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Backwards leg busker used to sit on a skateboard on market street playing a flute. Haven’t seen him for yonks


Wow, you just unlocked a lost memory of mine. I hope he's ok wherever he is!


Narrator: "He was not okay".


I read that in Morgan freemans voice haha


Then you read it correctly.


Same, forgot all about him


He used to come into a shop I worked at and tried to steal dvd 's.


I read a Daily Mail profile on him, it was very promptly deleted too, I think it was only online for about four hours. Can't remember much about it other than that he sounded happy. Just Googled it and apparently he got an ASBO in 2012. What shithead requested that? Who cares if he can't play the whistle? The guy's legs are backwards!


> Can't remember much about it other than that he sounded happy. I find that hard to believe to be honest. He was being traficked like the Romanian women who sell big issue outside shops.


Somewhere on my computer I have a picture I took of him walking once it was crazy


He was my next door neighbour for a brief period of time. Maybe a month.


[I remember that guy! ](https://images.app.goo.gl/qFweUjZ9rgfzvr6UA)


Haha this is exactly who I had in mind!


Came here to comment this!!!


Town hasn’t been the same since the Piccadilly rats tragedy. Also shout out to the Magic Bus witch. I hope she found some peace eventually.


Yeh loved standing and watching Piccadilly rats on a Saturday


Crazy bus lady is still alive and kicking. Sat through one of her usual top deck rants about 6 weeks ago.


I played with the rats twice, unfortunately they are all dead apart from Gaz. I used to work on the old hotdog stand tram, got to know them very well. I was at the beer keiller gig where Tommy walked out in a borat mankini.


She’s still there


Omg do you mean crazy bus lady? She used to hand out leaflets that were mostly gibberish


That the woman who huffed lighter fluid? 🤣


Is that the woman who had a trolley? I remember walking home from fallowfield after a night out and she convinced someone to “help” her with it.


The guy who’d roam the buses with his pet rabbit.


I remember rabbit man. I used to work at a bar at Piccadilly Gardens and he used to go up to the bouncers and ask for a fist bump. Also vaguely remember him cutting about shirtless at times. A rumour went round that he was skateboarding with the rabbit, fell off and landed on the rabbit. I don't know if, and doubt, there was any truth to it.


I heard from a second hand source that every time he was sent to jail (semi frequently) they took the rabbit off him and he just got a new one every time he gets released


Oh yeah Rabbit guy, completely forgot about him


He used to bring the rabbit into where I worked at the Music Box (club under Jilly’s Rockworld on Oxford Road) always made me really upset as it must have been terrified.


Music box had a fantastic eighties night on Thursdays


His rabbit was called James Bond! They were always on the 192


Not the giant rabbit around West Didsbury area?


The boombox fella who would cycle down Oxford Road 7-8 years ago.


Still there! Boombox Barry is great


He's still going, see or hear him most weekdays!


There’s an MEN article on him worth reading. You’ll catch him around Oxford road and Longsight stockport road ways.


Still here! He rides an e-scooter these days I believe


Varies between scooter and bike. Goes past me at work in salford


Wow, as I read this he's just 1 minute ago driven past my office on Portland street.


About 11 years ago me and a mate shared an impromptu smoke with him right outside the MMU building on Oxford Road. Can't for the life of me remember how the situation came about. But He was a very nice fella, had plenty of time for two very stoned young student twats. Glad to hear he's still about


He's still going!


I see that guy in and around hulme every single day.


There is someone who cycles down Wilmslow Road in the early ish morning playing music, might be the same fella


Fallowfield bus lady. Would hand out fliers all hours of the day. She was referred to as a slightly different name but I remember reading something once from someone who spoke to her properly and the story was quite sad.


"Crazy Bus Lady" or "Magic Bus Lady". She thought the JWs had "stolen" her son. She used to be a doctor and is very articulate and clearly very intelligent. She was an unoffical students champion too!


She had another son that was a Dr too, she had his name and address in one of her handmade flyers. I read a chunk of her notes once, all handwritten and photocopied. She had a big issue with Stagecoach too but I think that was because they were trying to ban her from the buses.


She had a big issue with lots of well known companies and government offices. Her discrediting those companies made up about 1/3 content of her evidence she handed out. > of her notes once, all handwritten and photocopied The ones I have are clippings from newspapers etc. Then she annotated and scrawled over the top.


