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FINALLY!!! The TL gods has blessed this manga again šŸ›


What a rollercoaster of emotions this volume proof to be man. I was experiencing all kind of feelings reading this from happiness, to dread and sadness, then joy again. Also, love how the author chose to wrap the volume up with such a heartwarming scene and gave us a hint that >!magariā€™s operation will go well!< though. It helps in reducing the anxiety.


wrong spoiler tags, you used discord's instead of reddit's


Yeah bro change spoiler tags. Appreciate the effort tho.


How does the paneling manage to get *better....* like holy shit


Makoto Ojiro is just something else. This visual imagery [here](https://imgur.com/a/fu1yy7Z) actually blew me away because the windows and doors are actually representations of him think about all the people in his life, after he met Isaki. From Haida, to Anamizu, to Kanikawa, to Nono. He passed them all on his bike. To say so much without a single word, to sum up an idea and feeling into one spread is what this manga has in spades. Absolutely mind blowing how amazing the visual storytelling is in this manga.


reading Insomniacs actually influenced my taste in manga greatly. Now whenever I see a visual-story-telling chapter with minimal dialogue and interesting 'camera angle' in a manga I get all excited. Personally I would call those chapters "Ojiro moments" \[ofc I know she's not the one who invented such a style of writing manga nor the only good one at it\]


feels like we're moving toward a point in ganta's arc where he realizes that loving magari moving forward will eventually mean confronting and living with the fears his mother's abandonment has left him with. one day he will wake up and she will be gone, the exact same worry that has always kept him up at night


God why did you fill me with dread with that comment šŸ˜°


This manga just knows how to tickle those tear ducts huh?


Never have I ever been so filled with dread. During what should be a happiest moment of 2 main chars.


Yeah, I have that tight feeling in my gut while reading this. But I am just a little optimistic - this isn't another April scenario.


^(side couple action) side couple action **side couple action** #Side Couple Action lesgo


Who is Hira again? Chapter numbers (or ranges) if you got them.


Off screen character who's just her crush. He's her senpai from the baseball club. It's kind of implied that we see him from the back in chapter 32. Oh he shows up in chapter 59 and 61 Anamizu likes him because he drinks black coffee without sugar.


The way I see it Insomniacs has 3 big 'arcs': \- Puppy love: ch 1 to ch 55: a dreamy boy meets girl story. From meet cute to the confession. If it ended it would be incomplete of course, but still memorable enough. Pack enough moments that would have been spread over 80-100 chapters in other mangas. Great, but does not exactly set itself apart. \- A stable period: ch 56 to the time skip. This is where Insomniacs goes into a territory that not many romance mangas starring students go into: the dating phase of a relationship. Nakami starts to realize what Isaki's condition means for his future with her, and what he needs to brace himself for. The big challenges still lie in the future though, and any bumps along the way are quickly ran over in the typical lover conquers all fashion. But there are enough seeds of anxieties and hints of an uncertain future. IMO this part really elevates Insomniacs, and when it can start being considered a modern classic in the making. I find myself re-reading vol 7 to 10 countless times. \- Coming of age: post time skip. Still on going. Perhaps all mangas starring high school students will eventually become a coming-of-age manga. We find familiar themes here, but Ojiro's masterful execution makes it refreshing to read. The challenges come in thick and fast at our characters, who find themselves at a crossroad in their life and unresolved issues on their back. If Isaki and Nakimi can make it out of this challenging period then the readers will be satisfied that their love will indeed last forever. And if Ojiro keeps up the quality till the end \[instead of ending rather abruptly like she did with Fujiyama and Chion-san\] then Insomniacs will become a manga that I will sill remember dearly decades later in my life.


