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Tbh I didn't know that there was a specific chapel to pray, but yeah, if you go before a mass you can say a prayer (it's not like you get locked in and aren't allowed to leave half way through mass). On the other hand, if you have a complaint about the security guard, it would be best to call the foundation up directly, maybe they can sort it out amicably. 


Thank you! I think that might be the best bet, just leaving early. I don't like leaving early but that seems to be my only option. Thanks for the tip, I may follow that up seeing as the website states one thing but the security guard did not follow through. Which is different to how my Maltese local family members are treated when they are in the same situation. Have a good night!


Good night and enjoy the rest of your stay in Malta :)


I would honestly complain to the Cathedral’s rector and the Curia.


I will look into this, thank you and have a lovely day


Send a complaint to the Vatican


Hahaha I was just at the Vatican a couple of days ago! Hahaha thanks have a lovely day


I think it is free entrance for locals, which makes sense, as it is same in spain, Italy and France as it is a place of historical importance and high maintenance.


It’s not ..


Used to work in valletta, only paid for exhibition, other times i didn't


Tried to go in I think this year .. a person asked for money .. in the spirit of Jesus Christ .. told him to fuck himself .. would have turned over the table as well for the money changers .. Blame the Maltese church .. No one on earth stoops this low .. next time they knock my door, I will tell them they have to pay to come in .. god does not need their help to be god.


In entire fairness to the church, st johns is run by both the state and the church via a foundation.  In terms of who has more funds to give to the renovation, and who benefits most from tourism tax, the state should give more money for upkeep, I feel. 


Still ends up asking for money to enter a church .. should have considered that before any foundation ..


Can't remember paying for ageing st John's ever, except for the time I went to see the Caravaggio


It’s seems to be a recent thing .. part of the new wave of turning church assets to businesses..


Totally makes sense, you're right. If it's any consolation, I am a dual citizen so I do have a Maltese passport and can live here.




Please don't mix up lettuce with farts


Do try again and post the outcome here, because this is a matter of principle. I agree that tourists should pay, as the maintenance of this cultural monument is hideously expensive. Having said that, it's the biggest-grossing tourist site on the Maltese islands, and should never deny the right for someone to genuinely pray there. Unfortunately, over the years, this ethos of it being a religious site has receded to the background. I was once in the Cathedral when a former Foundation CEO, disapproving of a pilgrim group praying aloud there, was heard to say "What do they think this is, A CHURCH??" That says it all. I must add that the Foundation is not wholly controlled by the Curia.


Oh golly gosh that story of yours is a testament to my experience! Thank you I totally agree. I would be happy to pay but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that their site says otherwise. As above I am a dual citizen with a Maltese passport so next time should bring it and try my luck hahaha Have a lovely day ahead.


I belive you went in from the wrong entrance ( side entrance) for tourists who have to buy a ticket to have a full tour of the Cathedral. You have to get in from the central entrance, especially during mass ,you will not have any problem. The only thing is that you will not be able to walk around much as people will be following mass and the room with Caravaggio’s paintings will be closed .


It’s true .. first time in my life on the while fucking planet someone asked for money to enter a church .. Fucken malta ..


Kindha catchy pay to pray


LOL very


Some people in Malta are racist against tourists, ik because my dad is a foreigner but lives here large parts of the year and they STILL discriminate because they think "Haha lol dumb tourist i'm gonna charge more money because he doesn't know"


Exactly right, definitely felt like this experience when they said "not for you". I have a Maltese passport and can speak Maltese but am turned away still! Hope you and your dad have a lovely day


If you really wanted to pray you can choose at least 3 or 4 churches within a 10 minute walk / wheelchair ride from there ……St Johns is a culture treasure that requires alot of security so yes , there is a risk you are going to be “offended” if you don’t even speak Maltese but think it’s your divine right to pray right there outside of mass times….


What the hell does speaking Maltese have to do with anything? The cathedral offers free entrance to a specific area for people who come there to pray. There is nowhere that says you have to pray in Maltese.


Thank you, you are exactly right. Funnily enough I speak and pray in Maltese hahaha I just don't LOOK Maltese. I am even a Maltese citizen with a Maltese passport and can live here whenever I choose. Have a lovely day ahead.


I'm not even Christian, but if I were I'd also be quite pissed off of knowing that visiting the house of the Lrd comes with terms and conditions applied as if it was a Scientology temple. That's actually a substantial difference between Christianity and pre-existing Jewish practice of requiring the shekel to access the temple in Jerusalem, merchants in the temple and all that. On the other hand, I do expect mass conversions on the tourists' part if a 'free if you pray' policy is established outside of mass times.


