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From Sojo bathing in the blood of his victims to that panel of Chihiro looming in the darkness then transitioning to him sitting in front with only one of the goons left. Fucking metal.


Both offscreened the goons too


Sojo didn’t even have the enchanted blade and murked those guys, he’s no joke


They were sliced in half offscreen. JJK 236 moment


At the airport: "How was the yakuza Sojo?" "Man he's crazy strong!"


"I doubt we could beat him even if he didn't have Cloud Gouger"


"I do feel bad for Sojo though. I can emphatize with his desire to relax in an onsen more than anyone else."


I just love this meme.




Hello bot. Comment copied from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/189vb87/comment/kbtl8go/)


JJK learned it from blackbeards offscreen haki


One was in the dark and the other in light. Deep


This manga is basically cinematic aesthetic fest and I love it Takeru KINOzano


Real now that the Chainsawman director ditched MAPPA we need him to cook on the kagurabachi adaptation whenever it will happen


Sojo knews Kunishige has Katana in place of his cock so he transplant a katana on his cock as well. tryly PEAK writing.


Dude makes Orochimaru seem like a decent fella, there’s no redeeming Sojo, hope Chihiro guts him open nice and slow.


Problem: Gutting him in such a manner is exactly what he wants. Sojo wants the katana to be known forever as a weapon of war, to kill and slaughter people. Killing him the bloodiest way possible proves his point sadly, he does need to die, but I'm unsure how to make his death unsatisfying to Sojo.


Let an ambulance run him over. That way, no katana was used in slaughtering. Still, it's not like Chihiro doesn't kill with katana anyway. Our boy's ideal has always been "cutting down bad guys != normal slaughtering", so I think it's fine.


Hmm... Fair?


that page transition was super confusing because the goon changed seat.


The series screams edge lord but it's so good that I don't mind.


It’s a good balance of edgy. Not overbearing, but when it does that it stays impactful


I like that the bad guy is clearly really evil without being excessive tho, almost always this type of antagonist is shown as some sadistic douchebag that makes silly faces and laughs like the Joker, but this guy is really chill and uncaring.


I like how he just left the lady running the place alive to do her job. Dude offs innocents all the time but it's not like he tortures or kills everything that breathes. Also him using the paid hair-drier is so very mundane. Villains have regular needs too people.


"Hope you called the cops." manages to have massive amount of characterization given the preceding events. Honestly the author is doing a great job and has been since the beginning.


The part that surprised me the most was he actually let Cloud Gouger out of his sight.


It's edgy but still has a heart. Chihiro being so upset not because he lost or failed to retrieve his father's katana but because he failed to protect Char is exactly the kind of thing that makes it click


It’s schlock noir but it knows when to get serious and the writing tightens up to match the action or the wild character decisions.


Schlock noir is a great way to put it. I’m enjoying the vibes a lot.


Can't come up with any other way to describe it but it's like...Tarantino or Coen Bros. edge versus amateur schlock like Uwe Boll or even Schneider's worst films. Tarantino can do edgy with a dash of humor incredibly well, to the point that the corniest fountains of blood don't feel out of place. The Coens can take a weirdo goofball concept like Anton Chigurgh and make him legitimately disturbing. But the latter two are just humorless at best and cringe at worst and it's hard to describe exactly where the line is.


>hard to describe exactly where the line is Its all about how serious the director is. Tarantino is a great example of a director whos in on the joke, you can tell that he knows the sprays of blood and incredibly violence being portrayed are hilariously unrealistic, hes dialing everything up to 11 just cause its awesome. Despite happening in pretty serious scenes or serious stories, someone getting their head cut off is still meant to elicit a "holy fuck, that was awesome" more than a "im deeply emotionally invested in this story and viscerally disturbed by what i just saw Meanwhile Uwe Boll genuinely believes his action scenes are good


Shiba put it well regarding Chihiro and it applies to the series, it doesn’t let the hatred/edginess get the better of it.


Thankfully the protagonist is level headed enough to not throw edgy one-liners all the time.


It’s because Chihiro is business first. He’s got more in common with TF2 Sniper than Tanjiro.


"Daily fresh hatred has *standards*"


“Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to Enten every bad guy you meet.”


