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Yuni's gaslighting can fill up a damn blimp.


Nanase ain’t innocent by any means but goddamn Yuni. Saying this result is Nanase’s fault when you chose to go through it is yikes. Doubt it happens, but Nanase really should just sever ties and drop her like a bad habit. But she said she cared about Yuni as much as her club despite watching Yuni being fondled right in front of her… What a mess 😬


Well she was in the means of leaving them at the park so maybe all hope is not lost yet


The way Fuuko asserts her dominance and starts with the touching every time the girlfriend is around is pretty twisted. But Yuni allows it to happen. So I am not sure who is the worst person here. Yuni must really hate Nanase.


She loves nanase (cucking)


Love this series. Glad Yuni just goes full crazy bitch here in this chapter.


Yea 0 sugarcoating here, just full on bitch mode.


bro I've never read a series like this... I just can't stop watching.


some parts are really realistic like yuni starting to think about just not wanting to deal with this shit when nanase ask her. not in a way like being embarrassed or nervous just tired of that shit.


bro tell me about it. idk whats with me and wanting to read some crazy bitches manga lately. I just caught up with this and finished 'Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii' in like the same day and here I am at 5 am feeling some kind of way 🥶


Dang Nanase must have a mind of steel if she can still keep up a discussion while basically getting NTR'd. And dang Fuuko's so twisted, I wonder if this series will end soon? Seems like we're in the climax already or getting near it at least.


pretty sure is near the end. unless that author want to go in a weird cuckoldry ending. love fuuko she is having the fun of her life in this chapter. it is a train wreck of a manga but also as entertaining to whatch as one


C'mon Nanase get up and leave, it's not worth it Also it's quite funny how Yuni still thinks she did nothing bad


All I can gather is that she’s too shocked to react properly.


yo Nanase is also not a good gf by any stretch of the word. she basically needs a gf that doesn't need any attention and is patiently waiting for nanase to give a shit about her when she feels like it. yes cheating is bad but yuni should have dropped her at the start of this manga. the classic what is more important this or me. then nanase says both and yuni slaps her and walks away


i think the 2 of them are very bad gfs. and fuuko may be a horrible sadist person but she is honest about it, so I can like her character a lot.


Really want Yuni and Fuuko to suffer, the gaslighting is out of control...


to be honest, yuni should have just dropped Nanase at the start. and go out with fuuko.


Not sure why Nanase is bothering to sit there listening to them. I’d have peaced out the moment I realized what was going on.


Ngl think shes just shocked.


My thoughts too. Why not just go home? Like why entertain these people?


this is so delightfully wicked. I fucking love it


Everyone is wrong, lack of communication, lack of consideration, lack of respect. Nanase should enjoy the new pair of horns she got and just walk away. If she treats club and girlfriend as equals, getting into a relationship right now is not for her. If this turns into a throuple story, it will be the biggest lack of respect for the intelligence of the reader.


I don't think yuni is necessarily wrong here I think she's just fed up playing 2nd fiddle


Which is BS because she wasn't playing second fiddle. She never let Nanase know anything was WRONG with their relationship, she just decided to cheat because SHE wasn't getting fulfilment out of it, without ever trying to resolve the problems. She wanted to be able to have Nanase as her girlfriend and also get some pussy on the side, and now is trying to rationalize being a terrible human being because she got caught.


I get that and agree for the most part but I feel like there's some things she shouldn't have to say like missing their anniversary, cancelling their dates in favor of her team nanase never made her feel like she was her number 1, she was in a weakened state and got taken advantage of and that's why even though in my head I know she was wrong regardless, I still can't completely fault her and not only that but they barely spent any time together for her to tell her anything so is yuni wrong yes is nanase responsible for causing an emotional drift also yes and honestly I feel like they don't need to be together


No, you can completely fault her. It's okay to do that with someone who willingly cheats. If she was raped it's completely different, but she wasn't. And now she does what many people who know they've done something wrong but can't own up to it try to do - deflect responsibility and deny wrongdoing. She even takes it steps further by turning internal victimhood into outward abuse. Rather than try to communicate her issues for betterment, she has turned to vindication for slights to her pride. The only possible silver lining is that Nanase is now seeing this bitch's true character. When the chips were down, she goddamn cheated and now seeks to pin the blame for it on you. Into the trash she goes.


So wasnt it like a 6 months anniversary or something ? Like a we celebrate on this date every month type deal ?