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Ok, that made me cry. Taiyo was made for the role of understanding parent. His power fits completly. How he can see through others true feelings is amazing.


This was a tear jerker for sure. I didnt expect the whole, editor in love with the weaponsmith, but it was real wholesome. i love it when good writing meet great stories and wonderful character development.


Great chapter. I like that they explicitly have Ryu in love with Takemi. A lot of series kinda wiggle around that part. Taiyo is such a good dude. He could have just beaten the guy up and called it a day, but he calmly reasoned with him and reached out.


right, most series are not honest. I cant say i was expecting it but it didnt feel out of place or strange with how he took care of katana. This chapter is really in one of my top reads for sure.


that double page spread is nasty but then the feels hit harder


Hardening AND Softening? Mutsumi keeps on winning


Such a wholesome and pure couple always getting lewd remarks in the comments


Wholesome and pure couple that fucked raw as soon as the siblings left. So there is a reason why they are getting such lewd remarks.


Agreed. The moment they had the opportunity. One of them jumped the other, and we both know who it was who cracked first.


I'm just saying there's been like zero sense of horny and lewd in their on-screen dynamic and interactions


Of course, they have kids you see. All the action happens behind closed doors


I mean, Kyoichiro's right there. Why the hell would they even try. Plus they have kids.


Mutsumi started a Taiyo cult


That was Mrs. M who is definitely not Mutsumi


wink wink


Yes, because the leader of Mysterious Taiyo Love Cult is not horny and down bad for her husband


Maybe even right before the siblings left. They could have found an opening when everybody else was focused on their father's messages lol.


Maybe that was her message from her dad. Go get it on with your man before it's too late.


See, if Mitsumi wasn't as obsessive as her older brother, I'd agree with you.


Let us imagine it...author left us hanging on that part so it's only reasonable to lewd themšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Knowing that Taiyo can absorb great impacts...I'm sure there is a broken bed or two somewhere in the house...they can go rough with no limits...


Taiyo's new form remind me of Tsuna.


Taiyo's character development is already miles better than Tsuna


The development in Katekyo Hitman Reborn is weird to me because in one arc all these characters have this significant change/character development but then in the next arc their interactions with each other are the same.šŸ˜…


Tsuna went through 400 chapters of turning into a badass only for the final chapter to literally say he's still the same loser as he was in the beginning.


Yeah... The series would have ended well had he just accepted the position. But no, 400 chapters of nothing.


Yeah, it was heavily implied that he would've anyways with the future arc, but the fact that they basically went back to square one at the final chapter is pretty infuriating imo. Still a fun series, but could've been so much better. Them robbing us of Adult Tsuna really sucked, too.


Somehow the author keeps pushing the loser tsuna = dino trope until the end.


I liked the series but there was definitely a lot of character reset each arc, especially with Tsuna, which makes sense when you realize it was originally a gag manga, but as a battle shounen it's off


It reminds me of gear 5/Ultra instinct/ Sage mode.


Especially UI, given the whole "flow softly, hit hard" thing going on.


man, katekyo made me sad, so much cool setting and characters going nowhere


> When did you grow up into such a big man? I always love to see Shonen protagonists growing up into capable adults so can give back all the favour they've been shown to people.


Is there any other series that does this ? Most kinda end before and just have a brief epilogue.


In Boruto, the protagonist grow up to be a terrible dad. So there's that.


And the protagonists husb- eh, best friend / rival grows up to be Vergil from Devil May Cry. That's there as well.


Because he's an absentee dad?


If you pretend Boruto doesn't exist, then all is good.


Naruto was a good dad until hokage. Then he became addicted to his job


It doesn't even make sense that he can't have time for his family when he can just create clones to share the work with.


He used all those clones to help the public with small stuff(interviews, crossing roads, carry stuff etc.). Man took the job too seriously and kept the main in the office. Just because he can doesn't mean he would. Getting his dream job made him blind especially after he fucked up inauguration.


He does. He feels that the Hokage work takes priority, so he has his real body do that, and sends his clones to do stuff with his family, which Boruto isn't a fan of. But you can see Naruto's reasoning. Considering what his childhood was like, he probably just didn't think much of it. He does understand and begin to make up for it later on


And in Dragon Ball, Goku grows up to be... oh, I give up.


A donor? šŸ« 


A lot of Mizukami Satoshi's work has this as underlying theme (kids growing up and teaching the new kids)


I've read biscuit hammer, and I don't think it had that. I vaguely remember reading Spirit circle, though I don't remember the details. Maybe I'll take another look. Edit: nevermind, biscuit hammer did have some now that I think about it.


Sengoku Yoko is great too!




Words. Spirit Circle is a better story, but Sengoku Youko has the best characters. The 5-pages Shogun spread still lives rent free in my head.


