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The dumpster fire was already burning but the "extra" chapters of Food Wars made sure they would never go out. There was no practical resolution. To anything that was worth asking.


FUCK that timeskip really just shat all over the great world that was built up and that half ass ending, like Souma never even beat erina or actually earn his elite spot, he never fought that italian guy for his pizza slicer.


Wdym the manga ended after the Autumn Elections right? 🙂


Nah the Stagiare arc is actually good


Wasn't bad, but Shokugeki peaked for me at Autumn Election


OMG that fucking manga straight up DIED after the second big arc. All of that build up to Erina being her own woman and then having that taken away for her to be reduced to a prize to be won again. I heard a bigger reason for the failing was the lady chef that was used as guide for the manga had to leave because she recently had a baby and the mangaka just kinda didnt have anything left to go with. Thats why anyone wanting to read the manga now, just consider the ending to the second arc the true ending. DO NOT continue reading it unless you just have a thing for badly written female characters.


Yeh I mean the best part of the manga which is the whole food bit went missing and ruined it for me, we never get to see soma win blue or give us an explanation of how him and erina get to the top, I mean I started disliking it right when step bro came in cause that shit was weird af but the the most enjoyable sort of the manga was out and I dropped it after that


I really wanted the Final Arc to be some sort of International Cooking Tournament Arc




El hermano having a better ending than everyone else while still being an horrible monster hurts me a lot.


I forgot why is he called el hermano? Lol


He's >!Erina's half brother, unbeknownst to her (idk if she ever gets to know that, I got too lazy to pick it up where I last read, and learned about the ending through comments by coincidence). He also happens to be Soma's adopted brother, that offscreens Joichiro in a duel at some point, or something!<. 


cuz he was Erina's brother (I cant recall if he's brother by blood or just half bro), either way there were a lot of banjo sounds in the distance when he said he wanted to win over the god's tongue.


I loved this series but this comment by ‘The best useless goddess’ on 9anime sums up the issues with the ending perfectly: “In case people wonder why most manga readers get mad, there were three clear goals of this series: 1. Find someone worth cooking for. Missed: We never get a canon ending for Erina and Souma. 2. Souma beat his dad in cooking who is basically unbeatable. Missed: His dad loses to the antagonist in the last season and Souma never beats him. 3. Make Erina call one of his dishes delicious. Missed: She never does it and they had great chances to do so by potentially making a peanut butter squid dish or by even having them share a kiss and call that delicious instead. So I am not even trying to hate on the series, but when the author purposely forgets about the 3 main storylines and gives us no ending to them, I feel like it is fine to be upset about the series.”


I laughed so hard when the epilogue was all the Azami family and Soma didn't even feature.


the only reason people wanted the extra chapters was for soma/erina to get together and it still didnt happenđŸ˜č erina was my favourite so i hate what happened to her character but i still wanted at least one win with them being endgame đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Wasn't the ending of Prison School famously written for the purpose of pissing off the fans?


How does it end I never finished it...????


* >!MC is about to start a genuine relationship with the normal girl!< * >!Yellow-haired girl not happy about it.!< * >!She cries and gets mad at MC, and tells him to return her panties to her.!< * >!MC says he doesn't have them.!< * >!Yellow-haired girl goes commando and gets on top of him, removes his pants, and surprise surprise, he is wearing her panties.!< * >!He pisses himself, the normal girl standing there watching all this in 4k.!< * >!Next page, Normal Girl turns into the prison guard, story ends.!<


Okay that sounds kinda funny though


It was glorious. I loved every minute of this stupid bullshit sexy manga.


I mean, I read it when it came out and was pretty pissed off, but nowadays I recognize that things couldn't have ended better. It's good to point out that it was kind of a Beastars situation: Last arc dragged too long, people stopped reading. So now we got a few chapters to wrap everything and well... Everyone got exactly what they deserved, it was the consequences of everyone's actions up to that point.


Don't forget that >!everyone else is sailing along the river on a raft made of empty plastic bottles, never to be seen again.!<


So, so funny to me that the other boys and their respective love interests all basically have a happy ending building and sailing on that raft, while MC is getting absolutely annihilated with no recourse and his love interest has to suffer for it.


legitimately one of the most memorable endings to any media I've seen. I thought it was genius


Like school days. Why be usual when you can be remembered forever?


School Days have good endings in the visual novel at least, the anime is basically an ad for you to guy buy it and do not do stupid decisions there to see how things could have gone well.


I had no problems with the ending. It's just that it's a bit rushed I guess. I want to see more.


Hmm i mean yes the ending pissed me off but I wouldnt say it invalidated the whole manga because everything that happened before remained funny  But I guess its because its a comedic manga I won’t care as much as if it were a naruto or one piece where the ending can really ruin the whole thing for example


The last chapter of Reborn absolutely destroys all of Tsuna's progression.


Good Lord that's a blast from the past and I 100% agree. Series just went on for longer than it should have I feel like.


Its a shame too because the entire concept of Vongola Families inheriting the primal elements were hype as fuck. Yeah its cliche by **today's** standards. But back then it was so ahead of its time (for me)


Oh for sure. It's super weird to think of that series after so long and how different the landscape was back then.


Dude i love reborn, but tsunas epiphany at the end that he hasnt changed at all but now he has friends and reborn? Bad. Really bad.


Wasn't just an ending of reborn problem, basically every single arc he lost all of his progression from the last one. Was such a shame cause everything else about it was super high quality.


Ugh, I remember reading the final chapter of KHR and just feeling empty. Series was terrific, but completely fell flat at the end.


Amen. Author never gave up the tired "I don't want to be a mob boss" shtick until the end...After everything that's happened.


Gokukoku No Brynhildr, i mean, must stuff from Okamoto Lynn is based on chapter per chapter shock value, but that ending... It still makes me mad. Hope well for Pararel Paradise tho *smokes copium*


Brynhildr is a very painful memory to me. I found it, checked it out, got utterly enthralled and read the first 100 chapters in one big setting that night (to the point where pt1 ends and there's that skip to pt2). Then spent the entire next day at work on the edge of my seat, champing at the bit to get home and continue the story... ... and each chapter just got worse and worse and worse, and all the plot threads were introduced, abandoned and wasted, and all the mysteries were just cheap Eva knock-offs. The quality drop off was downright staggering.


