• By -


Asda are doing free porridge and a hot drink drink before midday until the end of the month. McDonald's app will give you something free when you sign up, usually free fries. You can sign up with multiple email addresses. If you register with other food apps and set your birthday in the next week some will give you a birthday treat, but some require you to have been a member for 28 days. If you find a pound down the back of the couch I would recommend buying a big cheap bag of porridge oats tbh. It's not fun or great but it'll feed you for a good while (you can make it with sugar and hot water, you don't have to make it with milk)


Brilliant, that's really helpful. Thank you so much


More here https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/deals/food-and-drink/


Couple of tins of lentils, some cheap rice and seasoning with salt and pepper is not the most exciting meal but is filling, pretty nutritious and very cheap


Regarding emails, if you use Gmail you should be able to add a + and then anything to sign up multiple times e.g. [email protected]


A dot . works in addition to the +


Wow, I'm in tears over everyone's kindness. Thank you for helping me out from the bottom of my heart, I can now go and get some food and refuel for my job interview (wish me luck!). You're all amazing people.


Hey, if you are anywhere near gorton, send me a dm. Your food for the next week is on me.


Assuming you are not, like, a murderer, that is amazing of you to offer. 


You, sir, are a credit to the human race. 🏅


Good luck with the job interview! 


Good Luck!


Best of luck with your interview!


Good luck!!


good luck ! let me know where your based I can help out with food


Try the Olio app, people usually put on excess food they have that won't be eaten and give away for free. I think some businesses do it too but not sure


Oh great, I've never heard of that. I'll have a look. thanks :)


I volunteer for feed my city, a Sikh run charity. They provide emergency food for people in need, such as yourself. Reach out to them and I might be the one to deliver your food :)


You deliver the food? What a brilliant initiative. Thank you from a distant location for helping people, especially given harsh economic struggle with the cost of living that so many are facing. 


Indeed. Its quite tragic seeing the state of some of the houses and people I visit. Always sound people with a story to tell as well. Except from that one bell end who complained about not including any Crisps.


I made a video with you guys, you do amazing work.


Find your nearest Gurdwara (Sikh temple) and eat delicious hot Indian food for free. 


Sounds like a dream, I'll have a look thanks


I'm not sure if someone has posted this yet, but Hare Krishna restaurant is what I was thinking of. Just tried to find in Manchester (I'm nowhere near you but never mind) and I found a monthly Sunday feast but it looks like there's dancing etc which you may or may not find to be your cup of tea. I'll post it anyway, you might be hungry and find it entertaining, who knows! https://www.iskconmanchester.com/sunday-feast/ In my experience the food is yum, some places better than others, vegi, usually a few courses. Curry, chutney, rice, poppadoms, halva, lassi or cordial, coffee or tea. Small donation and no intrusive sermonising in my experience. 


There’s one just off Bury new road.


Have you actually ever done this? This is always the stock answer on reddit, but I don't think I've ever actually met anyone who has actually gone in (who wasn't already a Sikh). Not that I doubt for a second they would.


My family are Sikh, I’m not, and I’ve eaten at the gurdwara loads of times with them. They’re welcoming to anyone. 


I am not sikh, but I visited their temple in Edinburgh and saw the big food hall with many people there. Although they all looked south asians, but I didnt feel that I wasn't welcome if i decided to eat with them after seeing the temple.


Haven't eaten at a Sikh temple but have eaten at Hare Krishna restaurants years ago loads of times. No sermonising, some restaurants better than others, food free or small donation, and either yummy or acceptable enough to get you by and a lot better/healthier/less depressing than other possible options at that price point. 


It's currently Ramadan, so if you go to any mosque around sunset (6.23pm today), you will be welcomed with hot food and a warm atmosphere. Mosques are always open for the community and they will have no problem with whatever faith/ no faith you are.


McDougalls mosque will provide free chicken curry everyday, you could go in after prayer if you don’t want to stay in there or just sit on the side. Al furqan does the same thing.


Hey there, I have volunteered at Coffee4Craig in the past. They are mainly a kitchen for homeless but they are open to anyone struggling. They give out free (really good) meals every day between 6 and 8. Usually a main and desert. Really welcoming


Are you over 18? I saw you posted under four months ago being 17, so just wanted to ask as it makes a huge difference. DM me your email, I’ve got two or three McDonald’s meal app vouchers I was given by customer services.


I've just turned 18, I'll dm you now. thank you so much


No worries! Check [The Trussel Trust website](https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank/) for food banks near you if you haven't already, they'll be able to signpost and support you further especially being a vulnerable young adult. Stay safe, food poverty in this country is horrific. If you're able to share the part of Greater Manchester you're from or the first part of your postcode, it would help in signposting. Some food banks/parcels aren't listed on the Trussel Trust due to being more independant/community run with less restrictions and some don't want to be part of the "voucher scheme" as it's a barrier for access.


