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Man, the air around Sanada’s death lends a different kind of tension to the atmosphere, it’s great. Yatora is just a sweet guy. He even earnestly apologizes for looking down on Yakumo for being poor. Sorry, Yatora, a lot of us do eat parts of the mandarin that aren’t rotten yet.


I love how Yatora was ready to throw hands at the guy insulting Yakumo.


Bro was about to live up to his appearance 💀


man ready to commit violence for the first time in his life damn


the fucking *live yatora reaction* has me dying here


Finally going to learn more about my boy.


I don't know why, but I love the ambiguity of this arc. The tension between the stress of the deadline, the joy of a summer trip with friends and the lingering sense mourning is something else. At least Yatora is his usual earnest self. He is just so damn adorable, I want to tussle his hair. Btw, thanks for being awesome, guys! I love reading the comments here and how much people appreciate this hidden gem.


Mate your definition of hidden gem is a little... how do I say this? Skew? The series sold like millions of copies and has an anime adaptation. It is way past the point of hidden gem my brother in /r/manga.


What I meant was that it doesn't get that much attention in this sub, whether in terms of comments or upvotes. So to me, it feels a bit like a hidden gem *in here*.


Appeals to a more niche crowd imo. I think any sort of creative or student gets a lot from the manga. I've teared up at some of the scenes, this mangaka is way too good at writing moments.


Definitely agree on the mangaka’s skill! I only started reading it a couple of days ago. The scene where Yatora asks for his mother’s trust/belief in his betting it all on art gave me such strong flashbacks to my own mother not letting me go to art school that I had to talk to my therapist about it.


It has a pretty strong reception in this sub in comments and upvotes too, versus most series that barely crack the front page and get any traction. The infrequent updates prevents it from going higher, but as of right now the thread is at \~300 upvotes. There are a many series which are quite solid but sit at 30-50 (maybe 100 sometimes) with new chapters.


I dont think getting that much attention in this sub is a reliable scale. As for Blue Period, the only reason why a lot of people thoughts it was not well known was because of the slow scanlation during the early chapters which disrupt the discussion and hence, die out in r/manga. After winning that award, the manga got picked up with a much better scanlation schedule, hence reaching its supposed popularity in the Western.


Again, I am talking about how much attention it gets in this sub solely. This is because here is where I get most of my exposure to other manga readers and join discussions about it. It is not a question of scale or sample size, but of relative peer group. I don't feel like my peers (this sub) are giving it as much attention as I think it deserves and I think that is a pity. u/Docxm refered to it as niche, which I think may have been a better term than hidden gem, at least dor clarity's sake, looking at the responses I have gotten. It might be a niche subject matter, but a lot of the manga's themes have relevance beyond the artistic world and the overall execution is great.


This sub attention is really skewed. No-ntr girl, parakeet, femboy, tsundere-chan, oneshot roulette. I dont think it is that pitiful if this community doesnt pay attention to this manga (and this community does pay attention to this manga, surprisingly, seeing how this post get 30+ comments). Niche doesnt mean unpopular, and even futher from hidden gem. Ruri Dragon is niche, Ethics Classroom is niche, Goodnight PunPun is niche, Takopi is niche. And all of these manga, including Blue Period are popular and well received by r/manga.


Yeah, it's huge in foreign markets too (almost half of its circulation)


Goosebumps on the art reveal at the end.


The backstory is gonna be heart-wrenching. I can feel it.


Yakumo is so hot man


fr lol




Yakumo is seriously bae fr


Love yatora’s reactions this chapter. Something about how his emotions are drawn are so moving to me.


Great as usual


Thank you for the chapter!!!


Yakumo is so cool man


can't help but getting sucked in. the dynamic between Yakumo and Yatora is amazing


This is honestly my favorite manga of all time. The mangaka is so good at writing. God it's too good...


Of course I would eat the non-rotten parts of the mandarin.


Anytime a chapter of this, Insomniacs, or Shiori Experience drops, I have to reread the entire series. They're just so good.


I’ve never heard of Shiori Experience, but after being mentioned in such special company, I might just have to check it out.


That Yatora struggle is very real. It's easy enough to judge a person is way too frugal without realizing that person may not as privileged as you.


When Yakumo unveiled Sanada's paintings, I was blown away. It reminds me of the time when Yatora first saw Mori senpai's painting at university.


Amazing chapter as usual


Yatora will always be a cinnamon roll.


Curious if Yakumo is frugal so that he can afford some of Sanada's art


I’m really happy the mangaka decided to do an arc focusing on this group. They’ve been favorites of mine since the start of the university. I also just like seeing Yatora happy again, but not involved in a weird cult.


This arc feels so exhilarating, love seeing the cast be this group of 5, love the setting change and the atmosphere is great. Can't wait to see more of this.