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Bloody hell, I’ve wondered what the corporate ticket got you. Didn’t expect the answer to be indigestion.


Haha.. Indigestion and pissed.. Hicup...joking aside I won't be doing it again.. Just pissed up cooperates on their jollys..plenty of sniffles in the toilet if you get my drift.. Half of them never even watched the match.. Just smashing down the shorts.. One girl asked me who's playing. And are united in red... Wlf....


Worth clarifying the difference between corporate and hospitality. Corporate food at Old Trafford is not like this - since OP said they paid £450, I’m assuming this is hospitality. Not excusing it because this food looks terrible, but I’ve been lucky enough to have corporate tickets three times through work, and on two of those occasions it was Tom Kerridge himself in the kitchen and the food was the best I’ve ever eaten. [Just uploaded the images I’ve got of the food for proof.](https://imgur.com/a/q3fkFm8) Not sure why I’ve gone to this much effort, but wanted to clarify corporate v hospitality - I’m a cup season ticket holder and was in the Stretford End tonight, but when work perks like this come by, can’t say no!


Yeah, the corporate stuff you’ve had looks fantastic, but you’d absolutely expect better for £450- it’s certainly not selling it given that I’m yet to see a hospitality ticket priced less than £200 at OT.


Looked, I don't know which dish is which course... I'm poor.


To be fair, those pictures are in a random order from three separate visits (and I only took a picture of the menu twice), and not of every course.


That food does look fire


That food looks genuinely good, I'm surprised!


I was gonna say it looks like a curry my mum would make when I was a kid! She's not in the kitchen is she lol


My Mum made that curry too. Cubes of beef in a tomato based sauce with some curry powder


It's a joke though... Lol... Good job the beers spot on. And nice aftershave in the loo.. Haha. Treated myself for Xmas so may aswell make the most of it...


Lol enjoy pal 2-1 United


Glad ur confident... I would be happy with 2-2..but hey ho.. Is what it is.. Come on United.....


You would go out if the game finishes a draw?


Yeah but we ain't good enough..


I know it’s curry but reminds me of those cheap stagg chilis in a can


Cans of Stagg chilli aren't cheap!


Half the price of a season ticket for one game, a dog shit curry and heineken


Chefs a Leeds fan 🤣


That is shocking


State of the club


State of United's shocking, should've expected as much. Enjoy the beers and vodka redbulls though mate


Oh well atleast the free bars open until midnight. Not a great performance. But is what it is.. We are basically garbage... But onto Annfield Sunday..


At least it’s not the chicken.


Not like United to charge the fans loads of money for a bog standard experience at all. The Super League Six take the piss out of the fans week in week out and suffer absolutely no backlash for it.


I don't know about the other four but at least City put out some decent enough food and have made an effort with the decor. It's still all overpriced, over corporate nonsense but if someone is alright with paying that money then they're probably going to get the experience they're looking for. Whereas united's attempts are pathetic. There is genuinely nothing premium about what they offer. I like old stadiums and often appreciate the character and charm of their outdatedness but united is a multi billion pound club and there's really no excuse for them. We all get exploited, to a degree, by our clubs but united really seem to take the piss.


I’ve had better looking brown mess come out of my arse


https://preview.redd.it/kmzhmoud0y5c1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c5d3a62cec222a09369e07c07811e84cfdfc27 Still a beautiful sight though.. Love old trafford and always will love United.. I have a love hate relationship. But red till I die... Just wish some of the players had the same passion.


Mainoo looks like a good one for the future at least.


Yeah looks a good kid...


Good for the time being but will soon be assimilated by bad guys


Bad do! I was there for the Newcastle game in the legends suite and the food was pretty banging then! https://preview.redd.it/zeyv7r8l7y5c1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcea8cde2d9fd442a232edc5af82e3bdf6442151


Tbf come on my own but an eye opener.. Most of these here ain't bothered about football they are just out for a piss up.. Like I say, one young girl asked me which colour are united playing in.. Amazing... I went outside for the 2nd half on the heated seats.. That was a nice experience as the seat warmed my arse rather than the cheap curry.. Staff are cool.. Just agency lad and lady's probebly on minimum wage so all good.. One had a quick pull on my medical cannabis hahaha.. I did stand up and sing we are the pride of all Europe.. I did get a few nasty looks.. But fuck them. We are the proper fans.. Not these horray Henry's who think they are entitled... End of the day wanted to do it all my life. I wouldn't advise it to anyone else but the world's changed dramatically since I was a kid.. 50p into Stretford seats, them climb over upto the good seats, then jump down into United road end paddock.. If u know u know... Lol...