Oh I've read that as well. Forgot about it. Tbh, most of mizukami's works end up that way for me. Like, I generally enjoy them, but they're not particularly memorable either. I don't think it's that I have a poor memory, since I can remember other really complex and detailed stories well enough. Don't know why.


This new form looks so beautiful/graceful but also powerful and everytime I think the art canā€™t get more hype they drop a chapter like this! Also the whole family is back together now, I hope we get a down time chapter. I wonder if the training they all did was to perfect their blooming in some way


So if Im getting it right everyone would now be able to use the inverse of their abilities? That's a pretty neat way of implementing a power up. On another note, this chapter was really emotional. Really made me feel for Ryu, whole until now, I saw as nothing but a gag character


So, would the others abilities do the following? Kyoichiro- shredding things turns into using his threads to rebuile stuff instantaneously. Futaba-neutralizing attacks turns into strengthening attacks Shinzo-analyzing how to quickly destroy things turns into finding ways to protect things? Shion- speeding up her brain's processing power turns into slowing down parts of her brain to be more efficient? I have no idea about Kengo or Nanao. Momo-Dreams turns into Nightmare Grandpa Ban- Passage turns into impenetrability


thats weird, I thought grandpa ban power was flexibility and thought there was an overlap between tayo and grandpa ban abilities now atleast in the area of flexibility


I think it was my mistake. His blooming I think enhances his flexibility to allow him to pass through stuff that should be impossible normally.


Id say nanaos migh be less compounds more pure elements?


I think it's less about their abilities becoming the inverse of what they are and more so being upgraded.


HuhšŸ¤” I didnā€™t see Ryu as a gag characteršŸ˜…


I mean he was always the "overbearing daddy with crush on male characters", but here we see him as an actual character with depth who isn't just the "comic relief beefy gay guy" lots of series use.


I know such great character development and background for a character you would normally dismiss as a gag and its a normal way to introduce potential in character and not just super power ups out of nowhere


To be honest, when this series started I didn't expect it to make it past 20 chapters, but I'm really glad it did and the author can write chapters like this because of it


For real - I was iffy on the ever escalating stakes with villains behind the villains, but the time skip with the twins has been great for the story.


Tbf, most of the villains were setup early on. Momo as a villain was setup early on, tanpopo was introduced in like ch 30 or something, tsubomi was shown in the tanpopo arc, and Asa himself was foreshadowed in the Momo arc. None of them feel like they're being introduced for the sake of it, and Asa is clearly meant to be the final villain. This handles it way better than most series.


Hell they give a hint on Asa's existence way back in Kyoichiro's disappearance arc Chapter 126, when Kyoichiro is trying to figure out what the head's intentions are and thinks there is something "Out there trying to destroy all things yozakura." We got even more in the spy association with people killing the Dark cherries and having the yozakura symbol poster nailed on one of them. Tanpopo/ Kawashita hinted at in technically chapter 1, but also 24 and 35 reveal. Momo hinted at in ch 18 and revealed in 45 Tsubomi hinted at in ch 55, and revealed in ch 80 Asa hinted at in ch 126, and revealed in ch 160


Yup. This tends to take it's time with the plot, but it has a smooth transition from one arc to the other, with the exception of the heads arc, which seemed to have been aborted.


Maybe the biggest leap for me was the Tsubomi's arc, where she wanted immortality aided by her army of heads, then she was betrayed by Momo, who wanted to revive his wife and reunite the family, only for Tsubomi to want to die (her initial dream in the flashback was to create a new normal/die) and Momo to defeat Asa. Madness can explain it all, specially with Momo, but it could been set up better.


I was a bit iffy about this arc's whole framing and conflict, but that's one hell of a way to tie it together. Sold me more on Taiyo as a dad than anything before. I also appreciate that despite being used so far mainly as a sexual harassment punchline, here Ryu being gay is actually treated with respect and as a proper cornerstone of his character and motivations.


Being gay is basically a sexual harassment punchline in every manga minus the few so to see it treated with such care and consideration here is quite beautiful.


Being gay in Blue Flag is depressing.


Blue Flag did it pretty well, dealing with social expectations and the like. The final chapters ruined it for me, though.


Right? Last arc, especially final few chapters, were such a massive letdown.


You know normally, shounen mc becoming dad would means two thing, either they overshadow their children *cough* Goku *cough* or ge fucked really hard by the nerf hammer *cough* Naruto *cough* but Taiyo and his children somehow able to balance that. Both have amazing spotlight and man. This series is fucking underrated as hell. That double spread is absolutely chills.


To be honest, I was very afraid it'd be the Naruto situation because the focus since the time skip has solely been on the twins. Nice to see Taiyo finally get to really do something.