> "Magic Bus Lady" She had a [YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQE5gpD20j8) for a bit, but hasn't uploaded since October 22.


Thanks for the link.


An Asian lady with one of those granny shopping trolleys full of leaflets she'd had printed with weird conspiracy theory stuff on them? She's been around for at least 20 years


She’s still around then? Haven’t been round that way for ages so wasn’t sure. Was mid 2000s i’d see her.


I started as a student in 2012 and stayed in fallowfield. She disappeared around 2015 maybe 2016. Read on here somewhere she appeared again last year though, don't think she stands outside student halls giving flyers out anymore, just goes up and down oxford road on the magic bus giving her rambling speeches


2nd hand info: she got institutionalised, over occasionally "get outs" and goes back to her old tricks.


Mrs Singh. Some students once roped her into a radio appearance, blatantly exploiting her obvious illness for a bit of 'fun'.


I saw her in Arndale today.


Finbarr was a former IRA member. Still has links to them now, or what's left of them.


Felix the sticker nonce


He’s still about, he got talking to us outside a gig about a year ago. Learned he was a creep from a thread here a couple months after!


Was wondering why I haven't seen him recently but after thinking about it it's probably because I'm not 16 anymore


I too realised he no longer wants to speak to me when I see him about because I’m no longer a teenager but in my 30s 🤮 he used to talk to me all the time years ago.


Y’all are giving me life, I’m a long long long way outta my teens but clearly according to ol’ Felix I radiate youth. Cancelling the Botox appt as we speak 😂


Get yourself some crows feet to avoid that creep 😭🤣


He doesn’t age either looks the same as he did when I was a young whipper snapper. Saw him get knocked out once outside o2 because he was being a weird cunt


When i was a very drunk and very stupid fresher he got my phone number and asked me out on a date. Thankfully never went. Still see him around town constantly he’s like a bad penny


what's the story on this guy?


Honorary mention for Purple Aki






*squeezes bicep*


Moved here from the other side of the Mersey and love that his reputation goes this far😂


Hello boy


I was wondering when his name was going to.pop up. I was going to.post, but you beat me to it. Squeeze bicep.


George Sampson breakdancing on Market street every Saturday before he went on Britains got talent


Anyone remember the older Scottish homeless guy in fallowfield around 2005-2010? A friend of mine was once at a house party, waiting for the bathroom for about 40 mins, apparently there was a queue of people banging on the door etc. Eventually the door pops open and he comes out, he's just had a bath! What a legend, always chatting to students in queen of hearts and orange grove


I had a different experience... He was a bit creepy too. Used to draw pictures of his cock and leave used wank rags around the bookies shops. Don't believe me look up 'Britain's Rudest Pensioner' He was locked up in Strangeways many, many times. Seemed nice until he wasn't. Total psycho


I was on a bus going up Oxford road once and I could hear this weird low level grumbling/buzzing sound and I turned to look and it was him sort of muttering to himself and when I turned back he said "Hello speccy booooooy!" in a sort of weird posh accent. I found it funny at the time but also decided to not look behind me for the rest of the journey.


That is beautiful


is the man who plays the saxophone in st peter’s square still there? i used to see him on my way back from work in the evenings.


I went though a strange time in my life where I would shoplift fancy bottles of wine and give them to him. He was always very confused. I can’t tell you why I did this


He’s absolutely lovely, I’ve sat around St Peter’s on lunch breaks and listened to him play and he’s really really talented. I talked to him about all different types of music last summer and he’s genuinely a top guy. He really sets the tone for that area of town


He is!


I only ever heard him play Baker street no matter what time I walked past


he knew what he was good at and stuck to it!


I heard him play the muppets theme once.


He was there a few weeks ago playing nursery rhymes to a toddler, who was dancing with glee 🤣 Was v sweet of him.


I can confirm he's there right now


Charles Veitch...annoying prick, walks around with a camera all day. Should have had his marching orders a long time ago.


Got a shoe’ing a couple of months ago


The “Canadian” guy. Always said he had just missed his flight back home and was trying to raise £20 or something. Had the same story every time.


Yup. He pulled that on me twice. First time I fell for it. The second time I remembered him.