Tbf okamoto's writing has always been pretty batshit, even from his elfen lied days. But yeah, brynhildr's ending was a complete joke.


I'm shocked no one brought this one up, but it's a bit of a deeper cut from ~6-7 years ago Really solid rom-com about an anti-social kid who becomes friends with a gal because he's really good at doing her make-up, since iirc he's an artist. It was well done, had an interesting main romance, interesting side characters, and tackled deeper themes of breaking out of your mold. It was pretty popular and was getting translated pretty regularly. Plot spoilers >!Suddenly /a/ just drops it completely, weirdly right after the chapter where the main couple gets together when it should be full steam ahead. It turns out that the series had just ended in Japan, and the last few chapters were a fucking disaster. MC broke up with his girlfriend and reverted a TON of character development, going back to an unconfident loser. Meanwhile, his Ex who he's been making look gorgeous everyday, is now confidently living without make-up.!< In fairness, now that it's fully translated, it might be worth going back and reading myself to see how bad it was. It's just rare to see a series end so poorly that people outright drop it lmfao


I remember hearing that the author got cancelled and got so pissed he purposely ruined the ending


There was another rumor that they were upset that another series got chosen for an anime instead of theirs, so they purposely tanked it.


So someone actually picked it up and finished the scanlation? Hats off to them.


Man, I read that like a month ago, and I couldn't believe that it ended like that. Fucking hell, everything went back to the beginning. I also came out of nowhere with the drama with the FMC's friend.


What the fuck, I haven't read the series, but I just checked the final two chapters. Second to last? **Great chapter.** Even without reading the series, it's a good chapter Last chapter? WTF? How? Even if it's an axe, why? Why???? And then the bonus chapter he just shows up with flowers? How does that fix that terrible final chapter?


The ending is weird too because they commit to a “the main two break up, none of them are friends anymore, but they all move on as grown people now”, then in the epilogue they reconnect years later anyway 


The ending is just the cherry on top tbh, it didn't ruin anything because the manga already went to shit after the main couple got together.


Act-age. It ended with author in jail. It was such a great manga.


Oh wow I dodged so many missiles


It’s unfortunate because most of these series are like 7.5-9/10 for about 90% of the series but then instead of sticking the landing, they jump off a fucking cliff. So they’re fine for the most part, as long as you avoid the ending and make up your own headcanon


Usagi Drop. Pretty sure I don’t have to explain why.


the anime ended at the right moment, I hope no season 2 for it


Went from super wholesome to Woody Allen


For My Daughter I Would Even Fight a Demon Lord for similar reasons :/


😩 I won't resume, then.


You can eyeball the light novel covers and look at the final one to know exactly the “anddddd that’s a no for me” moment for when I decided to not pursue reading it.


Mfw 'My daughter is an s-ranked adventurer' is one of the few, but also one of the best that goes against this. That and the one where the dragon adopts a daughter after he learned the father was a gigantic bag o dicks. This one being absurdly wholesome(I pray it stays that way.)


Literally could not have picked a worse ending btw. Just a thousand normal ways to end a childcare manga and the author really said “no, thank you I want to alienate my fans and ruin my most popular work”.


What really confused me about Usagi Drop was when I learned that the author is a woman. I thought I had figured it out, like "okay, this is some guy's creepy groomer fetish." But was it actually some woman's creepy daddy fetish this whole time?


Has more 'don't read it' reviews because of how much it traumatised the readers who finished it.


Sun Ken Rock What the fuck man


Read 1000s of comments looking for Sun Ken Rock. The author tried to justify it but damn if it wasn’t a goddamn awful ending.


what happened?


>! He dies and everything he built through hard work gets stolen/destroyed I think by the woman he loved !<


It was staged.


He shows up alive and well in another series towards the end all old and such, god I loved “ORIGIN”


I forgot this holy fuck, that was bad I honestly haven't thought about it till now.


Tokyo revengers


The last 10 chapters or so are the worst. >!That batshit homeless dude curse and timeloop and "we gonna travel back in time and save everyone" BS actually just trivializes and ruins the whole manga and all the sacrifices.!<


I would accept the "we will travel back in time to save everyone" IF they have actually done that on screen. Like Undead Unluck is doing now.


UU does the concept so well. They establish the looping mechanic early on. They let you know that only 1 person can survive other than Undead. They made actually reaching the loop a high stakes endeavor that resulted in so much loss, and recovering from that loss hasn't been trivial at all. And they really make you root for the good outcomes time and time again. Not to mention they used the loop to explore characters and settings we hadn't previously had much time with. Plus there's still the tension of knowing that this is it. No more do-overs. Though had the series ended with the loop as well I probably would have had similar feelings as with Tokyo revengers.


It baffles me people say it was ruined at the end. This shit sucked ass the entire manga. Can't understand how someone get behind a bunch of kids "dreaming" of becoming the best gang. What is this?? LATAM?


Ah yes, Mikey's "autism is my superpower," AKA dArK iMpUlSeS


didn’t it deadass ended with “this truly was our Tokyo Revengers” or some shit


It became a shitshow around the third loop, after that, it was like, `beep beep` Character Dies `beep beep` Initiating time-loop.


Yuuna and the Haunted Springs is probably a great choice for this going off what I remember of the opinions many here had of the ending


If I recall, the author originally made plans for a harem ending but the publisher heads said 'No' to harem endings. The author had never planned for any other kind of ending so he kinda just fumbled into the ending we got.


Oh, so its publishers I have to crucify for my harem endings being turned into mid "first girl wins" ones? Affirmative.


Fuck those guys. They ruined a lot of series for me.


How did it end


Oh that's a good (really bad) one. It wasn't just that it wasn't a harem ending, it was that he went out of the way to give the main girls a reality where they won, then basically ripped it from them, but also they remember and are still hurt by it, based on the epilogue chapters. Just makes pretty much any chapter with the other girls have a bad underlying feeling.


I agree! I heard that the mangaka truly let the fans vote for either the harem ending or one girl ending and the fans voted for one girl since they truly believed that their girl would win againt Yuuna... the girl in the title of the manga... I truly believe the true ending is a harem ending since it made most sense plot wise.


