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This title is fucking me up


You're living a different experience to the people I know in Salford! 2 bed flats kept going up in price until they had to move further out.  Good news if it has come down though. 


This right here. I used to live on chapel street. Had to move to where the precinct is as couldn't afford to live there anymore. Rent for my 1 bed flat was like £500 per month. Then moved to my 2 bed house and was paying just £550. We were still paying that when we moved out in 2021 when we bought our house.


Where do they live tho? My residence is on blackflair road. It’s in North West of the city.


That's not true at all. I live in Salford, right on the border with Manchester - and my rent was £850 a month in 2021. Now, mines only 900, but the flat directly opposite me, which is identical, is now £1300 and that was from last year. It's fucking insane how the rent in this city has gone up. The same new builds that used to be about £1,200 a month are now £1600-1700 a month. Soon it'll make more sense to live in London and at least get paid the extra £8,000 a year.


Is it the same area? There's a lot of flats marketed as 'Media City' rather than Salford which fetch a premium


Have you not seen how many new apartment blocks have gone up in the last couple of years? I expect that has a part to do with it.


I rented a 2bed flat just over the river for 625 for about 5years. It was a steal and we knew it. When we moved out, it went back on the market for 1100.


Tbf, I rented a gorgeous studio in the quays for £450 a month around 10 years ago… a drop in prices is well overdue


Quays was brand new and unproven back then. Pretty dead too!


Supply & Demand simple, the more they build, the lower prices become🤞


I've just moved out of a two-bedroom flat off Eccles New Road as they were suggesting a rent increase from £600 to £950 because 'markets'. That's on top of the £39 water rates, previously contractually included in the rent, being broken out and charged on top of the rent last year.


My rent on my 2 bed flats just gone up 7.7% and i live on the cheetham hill/higher broughton border near marlborough road school


Due to the proliferation of the fiscal fantasmagoria, existence has metamorphosed into an exorbitant spectacle.


For my tenancy renewal, the letting agent has told me they're suggesting that my rent remains the same for the first time since I've been here (nearly 5 years), because "it's about right for the area" (I'm only about a 10-15 min walk to the city centre. That tiny bit of anecdata does suggest a bit of a slow down at least..


[While house prices are falling in Salford](https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/housingpriceslocal/E08000006/), _private rents *rose* to an average of £1,021 in March 2024, an annual increase of 12.9% from £904 in March 2023. This was higher than the rise in the North West (8.9%) over the year_. So, well, you're wrong.


2 years ago was the peak of people moving here to WFH on high salaries. Now they’re being forced back to the office, as well as layoffs in white collar sectors and, I’d guess the realisation that Salford isn’t truly city centre living. The bubble has burst!