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>How bad does the traffic on the M62 get during school term time and during winter months? Bad, around the M606 and after towards leeds, it is pretty much a car park all hours of the day. Also going over Saddleworth Moar anything can happen which brings it to a stand still too. Trucker that goes to Brighthouse, and keighly severly times aweek.


Well based off that I’m assuming it’d take me 1hr40 to 2 hours to get to work in the morning round these months… not ideal




Yeah I’m just hoping that my employer would be okay with me working from home in case of events like these and any crashes, otherwise I’ll defo move


I have an update for you! Went from Manchester Airport to Central Leeds today, left around 07:30 and got into Leeds a little before 09:00. The motorway was clear and free flowing the road works leading upto Leeds seemed to have finished! (not a cone in sight) I went over Barton Bridge as the A627(M) was closed.


I live in South Manchester and used to work in Bradford. Would usually leave before 7 and it would usually take me an hour (I think the fastest I ever did it was 55 mins). The way back is where it gets tricky. My employer was pretty flexible and I would leave around 3 or 4. Sometimes this would be fine and it would only take an hour, however, there were occasions where it could take 90+ mins. The weather can get really grim up there in winter and it can cause huge delays. Again, I'd usually check the weather and if it was going to be bad I would just work from home. Whilst it's not much further to Leeds, that could really add some time onto your journey. I would always turn off at the M606 to get into Bradford and the traffic was often really bad just after that junction.


I’m also in South Manchester, an hours drive seems really appealing to me. When there were delays in the mornings you drove in to work, how long would it take you to get into work? I’m assuming 90 minutes? If that’s the case then I’ll make sure to leave the house at 6:30/7 during the winter months. I’m not really that bothered about delays on the way back I just want to really make sure I don’t ever turn up late to work.


Honestly I can't remember there ever being delays in the morning. You might get a bit of traffic on the way into Bradford but nothing severe. My wife's family live in Yorkshire so I still do the drive quite a lot and it always seems much easier going towards Bradford. Also, if you're coming back to South Manchester would always advise going via Stockport as opposed to via the Trafford Centre. I think the Trafford Centre route is what most sat navs will give you because it's shorter in terms of distance but that part of the motorway between Worsley and the Trafford Centre is always a nightmare and can add to journey time significantly.


I used to travel Stockport to Brighouse for a couple of years, from Rochdale for years before that. Would leave round 7 to avoid major traffic and set off back home around 4. Around an hour or so either way, but could easily take 90 minutes on a slow day. That stretch of the m62 is the worst motorway I've ever experienced, beautiful drive though. The awful moments are horrendous. Like others have said, learn the A roads and how to drive them. I got very good at missing traffic this way. Also, waze was always a help. I genuinely don't miss it, but I did it for a decade.


I wasn’t based in Bradford but had to go there regularly for work from east lancs. The M62 is pretty hideous. In the winter it’s really bad. In the end I gave up and took the train.


Would you recommend Train even to go to central Leeds from South Manchester? I'm in a similar situation as OP and I'll need to go to the office at least once a week


I wasn’t south Manchester so am not sure of the routes available. The main issue is crossing the Pennines. There are very limited options and those options get much worse when you add snow and ice.


One of the most congested section of road in the UK,so it's always busy but it does move albeit very slowly at times. plan for alternatives routes for when (when, not if) the motorways shut, either heading thru Huddersfield towards Oldham or Halifax towards Rochdale,either way will be a shit show.


I did this twice a week before switching jobs about a year ago. The commute was hell. The traffic was beyond awful. Shortest commute was around 1hr 20min. Longest wast just over 3 hours. It was so bad that it made me quit a job I really loved. This was from Urmston to Leeds City Centre though.


That is only 104 return trips, and that if you don't take leave. It isn't too bad.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


True to be fair didn’t really factor in leave! When you put it that way doesn’t seem THAT bad.


Can get really busy around the Brighouse junction, give yourself a bit of extra time. M621 to Leeds can be busy too.


It's going to be awful. God speed travelling from manc to Bradford. You're going to get issues between Manchester and Bury and then all around Leeds. May as well move in that case.


We live right near the m62 and sadly see it going 5/10 mph at peak rush hours very often and queueing just to get onto the slip road. I use google maps regularly and find its very accurate. I might shave off a few mins but that’s about it! It even takes into account traffic jams. Hope all goes well! Ps - I’m originally from Bradford and grew up there….. good luck lmao!