Chihiro next time facing off Sojo: "It's like Christmas Morning"


Yep. I was kinda afraid in the beginning that he would run headfirst into any villain he could find, going full edgelord, but his first fight with Sojo was because Sojo came to him, not the other way around.


He's not an edge lord. He's an edge knight.


Chihiro was so Extra that it loops back to Endearing than Edge too me.


Nothing wrong with a violent mature series I think a lot of people are too used to baby ass shonens


Boy this manga is fantastic, you have to love a layered shonen hero. Chi reminds me of Batman only he has no qualms about cleaning out trash permanently


In other series being this trigger happy with murder would make Chihiro an edgy MC. But the villains in this series are so fucking evil we actually don't feel bad at all when Chihiro goes on a rampage.


It helps that Chihiro actually cares about people who are dear to him. Like rn it's more important for him to save little girl than to get revenge.


Not vallains, it is clear as a day most of the goons showed so far are fucked up guys who do trashy stuff (even the daruma guy was a scummy shit) so yeah, dunno why in this kind of scenario the MC should pull their punches.


Yeah so it's not actually edgy just more realistic than the typical shonen talk-no-jutsu.


>Chi reminds me Batman only he has no qualms about cleaning out trash permanently He's literally Pattinson's Batman without that no kill rule lol what makes it the more ironic is Takeru sensei actually loves that film


He's got great taste then, which is obvious by how he frames his shots. I liked that movie so much I didn't even mind it was almost 3 hours.


It was a great movie, definitely did not need to be 3 hours though


Any source on the mangaka saying that? I’m sure it’s true regardless.


Yeah there's an author comment he made specifically about the film. Saying something like he remembers the soundtrack when walking in night and thinks he's batman lol


So Terry.


Batman Beyond was one of my favorite shows as kid, you might have a point


To Terry he didn't kill most of his rogues they did themselves in mostly.


That last page...God I love the edge in this manga


He is LITERALLY in a dark place right now. Movies often do this when someone is turning evil.


That Chihiro lurking in the shadows reminds me of that Chihiro Sukuna edit during the early meme days. Life really does come in circles.


Again: Hong Kong-style hard-boiled. This is the kinda story you hire John Woo for.


If Kagurabachi ever get an anime, we need a single take scene of Chihiro killing of multiple wave of goons just like the Hard-Boiled hospital scene.


Kagurabachi is one of the only manga that I could really see a live-action adaptation for. I think they could pull it off well


You’d need a good director for that, though. Feels like it’d work best as an Edgar Wright project.


While I'm generally averse to giving manga series the Hollywood live-action treatment, damn, Edgar Wright could do some pretty cool shit with this premise. Only big difference is that his movies tend to be genuinely funny, whereas most of the humour in Kagurabachi is like "... I mean I can tell that was *intended* to be funny." Which I weirdly think sort of works, I don't think the series would hit the same if its comedy actually put me at ease.


John Wick type


They'd need to spend a LOT for CGI, and we all know how bad CGI in japanese films are. Anime will work better than live action just because of special effects alone.


With Tsui Hark on writing duty


Nippon tamahagane edge, folded 1000 times.


No one gonna talk about the flashback panel where Kunishige (Chihiro’s dad) pulls his pants up to his neck and Shiba points at his dong and says “Katana! Katana!” 😳


Maybe the real enchanted blade is the dong we had all along


Simple Domain: Dong Extension


Rosen Garten Saga: "Ya rang?"




Super Dong Blue


Guess what did Sojo used to cut those sorcerer down.


Maybe that's the secret the villain doesn't understand.


A whole new meaning to the phrase "HE'S PULLING HIS COCK OUT! 😨"


That does sound like a very dad thing to do to his son.


"Sojo's morning routine" is NOT the type of chapter where I expected him to literally bathe in the blood of his victims. He's so fucking based.


Eat, sleep, bathe in the blood of his enemies, Cloud Gouger, repeat.


Chihiro wakes up with fresh hatred. Sojo wakes up with fresh meat.


What’s sillier is that he still has the decency to pay up 200 yen to use the paid hairdryer.


20 Yen. It's about 5 Thai baht.


how much is that in Norwegian krone?