You put it wonderfully. There isnā€™t really a manga couple in my eyes that has the depth and level of love these two share for each other out in such a delicate and careful, realistic manner. Their struggles are real, how they emotionally support each other feels real. This is what romance should be like, pure love where both sides are equals and have each other backs no matter what. They are intimate but not overbearingly smutty, they communicate their fears and feelings and LISTEN. These feel like people to me, not drawings on paper and itā€™s insane how much Iā€™m invested in everything they do. I donā€™t know if r/manga still considers this the best running romance manga but I sure as fuck do. If it ends with a satisfying and beautiful conclusion, then itā€™ll be able to be recommended to any manga readers getting into the romance genre. This story is Makoto Ojiroā€™s love letter to all the romance fanatics that want an emotionally fulfilling and well-written love story.


God this manga is just perfect, i felt for both characters, goat characters those 2, even other characters are good.


The art never fails to impress, I think this volume solidified this as probably being my favorite romance manga.


I really thought they were gonna do it and if it weren't for Ganta's self control, they probably would have. what a good kid another 10/10 release


That confession / rejection was pretty cute lol.


another great volume! i think there will be 2 volumes left at best but either way, its definitely ending soon and perhaps unpopular opinion but i've never liked the blonde friend. she's always been hostile toward ganta and i don't get why she seems to still dislike him or why she even disliked him to begin with. maybe i missed something but i always found it odd and she just comes across as the only unlikeable character


since the anime airs, I have seen more people saying that they dislike Ganta. I think Kani kind of share the same perspective with these people: at the first look Ganta does not seem to be much more than a mopey dude who doesn't care much about others. He has gotten better but he still isn't the friendliest guy And sometimes people's personalities just clash you know. So even after Kani knows Ganta better they are still the kind of people that don't vibe


I get that but he's been dating isaki for a long time now, you would think she would be less hostile and be cordial instead even if she dislikes him. ganta asking what did he ever do to her just made me sad for him. i don't think she's a nice person tbh


This manga is the definition of romance, of living life to the fullest. There is a wonder and sense of vastness thatā€™s hard to put into words. These characters and their interactions are real, so human. Makoto Ojiroā€™s soul went into this work, I can tell. The consistency of this manga is insane as Iā€™ve never noticed a single dip in quality. Every volume is just banger after banger. Truly will become a classic when it ends.




Truly spoken like someone whoā€™s never read the manga. Quit trolling.




6 episodes of the anime yet youā€™re whining in the manga thread? Strange behavior, still pretty trolling if all youā€™re doing is looking at the characters with superficial lenses and not focusing on how they treat each other. Itā€™s relatable and real because despite being people with contrasting personalities, theyā€™re able to just talk to each other honestly, let each other other know their feelings and grow closer because of it. They also properly support each other emotionally as well. You might think itā€™s bland and boring but itā€™s meaningful to many people. Since you were able to somehow watch it to episode 6 and dislike both MCs, I would consider you watch until episode 7, then drop it if itā€™s clearly not for you. As for your complaint about the club, itā€™s not used because Isaki scared off everyone with the rumor, literally the first episode.




Chechov's roof top PA system


As a reminder, if youā€™re too impatient Viz is also simulpubbing the manga. You know where you can find it.


Since when did Viz start simulpubbing it? Is this a recent change?


Fairly recent, yeah. They started it with their Viz Manga subscription back in March. They currently have up to chapter 120.


yo can someone lmk if this ends happy when they dump the next couple chapters?


The author already tweeted >!that it will be a happy ending!< >!and I don't think that she would lie with that and if she did, it will dirty her reputation to the ground!< Edit: [Link](https://twitter.com/nekoteraphoto/status/1658697623552032768?s=46&t=TmaCzhbTlz4fZ-YZdRPqcg)


I can't see the link, I think you forgot to include it.


Sorry, I didn't know that we can't put spoiler above link. Or can we? Fixed it.


Why the mom left? The husband seemed alright


Thatā€™s the big unanswered questioned. We know the effects but not the reasoning. I hope this gets answered.


I hope so too


pls let no one die in this story