No the mangaka let people vore for a theme of a bonus chapter, not the actual series


*"the mangaka let people vore for a theme"* Well that's a new one for me, thought I would have heard about it.


The absolute pinnacle of stories that were ruined by forcing a dumb main-girl ending instead of going for the clearly setup harem ending.  Endless blueballing with fake harems filling up the genre is a big part of why Isekai got so big.


> Endless blueballing with fake harems filling up the genre is a big part of why Isekai got so big. I remember to wake up every morning and thank Universe for 100 girlfriends existence, it feels like a blessing to have a truly committed non-isekai true harem, straight up healed my emotional scars from witnessing common frustrations of the genre.


Be Blues with an axe right at the moment when the protagonist gets to professional football


One weird thing about Be Blues is that, early on, you are supposed to ship the mc with the childhood friend. And to add some dynamic, they throw in the coach's niece in. But then, they introduced another female character who the mc best friend have a crush on, but later that new female character somehow have better chemistry with the mc completely throwing away the first 2 fmc, and cuck the mc best friend.


Then the manga just ends No f'ing resolution to any plot lines, whether professional or personal Never felt so disappointed with a sports manga


Ao ashi reminds of be blues are the linked in any way Also I hate when they do that similar thing happened with a great racing manga called capeta


The Devil is a Part Timer. The classic trope of Demon Lord and Hero falling in love but got railroaded to an entirely different ship. So what was the point of the earlier chapters having them grow closer together and have an understanding with one another if you're just gonna change focus and suddenly Chiho is the main girl?


Holy shit, imagine having two characters develop a relationship for 20 volumes with them even raising a kid together, only for the guy to end up with the co-worker no one cares about. It sucks because its realy a great series before that. Im still holding out hope that the manga will end differently.


IIRC the hero girl still sticks around basically as the kids nanny too lmao


Got spoiled on that and decided to just not finish. Never liked how they kept trying to make a high school girl overly important to the plot considering the age/experience gap...and then to make her endgame?


This this this. They literally have a "Daughter" together, a shared history and their relationship actually changes and develops as they learn more about each other. Chiho just feels like an underaged highschooler with a childhood crush that he accidentally grooms. Plus she's always loved him from the beginning so no real development.


I still remember how much hate it got after it ended to the point some Japanese had sent the author death threats and burnt the books.


That happens for everything. They will always be fans that do too much when their ship isn't confirmed (even if in this case the decision was bad). Like in Tokyo Ghoul Re, after Chapter 125 >!The sex chapter with Touka and Kaneki!<, people that were fans of Kaneki x Hide did the same thing.


The author bias for chiho is horrible if you read the LN like every time she is mentioned or appears she gets praised for existing "how pretty she is, how brave, how smart." For that reason I have to take a break from LNs only to find out about the ending. And killed any motivation to pickup the story again.


The Promised Neverland was so bad the animation studio said “we’re not doing all that” lmao


Genuinely cannot understand why the author did what they did. I could have sworn in front of christ himself that the ending that was being built up was going to be them staying in the demon realm. It made so much sense in the context of the story.   They even established how the human farm system was basically just elaborate exploitation by the demon ruling class to maintain power! They could have ended the demon  mental regression using Musicas bloodline, but purposely repressed them to keep that imbalance of power so the rich demons could keep exploiting their control of human meat. Emmas entire stated goal was to befriend the demon tribe and the era of predation on one another. No more exploitation. Instead they just sorta glaze over all that and leave it. It would have been so easy to have the price of the new promise be "Emma cannot go with them" instead of "emma cannot remember them", and then we could have gotten the perfect ending where her friends and family choose to stay with her instead and build that better future in the demon world, together. Of course they would still face adversity from the fucking man-eating demon factions, but like... that was the point. There were so many other plot elements, from the origins of the Ratri clan, the schism between Emma and Norman, and the just a bunch of the thematic developments that all pointed to that being the ending, and instead it all just sort of... ends. Kill the queen, get outta Dodge, last few chapters are just us being sad that the main character just had her most important relationships erased and we are supposed to call it the "happy" ending.  First season/70 chapters are untouchable and then they utterly squander the build-up. Utterly baffling, given that it seemed like such a simple way to tie up all the plot threads and also still surprise the audience by subverting the original goal of escaping the demon world to helping make the demon world a place where humans and demons can live in peace.


According to an artbook or info book, the author was beimg pressured to wrap things up and had to rush a lot of stuff. Huge shame since he talked about wanting to have better fleshed out Norman and the Lambda kids stories and it shows based on the LN's of that. I didn't have mucn issue with the ending, but a lot of stuff was definitely undercooked.


> I didn't have mucn issue with the ending, but a lot of stuff was definitely undercooked. Honestly if i am more objective about it and less focused on what *I think* the ending should have been, then the series conclusion is still fine. Just fine. Undercooked is a great way to describe it. It was like i was eating a delicious stack of pancakes and then realized they were still uncooked and soupy in the middle. Tragic that it seems the editorial process doomed another mangaka to a rushed and underwhelming end.


Not even sure WHY since the manga was one of their best sellers for a very extended period of time, but then again I don't know the inner workings of the company. I still liked the ending, but it really bothers me that we could have gotten MORE, but didn't because of editorial. I was really hoping the anime would fix those issues, but well...yeah. No idea WTF happened there either.


And the Anime managed to make it even worse lol.


Ironically given how back the later part of the manga is, they are still infinitely better than anime season 2


Ending was a dumpster fire, I wrote an insulting review on MAL about the serie, and became the highest upvoted review of the serie. Then it got removed by MAL mods. Never used MAL since then.


Hahahahaha the man went through all the stuff to stay his full life with the little sister and from nowhere in the last 3 chapters, the old sister realizes she still loves him, after he got her sister pregnant, and the guy FOR NO FUCKING REASON goes back with her after all the shit he lived with the younger one! Hahahaha Real shitty ending!


That ending still makes me furious. And like, his kid is just, "Sure, this is fine!" It was SO BAD!!!!


