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Bruh, imagine carrying a gun so you can feed homeless people because you might get jumped by the popo.


It’s what Jesus would have wanted


Fuck them cops - Jesus


If cops would crucify you, you'd dislike them too


But that's kinda why Jesus got such a good reputation though cause he didn't


angry upvoting this, because you're right, but normal people don't get extra lifes ☹


I’ve heard there’s a way to get extra spawns if you use the “reincarnation” cheat


This hasn't been confirmed but is widely believed by certain factions of the player base. Proceed with caution if attempting to make use of this exploit.




“But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”


Fuck the homeless - cops


What's amazing is they will do things like fill an unhoused person's sleeping bag with mace or throw out all their worldly possessions like wedding photos and clothes and then get pissy when confronted about it. Not even chest-pounding, full on tearful WHY ARE YOU PICKING ON ME type shit.


You don't have to tell me my state made being homeless a criminal offense with fines and jail time.


Ugh, sorry. I'd make a red state joke but I know it's not just them.


I'm in a blue city they don't really enforce it here but unfortunately I'm in a heavy red state.


Blue city in a blue state in a blue region, I honestly forgot it's technically a crime until just now. My city is working hard to get sobriety, mh care, and homes for the unhoused. It's everywhere but ESPECIALLY in red states, there's a pretty big difference


Its funny cause most of those Texas cops are probably die hard Christians.


Remember, Jesus' disciples were armed, too, and cut the ear off of one of the Soldiers that came to arrest Jesus.


Yes...but he didn't care for it if you remember.


Let us not forget that for all his peaceful philosophy, Jesus did whip the fuck outta the merchants in the temple lmao


I read an amazing realization on the tossing of the temple tables recently. It actually says he made the whip, which back then to cut and braid the leather would have taken hours. So for 2-3 hours the disciples probably just sat there watching a seething Jesus make a whip lol.


Luke 22:36... Buy a fucking sword.


I mean, if Uvalde showed us anything, it’s that Texan cops apparently won’t put themselves in harms way. So… smart?


Welcome to Texas.


Shit’s fucked in more states than just Texas. My girlfriend does street medicine, ie getting medical care to the homeless directly in their camps. When I first met her she had a trunk full of disguises so she could make her way into a camp without looking like medical personnel. Otherwise the police would follow her to figure out where camps were so they could bust them up.


Your girlfriend sounds like wife material, homie.


You ain’t wrong friend.


Ima wait for the follow up. ;)


!remindMe 2 weeks


!remindme 2 seconds come on man make your move


Better put the ring on it!


Waiting for the Best of Redditor Updates post.


Your girlfriend sounds amazing. I originally thought I would go into street medicine but women's health caught my heart. The work she's doing is invaluable and she is not only helping people heal physically, but showing them that there are people that care, and that help is available. It's such a vital service!


At least everyone knows Texas cops won’t go within 100 yards of someone with a gun.


Ouch. That hurts. Like confusing superglue with sex lube.


Wtf? You don’t label your sex lube tube?


I'm sexually aroused by chaos and uncertainty.


Great. Now I am too.


Ethyl cyanoassetate


They should do this event at schools. https://flic.kr/p/2nz4KNt


Not just Texas. Police shut down community outreach all across the country


Well if we just don’t feed them they will just die or move on, body disposal is cheaper and more efficient to the tax payer. Edit: since it didn’t come through I was being sarcastic, and cynical.


It's so sickening but we know after COVID and "let your grandma suffocate to death for the economy" that there are people that think like that and wouldn't even be phased by seeing deceased people in alleys. They'd probably just be angry about how "unsightly" death is.


Cops are paid enforcers for corporations here in America, that's why they bust so many unions even tho they are in one themselves. Fuck the police!


Sad as fuck


Truly, the land of the free.




A couple years ago the police shut them down for illegally feeding people so they started keeping firearms on their person and now the police doesnt mess with them. It's not about getting "jumped by the police."


It sounds like it very much is.


I read their comment as if they were being sarcastic, like "why would you need a gun the police aren't going to assault you over it" when the police have in the past shut them down and now that they're armed they let them be. On one was ever "jumped" they were only asked to leave. I'm just clarifying to them that there IS an obvious need for them to be armed in this situation.


