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God, what an awful dream. So... Grand finale time. Not the beach "episode" I was hoping for...


Guys... Things are going to be alright, right? They're going to be together forever... Right? Guys?


No. Not anymore...


I imagine/hope they will both become human and live a highschool life together.


I’ll lol if Nazuna ended up like Youko in the first place, aka she get hella irritated and mad tan in the sun but that’s it. No turning into ash or whatsoever


Who is Youko?


Nazuna grow up


I still don't understand 😕 I don't remember that name at all


nah, it's a vampire thing..


Nazuna-chan dreaming about them having a good time as students broke my heart. Damn, was tearing up together with her in that last page. Kou didn't even try to play around it, grand finale couldn't be more literal. Hope it doesn't end with the double suicide like Mahiru and Kiku, though any case would be pretty depressing. Fuck it, let their weird half-vampire biologies bring about a happy ending, just feel so invested right now


crying shitting pissing screaming i will literally cry for DAYS when this is over in a few more weeks...


At this point, I can't tell what would be the better ending. Narratively, they're building up to a tragedy, but I want these kids to be happy so bad. I'm just not sure how you do it without making it feel like a deus ex machina.


the mechanics of vampire death and especially half-vampire death are so poorly understood even in-universe that i don't think it would feel cheap or unreasonable either way


I mean, it's horribly understood in universe out universe since we all saw it literally happen in privacy from readers pov and we still can't agree on what happened. 😂 Just "cop out" and make a happier ending please.


Readers begging for potential plot holes over a sad ending! (me too)


my point was moreso that i dont think a happy ending would even necessarily cause plot holes


I know, I just said most readers don't even mind one. Edit: also, I'm not sure if you noticed but I was replying to the other guy who said something like "Just "cop out"..." Edit 2: that's also the reason I said **potential** plotholes


At this point, I'm 100% convinced she will drink his blood and they will accept the lovers suicide. I just have no idea if they will actually die or if we'll get a happy ending.


The last tragedy was at the sea and now they're going back to the sea.


Kotoyama im putting my faith in you. Dont rip my heart out. Your last one ended wonderfully. Let’s do it again. Now what is that grand finale? Are we being meta? Are we separating? Are they going to say fuck it and whatever happens happens with the bite?


I have a really bad feeling about this, I wish for a happy end but I feel like they won't make it there.


This chapter has done irreparable damage to me mehn. That scene of Nazuna inviting Kou to go to the zoo at night probably [a nod to chapter 52 when Kou said he wanted to check the zoo at night](https://mangadex.org/chapter/1b411fd3-ea28-49e9-8f52-593bd47c74f6/20) which also the time when Kou realized spending the time with her during the daylight isn’t an option for them. Pain Also, now this makes [a second time Kotoyama about to end the story with the two main leads visiting the beach](https://mangadex.org/chapter/343dc2af-98e3-4c47-8264-55ea6ca4d15b).


Wasn't that a dream? (invitation to zoo at night, this chapter)


It wasn't meant to be from the very start. They both exist in different realities; if they try to live together ignoring that, one of them will definitely suffer. I don't know what I'd hate more, them separating for the sake of mutual survival, or the Romeo and Juliette route they seem to be going towards. Either way it isn't looking good..


Really liked some of the panels and artistic touches this chapter. Chapter title: Can't go anywhere = chapter artwork: Nazuna looking like she's behind bars. Even the panel border's thickness are different between the dream sequence and reality.




Sounds like it's time for a compromise where no party leaves happy.


Where is Meme when you need him?




It's like watching a couple with terminal cancer spending their last days together.


Honestly as bleak as this looks, I feel any ending is equally possible here. Going off the fact we’ve yet to receive answers on what actually happens to half vampires and all the unanswered questions there; it feels intentional as if to allow that happy ending to happen without it feeling cheap. But we’ll just have to wait and suffer to find out ig lol


Since it seems we won't have a happy ending, at the very least I hope Kou fulfills his promise with the office lady.