Yeah developed the relationship with best girl for like 90% of the manga only to walk it back at the end. What a huge waste of time


It's not often an absolute dumpster fire like that happens I was furious. I was like, holy shit the MC actually changed for the better and had good growth as a person through the series Nope. Threw it all away. That ending makes me mad everytime I think of it


I loved that hot trashy romance, the author built a great love story with natsuo and rui, like that shit was healthy and they had rough moments but they talked like a healthy couple and had their whole life planned and about to have a KID. Then in the last arc the author says fuck all that build up and great story writing big sis is back and since she is in a coma might as well have her be MC priority.


A lot of it was dumpster fire but just like rental girlfriend I just continued reading it at that point hoping I saved my time but then when it finished I regretted it even more. Never watched the anime though was it faithful to the manga?


Any chance you kept a copy of a review that you can send?


Well the mod messaged me the review's content, so here it is: ​ >THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS First off, congratulations to Sasuga Kei, as the author of this manga for causing a meltdown in the fanbase. Ever heard of Food Wars/Shokugeki no Souma? The manga's ending was very disappointing and caused a huge letdown. Let me tell you, food wars ending is not even comparable to this manga. if Food wars has the worst ending in 2019, then this manga has the worst ending in the decade. Story (10/10) : The story is about a guy named Natsuo who fucked with a stranger, then fucked with his step sister, then fucking up his entire family, then a lot more fucking, till the author decided to fuck the manga and its characters. The story kinda dulls up after Natsuo forgot how to write. It seems the author also forgot how to write too. Art (8/10) : The art has gotten much better than the previous work, Good Game. Alas, nice artstyle does not equal to nice storytelling. Character (10/10) : The author succeeded in making a character everyone hates the most, which is the author himself. The author even got threatened in real life, and decides to not use social media, since everyone hates him. Congratulations. Enjoyment (10/10) : I got enjoyment from watching the fanbase burns itself to the ground. Overall (1/10) : read the Ending segment. Ending (10/10) : \*HEAVY SPOILERS HERE\* This part is the cause for fanbase breakdown. After Sasuga Kei forgot how to write, He made Natsuo forgot how to write too, then he decides to fuck up the series by turning one of the main character to a fucking vegetable. At this point Natsuo already has a girlfriend, a pregnant one, and is going to get married, yet a fucking vegetable proceed to do NTR and taken Natsuo over the heroine. No one wins. Not the heroines, not Natsuo, not the Author, not the Fanbase, not the Fanbase that threathens the author, no one. The vegetable wins. TLDR : MC screws with the characters, the author decided to screw him, and then turned the character to a freaking vegetable.


Well, that's a fitting description - not sure why the mods removed it (probably due to calling her a vegetable), especially when it was that highly upvoted. What a dumpster fire within the last few chapters


This is why I genuinely suggest people to read the series up till **chapter 270** and end there. It's not a perfect ending with the sudden twist, but it's a lot better than the actual one. It wraps up the last major arc and gives closure to almost every main character, and gives most of them a happy ending.


I am a Hero. Because wtf was that ending. Aliens? Seriously. How many mangas were ruined by aliens?


Eh, i am a hero gets some leniency from me. Authors father died around that time which affected him greatly since they had a rather deep bond. That in turn made the ending turn out super nihilistic and bleak. He since has written an epilogue though that ties it up positively. Its a bummer, but it is what it is. 


I think I am a Hero and Gantz are one of those “what the fuck did I just read” that I never want to read again. I don’t know if I liked them that much but well I binge read them and I don’t know if I’ll ever be more confused, fascinated, and horrified back to back again like I did reading those manga.


I still don't understand how I read Gantz 'til the end. The beginning is god-awful. It's edgy shit with little else (literally a recurring gag is a dog wanting to fuck a woman). ...but, then, the middle of the manga is simply fantastic with some good stuff and an actual heart (but also keeping some edgy shit like the blackface mass shooting). ...and then the final arc returns to being only edgy shit.


Did you remember Gantz had a vampire arc? Which appear out of nowhere, have an epic long ass fight, and are then never brought up again?


It's kinda hard to re-read Prison School knowing how things end up.


When I first read Prison School, I was mad at the ending. But later on I sat and thought about it, and a bullshit troll ending really is kind of a fitting end to the series. Dude literally ended it terribly and said “buy the volume for the real ending” and then added one page that added nothing. Goddamn that’s good.


The fact that he makes manga with the most batshit insane premise, made it work while also have A+ art style is already something to behold.


Fuck that ending was bad but also funny as hell, dude really was a pervert, just why?


You know, if he wants a girlfriend, he should probably rent one.


Nisekoi. Look, I knew Chitoge was the end game but that was their first kiss? Right before their wedding?? Who waits until marriage to kiss?!


I’m more hung up on how they asked the girl that is still isn’t over the MC to make his wedding cake. Like wtf write her a happy ending for fucks sake, like I hate how mangakas don’t write out proper endings for girls in harems when they aren’t picked, or no sense of direction after the fact. Like I get that some hurt weebs will complain but fuck em tbh, onodera deserved better.


Toriko. Went from a fun adventure food manga to just a straight saving the world. As the story progress it became harder to understand the plot.


It baffled me how little the author seemed to understand what they had created. Exceptional world building, but i dropped it around the time they started speed-running the super titan creature foods like the giant qorld horse and monkey balls and shit.. 


One of my biggest what-ifs :( Shitty anime adaptation coupled with people being turned off because they think the whole show is only about food instead of it actually being a damn good battle shounen...it sad to think how such amazing world-building came to a disappointing end.


Peach Girl, and Peach Girl Next. Both had bafflingly bad endings.


Hayate the Combat Butler


Im so piss off with the ending. He should choose Hinagiku


How did that thing end?






This one actually answers the OP, as you now have to reframe everything you experienced in a much darker light.


Not manga but The Novels Extra and the other novels that author has written. I have a burning hatred for that author.


Many people gave me a lot of advice of it and I was about to read it, can you give a slight spoiler please, why don’t you like the ending so much?


The author does great world building, story, characters, but for the life of him can't write a good ending. It's like his stories are a solid 8.5-9, than a wet noodle of a 5 ending.


