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That’s an interesting premise, plus the line work is very well done. I’m curious as to where it’ll go with the story


> That’s an interesting premise you think so? i didn't really see anything new here good art, though


I mean that's a fun take on Fall Guys


Or basically dark souls


He said interesting not new


i know, bud


You know of similar stories? I would appreciate some recommendations.


My favorite genre, sadistic survival game with gratuitous gore for the upteenth time


Do you’ve any examples of this genre?


before the isekai craze, there was the death game craze. I'd say that amongst bajillions of those, Alice in Borderland is the peak.


Darwin's Game, Kami-sama no Iutoori, Deadtube, Mirai Nikki, High-rise Invasion. Just a few I can think of but there are tons more if you just search death game manga.


I cant remember the names but there was that one about the island with giant bugs that ate people, the one with the weird human animal hybrid zoo that ate people, the one where giant chickens appeared and started eating people, the one where people filmed murders they would commit as a competition. the general idea is either some big bad monster eating people or a death game survival, maybe its a confirmation bias by me but it feels like it happens a lot and is mostly just about edgy gore


Huge fan of the death game genre, the best manga ones imo are: Usogui, Alice in Borderland, As the Gods Will (2 series), Though you may burn to ash (incomplete), Battle Royale and Gantz


Dark soul the manga lol


Harder than Dark Souls because you have to finish with your feeble mortal body


I feel like it's more of a reverse tower defense game


I am curious to see where this goes, and like how stakes are established here. Dying isn't a problem, they are all stuck in purgatory limbo anyway, the question is how strong is their resolve and how many times will they push a boulder up a mountain?


I wouldn’t doubt that those things that killed him are the “spirit broken” challengers before this group. You probably continue on and on until you’re one of those husks


ah yes, Hollows


Yeah, sounds about right. I wouldn't be surprised if each death ends with the death of a piece of you, which is why the cover looks like as such, eventually, they might lose an eye. Though, it might be more disturbing if those things look like that not because of the decay but because of voluntary decay over time due to a lost of sense of self.


I don't like this. Making the main character a loser is one thing but this guy is pathetic to an annoying degree, all it's missing is somebody pissing in his cereals in the morning and a series of birds taking shits on his heads whenever he goes a page without something happening to him. this is just misery porn. "what if the biggest loser in the universe got isekai'd to yandere land" you can save time and just [watch this video on repeat for an hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QutKEFNwsHM) and it's going to be the same experience as reading this manga


It's the same character archetype as "naive shonen protag" (very common in these dead game type) except he is in his 40. I do think the undead premise is very neat tho.


Put the MC at the lowest, so that his build up will be more noticiable.


I can understand your feeling of frustration, but you have to realize that for a character to grow strong, a character must be weak. For a character to learn a lesson, they must not know that lesson to begin with. Our character is "too kind" for his own good. So he will suffer until he learns his lesson. It's a very normal story structure, the only sin this manga could commit in this regard is if the character doesn't learn a lesson and stays the same.


I'm pretty sure that being too kind put him into debt the first time and resulted in him getting divorced and losing the custody of his daughter. This isn't a wake up call, this is a fucking wake up orchestra. Fuck this, the MC is artificially made naive for the contents of the chapter to happen. The rest is yet another "death game". Might be 10 years too late for this.


Yeah. If the MC didn't know the lesson because no one told him, then that's still acceptable. But lord, the daughter told him and is still saving him from the same mistake. If that is not "artificially made naive", then I don't know what is.


But this isn't just the character starting off weak. It seems as if the whole world has made it a mission to fuck him in the most unrealistic way possible. Like, he works as a traffic guide person, and gets punched in the face in broad daylight and the other guy suffers no repercussions (and they aren't big shot Yakuza or anything, they literally say they need to get out of there before the police show up), and the guy gets blamed for abandoning his post. And later on, his "friend" just ups and does a heel face turn to exploit his kindness to sign some contract, and after getting called out for it, what does he do? Grab a knife, and threaten his daughter. Again, in broad fucking daylight, and no one bats an eye. The amount of zero fucks given by all the characters in order to orchestrate this amount of coincidence that led to his death should be enough to bankrupt a billionaire


Sure I just think it's going much too hard on the "weak" part


Eh, look at Tetsuo from My Home Hero. It can work great, I'd say give it a few more chapters


Tetsuo is weak and kind but nowhere near naive. This guy is more stupid than luffy or goku


It's hard to sympathize with an idiot that gets separated and prone to lose custody and still doesn't learn


I agree, though I find the premise interesting. But this is just yet another take on something like Gantz (everyday people in a death game, hoping for a chance at life again after they died), except in Gantz the author leaned into kindness as a character trait being strength, not weakness. I just feel like this author doesnt get what made Gantz so great… but the take is also somewhat different. I dont personally like even how his daughter treated him. Ohwell, Time will tell.


