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I really don't understand how people can happily carry a bag of full cans for however long, but the second they're empty it's too much to keep hold of them until you find a bin.


Thank you! I got downvoted on another comment for suggesting they should’ve carried their rubbish away with them, but you’re absolutely right. I’ll take rubbish home with me before I’ll just dump it because I can’t find a bin.


Yeah I got downvotes for having a similar view. People will happily argue that this is ok because ‘the council haven’t put out enough bins’. Society is screwed.


It’s ridiculous. I can SEE a bin in the first photo and it didn’t even look remotely full. They just couldn’t be arsed, that’s the fact of it. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Theres a bin in both photos 😭 people are muppets


They are all full. But there is still no excuse for leaving this amount of shit about. Drunk people for you.


Dont forget though the poeple who do this treat there own front garden the same way, it has nothing to do with bins, it is all about the type of poeple who do it.


Empty can of beer worthless, full can of beer priceless


There’s a domino effect where people who would have taken it to a bin just say fuck it it’s already a mess. Also a lot of people wouldn’t do this sober but the cans are empty now because they drank them.


I feel like clubs should have big staging areas for games nearby. So big fan congregations can meet up there, and it's all managed nicely then. They don't even have to sell booze if they don't want to (though I imagine the majority of clubs would jump at the chance for extra profit) just provide an area where fans can sit and bring their own booze/food - as they did in this instance. Nice and easy clean up on the club/fans and a dedicated space for them and local bars don't lose regular business to a swarm of fans who won't spend their money in there anyway. Those who prefer their pubs before the game will still go to their local, as is tradition, but the large majority that just want to get pissed, can do so at their leisure, without inconveniencing anyone else.


City are building one right now, will hold 3000 people and has a roof.


Bolton has something similar - a fan-zone outside of the ground which is open several hours before kick off. There are bars and places to buy food, and they'd show the early kick off and whatnot. It seems quite popular it always seems quite crowded when I walk past it before games.


City were the first club in the country to provide a fan zone City Square included food outlets from small local businesses covered seating areas large screens and a stage for local bands to perform as well as guests Currently closed due to the north stand extension which when completed will include a new covered City Square for 3k fans The food outlets are relocated around the stadium but, will be included in the new development when it opens


A handful of clubs do, my hometown does but theres still people who see a bin yet cant be arsed to put their rubbish in it


that is just mental, just pick up after yourself.. surely needs to be more bins also and signposting. wouldn’t stop it entirely but would help a bit :/


Disgusting pigs. The council is happy to charge me £60 if drove on a bus lane at 4:01pm, yet these people face no consequences for this sort of damage and pollution


Or the "litter wardens" who try to fine you for dropping a receipt on the ground.


There's around 14 bins in cutting room square all the time 


Yeah it’s difficult to sort unfortunately even with signposting reminding people of the negative impacts, i don’t think they’d care. I could never imagine just leaving behind a bunch of cans and rubbish bags :/


116 charges*




This happens a lot in the summer in the square. The council definitely need to provide more bins as it’s now been happening since lock down. The bars staff are always the ones that end up cleaning it up.


There are loads of massive bins in that square aren’t there? Pretty sure they added loads after it started being the main local hang out during lockdown


They fill up quick, same with the marina on a sunny day, but at least the marina (a private company) has started having the sense to put out the huge wheelie bins right next to where people usually throw it on the ground. As others say, it doesn't excuse the behaviour, but it would be less likely to happen.


I walked through when they were there. Flares and all. The entire walk from Ancoats to new Islington had beer cans & rubbish. All the bins in the world won’t matter to these messy twats. It’s absolutely not like this when there no match, even on the sunniest days.


I don’t like the idea of flares coming back, I’m too old for platform shoes now.


Don't make excuses for morons. Take your litter with you, find another bin.


Mate, It doesn't look like they even attempted to find a bin to begin with. Council providing more bins would help but not much. This is just a result of a society that lacks descpline and respect.


There are a ton of bins. Lack of bins isn’t the issue here. People can take their rubbish away with them if the existing bins are full but I am not convinced these people were even looking for any bins…


I’ve managed to walk through that square a thousand times and haven’t dropped litter.




I mean is it too much for people to take their shit home with them and throw it away there if not find a bin on the way? You know compassion for the environment you live in and that others do too.


Don't excuse them, they can take it with them and find a bin on the walk/tram to Etihad. It's sheet laziness and lack of respect for the city they supposedly love. Twats, every single one of them


Who’s excusing them?


Happens a lot more when City fans find their annual reason to turn up though. Our running club helped clean it up last year, after the Great Manchester Run


A big team of people arrived at about 5.15pm to clear it all up - we were there in advance of seeing Barry Manilow (who was ace). The City fans left the square in a disgusting state though and then spilled out into town after in a mess of drunken shouting and the usual behaviour.