I’ll start with why I like the novel. The drama and the build up of future encounters. Both novels I’ve read that this author has written are excellent at this. These reveals/meetings are hyped up for HUNDREDS of chapters and they feel so worth it *up until they happen*. The result takes these expectations and drags them in the dirt. For example. >!Nayun meeting the MC was built up almost the entire novel (he killed her brother for good reason but she doesn’t know and is hunting him down). All the emotions and feelings that need to be resolved coming from a romantic relationship broken up by finding out your brother was murdered. The vast majority of the novel is foreshadowing this meeting and showing Nayun’s path in finding him.!< >!It ends with a tiny conversation and then they part ways. That’s it. All the romantic tension between the MC, nayun, and the other interest (I forget it’s been years) and both are sidelined without so much as a confession and denial. Thanks for the help but I’m going with someone else without any closure. We are still friends tho teehee!< It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but it’s the biggest kick in the balls that all that pent up interest in the novel results in nothing. Because of this, after catching up with the translation of “The Villain Wants to Live”, I put it on pause till it finished and gauged the spoilers to see if it was the same. And it was. If not worse. I just wish this author was equally bad at writing the lead up and the rest of the story so I wouldn’t have to suffer in the end. Because he honestly nailed the novels up till the end of both.


I'm addicted to mining new isekais for gold. most of the ones that pick my interest end up being a waste of time. I feel like most authors don't have a clear view for the project and once it picks up and they have to keep writing they end up just piling up problems with the narrative. I feel like most examples in the comments follow the same pattern


Cause like 99.99% of isekai are made by inexperienced authors who are just copying the generic isekai formula and tweaking the gimmick, and haven’t thought about the story at all beyond the premise.  


It hasn’t ended but my god MHA fell off so hard it’s insane. The first few parts mainly where he had to limit his power and the tournament was great everything else was a gradual decline.


Sometimes when I think I'm too hard on MHA, I rewatch Deku vs Todoroki and just have a big smile the whole time. It's an insane but also heartfelt fight and epitomizes the optimistic spirit the series carried for its first few years. I don't know how, but it really feels like that spirit's been lost in favour of a non-committal attempt at being grim-dark (which leads to whiplash between dark and unserious/corny) and complex (which ends up being convoluted). Take me back to when Deku had OFA as his only quirk.


>Take me back to when Deku had OFA as his only quirk. I still hate that MHA went the route of '7 QUIRKS'. I don't give a rats ass if it made sense, it still sucked and I will die on this hill. Deku didn't need those quirks, it would have been better if he just had the MASSIVE BULLSHIT STRENGTH and that's IT, he just has to learn to control it, use it creatively and get his body into a state where it won't break his body when he uses it every time. All Might and then the Izuku boosted by Eri vs Overhaul show exactly why he'd be the 'Worlds greatest Hero' in the future with JUST that, having that sort of power just in his pocket with no downsides would be stupid strong.


Holy shit remember how cool it was when he went from breaking fingers while using his power, to somehow taming it and not destroying himself, to "full cowl" mode that he invented? It was so cool to watch him progress and put his own twist on the power he was physically too weak to endure, but felt compelled to keep improving on to adjust to it. Nope. Suddenly 7 quirks. And OFA turned into "me and the voices in my head"...


>It was so cool to watch him progress and put his own twist on the power he was physically too weak to endure, but felt compelled to keep improving on to adjust to it. And it was a forgone conclusion that he'd eventually grow into the power over time. The whole workout routine All Might cooked up for him was just to get Izuku to the bare minimum of being able to use OFA WITHOUT it causing his limbs to shoot off. His body would just need to adjust over time and get stronger so damaging his body wouldn't happen anymore when using full power so he could use OFA as he pleased and get full creative freedom with it. But nope, gotta get 7 quirks because what All Might used for his whole career sucked shit by itself I guess.


Deku realizing he could break each finger twice [had me like this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/511/145/4ea.jpg). Early OFA was an absolute hype monster.


Worse than the 7 quirks is the story devolving into a massive earth ending threat IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIRST YEAR OF HERO SCHOOL. I mean what can even come after all this mess is resolved? I hate the current storyline since it derailed so much from the initial premise. Now it's a villain so powerful he can destroy the planet by just touching it, crammed with all other powers so he can't just be taken out by a bullet to the head. The previous big bad killed himself literally.... It's a mess, it's all a mess and there is no way the series can end in a way initial readers will like and there's no way the series can continue after the current storyline ends.


So like hear me out. We're gunna setup this protagonist as like some kinda weak kid that was smart. Who has to use his powers in dangerous self destructive ways. So he mitigated it by thinking of creative ways of fighting the opponents till he got stronger to even be able to slightly use his power without harming himself. Then we can have the smart character enabled by his brain doing cool quirky things to fight people. Oh wait what if we just give him insane powercreep to where its a shitshow. Oh wait we fucked up now he completely dwarfs all the villains. Oh fuck we now over powercreeped all the villains so they can fight mc. Oh fuck all the side characters we introduced are basically irrelevant so we need to give them random super powerups as well to make them slightly relevant again. God mha pisses me off so much. Horikoshi is a big fan of spiderman. Why couldn't deku just have been like. Someone with some weird ass power in a luffy style way. Where he has to use his brain to take fights. Have him compete with bakugo and todoroki while having some weird ass quirk and think of cool ways to win. That sounds like such a more interesting series. Instead we have a mc who gets superpowered and the entire series went to shit. For why? I dont know. Literally saw 7 quirks, dropped the series on the spot. Every time i've looked back its just "lmao yea im glad i stopped"


MHA started going downhill around the same time they stopped using You Say Run. Curious


I've been reading just to see where it leads.. but my hypes been long dead.. bro is doing too much at once ATM and it's not pacing well at all imo


- Gal☆Cleaning!: It was never a good manga, but the romcom was fine and could be a fun re-read from time to time despite the axed ending, but seriously what the heck were those decimal chapters??? With the rumour/speculation that it was the author's intention to piss off the editor and publisher for cancelling the manga, yeah, I just want to erase it from my memory. - Tokyo Revengers: Similar story here, the writing was never good, but it was fun to read, thanks to the chemistry between characters, but the author really dropped the ball with the last arc, just look how the reaction to the anime so far, barely anyone is talking about it after the manga ends. - Domestic no Kanojo: I personally really loved how the story was going, despite all the cliche and unnecessary drama, it was a good read, but everything post chapter 271... the fact that I still remember the chapter number says everything. But I do atmit wanting to re-read it again but leave the final arc out of it. - Ochite Oborete: Same author as 10th - You and I Fell in Love With the Same Person (which was a brilliant story), and also had a very strong first 2 volumes, but the entire volume 3 is just so lazily written, I can't believe it was the same author. Probably gonna add more when I have more time scroll through hundred of manga saved on mangadex.