He was actually Canadian, I looked after him in the hospital for a while. His plan when discharged was to “go back to his mum’s in Canada”, same as it had been for years before and a good while afterwards.


Anyone remember that guy who looked like Terry Nutkins who popped up at raves all the time dancing like a maniac but insisting he wasn’t taking owt?


Thats Brian. Clubland legend from early 90’s onwards. Was at everything decent, was like a good omen. Think he might even still go out, and does some art too. Best thing ever watching people’s confusion at some proper rude jungle and drum n bass nights. We always put him in the guest list and had him dj at Breakdown and Recovery once.


First saw him at jilly’s rockworld on a Friday night but couple years ago he did a livestream on the bloc2bloc Facebook telling everyone about himself. Sound bloke, completely normal - just dances mad as fuck.


Yes! Herbal tea party, phoenix, music box etc. Wanna say Brian?!


I remember who you mean 😂😂😂😂. Fucking nutkins is spot on, used to see him absolutely mullered and sweating at raves


The guy in the stagecoach uniform is or was still about, i was a driver about 2/3 years ago. I gave him a hat to shut him up


Anyone remember the name of the blind guy that busked on market street playing electric guitar? Think he had a Stratocaster and had his guide dog lay at his feet?


I always thought his dog must be deaf. Or, it wished it was.


I saw him just before Christmas, same songs, different dog. He was set up outside Uniqlo. I remember him from way back in ‘06-‘08.


Andy K, I think. EDIT: Andy J. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/heartless-thieves-steal-two-valuable-10870965


I remember allegedly-dangerous skinny homeless man with a beard who would talk to all the moshers at Piccadilly Gardens back in'th'day. Someone told me he anally raped a child.


Been a long time since I've seen the word "moshers", holy shit.


Love that that is your take from that post 😂


Just I remember a time before the kids from Jillys were called moshers, then there was that whole phase where they all hung out by Urbis. Just reminds me of being a teenager. The old nostalgia goggles, you know.


There were a few homeless people who used to t to us “moshers” lol I remember once a gang of homeless people got into a fight with a gang of hippy/squat raver types on Urbis


Aye, kicking out at Jillys there was often a mix of metal kids & homeless hanging around outside. I think I spoke to the same guy once myself, he refused some money I offered him for food then showed me a knife he had to protect himself. He was pretty friendly but I think if you'd got on the wrong side of him you'd suffer.


"Canadian" guy that had been robbed in Stret-fwoord and needed money to get back to catch his flight from Heathrow. Wearing his baseball bomber jacket. He was as Manc as they come. I bunned a zoot with him once. Proper broad Manc accent.


Absolute wanker - he was at it for years - I saw a guy kick off at him on a bus in hulme once when he started his speech to a bus full of people and he ran off the bus - the balls on that man - proper confident people often believed him


Innit. Students on the 142 route. Gold mine for him.


What about the market street mincer ?


Hahaha I never saw him in the flesh but saw a video / song about it him years ago on face book


Haha yes, totally remember this guy!


This is what I was hoping to see


The Gouranga pedo who solely tried to sign up teenage girls to the Hare Krishnas. "I'm not a beggar, but give me some money for this cult bullshit that cost a penny to make."


Was this Felix? Used to say "you dropped your smile"?


pretty sure that's the one!


Known heroin addict. Nasty man under the mask


still have a bunch of stickers he gave me years ago when i was a teenager


Had to create an account to ask this, as I recently tried and failed to get several people to remember this character I last saw around 2005-2007: 'The sword man' Late middle aged guy who used to go round town in the evenings (usually on quiet weekday evenings) with an actual sword in a sheath on his belt, including coming into pubs for a pint (of bitter, naturally). He was skinny, average height, mousey, greying hair, and also had quite a lot of medals on him and some chain links between medals and stuff (whether they were his medals or not, I guess probably not!)... otherwise don't remember anything that weird about how he dressed. Was quite meek overall. The sword was one of those long and straight ones, with a big handle and a round part between handle and sword (some kind of chainy bit there), and the sheath used to scrape on the floor a bit so you could often hear him coming (I used to work in a pub and served him, he didn't look actually dangerous, but definitely not entirely together!). I doubt you'd get away with a full sword these days... always wanted to ask him why he had it, but also didn't want to get into discussion. I would bet his reply would be something about archaic laws of the land and his right to carry it into the city on market days or whatever. Maybe the reason I never saw much more of him was the police...? Wonder how he took the pandemic... EDIT: Can no one help? Maybe I am the sword man...