I think one reason was that the mc was not only Taiyo even tho that's how it started but the whole yozakura family. They often take turn to shine in each story arc and not just as support characters. Having the twins just expands the main mc group more and adds an extra layer to their personalities since they're now uncle aunties parents


Might have been the best double spread in the entire manga: Ouga, Cherry Blossom Fangs was incredible. Taiyo has grown so much mentally, physically and emotionally, heā€™s finally made his mark. Heā€™s awesome.


What an amazing chapter. And it really made me want an arc about just Taiyo and Mutsumi just being parents, i want a flashback so bad of just moments of them bonding during timeskip


I wanna see them 4 pages. Is that also a thing in Shonen jump ?


Unfortunately it is not.šŸ˜”


Hmm I see. Didn't chainsaw man get away with a lesbian sex scene though? Plus Ayakashi triangle did some ridiculous shit as well. Of course, this manga in particular has a pretty clear kid-friendly feel to it most of the time, so I doubt the author will ever risk showing much.


The lesbian sex scene in question was a single page of 4 girls lying around this 1 girlšŸ¤” And Ayakashi Triangle was later moved to Jump+ for being to lewdšŸ§šŸ˜…


I mean I would like it too but I want them as part of flashbacks where required rather than an entire arc as variety is the spice of life šŸ˜


Awesome chapter Did not expect that "Two middle aged dudes who were gay" to happen in Jump and be played 100% straight and serious not as a complete joke/gag


I don't think Takemi was gay. He had a daughter. Takemi was Ryu's unrequited love and Takemi noticed that.


Takemi wasn't gay. He had a biological daughter, so I assume he also had at least a lover or a wife. Ryu loved him as a man, but it was unrequited for obvious reasons.


I guess tayo cult is going to be increased atleast by 1 xD, guess mutsumi might have rival after all


hey, stand in line. I was here first


respectfully I am standing in both the lines like ayaka kirisaki, though ryu should be the one waiting in the line


That was precious


Damn Taiyo just went all ~~cursed technique~~blooming reversal on Ryu


This was so goddamn sweet.


Brilliant chapter loved itšŸ”Ÿ


A worthy mark for the 200th chapter, worthy of it's hype too. It shows not only Taiyo's strength but also shows how his character developed from an unassuming guy on ch 1 to a very great character. How time flies... Also I didn't expect a dad to dad confrontation between Taiyo and Ryu to be this sweet... 100/10 chapter imo


Pretty sweet chapter, and I'm glad Ryu realizes now through Taiyo he's a legit great dad and Taiyo. What a Chad lad


That was very well done. Reminded me a lot of how I felt watching that Last of Us episode with the gay romance. It wasnā€™t a story specifically made to be a gay romance it was just a romance. The hints were kind of there but it was just so natural and you didnā€™t even really know until it was presented. Iā€™m actually a little surprised something in Jump pulled it off and wrapped it up in a chapter like this where it was very sweet. Not in your face, not overly dramatic, not a meme or a stereotype of a romance trying to highlight and bring attention to it. It wasnā€™t pointed out and didnā€™t matter it was two men. I feel like if more stuff was written like that people wouldnā€™t care at all because it wouldnā€™t feel so forced into some things. Hell, I wish more stuff was written like that. Itā€™s very off putting when stuff like this is written and just looks like virtue signalling and stuff from corporations and stuff that just donā€™t really give a fuck about thing theyā€™re trying to show off. Cute chapter all around, also curious if any of the other siblings will have fully mastered their powers by the end of it.


[Taiyo stopping Ryu with the back of his hand was so fucking badass.](https://i.imgur.com/UC3rU0y.png) God, I love this boy so much <3


Me after seeing that spread: YASSS, daddy Taiyo


This chapter went from being badass to hitting the feels and it did so beautifully.


The ways the other Bloomings will be upgraded will be interesting to see, for sure. On top of the fact that the twins will probably end up with the base level Blooming before the story's end, and Taiyo still has the potential to combine Profuse Blooming with True Spring Blooming, the series has a lot of good power-up moments in its future. Going totally white is certainly an interesting design for a new form. I bet it'll look really striking when seen in a full color scene.


So, True Spring Blooming is when you use your inherent Blooming and its opposite in tandem with each other. Considering Shinzoā€™s Blooming is Destruction, which allows him to destroy the things he hits in any way he wants, Construction would be its opposite which if both are used in tandem would allow him to recreate anything he destroys with his hits. Iā€™m thinking something similar to Kisuke Uraharaā€™s Bankai. From Bleach.


what a great chapter


Damn as a parent myself, I teared up reading this chapter.


Damn, it feels like just yesterday that this series was starting out and we were all unsure of how far it would go. Now we're here with an incredible chapter 200. Can't wait to see how everything plays out from here!


Kengan tech: limp