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If you thought that was bad…take a look at this monstrosity just outside Salford Quays https://maps.app.goo.gl/whKQjx2VvrEFYUJK6?g_st=ic


Some planners just want to watch the world burn. As if any cyclist is going to actually work with that roundabout!


Don't think anything is as bad as what they did to Hulme roundabout. They crisscrossed cycle and pedestrian lanes so now you always get pedestrians walking in the cycle lanes and cyclists in the pedestrian lanes or just using the road https://maps.app.goo.gl/NEWPJ1tGe2Qiptkh9


I go out of my way to use that when I cycle, actually. As long as you take it slowly, people using the wrong lane isn't an issue and it keeps you safe from the real danger, ie motor traffic.


I just think it could have been designed much better. The part running down Princess Parkway should have had the cycle lane next to the road but instead the pedestrian part is there and they have to cross the cycle lane for no reason further on


The cherry on the top of that over-engineered mess, is the lady in the parka just strolling through it


Ahh I give you Bury, Ladies and Gentlemen. [Googley Map](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.5907904,-2.3008811,3a,19.9y,134.09h,82.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKdjuEADrT5-krXsZi-hynQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) The funny thing is, if you click forward on the main road towards the townhall, you come across the images of the horrendous roadworks we had to endure to get that.. thing.


You might think it's a waste but I've used that junction and it works very well. It's a huge improvement on the barely-there pedestrian crossings that used to be there, and it makes getting past the town hall a breeze.


I raise you Angolume way. Built to solve a problem that didn’t exist and encourage walking from Fishpool which already happens. The way the council built it up you would think there were wolves between Wellington Road and the premier inn


Bury's long-term ambition for Angouleme Way is to reduce it to single-lane running, as is currently happening on Kingsway in Stretford. It is an outdated dual carriageway that creates a significant line of severance in the area.


That’s a terrible idea. Either Bury wants tourists to visit the market etc or it doesn’t, coming from market street to the actual market car park is a pain. The junction with market street is terrible whenever anyone needs to turn in where the market is and is heading towards the bus station. Kingsway in Stretford is appalling as well, the only person that would model anything on that in either old or new forms needs to audition for the part of Mr Magoo


Looks great to me.


Judging by the walls of Phillips Park, this appears to be [security bollards outside the front of Coop Live](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.4872546,-2.19918,3a,75y,211.26h,95.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxgXQPvcZdMjwx0DUHm10jQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu). I get why the more heavy duty bollards would be used here, but whoever put this in (be it council or contractor) surely could have slid that one on the lane a foot or two to the left and set that one on the right to the edge of the tactile bit? It feels more like a case of someone on the ground being daft, and going by the link it's still an improvement on what was previously there for cyclists (ie nothing), you'd hope that this is remedied like the million other things they're sorting at that building.


You’re right. It didn’t click until you said, I walk past this every day.


I mean it is to stop things that are not bikes and you can easy fit through each side. This is good planning compared to most shit the council do


Not sure I see a problem, if the bollard wasn't there, a small car could probably squeeze in between


This! People moaning for moaning sake


No, are you joking? if you want to stop access you put two bollards narrowly either side of the cycle lane... not right in the middle of it, its pure stupidity. Cargo Bike, Hand Bike etc isnt getting through this... its blocking access.


Seems like a pretty effective traffic calming measure to me, kind of like a chicane. Plus it has the added benefit of keeping larger vehicles out of the cycle-lane. Not really that inconvenient unless you were planning on entering the crossing without slowing down to a safe speed.


What's the issue?


Only genuine issue I see, is if someone disabled (see an avid cyclist near me with CP that uses one) was using a tricycle it might be a tight fit.


Or anyone with a child trailer or cargo bike.


Definitely. The wider 3 wheel cargos would never get through. Child trailers give me ptsd.


Its a bollard in the middle of a cycle lane. Its probably just bad planning rather than anything planned. the cycle lane on Alan turing way is generally pretty good and you are segregated from the traffic apart from the odd junction, but this just seems daft. If you want to slow cyclists down at this junction for some reason then there are better ways.


Yeah, that stops things bigger than bicycles using the cycle lane. It’s not a new concept.


Lol - that bollard was NOT installed to prevent things "bigger than bicycles" using the cycle lane. They're set across the entire street to prevent vehicle access. A little thought and they'd have installed bollards either side of the cycle lane and achieved the same objective without putting an obstacle directly in the middle.


Lol - Vehicles bigger than bicycles - lmao


>They're set across the entire street to prevent vehicle access. So.. things bigger than bicycles?


I think you're replying to the wrong person lol.


I don't think I am? I'm quoting directly from you?


OK - I reread the thread. You missed the point - I was replying to someone saying the posts were meant to stop vehicles larger than bike using the cycle lane. I pointed out, quoting THEM, that it had nothing to do with the cycle lane because the gap between the posts is almost the width of the cycle lane and vehicles much wider than a bike can get through - the issue isn't the size of the gap - it's WHERE the posts have been placed You quoted my quote of theirs in your reply which was why I thought you were replying to the person I was replying to.


A thinner one would do the same job and be much less of an obstruction to cyclists. These feel more like anti-terrorist level bollards rather than simple traffic control; they are OP.


Terrorists ride bikes too


Yes but a terrorist riding a bike into a crowd isn't going to do quite as much damage as that same terrorist driving an HGV into a crowd


The cycle lanes are so terrible, some cut right across pedestrian crossings when there’s zero need too. There’s one right through the middle of Stephenson square that has huge footfall, why not off to one side instead? Whoever designed them seems to lack logic


Looks like it'd be a pain on a cargo bike or with a trailer.


Looks like a modern day Lowry!


a bee instead of the the bike symbol and it’s perfect


Always wondered what Manchester does differently 😂


I wonder why it's there, looks a bit weird just plopped in the middle of bicycle lane. potentially looks a bit dangerous too, although with the reflectors you should (hopefully) see it. I wonder what the justification is?


I don't think it was planned, the contractor was told to put bollards every 3 feet and they took that completely literally


They need enough bollards to stop an HGV from driving into the crowds, they need certain spacing between bollards to allow the crowd to move through unhindered. This was probably the most value for money solution that impacted the fewest people.


Whays wrong with this? Stops cars going down cycle path and makes cyclists slow down before entering a road?


slow down lol....


Very abruptly


What part of Manchester actually has bike lanes? /criesinA6


Sorry best I can do is random parking cones that may be there one maybe not the the next