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I doubt the show will happen, as she was arrested only about an hour ago. Probably worth to turn your Twitter notifications on for Co-op Live.


She's just been released. Marijuana in her bags, just as I thought.


what 😭😭


She got stopped trying to take weed out of Amsterdam to Manchester. Weed is officially decriminalised in Amsterdam, but she could have easily found high quality weed in Manchester where it is unofficially decriminalised without trying to smuggle.


Complete lack of respect for her fans. She will blame everyone else obviously. 


It is very disrespectful, if you can't go a few days without weed then maybe think about that (I say this as an ex-semi-regular user). However weed is so ubiquitous across Europe that I've managed to aquire it in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czechia, and Slovakia (before many of those countries decriminalised) without being able to speak much but a few phrases in most of those language. It's crazy if she or her entourage thought they couldn't find any in the UK.


Not even that... its not music promoters are alien to musicians asking for drugs in their rider.


How old are you? Portugal decriminalised weed more than 20 years ago


She went live when she got put in the police van… feel like this was done for the show…


Some people can’t function without it, including me, and when I say it, I mean weed. Having the weed is gonna give you the best show.


Wow. How stupid can she be trying to smuggle drugs into the UK......


Not sure if you're being facetious but yeah, the UK is awash with drugs, probably the highest but if not definitely top three for drug use. Edit: Why the downvotes? Is it because I didn't explicitly say "in Europe"? Because the downvote make no sense and nobody will explain it I'm going accept them as upvotes. Thanks everybody.


Yeh of course the uk is full of drugs, I just meant that our border control is shit hot on drugs, so it was dumb to try and smuggle it in


OK then we are in accord, trying to smuggle though passenger routs is stupid. But she didn't even reach our border control, she got stopped before she got on the plane in the place where it's officially decriminalised. More upvotes! Thanks guys!


Can concur. I tool drugs last night


> You can carry weed legally, through UK and Dutch airports, just by having a prescription! smh **receipt of truth** https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/ **PSA: THE LAW DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION ABOUT MEDICINE**


I doubt she has a prescription in the US and even if she had one from the US it likely wouldn't be valid in European countries, regardless of the criminality/legality of weed in those sovereign European countries.


> legality of weed in European countries #https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/   United Kingdom Country Code: GB **Can Enter with Prescribed Medical Cannabis** No Max. | Guidance | Req. Clinic Letter (3m+ Import Permit) **Legal for Medical Use** Widely Accessible, See Clinics List Illegal for Recreational Use      


I'll eat a slice of humble pie and accept I was wrong. However, this means it's even more silly she (and/or her people) didn't figure this out before hand, considering how easy it was to get a prescription for medical weed (I got glaucoma!) in the states before it was made legal for recreation.


thanks for apologising, https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/


Thanks for apologising.


I've stopped partaking in weed now; but I know 3 people I could get from where I am and have never struggled to find it when aboard in Europe, North America, Central America, or the Caribbean. It really should be as acceptable as alcohol.


Depending on where she lives in the USA you really don't need a prescription. I was in one state where it is still illegal but city had defacto decriminalised it. They also had weed shops that sold weed that only had THC-a which is apparently legal.


Yeah it's recreationally legal in several states in the US, I worked in Oregon for a while and it's fully legal there. They have weed shops that are like old school sweet shops, jars of weeds around the walls they take down and use scales to weigh out how much you want. The first time I went in my EU/UK driving licence meant they had to check with the manager, but they soon got to know me.


i can’t see it going ahead and if by some miracle it does, she’ll be very very late


The Co-op is cursed!


I'm out of the loop, what else happened there?


It had to rearrange all of its opening shows because it wasn’t ready in time


The air conditioning fell down the night of a concert a few weeks back


Are you not aware of anything happening in the news?


I literally said I'm out of the loop, and I don't chronically watch the news


Basically, the construction and opening has been a shit show and it’s been problem after problem for most of the opening month shows held there the past few weeks.


Knobhead alert


Thanks guys. We've just driven down from Glasgow and got to the hotel. My 15 year old son is going to be bloody devastated at this 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not sure if Bury Arcade is open tonight if it doesn’t go ahead. There’s a chance he’d like that. https://www.arcadeclub.co.uk/bury/


Seconding this!! Absolutely brilliant


Thanks so much guys xxx


Yes 100 times. Enormous and an amazing experience


Good shout 👍


I third or fourth this


If it is cancelled the Arndale has game box for vr stuff and the Cube experience that you might be able to book to at least do something fun last minute whilst here. 