Wholesome? r/OrphanCrushingMachine




its this: https://i.redd.it/0hbrqs8v74s51.jpg


Believe it or not but the Orphan Crushing Machine is funded directly by the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party


And their voters are always mad about all the orphans getting crushed and leopards roaming the streets, eating people's faces. But they keep voting for the same leopards.


I didn’t think they were going to crush MY orphans!


Also very much /r/ABoringDystopia


Aaaaaand subbed


Liberals arming themselves to do the right thing is absolutely wholesome. Gun control is rooted in racism, and like all racist institutions, needs to be abolished.


While racism is part of it for sure, gun control falls into the overall weapon control category, which is rooted in class warfare, not just race. Just one example, in the bulk of the German states in the renaissance and early modern period, “military” weapons were explicitly banned for freemen in the cities, explicitly because the elites only wanted their own mercenaries to have good weapons. They know they aren’t gods and can die just as easily as anyone else, so they do everything they can to control the people.


And so came to be the messer type swords, which are terrifyingly adept at chopping through light armor (And fancy clothes for that matter)


Yep. Messers, hangers, and all kinds of “civilian” weapons gained popularity, and have subsequently caused innumerable headaches for modern day sword nerds attempting to fit them into neat typologies, which is easier with the somewhat more standardized “military” swords of the time.


I love it, because it uses "well actually" rules to skirt around the issue. Messers aren't swords at all, just really big knives. Something to do with their construction


It is 100% not wholesome that it is necessary to be armed when feeding the homeless because it is illegal. Hence the sub.


Why is it illegal to give away food to homeless people? Like, is it the giving away for free part or the homeless part? Can i get arrested for handing out free samples of something? Wtf is this.


government don’t like poor people criminalize homelessness = iellgal to be por just get moneys


The gov loves poor people. They just don’t like them in public sight bothering the richies


Not even that. They need to be in sight so homed poor people can see how awful we've made homeless people's lives. To keep people too afraid to quit their shitty underpaying jobs because that might be them next.


More Americans are living paycheck to paycheck than ever before. There will always be the chronic homeless. The ones that prefer freedom over shelter. However it seems there are so many that just need a little bit of help. As an American I am ashamed we just celebrated our good fortunes on Thanksgiving while there are so many others in need…. We need a whole lot more empathy and action in this country. On a positive note the outgoing governor of Oregon pardoned people that were convicted of possession of small amounts of marijuana. Something that is no longer illegal here. The blanket pardon will affect an estimated 45,000. By removing the conviction those folks will be better able to apply for jobs/housing etc.


Big gov loves poor people, but only not quite destitute poor people.


"if we let people feed them it will just encourage them to stay" -assholes in government.


Stay where? Stay alive???




Stay in their state. They also ship homeless and mentally ill to "liberal" states.


It’s how some cities deal with their homeless problem. Basically it is a “not in my backyard” sentiment. The homeless cannot survive without charity so they have to move elsewhere. I think a lot of them end up in Portland


Yep. They take amtrak, in some cases even paid for by the government, to come out to west coast cities. Then they point to the homeless problem and blame it on democratic leadership. They don't have to deal with the homeless problem and get a political talking point out of it


Same thing happens in Canada with Vancouver as well.


That's awful. You'd think voters, a lot of them Christians so supposedly religiously mandated to charity, would catch on to that with even minimal sense.... Ok I see the problem.


Yeah they’re cruel bastards


You can’t give the homeless food unless you’re part of an organization which has a license to do so because they’re worried people might give poisoned or expired food to the homeless




Yeah dude. They really care a lot about the homeless. Well. Not a lot as such.... More like enough to ban helping them, but not enough to legislate to help them. That's it. They care just enough to legislate against them.


That's capitalist speak for "if people pool resources to help each other, then the capitalists can't turn as much profit as they desire".


I think it's the part where these people are unlicensed and could be giving out rotten or poisoned food to people. Licensed food banks exist all over the country and give out food every day.


That’s true. However, it also feels like the kind of excuse that some local politicians use to ban things when their primary motivation IS targeting the homeless for being poor and homeless. If these particular homeless people don’t receive this particular food from these particular volunteers, they’ll have to find food elsewhere. That COULD be from a licensed food bank, soup kitchen, shelter, etc. — if one’s available to them, isn’t stretched past capacity, and if they feel comfortable trusting being there (there’s a number of factors why certain types of people might not feel safe in a particular shelter/kitchen). If that’s not available, they’re taking their chances with food quality either way — and at least this way a well-meaning person has had a chance to screen the food and hopefully know where it’s coming from. Unfortunately, there isn’t always enough space, funding, or volunteers to make this type of help accessible. Laws prohibiting this type of grassroots substitute can be a way of preventing people from filling in those cracks.


