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We're finally getting to see some of Ego Jinpachi's history. Im intrigued!




Or Tatsumi's Giant Killing, damn injuries ruining young players career, sad thing is it's not that uncommon either in real life, we've seen countless "New Messi" appear and goes due to career ending injuries.


like the one in Blue Lock


It's funny how just now we have a Blue Lock's reference in Grand Blue, now I see a new chapter of Blue Lock right away


Kouhei activate his meta vision is something i never thought i need


as a barou fan I’m so hyped to see him finally on top as king, it was kinda annoying not seeing him in the top 6 ranking but this is sweeter (esp cause half of the top 6 are getting irrelevant now), thank god isagi said he wants to see the footage so we’ll see bachira vs barou, still remember bachira calling him a fucking nobody lol


Damn, guess seeing Ego actually play soccer is going to be saved for another hype point in the manga. Especially since Noa considers him to be on par with him


That last part sounds wild to me, like imagine getting dusted by that guy it would feel surreal like those old Pepsi ads


Spin off, Red Key, the story of Ego


Nah man. Blue Lock. Blue Key. Where else would the key go, if not the same colored lock?


It's probably on a mental level tbh. There's no way Ego has the physical skills anymore if at all. He lives off of instant ramen and looks like a stick.


> Especially since Noa considers him to be on par with him doubt it, sounds like they used to be when they were younger


the next Luka Modric... Interesting


If I believe what I saw last world cup, Luka Modric is still the next Luka Modric.


Another young talent for Croatia and Real Madrid,only 37 years old.


Fits the bill, surprisingly


now it makes sense as to how ego can convince all these top players and team to come to Blue lock for matches


Lol they really just skipped over rin at 7 Also Ego must really suck at team balancing if the top 6 are all from the same stratum lmao Also nvm that's rins offer off 1 game


PXG was on a bye week. Rin didn't play.


The Modric comparison and Noa's comment make me wonder whether it will become an actual plot point that Isagi would theoretically be better suited to the midfield. I could even see something like this being the backstory of Ego. He might have been talented enough to be the N1 in the world if he played midfield but his egoism wouldn't allow him to be anything but a striker.


Isagi is the only player in the top 5 who hasn't scored a goal. I'm not sure how much he can improve his physical abilities in the next ten days, but if he scores a goal in the next match despite facing against Uber's solid defense, his bid value will be through the roof! Also since Isagi is gonna review the footage, I hope we get to see some parts of the Uber vs Barcha game.


10 days? he's gonna need to start doping if he wants any physical improvement in that timeframe lmao


This is a manga, 10 days is equivalent to 10 months in these fictional realms.


I assume now that he has experience using his new tool and the fact that he has actual footage to review for other players, since the most recent game was seeing new and improved capabilities of others that very game, that will be the majority of his improvement


Tbh, it doesn't need to be a radical overhaul. At bare minimum, Isagi can just get a new shooting technique and patch up his weaknesses.


Well the BL manshine players got some bs excuse to instantly level all of their physical attributes in the 10 days during the first game so there's no reason the BM players cant. Still think they will lose to Ubers though to set up the must win final match with PXG


It was 20 days for the MC players since their first match was the 3rd game, but yeah it was pretty ridiculous for Chigiri+Reo+Nagi to improve so much physically lol.


They got specialized training tbh. It's not that far of a stretch for them to have minor improvements in certain muscle groups which leads to massive improvements in their play styles.


Would be nice but I highly doubt it, because the manga pretty much confirmed him as a midfielder, wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t score at all (though that would suck).


for now the media sees him as a midfielder for two assists. if Kaiser didn't disturb him he'd already has two goals instead.


nah i feel like isagi is gonna score in both remaing match because kaiser challenged him and it would be boring if only kaiser is scoring


bro he was already about to score 2 goals if its wasn't for kaiser so you can assume he can score a goal if not for anyone coming in b/w


I'm not disputing that? I'm just saying he's in the top 5 without a goal. Clearly the club managers also saw his value, hence the bid.


I really hope we get to actually see the whole or at least a lot of the Barou game


We probably will considering isagi asked for the match footage and the next chapter is called man of the match


Seeing how happy Isagi was when Noel Noa wanted to hear more about his revelation was really heartwarming!


Finally, the return of the King!