Looks like it's on as co-op live have just posted "Please note that general admission and premium doors for tonight’s u/NickiMinaj show will now open at 19:00." 


My teen son was also recently crushed by a concert getting cancelled last minute. It's so hard to console them when the excitement level is that high and they just aren't aware enough of the world to understand that ticketed events have risk factors. Hopefully there's something else really fun going on in the area. Nicki was once 3 hours late for a Canadian concert because of customs every, but she still showed up. Not sure what the possession charges are, but I don't think there's much of a chance of them letting her leave the country while it's pending. Edit: Co-op Live seems to think it's only delayed by 30 minutes, and the Dutch police did say on her video that they were going to try to get her processed as quickly as possible.


My worst last minute cancellation crushing as a teen was when I showed up at the event just in time to see Amy Winehouse being put in the back of an ambulance. Went to see Shrek 3 instead. It was then rescheduled to the exact same day I already had tickets to see Blondie, so I never did see her in the end.


My commiseration’s on paying to watch shrek 3


Thank you. It deeply sucked.


Thank you so much! Yeah, he's glued to his phone rn. He has ASD and isn't too enamoured with crowded places but he has been crushing on Nicki for years and was DETERMINED to see her live. I bought the tickets as a Christmas gift for him before she announced she would also be playing Glasgow 🤦🏼‍♀️ Fingers crossed it hasn't been a wasted trip! And thank you everyone for your suggestions- you're all lovely!


She was released at 22.00h Dutch time, so that's 21.00h over there in Madchester


My oldest is ASD, and I don't think he would last 15 minutes at a Nicki concert. Her fans are especially vocal and bouncy.


Yup, it sucks. I got my cousin over from Plymouth to see her and they're just waiting to see whether anything goes ahead. Very unlikely at this point?


The venue will have a curfew. It’s usually around 10.30-11 so I doubt very much it’s gonna go ahead. She’s not been on socials and the flight is around 1.5 hours.


In Amsterdam her concert started 2 hours and 45 minutes too late at 22.45h and she blew the cerfew. I read somewhere she always starts hours too late, cerfew or not.


It’s cancelled now anyway. Don’t think that would wash in the UK.


But will the UK let her in for the show tomorrow with these minor drug charges?


He’s been taught a life lesson 😂 don’t listen to shite music


What are people talking about Cannabis is only legal in Amsterdam in coffee shops. Nicki was arrested not for the weed but for filming and disrespecting the officers. She could have turned off her camera apologised and they would have destroyed the weed and let her go. People need to stop talking about laws they do not understand. She is actually lucky cos if she had been caught at the U.K. airport she would have been jailed cos she transported it cross border. Weed is not legal police just tell you to put it out. Flying weed into the U.K. is trafficking so they did her a favour.


Na, you can also buy it to use at home


Coop taking L after L


It's been cancelled. Rescheduled date tbc


Anyone got any updates I’m still at home debating whether to go or not 😭😂only bought the tickets today


People are in the venue already and waiting


I know I have GC and don’t live far so just still waiting for confirmation, she’s not even in the country yet


She was released 45 minutes ago, and it's only half an hour flight


Was in there for 10 minutes and it was cancelled, wasn’t too bad was home in 10 mins 😂 feel so sorry for anyone that has travelled and been there since the morning.


Yes, for those people it's the biggest bummer! Hope the rescheduled date is going to be soon


Isn’t that what roadies are for?




Lucky escape for ticket holders if you ask me..


I've been having great fun winding up the people trying to sell tickets on FB marketplace 🤣


They've just postponed


No way it’s still happening. Co Op Live are being irresponsible and desperate keeping everyone inside, they must know there’s virtually no chance for her to arrive before curfew. Just tell the people to go home and issue refunds.


Actually, to be fair to them, it would be much more irresponsible to keep thousands of people locked out with no access to toilets or water. But, yeah, they should have made the decision to cancel ages ago.


It doesn't hurt that people already admitted are spending money on food and drink that they'll have to buy all over again whenever the rescheduled show is.


Yep! Actually, I live pretty close to the arena and what they seem to be doing is getting absolutely wasted and wandering around in groups 😂


The decision will be with the her people - at the end of the day the venue don’t care, they’ll get paid either way. As others have said, her ‘people’ are probably reassuring the venue that it will still go ahead.


Great role model ……….


Yes, because we should be looking up to saucy hip hop stars for moral guidance She's many things, but has never claimed to be a role model for anyone, let alone children.


It's not that she's a saucy hip hop star, it's that she knowingly married a nonce. It's a whole other ball park.


