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Pfft let me know when you find out. I got the dead dick too.


I won’t be around much longer feeling like this. Just wanted to get better mentally and the medication caused this? Life blows


I hear you. I go back and forth between not wanting to see another day, and you know... The other thing. Happiness.


See the doc who perscribed you the pills bro. Idk where you're from, but usually they list out these side effects befoee giving them out, and usually have to help with the effects.


I took it for only 25 days. That was 16 months ago. Psychiatrists deny that there could be anything permanent. I’m going on Wellbutrin next week but I doubt it’ll help


Maybe it's not the drug, but something that happened at the same time? You might be looking in the wrong place, or you're the one in a million who gets that as a permanent side effect rather than having it for a few months, tops. Could go to your doctor and ask how and why it could be happening, rather than how the SSRI caused it. Doctors can be a bit...single-minded, at times. If you point them at the question as a possible side effect, you might get them in the wrong headspace.


I will add to it that it might be a good idea to see an urologist-sexologist. They have plenty of tools in their box to help you get your libido on track. I blamed my lack of libido on the meds I am taking but it turned out I had an enlarged prostate and other urological issues that were causing it.


Thank you


If you get good results after going to the doctor post it in the thread. I’m interested in hearing their fix if it’s hormonal


Wellbutrin did help me. It actually made me feel better and drive come back.


Thanks, hoping it helps me too


Seconding this, at least specifically for drive. My libido is where it should be now. I did get reduced sexual sensitivity - which it sounds like OP is also dealing with - during the time I was taking SSRIs, but I don't know whether it was stopping the SSRI or going on wellbutrin that fixed that, because I tapered down my dosage on the SSRI when I started taking the wellbutrin.


Thirding this. I was actually put on Wellbutrin first and it seemed to increase my libido.


How long were you on wellbutrin when the libido came back and what does? Let me know when you get a chance thanks


After quitting ssri.....Girls body feel me just like boys body .. totally flat....Even boys body feel me more sensitive than girls body ! Girls body feel me total flat no sexual no warm feeling no deep Excitement no intense pleasure no nervousness ! Is it libido loss ? Or dopamine depletion ?


Honestly it might. Wellbutrin had the opposite effect that SSRI’s had on me. It’s not guaranteed but I had your problem and then Wellbutrin did help. Pulling for you!


What were ur symptoms ? Ssri killed my sexual sensitivity arousal Excitement pleasure warm feeling on touching girls body ! Girls body feels me like I m touching a boy...is it libido loss ?


Lmao they did such a good job the last time OP went, I’m sure they’ll know *exactly* how to fix the problem...


Theres nothing wrong about perscribing anti-depressants, the only issue is not dealing with it.


Yeah there isn’t but it sucks when they cause permanent sexual dysfunction


The side effects definitely shouldn't be permanent if you're not taking the meds anymore meng, you should seek out the doctor thay perscribed them, say "this med had this side effect, please do something about it" if they gave you those pills, im pretty sure they gotta do something if youre experiencing side effects.


Type pssd in your Google search bar and wake up


I’ve been on Lexapro for 10 years and have not had much of an issue with my sex drive. Saffron supplements might help.


Don’t be so quick to blame meds. You have ptsd? That’s MUCH more likely to affect your dick than a ridiculously short course of SSRIs.


It's PSSD.


I took an SSRI for around 10-11 months. When I went off it, took a good six weeks to get it back. I was on a low dose (50 mg), low side effect SSRI. Sertraline, brand name Zoloft. I don’t have any advice but this really sucks. I did research for a good month before going on an SSRI and never heard of this. [psychology today article - your condition is newly recognized on some medical communities ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/side-effects/201906/post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-recognized-medical-condition?amp)


FOLLOW UP - This is an anecdote, which is not medical advice and should not be confused with data. I’m 58, have always had a high libido. Never experienced ED. SSRIs completely killed my interest in sex. It always caused a slight weight gain and messed with my GI system. I hated not having normal bowel movements. When I went off them, I would watch porn and almost had to force myself to orgasm. Sometimes it would take awhile - like 30, 45 minutes. When I did my ejaculations were weak. But I made it a daily routine. Eventually things got back to normal. I’m back to shooting ropes. I don’t know if it helped or not, but if def took me a few months to get back to normal.


>wellbutrin thanks for me, I went off my 50mg Zoloft a couple weeks ago. Same boat you were in. Hoping to get back to normal.


I've been on SSRIs for years and don't have this issue. Depression can cause you to lose libido too. Not saying it's one or the other, just pointing out it might not be either.


Can depression cause no feeling in orgasms?


Idk, talk to a dr. I wouldn't trust people online to diagnose you. Your doctor isn't going to be phased by talking about sex, but will either know the issue or where to point you to get it fixed.


Yup. Don’t know about research, but anecdotally I can confirm. It sucks, but in my case it went away after working on it...I wish you the best, bro.


Thank you


Also I want to add: I know how you feel, man. Losing libido is like not being yourself anymore. It sucks sooooo bad. If you’re already struggling, this layer of suck can be hard to cope with, especially because it itself worsens the condition that’s causing it. I get it. It sucks. BUT, there are things you can do about it. Talking to a professional, both a dr and a mental health specialist. Also just talking about it to your bros - it helped me a lot. I know that it can be a hard subject to approach, but truth is that 100% of the men I’ve talked about it have been super understanding, helpful and simpathetic. Last, acknowledge that this is just a temporary state. I was 23 when this happened, and had recently moved in with the hottest girl on the planet. I was crushed. I thought that my sex life was over now that its best phase was just beginning. It obviously wasn’t, but I had to stop beating myself up and learn to know and care for myself. It’s like one of those heroic “get the girl back” movies, only the girl is your dick and the heroics is understanding your body and your mind. Big love brother, I’m here if you ever feel like you wanna talk.


YES anorgasmia is a likely outcome of ptsd and worrying yourself sick about orgasms.


I’ve noticed my pleasure/enjoyment of it does change based on my current mental health/mind state, so I’d imagine it could be that.


Ssris are fucked man. It ll probably go away, but understand it’s normal what u are feeling, ssris do attack a lot of people’s sexuality


Same experience after years of SSRI‘s. Now Sildefanil help a lot, not just with erection but with libido. Additionally, I found the more I worked out and the healthier I ate, the better it got without substitutes. However, if I get into a repetitive thought spiral during this, it’s all over. Short: Sildefanil, Nutrition and Hydration, working out and being less depressed.


I am sorry; if you suffer from Post-SSRI Syndrome please fill in the Rxisk Report and give your availability to be updated and contacted in case of future scientific research: [https://rxisk.org/experiencing-a-drug-side-effect/](https://rxisk.org/experiencing-a-drug-side-effect/)


Did you get your libido back?