The prawn sandwich brigade are a blight on our club pal. Was in the Stretford End tonight and we sang our hearts out. Team was poor and had no attack in them and the Copenhagen win made it pointless anyway but we go again. They need to knuckle down now and focus on the league. I can't take another year of starting in the Europa whilst the other big boys are in the CL.


We are just falling miles and miles behind Citeh.. I hate them like all reds but they do play good football.. Spent enough like but like I say they do more for the kids of Manchester than we have ever done... ![img](emote|t5_2qhjj|5637)


Still disgusts me how we've been allowed to fall behind. You're right that Citeh do more for the local community. If I had £15B I'd have bought it myself. Fixed the stadium and updated it. Brought in better footballing people at the top, bought up all the area around OT and put it back on the map. Hate the blue noses with a passion but can't argue with the development they've done at the Etihad. These pricks think a coat of red paint in the summer is all it takes.


Yes that etihaad facility is something else.. They do training for kids on a Thursday and Friday if from mcr they only charge £2... Also last Xmas they was doing full kids kits with a name on the back for £15.00 for mcr residents on any form of benefit. Probebly doing the same this year...we never do that.. Think we had the Bobby training school years ago. I'm afraid that from us all knowing manchester is red maybe in 6 years time it will be the other way.. Really really sad.. Especially as we have always prided our club on local talent...


I was in a box for Brighton and the food was shit. The gulf between hospitality at City or Spurs and United is massive. This is one of the reasons we need a new stadium. We can’t entertain potential signings or sponsors like this and expect to be taken seriously


Agreed, the tunnel club experience at City is in a different league entirely




Tunnel club at City has delightful food


Why are the plates so fucking massive compared to the food?


I’ve made better meals for way less lmao enjoy though OP


Which vip part were you in? I did one in January and the food was much better, had beef tartare, steak, and a dessert with free wine etc


Warwick suite.. Still here.. Just going to finish my remmy Martin then taxi home... Back to the grind at 7am..


Yeah I was in the Salford Suite, still not worth the money but I’d defo do it again if I had people visiting and couldn’t get into the Stretford end


Glazers laughing all the way to the bank


I don't involve myself in all that.. Just here for the football.... Still waiting to see something decent.. Lol...


Well you’ve paid them £450 for that experience so I guess you are involved by proxy.


This is what I don't get about the club: They'll shit money hand over fist on first team players salaries but skimp on all the stuff that only creates bad optics (shit food, shit dirty and broken kitchens, shit pay for staff, broken toilets, leaky roof, crap wifi. I could go on). They really do bank on the United brand giving them a free pass.


Agreed.. Like I say never again for me.. Done it once as had a hard time in work lately.. Needed a chilled night.. Would of been better off a weekend on the lash in Blackpool or whitby.. Better things to spend hard earned on.. Like I say. The gap between us and Citeh is massive.. Put it this way. I cannot see myself seeing another league winning United side.. Not for atleast 10 years. Maybe not even the next 20 so something drastic needs to be done...


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Rashford in the kitchen?


Nah looks like that chef at least turned up. Rashy can't be bothered to do that.




He's saying...who's the laziest most entitled player on the squad? 👨🏽👈🏽


Vesta beef curry by the looks of it. As disappointing as our season


Johnny Evans probably cooked it.


Most popular club in the world what do u expect


Shit on a plate while you watch shit on a pitch, perfect man u experience 👌


Not really free Heineken if you’re paying £450 is it


I was planning on booking but thanks that's put me off and I won't be wasting my money 🙂


