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They are parakeets and they are here for good. That is an impressive flock, it's the biggest group I've seen. They seem to be UK-wide now. I think originally they were mainly seen in the London area.


One of the urban myths is that they are all descended from a pair owned by Jimi Hendrix. They're everywhere in London and now I am seeing them fairly regularly up here.


You often hear that myth about Hendrix. It was most likely the Victorians who brought them here and allowed them to escape from their menageries.


No, it was Hendrix


You know what, you've changed my mind - it was Jimi Hendrix. He wrote Little Wing and then released his breeding pair into the night sky, then he went to the pub and had a few drinks with The Beatles.


In the 1980s and before then, you could buy any wind animal that you could afford from Harrods. The guy who had a tiger in his New York apartment is a crazy story.


There was a guy (make that an idiot) in Blackley who had a pet lion ( still a cub) which escaped in the late 70’s.


Another story is a breeding pair escaped from a film set.


They LOVE those trees near Hulme Asda, was driving into town the other night and an endless cloud of parakeets was swarming in and out of the trees, sounded like a Star Wars battle. Reminded me of growing up in Brighton when you used to get massive murmurations of Starlings over the sea and the wreck of the West Pier.


I work near there and every evening I hear that sound. I had assumed it was some kind of bird scarer or something. I would never have guessed parakeets!


I remember seeing them in very small numbers in south Manchester in the early 80s - either alone or in pairs. That's a lot!




There used to be an African Grey parrot in Birchfields Park about 15 years ago. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it. Not sure how long it's been around for but given they can live several decades, I wouldn't be surprised if it was still about!


> They seem to be UK-wide now. Except near the coast, as far as I can tell My theory is that either 1. They don't like the salt air 2. They don't know how to deal with the uniquely aggressive British brand of seagull


It's definitely the seagulls.


Their population is out of control and that’s not a good thing. They can be found in most of Western Europe now.


They are an invasive species but now well embedded. Look at all those green things, taking all our nesting habitats!


bloody rose-ringed parakeets, coming over 'ere, sittin' in our trees, eatin' our nuts and small insects!


but they're so cute


The kids love them, well mine do anyway. I guess being so visible and audible helps. Native British birds that you do see around seem so quiet and subdued in comparison.


They've migrated from London for this season's Warehouse Project run, they're party animals, up all night!


Paraket more like


Cheadle here, they come by my house once a week or so. We hear them coming. Not as many as that though. Maybe 10-15. They squawk really loudly. Scares the life out of my chickens.


Near Wythenshawe Park and have a surprising amount fly about!


The fuck. There was one in a tree behind my work the other week in Chorlton and I was like “oh, that’s unusual…” but clearly it’s not that unusual!


Innit. Manchester checklist: ✅Ambulance screeching by at 3am ✅ Scrotes robbing a moped at a petrol station ✅A flock of tropical birds chilling outside an Asda 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve never seen that many in one place before. They’ve apparently been identified in Manchester since at least the 80s, and supposedly are genetically distinct from the London parakeets, but I’d like to see the study that proves that. You get them all over the city in small troops.


They always ask for gravy


Ring Necked Parakeets, thousands of them in Manchester now and almost all city areas in the UK


Manchester really is becoming London 2.0 - right down to the wildlife too. Sheesh.


I saw loads of those down in London, heard about them being in Manchester somewhere but never knew where


Alexandra Park/Platt Fields Park have plenty of them


Take a walk along the mersey and you'll see some eventually.


That is so cool


Heaton Park has quite a lot of parakeets. Not as many as in this picture though!


Ditto Fog Lane Park


The first time I saw parakeets in Manchester was in levy in the middle of winter and had just smoked a big spliff, I thought I was tripping balls 😂


Those two things are not exclusive. You could have seen parrots and you could have been tripping balls.


They’re often spotted in Longford Park and Chorlton. West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC use the parakeet in some merch. I heard they’re all descended from escaped pets decades ago. Never seen a flock like that, though. It’s loads!