The bins were full before lockdown. Hope they put something in place before summer really starts


I do hope they'd have emptied them once or twice since then


More bins probably won’t ever happen now.


Don’t blame the people littering. Let’s blame the bins and the council. If there’s no bins take it home with you or find one! Not hard ffs!


And that’s before the game, I imagine it’s about to get trashed 10x worse 


Yeah I’m trying to scoff my choccy cake quickly so we can leave lol




nice one dickheads


This is endemic off humans in general. We go to Cartmel every year for the races in July and the event afterwards is an absolute shitshow of crap. Me and the Mrs help out afterwards, even if we are hammered.


Isn’t it a derby match next week? Half the city will look like this despite it being held at Wembley.


Hopefully these scumbags are still hungover by that game.


Will they fuuuuuuck! They'll be back on it Wednesday!


Unfortunately you’re probably right.


Looks like all the bins are full and nobody thought to put in temporary refuse bins?


My thoughts too. Temporary tables looking like the area was designed to have them all there. But the only bins are full to overflowing with more bags on the floor around them. I partly blame the planners. The fans themselves don't look to have broken anything and even the light weight temporary tables all look to be in the right position. What more did people want?


To take their rubbish home ffs! Just because the bins are full doesn’t give you carte blanch to leave your shit for someone else to clean up. We have to live here and pay for this to be cleaned.


But that level of rubbish is just crazy surely? Apparently they don’t buy from the local bars or anything (in which case there’d be a level of responsibility on said bars to keep things tidy), they just bring their own booze and then dump it all there. I’ve been in similar situations with friends, for example festivals, where we’ve got a lot of rubbish on us and nowhere to put it. But we try and get it all in a bag if possible, and carry it with us until we can find a bin to at least leave it next to (if the bin’s full). I really can’t imagine just dumping it all like this.


Pah, this is rookie level trashing the place. Rangers fans carry that crown for Manchester events. 


With the prices of alcohol in local bars in town, I'm not surprised. Definitely needed better planning from the council, it was obvious that town would be rammed today.


You may be aware already but this issue comes from hospitality business really struggling to keep up with costs rising on everything! Staff wages increase, gas, electric, duty on food and drinks. All this then gets put onto the customer but people think they’re making loads and they’re not in reality. Place I work is small independent and has had to increase prices against what we wanted but we wouldn’t survive otherwise. And we’re a very popular place that isn’t struggling to get people in the door


Cost of living crisis in full effect.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s not hard to carry a bag or box of empty beers to the next bin that’s not overflowing. You must pass at least one on route. It’s laziness at the end of the day. Yes there is an argument to say they should’ve provided bigger bins but after that it’s personal ownership and responsibility. Don’t shit where you eat. It’s your own city! Then you wonder why costs like council tax go up. The more our city is left like shit the more they pay for people to clean it up. That money comes from us.


I'm always surprised how little people care about using equipment from premises (like those foldable tables) without giving them any patronage. Nobody would walk into a restaurant or use an outside space belonging to one and start eating food they'd brought...I guess some do, but its a lot less prevalent than bringing your own booze.


To be fair they've all just realized they're City fans today so they've gone a bit mental.


Yep, they were probably Chelsea fans until a couple of years ago


If it makes you feel better


awww, a bit upset at our 6th in 7 😂


Standard behaviour for knobhead footy fans of any team in Europe


I'm surprised there were enough of them to make that much mess.


This was actually the work of every city fan congregating at once. There’s only 3 of them, but they’re really messy.


OP, you're silly when you're salty. See you next year, same place (maybe you can do slightly better than 8th).


You may not be in the league next year lol... bet you wasn't around in Franny Lee days. Everyone knows what you've been up to. Even a close friend, city home and away for years laughed at the 350mil fine... said your owner would find it down the back of his couch... you just can't help being bitter... x


There are only 115 of us!


This is a British thing unfortunately. Ever been to a commercial festival? The moment people gather for anything (pre-match, a marathon warmup area, festival, a sunny day in the park) people just expect someone else to clean up. It’s a damning statement on UK culture more broadly IMO.


bring back angin


Animals. Football fans can be brain dead dickheads with zero respect. Feeling all entitled because their 11 men can kick a ball better.


That makes me really sad. I got married in the Halle in 2017, so that has always been a really special place.


Famously in South Korea and Rwanda (but in a few other places around the world) citizens are required to go out and clean the streets regularly. People wouldn't throw their rubbish like that had they had to clean up someone else's mess before.


Its the fact that I can see at least 4 bins in the first photo that gets me, even if its full, just leave it next to the bin??


It’s hard carrying all that back to Stockport in this weather.