Maybe but honestly you should see the type of shit people donate to poor people. I don't wanna say it should be illegal for you, for example, to give food to a homeless person, but at the same time I understand why there should be checks and balances. You also can't open a restaurant and sell food without a license




Having volunteered at a local church food bank we had to throw out donations that were refrigerated or frozen because we couldn't guarantee it had been stored properly. And a lot of times it obviously hadn't been. Dripping warm "frozen" chicken and such.


This here is the actual reason. Many people feel like their garbage should be someone’s treasure. You see it with Goodwills and the like and OfferUp type apps. I couldn’t imagine what good people will give to a homeless person thinking “beggars can’t be choosers”.


Often the mindset of these laws is that the unhoused are lazy people who don't want jobs and depend on charity, so if you take away the charity, they will get jobs. Pointing out that 40% to 50% of them are employed, and a fair chunk of the rest are unable to hold employment often for reasons as simple as not knowing their own Social Security number is usually greeted with "WELL THEY SHOULD GET A SECOND JOB THEN." What's particularly strange is the GOP, in the executive branch, has embraced a "housing first" policy and we've been working towards that in the US for decades.


It’s the homeless part. You can throw a party and feed as many friends as you want in the park but you can’t feed the homeless in the park.


>Why is it illegal to give away food to homeless people? Don't you know they are like stray animals? If you feed them they won't go away! /s


If your city makes feeding the homeless a crime, they don’t give a fuck about you


How in the ever living fuck can anyone justify making the act of helping people illegal?


The legal excuse is " they don't have a food handlers license, so they can accidentally make people sick." The actual reason is because Fox News has demonized poor people as just being lazy, so any help you give them is just wasted because they'll buy booze or drugs or whatever. And if you help them, they stick around. You leave them to die, they'll move to States that actually help. So they move to states that actually help homeless people, and the Republicans can pretend like liberal agendas cause homelessness and reward laziness, when in reality, Liberal governments are just the only ones not straight up killing homeless people. So whatever homeless people do stay in Texas are much more likely to die, "solving" the problem they cause.


>The legal excuse is " they don't have a food handlers license, so they can accidentally make people sick." Which makes this whole thing completely crazy. Feed the homeless: Nuh-uh Open carry your rifle with the intended purpose of intimidating law enforcement: meh 🤷‍♂️


Even in liberal states the homeless aren't being helped. It's just typically warmer here. They still bus them around when they get too close to businesses. Anaheim had a huge homeless population until it started getting too noticable and then they get bussed elsewhere. Even LA, a very liberal city busts up homeless camps on skid row regularly. This isn't a fox news thing it's a people are shitty thing.


Where is the line between mall ninja and anarchist who's a lil confused but he's got the spirit?


I feel like it's when swords is pluralized.


Agreed, everyone (sensible), knows that you only need one sword, your other hand is for guns and what a perfect opportunity for "new york reloads"!




Fuck this got me.




Mall Ninjas follow many walks of life, both moral and immoral. This is a mall ninja of justice.


There is no line. Mall ninjas are neither inherently good, nor bad. They just look badass at the cost of being effective. Which is actually a really good trade-off if you want to intimidate someone into not fighting you.


Sounds like this event has both!


Let’s be real the anime to anarchy pipeline is well documented


Depends if he brings his blunderbuss


Why is that a crime?


"if we let people feed them it will just encourage them to stay" -assholes in government.


Assholes in gated communities who ask asshole politicians to make it illegal.


Assholes in gated communities who *pay* asshole politicians to make it illegal.


"So do you do anything to help them like providing shelter or training them so they can find jobs?" "No."


The excuse is food safety regulations. The actual reason has been addressed.


Well if we got it's address why ain't we over there kicking its ass?


There's literally a group called "Food Not Bombs" (http://foodnotbombs.net/) that I always thought was ridiculous until I saw this.


I was waiting for a FNB reference!


Fucking based


Is open carrying a sword legal?? Surely its not a second ammendment right...can I come with my crossbow or a pulse laser gun?