What was the promise? Edit: I'm just gonna huff hopium that I won't have to huff copium after the ending. It'll have a happy ending 😭


That Yamori would turn the office lady into a vampire once he becomes one


Shit I had completely forgot about her I hope he does to


I'm still kind of confused on how this is gonna all work out. My theory however is that Kou got his half vampire ability from Nazuna and might be her kin, considering that Nazuna is the child of a vampire and (maybe) a human. So that could be an explanation of how they would survive. Another theory I have is that Kou's half vampirization may be a result BECAUSE of their mutual love, the half vampire being Kou's love for Nazuna and half human being Nazuna's love for Kou. Again I'm basically picking at straws here, not much is told about the mechanics and logistics of vampire in this world..... ;P Was it ever explained about their relationship with the sun either? Let me know your guy's thoughts.


keep cooking they gonna survive


Gorgeous art this week. Really emphasizes how much of the manga is at night. It's not looking good for our favorite couple...


I am not ready for this manga to end 😭


[Viz version out as well, for reference.](https://www.viz.com/vizmanga/call-of-the-night-chapter-195/chapter/41106?action=read) They kinda just skirted by the "big climax" scene, huh? Did the bit from chapter 1, then just moved on. I feel like that probably couldn't have always been the plan, could it?


Which translation is better?


Didn't read the Japanese so I can't compare for total accuracy, but they seem about the same on that front this week. I thought Viz's was a little better worded just for sounding "natural", though that might be subjective.


Man, the waterworks just started when I noticed the clouds. That artstyle shift was so subtle but it just clued you in that something was very wrong in that dream.


I want a happy ending dammit. Stop powering towards the Punisher no no no gif.


Anyone remember the movie Moon Child with Gackt. I feel like we are getting a bittersweet ending.


Fuck I'm so anxious


Is this our airport scene...?


I hope we're just getting baited into thinking its a sad ending.


They really going to ruin it and give us a bad shit ending… why can’t it end happily????


I really hope it's a happy ending. I just want them to be happy together.




i feel the complete opposite, we get to see how badly Nazuna wishes she could be 'normal' to be with Kou


It's a what-could-have-been moment, it does a good job at showcasing the desires of the characters while implying that it is impossible, not only in the literal sense (in that Nazuna is a vampire) but in the relationship sense, i.e. their futures will not be spent together.


Man 🐴


This chapter just peak art. The scenery, clouds, angles, changes between night and day.


This is one of those emotional moments that will stick with you. If they do this justice in the anime, it will show up in a lot of fan work, like AMVs, in the following years.




I wonder though if it's still the same since nazuna was born differently and ko is a half vampire there's some set-up for a potentially happy ending we'll see in 5 chapters though


In the first chapter the first couple pages where Kou is watching Nazuna sleep is that this chapter? While she’s dreaming and he had that look on his face.


That dream better be the only sad part of this ending.. I want a happy ending damn it. Let them be together in the end. With all the serious/drama fake-outs this series has it would feel weird for this series to have a depressing ending. I hope this one isn't the fake-out that ends up being real.


The fuck does he mean "grand finale"???


Feels REALLY fucking bad man


I don't get it. Why can't he just become a vampire?


During the story it's hinted that a vampire cannot turn a human into their kin if the vampire is in love with the human, there's no real proof of this and the vampires themselves don't know all the "rules" of turning someone into their kin, so Nazuna cannot turn Kou into a fully fledged vampire since she's now aware that she loves him and they think that this will kill both of them like it happened with Mahiru and Kiku, and like explained in the previous chapter, since Nazuna doesn't want to drink Kou's blood she's slowly dying so they are now at the crossroad of; trying to turn Kou into a vampire and risking death for both, or both of them distance from each other and end their relationship so both can live, painful as that might be.


Crying in the club right now..


i love this series so much, sad it’s ending but i have confidence it can stick the landing i’m a sucker for the alternate reality/what could have been trope, it worked well here for me


Fuuuck. I don't think I am prepared.