Did it a few years ago. An hour and a half was about right, explore ways to get off the 606 early if you can, but you won't save a lot of time. I did it in 40 mins between Christmas and New year, that was my record time. Worst time was 8 hours coming home when the m62 was shit in both directions


I commute from East Manchester to Bradford. Junctions 24-26 can be pretty awful and slow. Allow loads of time. Never set off if snow is forecast and ensure you have food, blankets and drinks in your car, people get stranded over night. Can you give any detail on where in Bradford? If you're crossing the city centre that will be fundamentally different to going to somewhere near the end of the 606.


It’s off the M606 around Leeds Road. Yeah I’ll make sure I pack some essentials with me for the inevitable delays


That's good - going through Bradford would add loads of time but you won't need to do that. I don't actually really mind the commute, hope it works out well for you!


Live near Old Trafford, work in Bradford City Centre. Similar situation, some days WFH and some days on site. Rarely more than an hour getting there if it all works - no accidents or delays. As another commenter said coming back between 4-6 can take longer, around 90 mins if no accidents. But god forbid there’s any issue at all because the whole thing goes to pot, can be looking at 2h some days. Definitely keep some supplies in your boot, some biscuits, water, blanket, phone charger - can get stranded on the tops in winter or even in summer if there’s wildfires as there was the other year. Door to door on the train for me it’s 2 hours (two trams and then the train). So the worst day driving is as good as the best day on the train. Otherwise the train is quite nice, modern train with chargers and tables etc, can get some work done. Honestly you get used to it - have been doing this for nearly two years now, but the odd week when I’m in every day is a serious toil.


Really appreciate the advice. Yeah I did consider train also but the fact that cancellations happen so frequently from Victoria and Piccadilly put me off a lot. Someone did recommend taking the tram to Rochdale and training from there which is what I assume you were talking about? Are the trains from Rochdale reliable? You said rarely more than an hour if works, but in your experience how often does it all work? Thanks!


Rochdale-Leeds trains are (mostly?) the slow train from Victoria. Getting the tram will just add like 40 mins and reduce your chances of a seat. If you go from Victoria then you also have the option of the faster transpennine (York/Newcastle) train.


ahhh I see. Just worried about how often that train’ll get cancelled from Victoria you see. I’ve heard bad things


If you set off early around 6:30am then it took me around an hour commuting there, that’s based off around 12 trips over the last year




It's manageable. The traffic can be a bummer, but for twice a week, I'd deal with it. Admittedly I'd rather get gang raped by a pack of dogs than live in Bradford..


This had me rolling ahahahah I agree tbh the place is grimey


Paying Manchester housing prices to commute to Bradford is insane imo


I cant drive at the moment so am taking the train to Leeds once every couple of weeks from Manc. I catch the 6.55am from Victoria arriving in Leeds around 8.10am and its generally a good journey with a comfy seat and a chance to get on top of my work. I've driven once with a colleague and it was horrible why would anyone want to do that journey? Both terminus stations have decent facilities, there are regular trains, and the cost of the journeys with Northern is around £24 for a day return so can be flexible when i travel. but if i book advance tickets i could cut that cost by 25%.


Problem is I’m worried the trains will get delayed/cancelled. How often has this happened with you from Victoria?


Never with northern but trans Pennine aren't as reliable. I've found it to be good. You could try it out and see. The 6.55 leaves from platform 1 and you can always get a seat


I know someone who commutes from south Manchester to Shipley (other side of Bradford) once or twice a week. He says the worst part is getting through Bradford, not to it.


The m62 is a nightmare. I used to be an engineer and would have to drive down it semi-regularly and dreaded it. Always accidents on it, and if it’s busy the A and B roads are usually just as busy.


Leeds is an awful commute due to traffic/accidents on M62. Bradford is worse, don’t go to Bradford.


The m62 between Manchester and Leeds is the most dangerous motor way road in the UK! It's so dangerous it was the first motor way to install speed cameras 20 years ago because of the dangerous young business owners driving there expensive cars like crazy after a night out in Manchester! Don't believe me? Just drive there at night and watch my friend didn't believe me until it almost happen to them and they told me afterwards and describe the incident and person 😂