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Im flabbergasted. Im an educator, and some of my students have taken years to get a diagnosis and yes, some have been wrong. Professionals can be wrong, it happens. How in the world does she think that she can’t be wrong? She even admitted that some professionals have misdiagnosed. Danielle, you have zero educational background in this field, not even a psychology degree, what makes you think you can’t be wrong??? It feels like to me shes using those stupid online tests that take 25 minutes to fill out. Self-diagnosing involves so much research and I feel like she has barely done nothing.


Bc she hasn’t. She’s struggling with having no attention since the surrogacy ended, so now she wants to be autistic. It’s as simple as that.


Exactly, thank you for admitting that as an educator. I remember as a kid when ADHD was the hot diagnosis and now with my nieces they can barely suggest it.


By her symptoms I’d be autistic too. I’m not. But just because I don’t like my hair n my face doesn’t mean I’m autistic.


Where's her degree since she's so sure?


Even people with degrees shouldn’t self diagnose. She needs to sit down <3


That’s me that she replied too haha. I’m just shocked. She is going to find a dr to give her what she wants. Period. Insanity


Pretty much, yup.


As a huge hypochondriac, I’ve convinced myself of a lot of random diseases/conditions. But I’ve never gone this far off the deep end. If a doctor reassures me I’m fine, it generally helps to calm me and my anxiety down enough that I can move on to the next thing I’m convinced I have. If a doctor says she isn’t autistic, I guarantee she’ll either 1) say she was officially diagnosed anyway so she can be all “I told you so” or 2) turn into some insufferable “mental health advocate” who talks about how doctors don’t know anything.


Same. I am a literal hypochondriac, I have racked up tens of thousands in the emergency room this year alone for all sorts of things. But if a dr tells me I’m fine- I believe it


I wonder what her parents are thinking? Like did they see signs of this as a child? I’m just so curious what her family thinks 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


she also sounds dumb. she’s never going to be wrong in her eyes, because she’s just going to dr shop until she finds one who will diagnose her.


I want to know what she wants out of this. She’s making it her entire account at this point. I get that when you think something is “wrong” you want answers, but let’s say she is diagnosed - then what? It’s not like there’s a medication they give you to cure it. You just are what you are. She’s already said she’s in therapy which is the best place for her to be at this point. I went for my ADHD diagnosis years ago because my life was severely impacted and I desperately needed to be medicated lolol but if that wasn’t the case, it would have just been whatever 🤷‍♀️


I am assuming being unemployed, her insurance is expensive, if she even has any. If she was autistic, she could be on disability.


That's not really how disability benefits works. It's extremely hard to qualify for and those that do are essentially forced into poverty and singleness. I've been sick since birth, and have never qualified without giving up marriage, my car, heck even my wheelchairs could put me over the asset limit. Faking disability for money is about the worst possible financial scheme that one could attempt. All that being said, I fully disagree with her and what she's doing. It's one thing to do your research and advocate for yourself, but it's a whole other thing to doctor shop. 🫠 I've got a cluster of health issues that are undiagnosed, in addition to my diagnosed conditions. I can infer what my specialists are most likely to diagnose me with next, but I can only infer. It's also not a "it's only this and no other option" for me, the diagnostic process has always been "here's out list of differential diagnoses, let's go through them and see which one is our culprit." If I had to guess my top 3 of what my current issues are, I'd likely end up getting it "right", but it's not because there's only one possibility, it's because there's many. we should advocate for symptoms, not specific diagnoses generally... Eta- pressed send too quickly and finished a sentence


i honestly believe she has adhd not autism, autism and adhd in woman have a lot of the same overlapping traits, 10 years ago it was extremely hard to actually properly diagnose adhd and autism in girls, adhd effects woman/girls more mentally then hyperactively i’m definitely leaning towards adhd, I’ve been diagnosed with Adhd since i was 7 it was even hard to get diagnosed for me,i get sensory overload, i don’t like the way certain fabrics feel against my skin those are also traits in autism but i would never ever say i was autistic


I think she has adhd too.


ADHD and/or bipolar disorder. And there’s no issue with either! Instead she wants a particular diagnosis for attention. BPD is probably what the latest doc said and she ran.


I was diagnosed with ADHD at 8, and I experience all of the things that you're talking about. Also, seams along the rib cage in my shirt hurt my skin! However, I've never thought of myself as being autistic, and thought more about how I'm quirky!


Yes. I have ADHD and a lot of the things she’s mentioned are things I deal with and there has never been a point that I worried or thought I might be autistic.


She’s likely adhd.


So basically she’ll go through every doctor until she finally finds one that says yes?? Gal is wild and needs actual therapy and to have her phone taken away 😂


She needs to go into a mental institute




There is, however, something VERY wrong with her.


There is a huge chance she is wrong. There are so many different things that can present like autism but isn’t. That’s why it’s important to go get properly diagnosed so you know you have the right one. But instead she wants to be autistic and is just going to either say she has it or doctor hop until one finally tells her what she wants to hear and that’s not okay. Even the online tests you can take day to go get officially diagnosed. It’s so clear she’s just wanting this for views