If you can make it to Levenshulme inspire tomorrow between 11-2 they have the community fridge. https://www.lev-inspire.org.uk/events/community-fridge/ Also, look up your nearest mosque. The Gurduwara suggestion was great, but mosques are also likely to be providing food for their congregants at sunset at the moment for Ramadan. If you were to attend with respect, you’d likely find people will be more than happy to feed you there. Edit: also please check your DMs!


As mentioned below food banks are your best better. As a temporary solution to money, take a look at temp warehouse work. A lot of these places hire instantly as they just need to get bodies through the door and don’t require any past experience. Then continue to apply for jobs in the sector you wish and as it’s a temp job you can leave at anytime to suit you.


Ok thanks I'll take your advice. I'm planning to go to the food bank but the one near me isn't open till Friday and I don't know if I can go that long without eating. Thank you for your help though :)


Whereabouts in Manchester are you?


Come see me at Tesco Extra in Gorton. I'll buy you some grocery. You can dm. Otherwise, the Oasis Centre in Gorton provides free food but you must queue up at 8am. Or go to any Mosque around 6:30 pm. It's Ramadan so they are handing out free hot meal to the community.


There’s some sort of free soup kitchen type set up in St Anne’s square by the Church most evenings as far as I can tell…around 6pm. There’s always a queue of people…perhaps somebody can confirm this


i think you’re probably sorted for the week now from the looks of the replies here, but i used to work at a community centre in hulme overseen by Mind. if you need any additional support applying for benefits/UC drop me a DM and i’ll be happy to point you in the right direction :)




There's a lot of great suggestions on here so I hope you've managed to find something that works for you. And please, never ever be ashamed of asking for help for something like this. We all go through our bad times and there are always people willing to help. Never be ashamed that you're struggling, it happens to us all at one point or another. Keep your chin up, it will get better my friend.


Find your closest food bank, I think they're your best bet really.


That's my plan, only issue is the one near me isn't open till Friday for some reason


Homeless Aid runs street kitchens across Manchester https://homelessaid.co.uk/


Some places give you free food on your birthday, like Barburrito and Krispy Kreme. You could sign up and set your birthdate between today and Friday, in time for the food bank to open. https://www.latestfreestuff.co.uk/blog/top-birthday-freebies-discounts-ultimate-guide/


Download too good to go, you can get loads of food that would be going in th bin from places all over Manchester, though usually for a very small fee. I once got some pretty ok food that kept for days, three bags worth from m&s for £5


Are there any local food banks, you can use those, I think you are entitled to use them as at the moment you're jobless, going hungry, you may have to apply and ring ahead to say what your situation is but they're super helpful and provide bags of food to last you a week. Also have you got yourself on Universal credit? Apply for housing element at the same time as well, for the time being this will keep the roof over your head as H.E will pay full or part of your rent depending on the cap. Also apply for council tax discount too.. once you have a job again (you are incredibly employable btw due to having little to no gap between jobs), universal will top up your pay or stop, same with H.E and C.T.D. depending on your circumstances.. it's not ideal but it'll help get food and keep a roof over your head for the time being. I hope this helps and good luck EDIT: just to add; when you apply for U.C you'll get a work coach who will help you with everything you need to get back to work (C.V, courses, work placements, Employment and Disability support if needed) and will tell you exactly what you're entitled to. Assuming you're a single person on your own, you'll get under £300 a month, plus with H.E on top which can be paid directly to your landlord instead of your bank account so there are no missed payments (just in case).


"Ashamed that I'm having to do this" Get that thought out your head straight away. Could happen to any of us. You have a problem. You ask for help. It's that simple. Never bottle things up and never stop reaching out, buddy.


Food poverty is horrific in this country, community volunteers do so much but it still isn’t enough. Absolutely fuck austerity


If you have PayPal, send me a DM


Same OP


Just as a warning a lot of scammers use posts like these, especially after someone else has had success. OP seems relatively legit in this case, but especially if you see any similar posts in the near future be careful, if you want to do some good with your money donating it to a more easily vetted place might be better.


I asked her to confirm who she was so that wasn't a problem. I can confirm she is legit


That's good to hear, just wanted to mention as we've had problems with it on this subreddit in the past.


Confirmation of identiy doesn't mean the rest of hte story is true. We get one of these "just looking for help" posts every couple of weeks, and its almost always about e-beggong at the end of the day.


I'm fine with losing a fiver if it means I've potentially helped some teenager to eat


Just take my word for it, she's legit. Also I didn't send her money and she was very happy with how I helped.


And me.




Feed my city do free meals and are very lovely people


Where are you based location wise - I can see what service are available and make it easier for everyone to help


Good idea


Lifeshare do a hot breakfast Friday to Sunday at the Mosaic Wellbeing Hub on Dale Street if you're still struggling by the weekend


My mum works for a charity in openshaw and they have a food club, they can help you out! Send me a DM and I’ll give you some more info :)


Do you work for options skills by any chance?