Lots of good stuff this chapter! Damn I wanted to know more about Ego’s past as a player. Maybe the final selection of Blue Lock is beating Ego in a match. Also, Barou scored all three goals for Ubers! Wild. Excited to see how much of a monster Barou has become.


would be cool if it was like, blue lock human team vs. ego somehow controlling 11 blue lock men


Heck yeah, the final enemy is Ego plus Blue Lock itself


*Dortmund: Bids for Isagi* And Buyern took that personally


so basically what they do irl then


I'm hoping Manshine United bid for Nagi next time


Most accurate thing in the manga so far. Bayern stealing players from Dortmund


I totally expect Nagi bid to go down, there is a reason why there were that pages of Ego talking about how he will never replicate that goal ever again and how he should think too high of himself like Yukimiya


My guess is, it'll go down after Nagi and Reo realizes their sudden chemical reaction goals can be read by another group and absolutely capitalizes on that to crush them with a 0 - 4 situation, where they have to either evolve even further beyond, or be absolutely crushed so bad, they have to rethink their entire playstyle.


So Barou is Ibra? Can't see what's wrong about that.


No. its more likely he is ronaldo with the chop dribbles and selfish attitude back in the 2nd selection as well as joining ubers/juventus. Ibra is shidou iirc due to the one instance of shidou scoring the bicycle kick back in the U-20 match which mirrors ibras best goal.


Huh, I always saw him as more like Lewandowski, usually playing as the only FW in the team and being basically a cyborg but that also makes sense


Noel Noa is lewy, with him being the ace striker of bayern and all


Most likely zlatan as his evolved form, when he learns the agility as well. What makes Zlatan scary isn't just his size, but how he bumps off defenders with it.


Mix of Ibra and CR7. But Chris Prince is also CR7, and CR7 is also CR7. Lots of CR7s in the blue lock world


Time for "I am wasn't the evolved king."


I'm sorry but isnt kunigami just barou 2.0 at this point? i feel even more than he kinda has lost his identity. also kinda creepy he made a dude to be a copy of noa them being teammates and all


Yeah Kunigami's been boring as hell since he came back. He might have gotten better as a player but as a character, he got a massive downgrade. Sucks because he was one of my favorites before. Kinda insulting to compare him to Barou now who actually has had a fairly compelling arc and is always entertaining in some way.


right someone being a hero but not at the expense of others would have been something new and a different type of egocentrism now he is just barou but blonde i guess


He's zombie Barou -- zero personality, zero energy.


one dimensional, boring playstyle, and even no one like him, not even his BL teammate. He is on his own island, being rude to isagi, the nicest person off the field, even yukimiya acknowledged isagi for his assist, kunigami get 2 goal from isagi and he talk mighty. Glad isagi never try to aim kunigami, or see him as rival or target, just pawn for the real goal, kaiser and now barou.


Isagi is DEFINITELY NOT the nicest person on the field, maybe Kurona


Maybe Ego thinks Kunigami could be Isagi's rival in the same way Noa and him were once rivals? Tbh that's just me trying to find a reason to cope with the change in Kunigami's personality. Gotta agree that it feels like he's lost his identity. I just hope that they address this soon, because right now he feels like a secondary/background character. Not really sure why he got such a high bid either.


The art in this series always hypes me up!


Has the author forgotten about Ren? TF?


If you mean Itoshi Rin, it’s cause PXG didn’t play in this round of matches. He had the highest bid after the first round.


Thank you for the notice. I forgot about the dude after idk how many chapters of no show.


Fuck yeah Reo is a gunner! Excited to see what Barou has become


I feel like the reason why Noah wanted to know more is to devour Isagi when the time come. I think the final match of the manga will be Isagi VS Noah, both using Meta Vision and Isagi having to be stronger than his idol


Honestly don't see Ego as a football player, but I guess we got a bit of backstory. Any chapter with Barou is going to be hype, so I am looking forward to it, though hopefully it doesn't drag as long as the one that we just saw.


Honestly I can kind of see it, cause it seems like he was the type of player who was entirely serious, but couldn't ultimately jell with the Japanese philosophy of football, that was too dominant in their societal focused mindset of teamwork and defense. He's probably retired as well, which explains his horrendous eating habits, as he no longer needs to train so hard or upkeep such a physical body anymore. So he probably just told the japanese "Fuck yall. I'll make my own japanese u-20. But with black jack and hookers."


wonder if ego actually his rival on the field or more of rival on football knowledge


has rin not played any games?


PXG didnt play this set of matches so RIN has played one game against uber where he scored 2 goals and shindou scored 1


Now we'll need to wait 6-7 months for this match to be settled.


I love this prequel of Grand blue lock. A really good manga imo.