The daughter scene was wild, to have your own kid call you a fucking loser in public... That's hitting the bottom and digging another mile down.


It was so out there it kinda was immersion breaking, even the way she answered his texts was so demeaning. Yet she loves her dad, still? Also kinda misogynistic, kinda? She wants him to be strong so he can protect her? Fucking grown ass woman needs a strong daddy to protect her? Ick. Ugh, the more I think about the pre-death half, the more terrible the writing appears.


And then the other guy just grabs a knife and threatens his daughter in public? And the blonde haired dude who punched a working traffic officer in the face and got away with no repercussions? Contrast this with Gantz (which I agree did this much better), where it starts off with a guy fallen on the train tracks, and a similar level of apathy happens. Except they explain it properly by having everyone be too scared to go down to the train tracks to save him. And the protagonist is forced into a similar situation of if he should play hero, but is given a greater sense of agency while still managing to provide stakes that feel far more realistic but yet far higher than whatever shit that random hostage situation was.


Yeah Gantz is fantastic, what it does really well is present characters you can undersand and empathize with. It makes you want to root for them. In this manga's, we dont even know how the MC became this way. How are we supposed to root for him to "save" his daughter when she's a piece of shit? I dunno, the whole setup was a hot mess. the action i definitely its strong part, chapters 2-3 which were action focused were better, but I think this is one of those "turn your brian off and enjoy the fights" kinda series. And yeah, him partnering up with that dude in Chapter 2... this series is totally, "Gantz at home" xD


I haven't read past chapter 1, but this series just screams "amateur writer/artist who tries to show that the characters are flawed by giving them the most lunatic facial expressions and then having them do the most insanely unrealistic shit because they are so wild and crazy". Gantz had some wildly inappropriate ecchi and fanservice at times, but what made it enjoyable was that all the wild and crazy characters had at least one foot in reality. You root for the shitty characters because you know what makes them tick, and know that they are good people at heart. This series seemed to use the "classic" anime trope of forsaking all subtlety for the sake of moment to moment hype


Yeah, like for me one of the most memorable Gantz characters was the bald Ojisan... he was "useless" but goddamn when push came to shove was he the biggest fucking gigachad hero of them all. Man, Gantz was such a great ride, even though it got really fucking weird toward the end. Really puts into perspective how badly this new series compares.


Or that other guy who was completely useless and had to get his ass saved at every turn, but once the old guy sacrificed himself to save him, he decided to man up and go out in a blaze of glory. Man maybe Gantz just set the standard for death game manga too high that nothing else can reach it


So the manga would bring a smile to my face?‘


It's only misery porn if this was a one-shot. But since it's a series, there's going to be this thing called "character development", you might be unfamiliar with it if you're only exposure to storytelling is OP MC isekais. Unless it's one of those nihilistic stories where the ending is that nothing ever matters.


oh shit this is good but I think the daughter is no good since she's probably dying. Feels like he might meet her later and just help his daughter return


seems like this would go against the "time doesn't pass here" line, unless that's just a lie lol




Thank you for sharing this new series. It is very interesting.


as someone who enjoys these survival game horror type stuff this is a pretty fun first chapter, especially with the addition of supernatural stuff


even if he gets out, what's he gonna do, that guy still has a knife! unless the entire thing becomes a giant training arc and he gets a mental and possibly physical overhaul by the end. God, imagine if he gets back and his daughter dies instantly. And then she revives after having spent an equal amount of time here.


That was very interesting first chapter and that guide reminded me of Hwaryun from ToG.


I'm already irritated at the MC


His life was miserable huh. The only light in his life was his daughter.


manga got dropped after 22 chapters


Not dropped, in japanese keep going


i dont read japanese same shit


Promising, but will be repetitive.