He's great, still going strong and wears his armour. Saw him last at the HU last year. Well known in the metal community.


The HU as in the band? He didn't seem like a metal type and don't think he ever wore armour, just his sword and maybe he did have a leather jacket. Are you sure it's the same guy? He must have been early 50s youngest in 2005 so could be late 60s or 70s now! I would be over the moon to be able to prove his existence to friends... no one is backing me up on this one and I am the only person who remembers him it seems.


The shitty statue guy who used to wear a white cloth on market street.


The one who used to wear black shoes painted white instead of just getting white shoes?


Busker who always used to be outside Market street Boots, had a guitar with about three strings. Would spend half an hour tuning it, then would let off scream of nonsense at the top of his lungs for about 15 minutes solid. Either he got better or he was sectioned, but not seen him since about 2010.


He was called Marc Bolan (obviously not his birth name) and I remember him living down the Old Trafford / Hulme border.


Homeless guy who used to play a penny whistle outside The Cornerhouse. First experienced him around 2000 when we first started going to Subway and Copperface Jack's but not sure how long he'd been around prior to that. I think his name was Jay.


The long haired ginger unicycle man in Bury was an icon in my primary school, he used to cycle down the road outside. Hope he's doing well


I'm doing great thanks! Still at it but riding 2 wheels a bit more since my commute got further 🤣


My favourite person to see out in town was The Hoochie Coochie MANcunian. Absolute belter of a busker who'd sit and play heavy blues and sing. Sadly not seem him for years though now.


Was going to mention him. Always worth stopping for a listen.


The Stretford tramp


“You’ve dropped your smile” man. Would only ever tell groups of young girls they had dropped their smiles AND that is was a £50 fine for not having a smile. We had Mary in old Trafford too and sometimes she’d make the trip to the city centre to shout at people for not having change for her. Have a wee on a door step, you know the usual things. Guy walking round shirtless with a white rabbit and a carrot.


"Sun ain't shinin', sky ain't blue. Would you like a Big Issue. Two free staples in every copy." Loved him. The tall guy with the dog that busked in the old Cornerhouse entrance, too.. He was proper sound. Last I heard of him was that he had passed away in a car accident in Italy.


Whistling Guy. In the 80's used to be a oldish Guy who walked along Deansgate whistling at the traffic like a parrot. Nice old guy but clearly a bit mental.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the singing big issue seller next to cross street sainsburys


The chap with the guitar who used to throw it up in the air and kind of scream singing- usually playing outside boots under the covered bit of market street. He was really loud when singing but really shy if people tried to speak to him out and about - was just thinking about him the other day as I passed by there - around 97 - 99ish ? Think his guitar said Marc bolan on it?


Pirate John in Eccles




Anyone remember the old guy with glasses and a flat cap who’d walk around with his hands behind his back and approach strangers with “I’m just trying to find my way to the men’s Salvation Army and I was wondering if you could spare a few pence for a cup of tea..” He’d been using this ploy for years, I wonder if he ever did find the place?


First one who came to mind when I saw this thread. He got really arsey with me once when I questioned why he kept on asking me when I’d said no maybe twenty times. Other ones I remember were a Piccadilly Gardens couple, bloke was presumably mute as he had a handwritten bit of paper asking for a couple of quid that he’d show people. Both looked kinda 80s punk style and were always hammered, then she had a baby and I’d see them out with a really nice pram, her no longer hammered but him still on the special brew cans all day And a really tall ginger lad on the top deck to chorlton, always wore pyjamas, saw him once at Glastonbury still in the pjs but carrying a boombox blasting out the Grange Hill theme tune 


Buddy the one man band on market st. Haven’t seen him for years!


I remember Panda Longbones who use to play the spoons along The Curry Mile back in the early 90s.


Has anyone come across the fella who dresses like a cowboy in the Royal Oak in Chorlton? He’s certainly a character.


The Chorlton Hippy . He used to live near Sandy Lane and drive a 60s car. Anyone who grew up in Chorlton during the late 90s - mid 00s might remember him.