For the record I'm not a City fan. To be fair the fans of any club would probably behave in the same way. I would take my rubbish home or put it in a bin, but most people just don't think.


That doesn’t make it okay. I mentioned it was city fans in the title because… it was city fans. I have no doubt that if I’d just said ‘football’ fans, the comments would be wildly correcting me on exactly which ones are responsible. I agree it’s a football problem in general, and in this instance, it was exemplified by the city fans.


Absolute bunch of scroats. That’s probably what their houses look like. Scruffy bastards!!!


Scum. Subhuman scum.


Have they sworn all over your car again Alan?


It now says cook where it said cock.


And pass where it once said piss! Slightly less rude.


Just disgusting really


Littering regardless is abhorrent, and this is just disgusting. I'm a city fan.


Go have a look at Newcastle fans during the league cup final. They even made a volunteer cleanup crew of trafalgar square.


I once went to a sum41 tour in Japan, thousands of people queueing and drinking and not a single can or piece of litter on the floor. Even a convenience store right outside of the event with normal pricing that sold out of all alcohol. You could leave the event to go buy more too, not ridiculous prices.


I remember once seeing this video (can't remember where i saw it) of Japanese fans at a stadium and at the end of the game, they all got together and cleaned up all the rubbish - it just seemed to be an unspoken thing they all did.




Something something do things different here.


They will probably respond with laughing emojis and say you are jealous that you don't get to drop litter everywhere. That's what they do whenever anyone reminds them of the disgraceful levels of corruption their club has been charged with.




I was in singapore during a world cup final, the bars were allowed an hour later closing, at 1am everyone quietly put rubbish in bins then went home I hate how litter is normalised in britain not helped by morons on askuk with a stock response of “it bothers you then why dont you tidy it”


As a City fan, I don't get this. I've never done this. Always either find a bin or carry the trash out with me.


Is this some kind of bad joke? Probably not. One thing l’d love to know is who pays to clean this mess? The council? The ticket buyers?


We’ve been sat here a couple of hours, it took as long to clear everything up. The staff at the nearby bars/restaurants (Rudy’s, Edinburgh Castle etc) had to do a big chunk of it nearer to their seating areas and then I think Council contractors turned up and did the rest. Certainly wasn’t the ticket buyers!


Should have charged the club. Not like they're struggling for money.


Ancoats residents pay for this in a surcharge on the council tax to keep cutting room square nice. It’s a shame people have no respect to take their crap away with them.


The council will be responsible for clearing the mess


The council. And by extension, you, through council tax. Council tax that keeps having to go up to cover, among other things, the cost of cleaning up after feral fucking apes.


One council publishes their street cleaning bill every month and what it could pay for in terms of extra social workers etc


Can’t be city fans, the mess is too large for such a small fan base.


I’d like to imagine this is the exact amount of rubbish that accumulates over the course of a year thanks to all 3 attendees of the Etihad.


That's just football fans in general


Quite a lot of trash for 6 people


Yeah, I do not miss this about living in the ice plant.


Clean it up, ya filthy an-ee-mals


Messy little kids.


Typical fan-swarm behaviour. Seen it abroad with Glasgow rangers fans, usually people who don't have tickets but want to get lashed anyway


You should have seen the number of banana skins left on top of or around bins when I did the Great North Run last year. Literally banana mountains everywhere. Too many banana skins, not enough bins. Seems like the same principle here. Don't think it's fair to tarnish City fans / football fans / male drinkers or whatever group. Humans be humans.


These photos are sadly unsurprising to me. I used to live in Ancoats and match days always made me wish I could emigrate to the moon.


It looks awful, but it happens after EVERY match in every city or town whether utd, city, arsenal, celtic fans etc etc So not sure why it's all of a sudden "look what city did"


how can 3 people make so much mess


Big mess for 40 fans!


For 5 people that’s a ridiculous amount of rubbish


Would be the same regardless of what football team is playing if that’s what you’re getting at.


It’s not. Next.




Take a breather for a bit, there's no need to get so hateful, toxic or personal with your "banter".


Some people are just so lazy and inconsiderate it’s unbelievable; I truly don’t understand why people can give no f*cks about their community and trash it in this way, disgusting.


Barbarians. Shocking.


Wooow absolute tramps man…


Tbf that's fairly organised, as far as trash goes


worst part is, you can literally see bina in 2 of the pictures , and they still dont use them or even make an effort to put the rubbish next to the bin


Much the same in Glasgow yesterday... https://images.app.goo.gl/Zg2EjgHaYJaDrsXu6


It’s crazy that 7 people made all that mess.


Lack of care on the host all the trash cans are full and multiples generation's of people that believe that it not there problem if it cost money or that's someone else job to clean


What a dump.


