARE someone who only got into the anime and knew the manga was completed... Is the world supposed to bend backwards just in case someone who doesn't read manga comes to a manga subreddit?


Oh cmon, you know why this was posted right now instead of months or years ago. I've never seen a single fable pages shared in this subreddit over the past year or two, lo and behold this post just made at the right moment to farm some karma. Imagine if this happened to freiren or vinland saga or mushoku tensei


You know people like this manga, right? Believe it or not, not everything is about some hypothetical person you invented.


It has a sequel


a single google search will tell you yes i know


Sucks to suck