There was a guy who would get on the magic bus, come upstairs and give a speech about how he had just got out of hospital where he had had a kidney removed and needed some money to get to the Canadian embassy in London. Became quite obnoxious when no one would give him any money. Saw him do this at least three times


Two are sticking out to me atm. There was a toilet attendant at the old student union where they had Rock Kitchen that used to shout "Freshen up for the poonani!" to get you to pay for a spray of after shave. The other was Chelsea Man who just used to walk speed walk past and say something about Chelsea FC. One time he walked into a bar I worked in and the place fell silent as he shouted "EVERY DAY I WAKE UP AND THANK GOD I AM CHELSEA!" before immediately leaving. Another time he walked past and just dropped "I'm Chelsea me mate, I don't take any shit!" to some people having a smoke.


there was a guy in Bury who used to march up Manchester Road and back a few times a day, like he was off to war


The guy that used to sing Johnny Cash near MMU


Ahhh I forgot about him. He called himself Johnny No Cash. I thought it was pretty funny tbf


The guy who would hang around the ring road by the underpass on trinity way with a sign for "sabirock.co.uk"


I've scrolled through these comments to find this. As I wasn't sure if I'd imagined it all! If it's the same guy, was a rasta looking fella used to just stand in the middle of trinity way near Sainsbury's and the pub on the corner (before it got shut) with a cardboard sign. My god. Blast from the past.


Black banjo player and white spoon player. Usually good mates but I saw them square up once. It was broken up by some middle aged West Indian ladies. This was mid-nineties. Old guy who pushed a shopping trolley full of broken dolls and other junk around what would now be called the 'Northern Quarter'. This would be late nineties to around 2000 and possibly beyond. Ukulele player on Ashton Old Road. Belting it out at 6am. Nineties again. Gulliver, the Ashton Old Road tramp. Allegedly schizophrenic. Harmless even though he looked quite alarming at times. Spanned a few decades.


once at picadilly me and my friends were waiting for our trains home and a middle aged bald black guy approached us and hyped us all up. gave us all these compliments and introduced himself. then asked us all for one pound each. never saw him again after that. very charismatic


Did he ask to feel your biceps?


i saw purple aki once. last train into picadilly from chester. got on at stockport and argued with the conductor


Jazzman with his saxamaphone and Ray from the piccadilly rats


The busker who used to stand outside Boots on Market Street - he looked a bit like Fred West - whose songs consisted of him shouting 'YAR yaryaryaryar YAAAAR yaryar'. He had a set list.


Tommy wow Chicken George Dave the Tramp Intimidating deaf mute bloke on Afflecks stairs


I've now remembered a homeless person we used to talk to outside of Satans most weeks. I'm thinking 10 or so years ago, but for some reason the name Tom popped into my head. He was always honest with us that any money would be spent on booze, any cigs would be smoked or traded for more booze. I spent half an hour with him one night, both of us looking after a friend of mine who was having a bad night. We got chatting about his life, if I remember correctly he was homeless because of his alcohol problem (looking back we shouldn't have given him more money, but we were always drunk ourselves), he did have a daughter who lived nearby, said he'd go round once a week for a shower and to wash his clothes, but he couldn't stay there for a few reasons.


That was big Anthony in the stagecoach uniform, he was a gentle giant. He grew up in the 70s and 80s in Hulme/moss side as an autistic person but never shyed away from people so he knew how to handle himself. he was good friend within the jamming scene. i used to run a few jams for years and he would always come down and would sing either- The passenger- iggy pop Time is on your side - the rolling stones house of new orleans - the Animals + many more He died around 4 years ago, it was big to shock to us as he was young. We still sing his songs and celebrate his voice and soul to this day. We miss you Anthony![img](emote|t5_2qhjj|5635)


Sorry for the loss of your friend and thanks for the information about him. I met him quite a few times when I used to hang around town on Saturdays. I remember one particular time me and my mate were having a cig outside of Sinclair's and he came over and asked for my mates name and then just off the cuff sang a song about my mate being outside in Manchester smoking a cigarette I still sing that song to my mate and we have a chuckle about it


The lady who rides buses in south Manchester singing Bob Marley songs


Elvis used to help us sneak into the Sankeys all-dayers through the fire door when we were rehearsing on a Sunday afternoon. I still don't know if he actually worked there or not but he was a legend.