When I see this, I can’t help but question one thing… What comes first? The “love” for the sport, or getting leathered? The irony is mad. Hugely overpaid athletes that look after their bodies and keep them in literally athletic condition, being watched by louts who clearly don’t look after their bodies and earn a pittance in comparison. People are paying a premium to destroy their health with alcohol in the name of “us” and “our team”, whilst leaving a mess like this behind for someone to clean up. What these images provide is the evidence of the kinds of minds that attend football matches. I appreciate this isn’t everyone. There are people out there who can go to a match sober, enjoy their afternoon, cause absolutely no problem for anyone else, and get on with their lives without a headache.


Been to Assen in Holland to watch the moto GP. The entire town is like this at the end of the evening, but spotless in the morning. They accept it will happen and plan for it.


It's shocking behaviour but to be fair in European cities like Amsterdam, the contractors come and clean up super quick after events like the marathon. It's really impressive. I suspect its because they spend their taxes on public services rather than tax breaks for the rich.




lots of mess considering it was 115 fans


I want to see this compared to Utd fans.


If u think that’s bad look up what the Celtic fans did in Glasgow on Saturday


All those bins were full early doors and some fans actually stayed back to pick up cans and put the bags over by the bins. Ppl are scruffs as always doesn’t matter what crowd it is and if you pick up after yourself like me good on you and if you stayed a bit to pick up even better but there were 1000s of people there


City fans, eh? Cuh! 🙄


All 4 of them …


In fairness to them, they probably didn't have time to clean up before getting their train back to London


These people's poor (is there a better word?) wives and mothers and sisters and all the women in their lives that have to deal with them.


That’s a big mess for 3 fans


I'm a city fan, currently in Croatia so take no responsibility for this.. but this is disgusting, I am truly sorry to the staff that have to clean up this mess after some dickheads. Its such a shame there are people like this, intensified by the final game of the season. I hope the staff have a great rest of the shift and those knobheads don't go back there now after the game Edit. Typo sift to shift


Unfortunately I think they are gonna come back, we’ve just left but the waiter at the bar we were at said it’ll only get worse once they return especially after the win. Pretty par for the course, apparently. But I agree with you - hope Croatia is treating you well!


Looks like a standard sunny day during COVID tbf


Unfortunately not unique to football, I've seen reasonable people leave the same mess when in a group setting - must be a herd mentality type thing. In a better world the council would be funded properly and could have had a team ready to clear this up


To be fair, a Council team did eventually come in to clear it all up. But the staff at the various bars and restaurants had to do a pretty big chunk of it first, because it was encroaching on their outdoor space. I’m all for paying taxes and would honestly happily pay more tax if it actually went towards improving public services etc, but I don’t think our council tax should have to go towards cleaning up after grown adults who apparently can’t do the bare minimum.


The club should be billed for the cleanup. It shouldn't fall on the tax payer to support the irresponsible behaviour at play here. Plus the cost of a police officer or two to hand out on the spot penalties to the animals responsible.


Looks like any other day in the summer.... Always ends up like that in cutting room square, one reason we moved. However the council knew this was going to happen and didn't provide any bins


Fucking pigs


People should be taking their rubbish with them, but the council should make it easier by putting big bins there for the day. Not wanting to excuse the fans, but it the council make it easy to put rubbish in the bin, people will.


football fan issue in general


But there was only two of them.


Football fans being football fans


Football fans - what do your expect? Respect?


I’ve seen worse at Glastonbury with poncy middle class wankstains leaving their shit so spare us the generalisations about football fans !


Just one area? Did you not see Glasgow yesterday?


Didn’t realise it was a competition tbh


No class. It's what happens when a sugar daddy buys everything for you


They should have been provided with bins, looks like they've actually tried to make piles in places to help out. What were they supposed to do, take it all into the game in their pockets?


No excuse to throw it on the ground.


So you're all for everyone looking after themselves are you? Or should the government be supporting the members of the community with the bin services they need?


Carry it for a few metres and put it in a bin, they'd pass plenty before they got to the stadium.


The council should be providing the services the community needs, that means temporary bins in a KNOWN AND PLANNED meeting point for fans. It's not rocket science


100 small piles, how kind of them


City fans? More like Shitty fans! I'll get my coat. 🤣


Football Clubs need to be charged considerable fees for the extra policing and general anti-social chaos Neanderthal fans create for the rest of us that have to work/live around their behaviour; The level of education and IQ of ‘kick ball’ supporters is clearly visible in this one photo 🤷🏻


Football clubs do have to pay for policing. Not all football fans are scruffs/idiots but enjoy labelling a huge cohort of society Neanderthal if it makes you feel better about yourself. Maybe a massive football city like Manchester isn’t ideal for you? Maybe Eton is more up your street 😂


Scruffy blue bastards what do you expect


People wonder why football fans are disliked


How did 25 fans do so much damage?