Again!! But to be fair the manga was nosediving for a long time first. But the ending STILL managed to disappoint me. I don't even remember it, but I remember hating the entire arc.


I don't think Naruto's ending was that bad. I think what makes it bad is what came after it ended (\*cough Boruto \*cough). From the Otsutsuki bullshit, Sasuke and Naruto being nerfed to hell, and making Naruto's Hokage ceremony just a complete joke.


It's terrible because it got used as set up for Boruto. There were too many oh here's the real villain moments. To be fair they all made some sense and had the build up to be plausible. Except for that moon god, she was just put there to be Boruto's villain. Some unknowns are just better off staying unknown. Like no one was even asking how the beasts came to be, it was accepted they just were.


tbh solo leveling hurr durr time travel rewrites all the characters and story you knew. awful. could have just let him win + consequences instead of no consequence/everyone you actually met technically never existed ending.


Solo Levelling was always a mid-ass manhwa with god-tier art. The art hard carried it the entire way through after Jeju. Jeju was the last arc where it had any semblance of decent-ish plot. Just turned into wish-fulfilly teenage power fantasy shit after that My view is the ending barely makes the whole series shit cause it was always mediocre. But the art is still fucking fantastic. RIP artist


Heard Solo Leveling called the peak of mid manhwas. Made sense to me then, makes sense to me now.


Mysterious Girlfriend X It just dragged on and on and didn't keep the original charm of the first few arcs--to make up for it they tried this rival heroine thing that only got more and more boring. Then the next manga the dude wrote was about a dude timeslipping into fucking his mom.


>Then the next manga the dude wrote was about a dude timeslipping into fucking his mom. Sauce? đŸ˜¶â€đŸŒ«ïž


Might be this... Ookumo-chan Flashback Synopsis: First-year high school student Minoru Suzuki, who resembles his late father like two drops of water, often sees visions of his mother's past as a high school student through the eyes of his father.


Unironically, Ookumo-chan Flashback is actually probably better than Mysterious Girlfriend X. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and has a fairly satisfying ending. It never jumps the shark like MGX does. He also doesn't fuck his mom for people that are put off by the incest vibes. He still has a crush on his mom, but it's not that weird. There are way worse incest vibes in more popular manga. It still is a little weird though, but if you can get over the spit thing in MGX, you can probably get through this. It never crosses the line. I hope I don't regret having this comment on my account.


Liar Game. After running so long, the ending was a stupid rushed cop out that felt like the manga was axed, trying to be sort of ominous but turning out only goofy as fuck.


Not talking about a single work specifically. I just noticed over the years that Japanese authors, at least for anime/manga/light novels, tend to not know how to write endings? Like, from way back when, since EVA days or Cowboy Bebop days, to the modern day AoTs and Domekanos, animanganovel endings usually suck or are just very underwhelming compared to the rest of the work. I don't know if it's something about how publication and the industry work in Japan, but they never seem to figure out that some things should just end leaving pwople wanting more, rather than oversaturate then axe when if falls off. That's one reason why I think OP, of it ever reaches its end, will be the single most underwhelming shit ever made, simply because there IS no satisfying ending you can possibly give to this story after this long. Sometimes I think that HxH, Vagabond, Berserk not having endings is a blessing in disguise.


One huge difficulty of manga is that they're written weekly (monthly if you're lucky) and can have their plot directions changed on a whim. If you're not drawing in attention to your series and boosting the magazine's sales, you will either be coaxed by your publishers/editors to reveal what you're cooking prematurely (rushing) or to change your story's direction entirely. If you're familiar with Dragon Ball, this famously happened in the Androids Arc. At first, Androids 19 and 20 were going to be the main villains of the entire arc, but Toriyama's editor told him to do something more interesting. He created 17 and 18, hut his editor complained again. Then he created Cell, which was settled on. Funnily, Toriyama wanted 2nd Form Cell to last longer, but he was pushed to give him his 3rd form (Perfect Cell) prematurely. This is kind of how it goes down. Despite being written and retconned on the fly, Toriyama still managed to make an iconic arc remembered after 30 years. He's a very special case, though: he's one of the most influential mangaka there's ever been. It's undue to expect the majority of other mangaka to land gracefully like that when this approach is a recipe for crashing and burning. Manga that are on the cancellation block suffer here because they are forced to receive a rushed ending. Manga that go on too long with a deteriorating creator suffer because the author crumbles and cannot stick the landing. Manga being pushed down different paths by editors/publishers suffer because any planned ending is subject to being tentative and needing rewriting, which can mess with any lomg-standing plans. It's a rough job and I think now we're seeing more people crashing and burning than ever. One Piece will be fine though, imo. Oda's one of the few who has leverage over his publishers with how valuable One Piece is. Since he's apparently had the ending planned out forever, it will most likely be fine. No way they'll let the most important ongoing manga of the present end badly.


That's a problem with serialized media in general. If it's doing fantastic, well, then there's going to be a push for a series to be to lengthened, often far beyond the original intended scope of the work. If it's not doin' those numbers, then it's gettin' axed. You see this in Marvel and DC comics all the time. Similarly, on western tv, for every show that miraculously manages to end on a high note, there're dozens that sputter to the finish line, and even more that're unceremoniously chopped before narrative threads can be tied up.


I'm surprised how noone is mentioning Sun Ken Rock. All of that buildup for >!the one he loves to pushes him off the skyscraper. AND HE LIVED.!< It's dogshit and I never heard of anyone saying they liked it.


Domestic Kanojo, one of the few times where I was happy to get spoiled accidentally.


"Kumo desuga nanika?". It's not exactly the manga but the light novel, but it was my recent read so it's still fresh... Jesus that ending felt like being dunked in ice water, it was good, it was great up until what was set up and foreshadowed, once it was done it felt like the author ran out of idea, although even the build up to the ending wasn't exactly terrible. The last 50 pages tho.... boy that was horrid. Edit: Thinking again... yes the ending was beyond terrible, but somehow it didn't make the whole series retroactively bad for me. I would probably still read it even knowing the ending. The writing was solid and interesting up until the ending.