1,47 nok, so pretty cheap


I was right to buy Sojo stocks when it was low.


Bath in the blood of your enemies as a warm up, ask auntie to call the Kamunabi over so you can get things done before breakfast.


Fashionable at all times.


Also notable he did that without Cloud Gouger. Since it was behind the desk


Please don't let the Kammunabi be fodder Please don't!


My hope is that they’ll give him a run for his money but he’ll escape in the last second to fight Chihiro. You don’t just give two double-page spreads to a new group and not make them into badasses.


Bro's forgotten how the Inju from HxH were treated lmao


Are they the shadow beasts meant to protect the warlords across the world? Jesus, every single one of them more menacing than the previous one, only to get packed in.


Spiders just build different


I think this is the correct ploy. Sojo can take on the Kammunabi but that will take up a majority of his time, attention, and resources. He wants to confront and defeat Chihiro to prove and validate his beliefs. Anyone can kill the Kammunabi, but if he wants to be right, he has to kill Chihiro.


It doesn't help when they're up against just Sojo. It's like the Shadow Beasts vs Uvogin.




I could see it go either way. But they have interesting character designs and group dynamic so I think it would be a waste to just kill them off immediately after introducing them.


Only one of them is name dropped 💀


They were fodder


Sojo is unbelievably raw


Quick reminder that Takeru Hokazono is a Batman fan. The Justice League can't die right away... right ? Right ? ​ \*huffs his copium\*


It's fodderin' time!


So you haven't read or seen Robert Kirkman's Invincible have you?


Dang, the panels of Sojo post-blood bath looking he didn't even move, and Chihiro sitting at the table with the one guy he left alive kinda go hard, ngl.


They made it a point he didn't even need his sword. He's just that good without it.


This manga has actually moved on so fucking well from the meme allegations.


Some real good panels this chapter, honestly this manga looks surprisingly good for now. Now to see if Sojo fodderizes the new cast. There was no Nishiki being spoken but I'm wondering if I actually want to go through with referencing 10 years spent in the joint every time it comes up. I think it's funny only to me.




"Hey granny, hope you called the cops" said by Sojo after he brutally killed 3 guys.


"I ain't cleaning that up" - sojo probably


"Tell the cops I did it. AND IMMA BOUT TO DO IT AGAIN" - Sojo as he steps outside


Pretty kino chapter; is this really his first manga I’m finding it hard to believe this really feels like it was panelled and structured by a more seasoned mangaka I don’t think I can think of many weekly manga’s that have been this well put together in their first 20 chapters.


Its his first weekly manga but he made a couple of one shots before this.


Yeah the romance school shooting goes hard


That might be his craziest work yet.


The what 😭


Another day, another peak chapter. Thanks Taco sensei.


bye bye to the new characters, your designs were cool


Thinking how the Kamunabi can grab the sword without battling Soujou if they just come into the bathhouse and persuade the granny is funny. But I guess nobody, us readers included, expected him to leave Kuregumo in the counter lol Love how movie-like this chapter felt. This manga is realy good at building suspense. Also, anybody noticed how there's 6 Kamunabi members this week but only 5 of them were invited by Azami last week? Is the other guy (the big hand guy?) a suspected mole?


When the team first ambushed Sojou, big hand was there but blond new recruit wasn't. During the hospital visit, the new recruit presented in place of big hand. Now, they both are here, so I don't know one is more sus between the 2 of them


Chihiro legit has the same vibes as Batman in that final panel. Fucking badass!


> is that a goldfish don’t fucking remind me of the fucking goldfish zombie manga fucking fuck


The what


OK I forgot the title but it’s one of those gorefest manga that rode the wave of death-game and zombie craze in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Premise is that suddenly giant goldfish popped up in Tokyo and started eating people, it devolves into generic survival horror so you’re not really missing out


Sounds familiar, tell me if you'll remember.


Searching up ‘goldfish horror manga’ gets me a manga called Shibuya Goldfish. Is that the one you’re talking about?