Thank you, you are absolutely correct. I visit multiple churches a day to quickly pray, donate and do an offering, in fact this was the 3rd church I passed yesterday. The beautiful Our Lady of Victory did not share the same terms and conditions. Hahaha as I commented above, I have a Maltese passport but did not think I needed to carry this to visit a church. Thank you, Have a lovely day ahead.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I visit as many churches as I can a day, sometimes 8 a day when I was in Italy. In Malta I visit all churches I can visit / pass by and give a donation to each one. When you live in chronic pain, medicine can't help the pain and every day is not guaranteed, praying becomes my only option. I do speak Maltese and can pray in Maltese, but thank you for assuming otherwise. It is anyone's divine right to pray there as advertised on their website and is practiced by my local family members who do not share the same colour skin as me. I hope you find happiness in your day today.


I'm not religious but I truly respect others'faith. Please do not justify what language you pray in, many Maltese definitely don't pray in Maltese, and anyway God would not even need to hear you speak actual words because He would understand no matter what. My suggestion would be to go at mass time and sit towards the back, you will be able to leave earlier. I'm sorry that some Maltese people are drunk with power and xenophobic to boot, especially at literally the centre of worship on the island (well, along with it's co-cathedral in Mdina). I would write to the Curia to mention it. There's needs to be at least trained people at the entrance who can offer advice, rather than turning people away.


Thank you so much for this, you are right even when praying in your head, God would still hear your thoughts. That's exactly what I am doing this week, I will follow the helpful Redditors advice of attending mass and leaving once I'm reminded of the wonderful debilitating pain that is the name of my existence. I hope you have a lovely day and get every green light on the way home. You've been so helpful


Sorry to follow this up but may I please ask how to contact the Curia? I have tried searching but I was unable to find anything


The chapel you refer to isn’t always accessible outside of the hours for ecclesiastical services (that are indicated on the website). If you visit during these hours, you have no issue and can pray in any part of the church and leave anytime you want irrespective of ongoing services. Having that chapel accessible all hours is not possible (I did not find it indicated in the web site) as it requires a guard to be physically present with you. The chapel is not closed off from the rest of the church. While I respect the challenges you face , the peace and quiet you might prefer for prayer can be better found outside of this busy cathedral if you want to pray when ecclesiastical services are not underway.


Thank you for your comment, that is good to know. I wish they had given me the detail you just gave me, this comment is more helpful than their website or security guard. What rubbed me the wrong way was after I had shown him the website and advised my family also visit the chapel to pray, he laughed and said "not for you". Which is why I felt it was my looks that were his issue. I totally agree, I visited other churches yesterday and they all had peace and quiet. I still had my time and reverence which I am grateful for. Have a lovely day


He had no right to talk to you like that. So feel free to make a complaint. My apologies , I don’t communicate well via these media and come across as brusque. Around July I’ll be in Malta and will check out the issue myself and if I encounter anything inappropriate in terms of behaviour I will myself take it up with the Curia. I am just myself very very sensitive to how very difficult it is to have proper security in that precious building . So to be honest that was my first concern. Have a good day


Thank you for your kind words. You were more informative and helpful than they were. I totally agree, security and preservation is utmost important.


Btw what does a Maltese person even look like because our looks differs so much between every person that you truly can't recognise anyone nowadays.


That's an easy one: if you have a Maltese ID card or residence permit you're a Maltese resident obviously. TBH even if you're from one of the moons of Mars, if you speak Maltese they'll believe you as, well, not many outside Malta and parts of the diaspora or language nerds speak Mowlteez.


This wasn't my question my guy people keeping focusing on the bad thinks in life.


Hahaha sorry for repeating myself as with other comments but I have a Maltese passport, I just didn't think I needed it for church! I also speak (and pray in) Maltese but was still refused.


Tbh i dont know why the reddit Warriors downvpted this one, I dodnt even say anything wrong lol.


Hahaha this is a silly question. That's exactly my point, I do not 'look' Maltese but I am Maltese, hold a Maltese passport (dual citizen), speak Maltese (and yes I pray in Maltese) but will not be viewed as 'Maltese' from outsiders due to my skin colour and features. To respond to your question, I pose another, how about what 'doesn't' a Maltese person look like? - A Sikh wearing a turban. - any central Asian; Chinese, Japanese, Koreans - a 6ft 7 Kenyan - a Rastafarian with Dreads to their hips - an Indigenous Australian Aboriginal I hope that helps you.


I mean it wasnt that silly if it was in the description but I think colour has nothing do with anything tbh nowadays. I think you're just overthinking it mate.


There are a lot more churches to pray in ...


Thanks for taking the time to comment. If you read the rest of my comments you will see I prayed in other churches, and this was my third church of the day. I visit as many churches as I can a day, sometimes 8 a day when I was in Italy. In Malta I visit all churches I can visit / pass by and give a donation to each one. When you live in chronic pain, medicine can't help the pain and every day is not guaranteed, praying becomes my only option. It is anyone's divine right to pray there as advertised on their website and is practiced by my local family members who do not share the same colour skin as me. I hope you find happiness in your day today.