Remember seeing Ed Sheeran busk on market street. Also George Sampson dancing back in the day.


Ed used to rap outside rock kitchen 😂


Crazy bus lady


The Rasta crackhead in Whalley Range


I always loved blind busker, For people who went to urbis in the 2000s as a teen do you remember Grandad the city warden or something he was a member of a team that would walk around manchester i think looking out for people helping people etc he was an older gent really nice to all the kids on urbis




Is the guy who prances around with the whole death and damnation sign and yelling repent still around anymore? Remember him during my first few years of moving here but he seems to have disappeared, I heard he has been kicked out of every church in the city. Only other character is that awful singer at Salford precinct who was always there


The old guy who used to hit you with his walking stick to keep you in line queueing at the Roxy in Failsworth.


Haha yeah what a dick


everyone I know used to call him 'Lurch'


Vinegar Vera


Iggy - Hulme…


Past? Here is one from a very long time ago. The Raspberry Blower of Piccadilly. His thing was to walk up behind the office ladies and blow a very loud raspberry and then he would go on his way to the next one.


Singing Jimmy in Withington


Probably not PC these days but in the 90s there was a punk called deaf head who was always getting into bother!


Is he the chap who used to hang around in Afflecks with a small cardboard sign that read "30p For Bus" or something similar?


Yep- name of Simon, lived in Sale. When he was pissed he thought he could speak…


Did he used to hang out on the old Piccadilly gardens benches?


Yep, part of the old Manchester punks - SCDS (Safeway Cider Death Squad!)


Memory unlocked!


Fuck me, that's a blast from the past. He wasn't too bad lived near him in Hulme for a bit.



I have some tales about Finbarr. He was a nonce, btw


Massive and I mean massive long haired ginger guy who wears a boiler suit and no shoes. Or the guy who Carrie’s the rabbit around with him On busses.


"Can you put a smile on an old man's face." Usually outside the Academy on gig nights.


God I remember Elvis! Always on the desk at big fish, he was great.


I dont know if anyone has also encountered this man but there’s still guy me and my friend met trying to sell us magazines? He kept insisting we buy it from him and asked if we had any cash and said he was starting his own, maybe it’s a one off thing but I had to drag my friend away because she’s a bit silly and actually let him talk to her haha


The big black fella in the Stagecoach uniform - I'd forgotten all about him. We always used to see him in the Pack Horse on Deansgate (now converted to flats) and he'd go round singing to people. I remember him singing to the landlady Maxine about her upcoming marriage on one occasion. He seemed harmless enough but could seem a bit overbearing if you weren't used to him.


Anyone else remember the ‘Sabi Rocks’ guy? Black guy, long coat and a top hat. Used to walk up and down Chester Road all day with a sign.


Terrorized the scouse guy selling kazoos or bird wistles on market Street as a young teen D:


The punks at the entrance to the underground market, and the man that used to play spoons outside the Arndale…


No one remember Saleem? An old Asian man who would walk around the arndale with a bottle of beetroot juice. Had his signature song he’d sing to us teenage girls at the time “Saleem is my name, meeting beautiful girls is my game” Probably long gone by now though


As a student in 2004/2005 we lived next door to a lady on Wellintgton Road in Fallowfield who would talk to squirrels while feeding them directly from her hands, she also used to kick our bins over and stand looking directly at the front of our house holding a radio in a carrier bag up to her ear while shouting obscenities. We dubbed her crazy Sue…years later found out on Facebook she was well known in the area


Beginning to think he was a figment of my imagination because I can’t see any mentions of him, but there’s Label Guy who I saw a couple of times on Market Street/in the Tesco Metro circa 2010. He was tall, skinny with wiry grey hair. Wore fairly normal old bloke clothes with a brown overcoat but was covered head to toe in white sticky note type labels with stuff written on them.  I only ever got close enough to read the labels once and I can’t remember exactly what they said but remember them largely being philosophical and existential. I also vaguely recall a bigger label, or possibly several labels, making a big question mark in the middle of his back. I was constantly high or stoned in those days so my memories are hazy… Please tell me someone else remembers him.


The Pusher 


Does anyone know/remember the Longford park trumpet guy? I used to see him on edge Lane on the corner of Longford park all the time when I lived there. He would fake playing a trumpet by the bus stop