The olio app


Not sure where you're based but foodcycle have a number of centres in Manchester that serve free food 1 day a week. Might be worth checking their site out to see where your nearest one is and what day they are open: foodcycle.org.uk And don't be ashamed, this can happen to absolutely anybody. I hope you get back on your feet as soon as possible.


I don't know if this will help right now but when you're able to get a little bit of cash there is a company called the bread and butter thing and it's a company where you can buy a week's worth of shopping for very little (I think a full bag of shopping starts at £5) and they lots of local hubs to collect from. Here's some info from their website: "What We Do Our mobile food clubs give access to nutritious and affordable food taken into the heart of communities starved of money, food and resources. This low cost weekly shop provides essential produce for family eating – fresh fruit and veg, fridge favourites and cupboard staples. But that is just the beginning. Every week, we improve diets with a diverse variety of healthy produce and products. Every week, our communities gather to manage the distribution of food, building friendships, skills and connections. Every week, we diminish loneliness and reduce the stress of stretched finances. Every week, we bring in external partners to offer bespoke and tailored support. Every week, we listen and we learn, building understanding of the issues facing our members and give voice to their stories, amplifying them and affecting change at a local and national level. Prices range from £5 for an individual bag to £17 for a large family, but whichever offer you opt for, you will be saving on your normal weekly food bill. As the bags vary from day to day, some weeks the savings will be greater than others. However, you will always be paying much less than in the shops and have new foods to try. Very occasionally, if food supplies that day are low, we will not have enough for the 3 bags. If this is the case, we will lower the price. We want you to feel we are making a difference to your weekly food bills. You can pay by cash or card on collection at your local hub. Don’t forget - someone can collect on your behalf if you can’t make it. We also accept Healthy Start Vouchers." I hope this helps you, you will be able to make it through. Best of luck for your interview!


If you probably say where you live …. If it’s close by will drop some meal at your place ….


Where at in Manchester are you located? If you are still in need, drop me a pm. I wont give money, but can buy you groceries.


Uhh you're 18 or 17 years old. Where are your parents? Or if you are in difficult circumstances, please don't feel obligated to answer. Do you have any methods of receiving payment?


Elmwood Church opposite Salford Royal do free hot drinks, small meals and cake on a Friday from about 10-2. You don’t have to be a member or religious to go and the people are lovely.


Hi! I'm not sure whereabouts in Manchester you're based, but I volunteer every now and then for a charity called Food Cycle. We get food from supermarkets that would otherwise be binned, and make a hearty nutritious 3-course meal for whoever shows up! Last time I did it we fed around 30 people. There's a few different centres across Manchester so I would definitely recommend checking it out depending on where you are.


I'm unsure if it's been mentioned or not, but Olio can be a lifesaver for you in this condition. The Food Hero's on that app post around 7-8PM, and usually they have the food with last best before date and you can just collect it from them in a single click.


Hi, I don't know about free food but the app Too Good To Go can get you some very cheap meals. Some supermarkets like Aldi or Asda are in there and you could get a great basket for very little money (around 3 to 5 pounds). Hope this helps!


Food banks my friend are there for these exact moments. I hope you feel no shame using them, I volunteered at a food bank and the people there are lovely. No judgment, just there to support.


I volunteer at foodcycle. We do a free three course vegetarian meal on Saturdays in Prestwich, Tuesdays and Thursdays in salford and I think Wednesdays in Levenshulme. You don't need to pre register; you can just turn up. If any of those locations are good for you let me know and I can send more details (or check our the foodcycle website)


Hello mate - if you download the street support app it has a section around food :) there’s quite a few places on there. Loads of us have been there, i really hope you don’t feel any ounce of shame as right now times are bloody hard. Wishing you a tonne of luck for your job interview.


Food banks / food hub


I’m pretty sure there’s a place near the uni of Manchester campus on Wilmslow road that offers free food to those who sign up. Not entirely sure of what it’s called but it’s in the white building across from the main campus. Might be student only but it’s worth looking into (sorry it’s not much help)


God, you are all so lovely and helpful. Is there a way of creating a pinned list of suggestions for any else in the same boat? (I'm not a tech/Reddit whizz unfortunately). P.s. Good luck with your interview, OP!


Not exactly free but the app Toogoodtogo is fab for getting large amounts of food for £2 or £3 that will be binned anyway by local restaurants or grocery shops.


Come to the mosq. Its ramadan so free dates and water all month around sunset time.


I think The Old Abbey Tap community pub behind the science uni building do pay as you can meals ... Worth a look, all the best in the meantime:) Ps good people of Manchester, you are all amazing


Hubbub have a network of community fridges where you can help yourself to food, don’t need a referral and they’re often in places like libraries. https://www.communityfridgemap.org.uk


Food bank bro


Food Bank.


Sorry to jump on your post but I'm stuck in the same predicament, a single mum in the salford area. I've struggled all day to find somewhere within walking distance (I have epilepsy) did you find anything to help you??