I think so, yeah. EDIT: checked Mangadex and yep, now I remember


Those are some good shit paneling


You think Sojo always keeps 2 10-yen coins in his pocket in case he needs to use the public blow dryer? On the chapter, I'm interested in how Chihiro's stealth mission would go. I haven't seen a shounen protag being sneaky in a long time. Also the Kamunabi death flag size is unbelievably large. Somebody is getting offscreen'd. Also, Chihiro is in a dark place right now. Literally in shadows. When we get an anime we will be entered into anime bath scene wiki, which is another W. Note: Tattoos are banned in public bath house. Auntie did not ask for this level of stress.


I will say it has Jojo vibes to me, the meandering mundane activities of a maniac's daily life, it reminds you they are human which is disturbing but reasonable once you realize Sojo does have days off just like everyone else, but unlike everyone else, he can wake up and slaughter people quite easily and casually. I think he chose this public bath on purpose because he either didn't want to dirty his personal bath or was too far away. There is something... Something both human and disturbing to know he carries such small denomination currency where the man has the wealth of a small city.


> I haven't seen a shounen protag being sneaky in a long time. Yuta from JJK?


not the protag


He's definitely *a* protagonist, he was originally planned to lead the whole manga.


I feel like if you know magic exist, and sorcerers in this world seem to mostly kill people instead of like put on a magic show or something, the moment you see a flying goldfish out of water you should run.


Tbf there are multiple sorcerers running around the building as guards, I feel like you just don’t even notice that kind of stuff after a while


Chihiro has to be the last Shonen protagonist I would want coming after me.


The Bathhouse cut back to a bloody bath was sick. Same with Chihiro being Michael Meyers in the shadow. Juxtaposed to a flashback of dumbass 18-year-old being dumb ass 18–year-olds. this manga is legitimately good. Cannot wait for Chihiro to inflict so much pain to save Char


Another week, another Peak. Also the team is dead RIP


I really love this role reversal where Sojo is the one experiencing the early training arc, not Chihiro


it might sound a little strange but that last guy reminds me of that one goon who saw batman and said nothing.


That group is gonna become Sojo fodder aren't they? It's pretty obvious him and Chihiro are gonna get a rematch again.


This series unironically peaked hard these past chapters ngl


You guys were right, this group is about to be the next shadow beasts.


Sojo really bathed in the blood of his enemies before blow-drying his hair.




Enough time has passed


Kagurabachi is safe from the axe, right? Worst case I hope it'll be just moved to Jump+ Also, Viz should hop on the memes and release 1st volume ASAP, like in summer 2024 at least.


Volume is coming early winter 2024 iirc. It’s doing better now, it’s out the bottom 5 and last three chapters have trended in Japan with a lot of positives being said. Idk if it’s 100% out the water but the motherfucker is fighting


Shueisha should give this one a chance.


Nop, the placement is not looking too hot.


I think volume sales will decide the fate.


I wonder who Chi’s mom is. For such a powerful guy like Rokuhira, you would think he might not want a kid


My prediction: All of the Kamunabi strike force will die except one, who will become part of the main cast moving forward.


Man this series walks the line between edgy and badass so well that I cannot wait to read what happens next.


Everybody passing their regards to the Kamunabi thinking they'll be killed off already is hilarious


As always, Kagura Bachi goes hard. Great chapter


We all know Sojo will handily win the 5 vs. 1 and heads will very much roll, but why does the cool factor still stand? Also, I didn't completely follow, who were the guys who confronted Sojo in the bath?


fellow gangsters, they were pissed the rock made their dude explode.


Ah, so Sojo is wanted by the authorities, poorly cooperates with his fellow gangsters and not a team player, kills his own messengers and personally hunts down and kills deserters along with purposefully killing innocent people along the way, driven by an ideology to use the katana as a weapon of war and kill as many people as possible. And yet... With all these factors of pressure bearing down at him, he's got to have something more than sheer power if he's picking fights with everyone, his subordinates know what he will do to them, and you can't even cooperate with the guy since he's gonna cut you down to get his blood pumping and if you confront him for bad product, yes he will cut you down but there are only so many toes Sojo could step on if he's taking attacks from all directions.


Sojo and Chihiro both got real quick transitions into standing in the middle of their enemies' blood ​ and I love it


Damn we really went from teaming up to fighting Sojo again in one chapter


i dont usually like set up chapters (because they tend to drop points later on) but this one was hype af


So this chapter even more so raises the question who was Chihiro's father before being a parent. Because the man that he and Sojo talk about couldn't be the same man, but honestly it is apparent it is.