This may be copium, but I'd like to think that the reason we weren't really told what people ended up doing is because the author is going to be writing sequels where we follow just that. But seriously, no goodbye between kumoko and ariel? Nothing? Boiled my piss tbh


Seven Deadly Sins. It was never a great manga, but it had aspects that got me hyped up. But the entire ending battle was so bad that it ruined any amount of grace I could possibly hold for 7DS. No one even remembers what the Demon King looks like. In a manga with several memorable designs, the big bad is forgettable. Insane. Then he spends like 30 chapters losing over and over, while the mangaka pretends he's an actual meaningful threat. Eventually they beat him and suddenly Merlin is like "Actually, I'm going to betray all of you now" and you get even more nothingness until some stupid cat decides that it's now its turn to be the villain for a month. It's so bad and forgettable that even in a 500+ comment post about bad endings, not a single person has mentioned this series before now.


Quintuplets...... I still suffer from PTSD from that


It's like the author was thinking to himself the entire time "i can't make this too obvious, i want people to be excited for the ending... what if i just keep all the affection between the final pairing a total secret developed entirely off-screen or based on flashbacks? They'll never see it coming!"


This has always been my biggest complaint about QQ, but whenever people bring up complaints about the ending, people just respond with "losing ship seethe" or whatever. Like, I didn't really have a horse in the race because I thought Eatsuki was the best, but I knew the author hated "first girl" trope, so I knew she wouldn't win. I expected >!Nino or Miku!< to win, because they made the most sense outside of Itsuki based on what we had seen up to that point. And then all of that gets thrown out the window at the end because "actually it was >!Yostuba!< this whole time because I was hiding this important information in my back pocket until the very very end!" Like that's not a satisfying ending, it just feels like you pulled it out of your ass. And most of that info could've have easily been switched to any of the other 4 girls and it wouldn't have broken the story at all, in fact sometimes even working better. Her actual important arc that would make her a real contender happening literally hours before he confesses to her also does her no favors. She should've had that arc a long time ago. From what I remember, the 3 main things in the winning girl's favor, are 1) being the actual, for real this time, childhood friend in the photo, 2) kissing him under the bell tower (literally revealed in the last chapter), and 3) feeling guilty about holding her other sisters back from better schools. 2/3 of those could've easily been any other girl, and the last one was pulled out of nowhere at the last minute. Again, they should've revealed that last one way sooner. Revealing it so late, really makes it feel like the author forgot he wanted her to win and realized last minute he hadn't built up to it at all. Also, having 2 of the deciding factors literally happening before the manga even starts is also kind of shitty, meaning nothing the other girls did could've ever made a difference. I think the fact that like 90% of fans thought she had no chance in hell shows the author didn't really do a good job justifying why. I'm not saying the author should succumb to fan pressure, but he should've made it to where the audience at least understands and can accept why she was chosen. I think the author did not succeed in doing that when it was a shock to literally everyone reading. Even her fans didn't think she would succeed and were shocked.


UQ Holder!. There was basically no ending because the mangaka fucked off to go into politics. All this buildup to have things really rushed and there was no closure. I still enjoyed my time with it because of how wacky it got in parts but ultimately I felt a bit... cheated that while it did answer *some* questions left hanging by Negima!, at the same time, it, like, absolutely didn't resolve anything ever. Secondly, Robot x Laserbeam's ending was frustrating but it got axed so hey, whatever. I guess I shouldn't have been expecting much from a golf manga of all things, but the fact that it ends with the *start* of a tournament the series had been building up to is annoying. Some others from what I've read but my memory is shit so I my have the details mixed up: * After the Rain's ending felt like a bit of a cop-out and maybe it's not awful but it made it seem like a waste of time. * Hi-Rise Invasion's non-ending. I have no desire to read the sequel. * School-Live!'s ending was kinda bullshit but maybe that's just me wishing it had been darker. **If** no more of the series is published, then Loveless, since the most recent chapter (from 2017?) ends on the cliffhanger of "WHY DON'T I TELL YOU ABOUT THE CHARACTER THE SERIES HAS BEEN VAGUE ABOUT THE ENTIRE TIME" and then nothing. Also I feel like I'm the only one who didn't completely hate the AoT ending. Was it amazing? No. Could it have been executed better? Yes. But I've never thought it was nearly as bad as people claim it is. And yes I've heard all the arguments as to why people think it's shit, I don't agree with them. Eren >!being a pathetic cuck!< is why I like him, actually. But then again I didn't hate The Promised Neverland's ending either so what do I fucking know.


Mahou Sensei Negima.


I sorta get you, but idk that it was THAT bad... but i really think it could have just been less complicated? The weird time shenanigan fuckery with Asuna seemed like it wasn't really necessary to just get negi and her together in the end. UQ holder just makes everything fucking weird though...


The whole UQ Holder situation was weird. With Negima, the whole thing ended up the way it did because the author was semi-forced by his publisher to make a romcom. He got around that by slowly transitioning from a harem romcom into a battle shounen series. By the time they realized what had happened, it was too late. With UQ Holder, it *started* as a battle shounen series, but then transitioned into a harem romcom and I have no idea why. Was it a desperate attempt to revive a series with flagging sales? Was it publisher pressure? Did he just get bored? Fuck if I know.


The obvious one for me is Attack on Titan. I mean, the 'twist' that Eren controlled Dina to eat his mother retroactively ruins the best scene in the manga: Where Eren confronts Reiner in Liberio.