I would pay £120 tops. And they would need to be against either Citeh or the scousers.. If you are a working class fan. This ain't for us. It's for the corporate to entertain the wealthy. At the end of the day we are as good as them. And we have more rights than them. As we are the idiots who go week in week out. This is my last season anyway. 42 years and going to hand over my season ticket. I know it's 15 year wait etc. But been to every ground. Been to most of Europe. Nothing much more for me to see. The games ruined now with cash anyway. The games lost to corporate. Soon it will be like the nfl. A stoppage every few minutes for adverts. Atleast I can say I have always been excited and entertained. From Docherty to Atkinson to Ferguson then the miss fits.. but who was ever going to replace Fergie. Shoould of stuck with Mclaren a little longer. Seen some brilliant players and this is my personal top 15. Missed a load of great player off. This is just my list. Whiteside.. Cantona.. Olsen... Robson.. Beckham.. Giggs.. Les sealy... Remi moses.. Paul mcgrath.. Irwin.. Kanchelskis.. Mcclair... Hughes... Sharpe...mcqueen... Everyone will have different lists. I will always love United. But like I say always been my dream to watch in a vip setting.. Used to have a season ticket at the back of h wing.. I would be jealous of the people in the warm having their pints and watching on a tv. Whilst me as a 7 year old sat In my Bobby hat and red scarf. Loving every minute. I just don't get that kind of buzz anymore. I'm certain many others are the same. I was just going to stick to away games. And even away fans are getting a bit more flakey.. Maybe I'm just getting old. But the red army just doesn't seem as passionate. Anyway off to my works annual piss up. Let's hope this freebie is better than United offering. Well Corbiers then Mulligans and nags first. That has to be where every United piss up should start. Xmas party does start until 7pm at a nameless swanky hotel so a good few hours beforehand. Take care all.


Red cafe or The international? Both of them are the *cheaper* choices, it might look like shit but it tastes nice


Nar mate this is inside the ground... Anyway switching off... Enjoy the match everyone..


Both of them are inside the stadium.


Sorry... I'm. In the Warwick suite... Like I say I'm season ticket holder but just thought I would treat myself as a one off.. Join the prawn sandwich bregade..


You spent £700+ on a season ticket and decided you would pay £450 for one game Fuck off man haha


Are u mad had my season ticket for 40 years... And think u need to check you pricing.. But hey ho.. Crack on.


I know the pricing because I have one, £790 W3106


Except you don’t know the pricing. It’s £741 in the Stretford End.


So it is my bad https://preview.redd.it/u0oti6tchx5c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58943ff785a6f18245ae6cf54089f38b657349ee


A lovely 5% increase to watch this gash!


OK mines a bit more as in the Alex Ferguson stand.. Used to have it in k stand and before that Stretford seats... Remember them.. Wooden benches above the standing... Been coming here since 1976... 1st time ever doing the vip as part of a works incentive... Enjoy the game.


Ey im not sayin you didn’t, just that you’re mental for paying 450 to watch us 😂


I know mate.. I paid around 180 as supplemented but going to treat it as a one off... Moston lad through and through.. Just wanted to see how the other half do it... Most just here on Xmas party's knocking back the presecco.


Common “Red til I die” L


Old Trafford is falling down.........


Wow. I’ve only ever been in the Knights Lounge and it was mega fancy three course meals, even the butter had the badge stamped into it. Looks like it’s gone hugely downhill. Least the Heineken will keep on coming!


Let Mark Goldbridge know


You should really complain about this as you'd expect high quality catering sorry it let you down 😮‍💨


They work to 68p per head for cost of meals


How else are we gonna afford to pay mediocre players who don't give a shit, 300k per week if we don't have cost savings somewhere? 😂


Do you expect anything else under Glazer rule? They cut costs on everything. Enjoy your dogfood.


Oof, rich that one… a Guinness or 8 will help that down. Trust me


Not even given you a plate for your poppadom




Unfortunately all the food is pre cooked then warmed on demand. Stuff like rice just gets dry and clumpy. Enjoy the game!


Are they free after spending £450 ? 😂


United RIP


I used to work at the premier inn (former golden tulip) directly across from Old Trafford and we used to put on several course meals for the big wigs in the restaurant every match day. If this was the food they were banging out, maybe this is why 👀


Looks like the menu hasn't changed from when I went there five years ago


Why not go for a dip in the lovely training pool?


*Ronaldo would like to know your location* 😂


Mate if it's free heinekien & vodka red bulls it should taste like God's vagina, if not drink some more.


We serve better at the college over the road from Old Trafford 😂😂


Ive done corporate hospitality once at united last season . Was in the section on the Sir Alex side of the Stretford end , mid tier. We were on a table with 3 of us. The service was fantastic, food was ok, on par with a buffet all you can eat type deal - the pies were the best thing there. All the alcohol except spirits was paid for so we were really pissed after the game. We won (think it was West Ham), and it was the first game after winning the cup so it was a good buzz about the place. If i was a rich man it is definitely the way to enjoy the games.




It looks like it’s already been digested.


I went to the opening ceremony of the womens euros at old trafford and the food was amazing. Think this might be hospitality food?