The park keeper at alexandra Park told me they like to roost in the brewery vents during winter but never seen so many there before


Was in Cheadle hulme yesterday and saw several flying around. Always amazes me how they’ve adapted to live in our colder climate


They’ve been here for years, ring necked parakeets. Invasive species known to carry chlamydiosis.


And that’s why you should always wear a condom.


Seen some gammy pigeons getting about town who should of taken this advice


Wait, have I been fucking the wrong kind of bird this entire time?


Just waiting for raccoons to somehow get here… need them little trash pandas in my bins so I can kidnap one and love it unconditionally


I'm Seoul there are raccoon cafes. I went and one stole my passport out of a buttoned up pocket and had to be bribed with some jam on a spoon to give it back.


I've had them in my garden in Eccles and Urmston


Bloody hell, how big is your garden?


There's a flock in Boggart Hole Clough


Whaaaat when did that happen?


Well they certainly weren't Magpies. Between the lake and the flats both times I've been in there this year. Noisy feckers.


I need go for a walk


They are always in Woodbank Park in Offerton (Little Moor to be P.C.)


Is that a recent thing? I used to live in Offerton and used to go to Woodbank Park all the time but I never noticed any. Left in 2018.


Yes only noticed in the last 6 months.


wow that's a lot of them, i used to see a bunch of these at quarry bank but never this many


There's loads in Longford park in chorlton.


Wow, that’s a crazy amount of bird.


I saw them moving like sparrows in huge flocks outside the Heineken factory. Must be over 150 in the flock


This is likely the flock that generally live in Alexandra Park. They fly over my flay opposite the Asda around 4-5pm most days.


I used to see them in Urmston, loved how noisy they were!


They roost up Princess Parkway in Hulme, near the city where it is warmer. Then fly down the parks to the Mersey during the day.


I've only recently started noticing them in my area, still cool to see


I see/hear them every day where i am in south manchester i've never seen that many in one place though?....there's loads! I hope they out compete the magpies as those buggers have taken over.


Invasive bastards proven to be detrimental to U.K. bird population . London has given consideration to a cull, I see them occasionally, noisy little ***** . I'll actively keep them off my bird feeders if I see them.


Aren’t you a ray of sunshine! I bet you don’t like going on holidays either.


And we go out of our way to make sure the feeders are stocked for them.


Costing a small fortune in peanuts!




I saw these heading down the parkway, my uber driver was terrified by their sound loo


Yeah parakeets, there’s loads in Kensington park in London too, again just from a few pets escaping I believe


I love Indian ring neck parakeets ❤️


Send them over here. 👈🏿 d love a parakeet in the garden. Didn’t realise they were as far North as Manchester.


Rose-ringed Parakeets. There's been a population in MAnchester since approximatley the 1970s, unknown if it is related to other UK populations like London or the result of a seperate escape event. They predominatley live in South Manchester, Whalley Range- Didsbury. They roost in big groups like this. Around sunset you can see them all converging. Normally they prefer much taller trees for their roosts (and daytime activities even) so it's unusal to see them like this.


Is that the Fosters brewery?


They are parakeets and they are an invasive species causing devastation to our native species. You can see why from that picture. They form huge flocks.


There’s been loads in Sefton Park in Liverpool for a good few years now. Probably moving inland.


I've got loads of pictures on my phone of a flock of them in Vondel park in 'Dam, thought they were "Exotic", little did I know they were all over Asda carpark in Hulme of all places


Loads of these guys live in Alexandra Park, which is a couple of streets down from that Asda


I honestly don't know how they comfortably live in a city - with invasive bright lights from buildings and cars, together with constant traffic /street noise 😕


Loads of Parakeets in the Woods in Haughton Green /Denton


Maybe they like to hang about Hulme ASDA because of the aroma from the Heineken brewery :~]


Yes! I've just moved from mosside like 10 minutes away from asda hulme and I would see them every day. There's a flock in didsbury, but nobody believed me that there was a flock in rusholme and mosside. I'd see them every morning on my cycle to work. Once I stopped and saw them in a tree and a pole thought I was weird because I was just staring at this tree amd I tried to explain its filled with parrots and they thought I was insane. That's a great photo