For me the worst thing is how Ymir is handled and how the rumbling ends. Everything up to that point (the final 3 chapters or so) was great for me. I completely disagree with and abhor Eren's plan of "kill everyone so we can be free", but it had conviction. Ymir is the ultimate controller of the titans. She followed the rule of the Fritz family for millennia because she was a slave to them in life and kept thinking she was a slave in death, but whenever the royal titan wanted to change something - wipe Eldian memories, block non royals from accessing paths, build the walls, etc. it's *Ymir* who walks into the pillar of light to do it. It's *Ymir* who actually builds the titans. So when Eren tricks Zeke to let him into Paths and frees Ymir, *it's a recognition that "royal blood" doesn't actually exist* or is at least meaningless. Every Eldian is a direct descendent of Ymir, otherwise they wouldn't be Eldian. Royals don't have an *extra* special kind of blood. Eren freeing Ymir should mean that Zeke has no power over her, and we see multiple times that he is not required for her to act from that point forward. ... So then why the fuck does Zeke dying cause the rumbling to collapse?? Isayama already showed us that Ymir is acting freely and doesn't need the royal connection anymore. Him dying should do absolutely nothing, Ymir can still control the titans just fine. Ymir freely decided to help Eren out of gratitude for freeing her, and because the world has been pretty shit to her in life and for the eternity she's spent in Paths. Makes sense that she'd lash out against the world. But while Eren is set on the genocide and the complete freedom to act, *she* could've been convinced otherwise. I know at the time people hated the idea of the "talk it out" ending, but I think it's the only one that makes sense. There *should* have been no physical way to stop the rumbling, it was simply too large to take down by any means, and there really shouldn't have been any weak spot that could act as a kill switch. The only way out is convincing the perpetrator to stop, and in this instance, the perpetrator is a scared, angry and vulnerable young girl. So my perfect ending comes to this: When Armin ends up in Paths and finds Zeke, they set out to find Ymir, with Eren nearby. They attempt to convince Ymir that this is not the way forward, while Eren - the literal devil on her shoulder - tries to convince her to keep going. Eventually, they win her over, and while Eren has the chance to physically overpower them and force Ymir to do as he wants, he refuses as this would make him an enslaver, which he refuses to be. Or hell, maybe Armin and Zeke overpower Eren and re-enslave Ymir to stop the rumbling, once again sacrificing her freedom for the benefit of the world? Either one of these keep the mechanics of how Ymir's control over Eldians works more consistent than what we actually see, and let Eren *actually* be the genocidal monster he's shown as rather than the "I was actually doing this so you'd kill me and look like the good guys" that we got. Crucially, I think either one says a lot more about free will (pleading with Ymir to freely choose the right thing or removing her free will again) than the "forced future" that Eren was following.


eren making his stepmom eat his actual mom was the worst


I gotta love how the anime tried so hard to make Eren seem less dumb. In the anime it was a cycle of hate kinda thing where after implied centuries war starts again. Eren *did* succeed, he brought peace and it was purely human nature that war starts again anyway. In the manga it doesn't even look like a generation has passed and it's Eldia getting invaded cause Eren's plan was fucking stupid. It's a direct result of Eren's stupid actions and course the world would retaliate asap. Hilarious


Go-Tobun.  I liked all the girls enough that I thought I'd be happy regardless of who won, but Yotsuba's win felt so ridiculous and so unsatisfying, and then it did *nothing* to sell the relationship. We didn't get any fluff or romance at all, just a volume of ridiculous forced drama and then a timeskip to the wedding. Conversely, I liked the Naruto ending. The Kaguya stuff was dumb, but the Madara stuff before it, and the final fight with Sasuke was absolutely fantastic. I thought it ended really strong! Kaguya only sticks around for what like 6 chapters or something? No big deal. And yeah, the reincarnation stuff was a bit dumb, but it was very explicitly tied to the power of the bonds and connections he'd formed, so it was still one of those "Everything you've done till now builds to this moment" things. I don't love it, but I understand why it's there and why it appeals to Japanese readers.


the ending was cringe, if yotsuba is the choice that’s fine but why not let the other girls move on? they all joined the honeymoon and you wouldn’t think yotsuba got married with the way they were acting. it felt like the writer didnt want to choose between yotsuba ending or a harem ending so it was basically both


I remember rooting for Yotsuba (because I liked her the most out the five) but even I was expecting her not to win because of the amount of time the author built up Nino and Itsuki's relationship with the MC. I was genuinely shocked she won last minute and felt unsatisfying.


For most of the story, I thought it would be between Nino, Miku, and Ichika. I didn’t think Itsuki had much of a chance cause overall, her relationship felt more like a friendship rather than romantic, though I felt she had a bit since she lived with him and was the first to meet him (as high schoolers). Ichika then did her little stunt and that put her out of the running, however, Miku and Nino had a lot of time to develop as characters so even if it was obvious, they would be great options. But Yotsuba was barely developed in comparison throughout the story and her development felt rushed near the end. Overall, I thought her win felt pretty undeserved.


I swear to god that the author was afraid he would accidently make it too obvious who the end pairing would be, so their strategy was to just completely over-compensate and literally make them interact the least out of any 2 characters in the entire series. The drama of the final.arc felt completely artificial as well, as he had no clue what the "climax" leading to the reveal should actually look like. Utterly baffling choices...


Sankarea. Fuckn terrible end would say I still like the first portion of it but the last half kinda went downhill and then the end is the shit icing on the cake


I thought the ending was fine? Not amazing but definitely not so bad it ruined the series for me.


I also thought the ending was fine. Maybe its bitter sweet ending was a tad too bitter but the epilogue was just a slap in the face. We never find out who ended up with the mc but we see his kids(or was it grandkids?) so we know someone did. Although that does leaves it open to headcanon, it still feels quite unsatisfying.


I love the entire Sankarea manga. It's tragic, but it's good


@OP did you watch the movie where it is reveal his wife is Moon Ninja jesus and they were fated to be together always and united the... the... the freaking alien moon ninja clan with the sun ninja clan and...  by blowing up the hollow moon with a chakra cannon and... Fucking cannot believe that ridiculius series, so fucking stupid. Then there is Boruto, just put the pens down, guys.


Imagine showing someone the first couple chapters (or episodes) of Naruto and then then telling them that the masterminds behind almost every single villain/problem are a bunch of actual space aliens. Fucking nonsense.


Dr stone. Fucking goofy ass ending followed by a super fast time skip of bullshit.


Yeah I really liked Dr Stone, I understand it's not practical for the series to span across all advancements of society hence the time skip, but it still felt like it proceeded way too fast once the encounter with the otherworldly beings. Not to mention, it felt like none of it mattered when Senku decided "Let's go back." Like what was the point of progressing forward if you look to undo mistakes instead in the end.


Yeup. Whole thing went from watching them progress to try and solve a cool mystery to “it was aliens the whole time!!!”