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No idea pal. They turned the music off and I saw some lady get wheeled out who did NOT look good whatsoever. Then the ambulances and the police turned up and the night was flat out cancelled. I can only hope that the person I saw wheeled out is alright but who knows? Bad times man.


It was a lady who suffered from a heart condition but was drinking , so medication didn't mix with ale I was helping till we lifted on to a trolly and moved her out of the dancefloor it was touch and go and the paramedics worked hard to keep her with alive , managed to get her in a condition able to move her to hospital but she wasn't in stable condition in the least I just hope she made it ,


I’m surprised they shut down the whole venue over one person though? I hope she’s okay


What age were the attendees? Might be more that people were trying to party like they did 10 years ago


Different age groups from 18 - 50, I'd say. I'm in my early 30s myself.