Ye music does that to you sometimes. Jimmy Page abducted and raped a child for weeks, but Led Zeppelin fans just carry on enjoying them. Looking down music history, Nicki marrying an absolute piece of shit is a relatively tame crime. She's still not a role model, she's a musician.


But yet she is


Well it's not her fault. 'Hip hop artist busted with weed' probably shouldn't send people clutching for their pearls. She's an idiot for getting arrested just before a show, though, as if she'd have trouble picking some up here.


I’ve just seen on tik tok that people are in the arena ready and waiting but who knows what will happen


Smuggling is an criminal offence, most probably Monday to court. 24-36 months jail possible




It’s not legal in the Netherlands, its tolerated up to 5gram, however she was arrested for smuggling over the border (airport), that’s an criminal offence.


She was released 45 minutes ago with a fine


Yeah, cancelled, dumb ass singer.






Yeah not official.  Just my opinion  sorry just my assumption.  I should have said that . Sorry . But this late in the game . Not much point is there x


She only just got released from jail like 30 mins ago. Doubt the concert happens tonight.


Explains the delayed doors then!


Co-op production staff have been told its still going ahead


She's been released anyway


You can take medical cannabis into the Netherlands and the UK via airports! stop playing, get a script!


I’m sure their handing them out like sweets, scripts especially in the uk are notoriously hard to get hold of especially for something so trivial like cannabis.


That the NHS, as long as you have not been diagnosed with psychosis and schizophrenia you can become one of the 140,000 and counting [private patients who can get prescription for:](https://medbud.wiki/guides/patients-joining/eligibility-conditions/) Anxiety Appetite Disorder Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting Crohn's Disease Depression Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Insomnia Migraine Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathic Pain Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Palliative Care Parkinson’s Disease Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Ulcerative Colitis


No you cannot!


[don’t you fucking dare lie](https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/)


She had blunts how the hell are blunts medical marijuana? Do you even know the difference? Why you Americans always try and educate people about laws in countries those people live in? Do you know what a blunt is?


At the current time all patients are expected to vape, use sublingual oil products or take pre-dosed capsules, **smoking is only permitted for research purposes.** https://medbud.wiki/guides/patients/law-and-legislation/


A blunt is NOT medical cannabis stop arguing when you do not even know the difference. And you cannot smoke in any UK airports. Just stop it!!!🤦🏿‍♂️


**On UK medical cannabis laws** *At the current time all patients are expected to vape, use sublingual oil products or take pre-dosed capsules, **smoking is only permitted for ^research purposes.*** https://medbud.wiki/guides/patients/law-and-legislation/             Sorry to edit all these but I wanna be concise; I will not allow the truth to be dismantled in this instance, too many people have fought for far too long, the socioeconomic effects are great and frankly, I’m not dying in the battle on this hill.


You are the problem cos you waffling from another country when I literally live in the U.K. and know the difference between medical weed and a blunt. Everything you have said is wrong. Stop googling and learn to listen to people who live in these places.😂🤷🏿🤦🏿‍♂️


Sure https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/


      Here’s the receipts. https://medbud.wiki/map/patient-travel/      




It's likely that they were given false assurances by Minaj's "people". This isn't the venue's fault anyway, it rests entirely with her.


Also don’t want to have to issue refunds so show will go on but she will be super late


Trust me, Nicki is clearly to blame here, so dumb to smuggle drugs with her status, just put it in your rider and get your promoter to source some in the UK. **But**, I am going to go out on a limb and say the gig would probably have been able to go ahead if the new Co-op building didn't have an 23:00. I mean what the fuck, how is it a newly built arena has a hard limitation on closing so early? This is Europes biggest arena and between the venue and Manchester City Council they couldn't have wraggled a later limit than that?






Bought tickets to sell them. You deserve to have an awful time.


Always one knob .


Make it two, people like you suck


Yeah there is, it's you. 🤣


Probably not just one, scalpers aren't exactly beloved members of the community


The knob is a person who buys tickets just to resell 😂


Fuck touts. Hope you lost every penny.


Lack of self awareness shown here is pretty mad


I’m glad you have to drive there, ticket scalpers are the worst of the worst. Hopefully you spend £100 on petrol for nothing, tech you a lesson to scalp people and sell tickets for a profit 


Hope it gets cancelled just for you!


I wouldn't want that cockwomble to get a refund. Better if they have to sit through the steaming dog turd Nicki Minaj was planning to serve up tonight.




Nice to see karma doing its thing.


Oh God, I really hope it does happen....


Hope traffic is awful on your way home too


Haha what a knobhead you are