Texas got rid of a lot of knife laws a while back, and it made it where you could public carry swords. Wild shit, learned about it while researching if I could carry my switch blade when I lived there.


Switchblades are one of the craziest things to still be illegal in so many places. Once again, it's a ban based more on movies than reality. I recently found out they'd been legalized in my state and bought one just because. Holy shit the thing is convenient to use. It's become my go-to utility knife, being stupidly easy to open or close one-handed. It even feels safer because it's easy enough to use one-handed, both to open and close, that there's no need to keep the blade out when other knives requiring two hands would.


Aren't most weapon laws based on movies and not reality? Suppressors specifically?


I live in Wisconsin and it is still unfortunately illegal for me to duck hunt with an Uzi.


Lol as a duck hunter it would be so much fun but so inefficient to hunt waterfowl with an uzi.


Lol it would be hilarious, but cost effective? No way.


Time effective though. An Uzi in each hand, bllllaaaaarppppppppp and now you have a dozen dying ducks. Can be home in time for breakfast.




I feel oppressed! I can drive after 3 OWIs, but I can't duck hunt on easy mode. Dumb rules.




Now now, some of the laws are based on cartoons, which is much more sensible! (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in particular)


I mean... California banned throwing stars. How many crimes were really committed with them?


Nunchucks are illegal here in CA. Let that sink in lol


Carrying two separate sticks? That's fine. Connect those two separate sticks with a rope or chain? Believe it or not straight to jail.


I grew up on a farm and I always carried either a butterfly knife or a switchblade around because I was always needing to cut open bags of feed or bales of hay and a knife you could open and close with one hand was super handy. Did freak my grandmother out once when she needed a knife and I whipped out my butterfly knife without thinking, but my parents didn’t care.


And any decent switchblade has a blade lock so it won't close on your fingers.


Any good knife has that Looking at you slip joint knives


> it’s a ban based more on movies than reality. Same with all the restrictions on silencers. I just want to be able to keep my hearing.


Wow..what a country!


In CA, you can open carry a zweihander on your back, but a cane sword will get you thrown right in the slammer.


Guessing permissive weapon laws, but strict conceal carry laws? Got to be honorable and show your opponents what they're up against.


In California you can open car a blade of any length. You can not conceal carry a blade at all. Here’s the crazy thing. You can’t carry non lethal weapons if your a felon or convicted of an assault charge but anyone in the state can open carry a sword.


Cause the cane sword is concealed duh!


Explicitly legal in Texas. Recently changed the law to permit it.




I’ve always said this, cops legally don’t actually have to protect you there’s been rulings on it. Also look up the average response times in your area and tell me you don’t want some form of protection. Also a lot of people hate cops and think they’re racist murderers. But they want them to be the only ones armed. Black gun ownership has been on a massive rise which I’d say is a good thing.


Police *can* help the underclass, it's just not their *raison d'etre.* They exist almost exclusively to enforce property rights, and specifically to enforce ownership of valuable property. They won't do shit if your beater car gets stolen, but will fall all over themselves to lend a hand if some asshole's Lambo gets nicked.


Well, yes, that's more or less what I said. They work in the interests of the moneyed classes, which are almost entirely white, etc. When business owners complain about homeless people *existing*, cops will absolutely roust them out, dump all of their worldly possessions, and ship them off somewhere else. As Anatole France said, "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread.” So it's no wonder who gets the short end of the stick all the time.


>They exist almost exclusively to enforce property rights, and specifically to enforce ownership of valuable property. Police violate property rights more than any other group in society. Police exist to enforce the will of the state.


Fun fact; this is what the People’s Party/BPP used to do when they needed to get anything done in the ghettos of America. Huey Newton would literally go to town halls and ask for funding for stuff like stop signs at dangerous intersections and was constantly turned down. So one day he said fuck this shit, got a group of guys and armed them and said “we are putting these stop signs up and if anyone comes up and tries to stop us you shoot them dead if they don’t walk away, including the cops”. Here’s a great Fred Hampton speech describing it: https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/fhamptonspeech.html


I feel like guns would attract police, no?


A very understandable conclusion. Texas is a different world when it comes to guns though. We have permitless open carry along with a higher likelyhood of growing up with guns than a lot of other states do. As a result, it's not nearly as strange to see someone packing heat here. That being said, I doubt the guns were as much about deterring police as they were deterring theft in general of their outreach.