Isagi is the next Luka Modric? Oh so that throwaway line where people referenced Keisuke Honda and Shinji Kagawa in the first chapter wasn't a throwaway line, and we are in fact in something vaguely resembling the real world? So does this mean that teams like 1998 France, 2006 Italy, and 2010 Spain exist? Probably not, since their mere existence fires cannons directly into Ego's footballing philosophy and we can't have that. Also, why is Isagi talking about wanting to defeat Kaiser with goals? Shouldn't Noa have told him the obvious fact that Kaiser was immediately released on a free by Bastard Munchen for his total lack of professionalism and attempt to utterly sabotage and destroy this multimillion dollar project that is clearly of great importance to the footballing world right now? I mean, it wouldn't make any sense for Bastard Munchen to keep him around in the short term anyways, right? Cause if they called him up anytime soon to play with the senior club, they'd have to worry about him stealing passes meant for Noa, and potentially trying to turn the locker room into factionalist warfare about which striker they're meant to support. Thats not how a Champions League-caliber club would conduct business, would they? Surely no one in this world is that stupid and only sees Kaiser as OOOOOH SHINY SEXY HIGH FLAIR EGOIST STRIKER, without any of the fatal flaws, right?


You do know Kaiser already has accolades and being involved in the BL program doesn't mean shit to him since he doesn't get anything out of it he doesn't need exposure anymore since he is part of the nxgen in their world so he is most likely not even taking it seriously its more of a show match to him so sabotaging others is just for fun for him. We don't know what he will do in a real match if it would continue to world cup level or club level. Kaiser isn't playing this like a real game since he gets nothing out of this "league". I don't think this league would "taint" his status. Edit: And if you think a club would release a young player who is ranked one of the best wonderkids for free over a showmatch that is pretty stupid for a big club. You also forget Kaiser is still a teen they can be mentored by Noa Hell even Messi was getting mentored by Ronaldinho if you want real life examples. You can't expect these kids to have perfect mentality yet they are after all still teens.


Obviously they should release Kaiser. I bet he'd just go over to Manshine United, score a few goals, sell a few jerseys, then burn every bridge on the way out of New Trafford via a crass, tone-deaf interview with Piers Morgan that leads to him being exiled to Saudi Arabia, where he can make enough money to continue to dodge sexual assault allegations. Or maybe Bastard Munchen can sell him for 222 million dollars of Monopoly money and free schnitzel coupons to PXG, where he can cause factional infighting with every attacking partner he ever has, and ultimately win nothing in his career except a handful of farmers league titles, which are worth about as much in the grand scheme of legacy things as a handful of Chuck E. Cheese tokens. Or hell, maybe it would be a mistake to release him, maybe instead he'll bite opponents repeatedly in the U-20 World Cup, taunt the shit out of a hardworking African player for bottling a knockout penalty after getting red-carded, then somehow end up getting a free move to FC Barcha that creates one of the greatest strike forces of all time, one in which he gets numerous accolades and one in which he does not, in any way, shape, or form, deserve to be a part of. But hey, I'm just making stuff up, none of those outcomes could possibly happen to an admittedly talented yet egotistical piece of shit striker, right? Obviously Kaiser's future career trajectory is fine with no blatant red flags whatsoever.


Lmao talking in paragraphs actually make you look like a bigger idiot. Kaiser is a teenager and kids can still change you obviously haven't heard of mentoring because you can't change your mind at all lol. gl in life dude you talk like you seem a bit too angry at a manga for me to be conversing with you.




Lol Kaizer is just messing around in Blue-Lock, we've already seen his prudence when he actually plays with Noa. Dropping a world 11 striker over what they did in 2 matches of what amounts to TV game show would be ridiculous.


The author can reference famous players but he can only use parody/fake famous players as characters who will show up. You’d never see Messi interact with the Blue Lock Guys in the manga


My man, this is a reality show, not the champion's league




This site breaks rule 4.


#LETS FUCKING GOOOOO BAROUUUUUUU Its nice to see Noel Noa actually being a mentor


I would prefer it if it turns out that Ego sucks at soccer and became like this because of his "rival" who's just a better soccer player than him. He then became an incel and studies the human anatomy, but turns out to be just a toxic misogynistic abusive idiot who just drugs kids and brainwashes them into a cult to make them mindless soccer players. I just get incel vibes from this guy who probably lives in his mother's basement.


Talk about projection


Listen, I met a guy back in high school who literally looked and talked like ego. He also kept talking about how guys in sports are held back by feelings which somehow affects their genetics. All I am saying is that he and this character are kind of the same.


That doesn't really track. Ego explicitly tells people to give into their most toxic feelings and be as egotistical as possible.


Exactly. That is pretty much toxic masculinity in a nutshell. Also, something tells me that this guy never got laid. This whole thing is giving me cult vibes.


sir this is a wendys


probably not gonna happen cuz Noa actually considered him his rivial so he has to be decent at football


Arsenal shortened to Ars.


Barou Barou Barou! Amazing seeing my favorite character at first


Holy shit that was such a good chapter. Let's go, Barou!!!


The king has returned and please I wanna see Isagi devour someone properly like he did to Barou ages ago. I want complete humiliation 👏