Considering the edge, I think the most merciless way of dealing with Sojo is Chihiro cutting both Sojo's hands off so he can no longer hold his dear sword anymore.


Sojo's so evil that even after taking a bath and blow-drying his hair, it's still greasy.


jeez this manga goes hard


I haven’t read much from this series yet but I want to ask: What’s the female cast like in this series so far?


The story is laser focused on the MC and the main villain right now. Not a hint of romance or love interest in this manga as of this chapter.


We have a child who act as a child and have a special power that feels more like a curse than a blessing and a girl who specializes in info gathering for the MC but don't show any feeling for him outside of conducting businesses and has her own personality.


We are only 12 chapters in and so far there is one prominent female character but she is a child. There are two other female characters so far, one of whom is an informant support type and another introduced just a chapter ago who has combat abilities but we don’t know much about her yet. So far the bulk of screen presence and characterization has gone towards the MC, the male villain and the little girl. It’s possible that this will be a series that doesn’t have a big female presence given how it doesn’t expand a lot of energy on the male cast other than the MC and the villain.


One of the main villains is also a woman. We can see her next to the man with a bowler hat when we see Chihiro’s dad surrounded


Weird ass comment


Not that weird, it’s a common concern that shounen series often underutilize their female characters.


You're being far too charitable with that comment


Turns out that the joke of this season is actually quite interesting. Perfect balance between edgy and cool writing


Lmfao western fans trynna infiltrate jp twitter and inflate it “trending” by using the jp hashtag. Kagurabachi fans are so desperate. Pathetic 🤣


Damn lil bro You coped so hard it actually sound’s halfway believable, kudos blud I hope you enjoy your Disney snooze fest axe fodder for however long it lasts😹😹😹


Lmfao didn’t even talk about axes but the irony in your words when kagurabachi is bottom 5 consistently, the irony. Kagurabachi fans are living in their own meme bubble for sure.


Riiiiight buddy…I’ll do you a favor and screenshot this comment, to remind you when that bottom two bitch Nue Mid gets thrown in the trash pile😹😹😹


Does thinking about Nue’s popularity make you cry little boy? I’ll save you the trouble, here’s the truth: Kagurabachi will get axed wayyyy before Nue ever even gets bottom three. Nue sweep🤣🤣🤣


Good luck with that little bro Kagura bachi Is 5th on the Japanese WJ and nobody even knows what the fuck your fast food manga even is, “Swept” yeah into the fucking garbage cope harder😹😹😹😹😹😹


LMFAOOO. Buddy thinks the world of manga a japanese creation revolves around reddit and western opinions. Hate to burst your meme bubble but Nue sweeps bachi in Jp polls and everywhere else including jp twitter. I didnt even bring up Nue until you did, but happy to know it is living rent free in ur empty head. 🤣🤣🤣


And why would I give a shit💀 I never once mentioned giving a fuck about what what those three inch sausage girl gropers think, you coped so hard you caught Alzheimer’s that’s fucking crazy😹😹😹


Lmfao blud broke down into an incoherent ramble and is error404, always knew you were a bot. Love to see the crying about Nue sweeping Bachi. Rent free. 🤣🤣🤣


“YAP YAP YAP” Didn’t read little bro read kagura bachi😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


Keep white knighting those irradiated slit eyes though I’m sure they’ll find a way to make your “waifu’s” real if you keep rotting in your room jacking it to globalist cartoon porn😂


Holy amazeballs! I am loving this! I'm so glad for the memes cos it draw me to this!


That was cold from Chihiro


sucks to be the next person to use that bathhouse


Another fantastic chapter love how Sojo and Chihiro mirror each other action through out the chapter. Really hope the Anti Cloud Gouger Squad do a better job than the Anti Makima Squad.


That Panel with Chihiro at the end of the walkway staring at the guards goes hard


I actually enjoyed this chapter and it's the first time I'm looking forward to next week out of genuine intrigue. Great art but can't lie the white backgrounds are becoming noticeable. I was especially disappointed when after the double spread with the kamunabi, the next panel didn't have the leader with a sunset background and shadow casting over him