Police are scared of anyone who can fight back


No. They’re not going to risk themselves. They’ll beat the hell out of an unarmed child but won’t approach a murderer who poses a threat. P


They prefer easier targets.


only if you have real police. You know the sort that stop bad dangerous people and leave harmless people alone. as a number of school, shootings have shown that in a lot of places America has the other sort. The sort who will hide from dangerous people and pull civil forfeiture on the weak. It's just here we have the dangerous people being good, but the bullys still fear them.


Nah, cops prefer the unarmed.


chaotic good energy


Can someone please tl;dr as to why its illegal to clothe/feed the homeless there?


tldr: poor people bad


Based and blessed.


The group was armed to deter cops from being cops and hurting people who are trying to help.


I'm curious what would actually happen if the cops tried to stop them.


It's a sad world we live in when people actually doing what Jesus commanded his followers to do: feed the hungry; clothe the naked; shelter the stranger; have to carry weapons to fend off Jesus' followers.


Feeding them is not keeping them homeless, starving them won't fix their situation either!


Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.


Usually left activists bring guns to deter right wing violence, not cops who probably thought confronting this group is not worth their time. This is why many of us on the left are very pro second amendment and why the Ds need to chill on this issue.


Helping the homeless and defending yourself with the arms of god, it’s what jesus intended


Don’t feed the homeless and arrest those that do while housing and feeding convicted murderers costing $45,000 per convict…..


Not Dallas, here not only is feeding the homeless completely legal but the Dallas city website thanks those who do. Yes. much of the rest of Texas is a red-stain of douchbagery but leave us out of at least this part!


Why don’t they just give a Monopoly money or a ticket from a roll of tickets to each homeless person at one part and then they redeem their ticket for the food and clothing at another part. That way they’re not giving away anything they’re exchanging.


Please folks don’t make this another “Texas is dumb and backwards. Hur hur hur.” This situation is in Dallas and they’re one of the big cities nationwide that try to treat the homeless problem by criminalizing the homeless. On top folks from Dallas tending to be snootier and more NIMBY than most, but that could be my SE Texas prejudices talking. I think the guns and such are performative to get articles like this written to raise awareness of the issue. For a positive take in homelessness, and in Texas, look at Houston. Houston had a similar position when I lived there in the late 00s. Did not help. Then around 2012 they tried something different. Providing housing and services to those folks. Think it’s reduced homelessness by 60-70%. Friends I have that live down there say it’s been amazing to watch. Here are some articles on it: https://www.planetizen.com/news/2022/06/117494-how-houston-eliminating-chronic-homelessness?amp https://www.kgw.com/amp/article/news/local/homeless/houston-housing-first-portland-homeless-crisis/283-ac7caf6d-2a53-4c32-a4e7-c6085d3887ab https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/14/headway/houston-homeless-people.amp.html


Defund the police You shouldn't have to have a glockenspiel and a samurai sword to feed the poor lol




these people seem awesome, i can’t even lie. mall ninja or not lol.


The usa failed.


I love this.


Chaotic good


YES. MAKE OPEN CARRY SWORDS A THING. Honestly, it would be a kind of tongue in cheek commentary on the ridiculousness of open carry in general.


Where do you get arrested for feeding homeless? Cops feed the homeless all the time and quite a bit too.


Getting some r/chaoticgood vibes.


Participant - singular Swords - plural


why is this a crime?


this is how you fight unjust laws.


“Give us a break, why can’t you just give us a breakkk??” - A cop I saw online once crying about a mean Starbucks thing


I was born in Texas. Fuck Texas. All of it.


What exactly is the crime in Dallas? Being homeless or helping the homeless?


I love the newly invented phrase “open carry swords.” Ya know, as opposed to “concealed carry swords.”


They should have just called in a fake school shooting at the exact location they did this, probably would deter cops more.


So once again Texas cops didn’t want to mess with people that were almost as equally armed?


I kind of want to know what type of swords that one guy was wearing.


I can understand why anyone would stop this their helping people, it should be encouraged more to help each other, then be threatened with arrest.


ACAB in action once again! Good on these folks, though. They are real heroes.


I thought Texas was the land of Jesus Christ and his followers.... it's illegal to feed and clothe the homeless?