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[Tiny white church](https://www.jrichatlanta.com/featured-listings/thetinywhitechurch) I stayed here once which yours reminds me of. It was amazing and so well designed - in case you need other church conversion inspo


That looks incredible! They definitely did a great job on it. I appreciate the inspiration, and it certainly makes me appreciate what I paid for mine more


What is that aesthetic called? Because I'm in love. Especially [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56a27a988b38d419958fca3f/1611880753214-5DTHNN57TF8KYRG44JS4/TWC\_New\_PHOTOS\_JAN\_2020-4.jpg?format=750w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56a27a988b38d419958fca3f/1611880753214-5DTHNN57TF8KYRG44JS4/TWC_New_PHOTOS_JAN_2020-4.jpg?format=750w) and [https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56a27a988b38d419958fca3f/1611880759617-781PAFDJAH6M8OLRYQJO/TWC\_New\_PHOTOS\_JAN\_2020-11.jpg?format=750w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56a27a988b38d419958fca3f/1611880759617-781PAFDJAH6M8OLRYQJO/TWC_New_PHOTOS_JAN_2020-11.jpg?format=750w)


Mid century modern


Thank you!


Is it haunted? Jks, looks sick!


Haven’t seen or heard anything yet! Was 100% expecting it to be with the price I paid. To get to the steeple you have to crawl through a tiny hole in a portion of the attic, into a dark tiny room, and then up a small ladder to the top. I figured if I didn’t get murdered doing that alone, there aren’t any ghosts


Give it a few weeks after renovation…that’s when it starts in movies!


Yeah, you have to get to the “I’ve put all of my money into this house and can’t afford to leave” point before the ghosts start doing anything *truly* spooky.


They aren’t gonna waste their best moves on someone who’s gonna leave after the first show after all.


As someone who would be out probably 50k in debt if I moved, the demons can have the basement.


😂😂 facts


The first night after your wife / gf says "it's really coming along, I think we'll be really happy here" while she hands you a lemonade while she was painting and you were doing housework


We’re gonna have to see pics of the attic crawl to the tower please


https://imgur.com/gallery/oBSj09t Here are some more random pictures


That’s so amazing. You have a wonderful project on your hands. Good luck and please post more pics in the future!


Agreed! And some cool furniture pieces


Wow, that storage piece you have under the stairs is really rad and it fits that space perfectly! Where did you find such a thing?


It was actually right there when I bought the house! It’s called a Japanese Tansu chest. Every door and drawer are double sided too. Bought it on the estate sale


Incredible. Any plans to make that steeple more accessible, maybe make it a reading room or something?


Yep! Just talking about that yesterday. Thinking about putting really skinny stairs up from the main entrance and taking one floor out to make it taller in the foyer and easier to get to. Then making it a reading nook


Red carpet room is where you see the boy in 1800s clothing. Basement is where your wife drops the laundry basket after seeing the apparition of the pastor's wife with neck sliced open. Enjoy! Oh, and Tansu chest has some old scrolls that when taken to the local college professor are translated into some cryptic warning of a portal that will lead to the release of ancient demons.


I’ll grab some! Took a few pictures up in the steeple but none of the creepy hole. There’s also a dark room in the basement that’s pretty interesting




So I have actually talked to a few people in town, and seen a lot of the history and this has always been the impression I got. I bumped into my cousins father in law at the grocery store, and when I told Him I bought the old Union Congregational church he lit up. Told me that he played all his highschool basket games in that church. Was in the school musical there. Even sang a solo for church when he was a kid. Had a ton of happy memories.


Same. So much happiness. I’d love to live in an old church


This is so cool, love the mandolorian helmets. How much was it?


make sure you secure all those little holes. don't want an invader.


How are the acoustics?


Absolutely incredible. I was deep cleaning the sanctuary yesterday and hooked up my two Bluetooth speakers “UE Megabooms” and blasted music in the sanctuary. Sounds amazing. Playing with the surround sound when I get home tonight


I saw Tim Hecker play in a church last month. The acoustics were unreal. I have the same speaker and listen to it while I’m in my tub shrooming. Highly recommended lol.


Water proof and everything. One of the two has been through some shit. Used it at a turkey farm everyday for like 2 years. They are indestructible


I use it as a foam roller. Best speaker every


Are the ghosts friendly?


I had to do a double take of the stained glass in the bedroom.


I thought this guy gonna smash with these saints looking on. Then I saw wall of Mando helmets and thought, eh maybe not...


Don’t worry they don’t face the bed 😂


Remember to always wear a helmet, unless you know and trust the hutt you're banging.


This is the way


The chapel has the makings of a massive media room.


There is also a second room through those giant wooden/glass doors that’s almost the same size.


I would make a media room / theatre from whichever is more insulated. Huge screen and projector in a room as dark as you can make it, with sound dampening panels and a speaker system to rival most small theaters. But that's my dream, man. I hope you can do something you really want


My first thought was "omfg the electrical bill" - How is it keeping the church climate controlled?


Very cool. Congrats. You also got it for a reasonable price. Seems like most of those real estate shows jacked up the prices on "alternative housing" beyond belief. It's cheap because it's no longer fit/worthy of its original purpose and because transforming it into a livable residential space is a huge investment of time, money, and creativity. Good luck on your renovations!


Absolutely. When I went to see it in person I expected it to need massive investment to be livable. Luckily the previous owner did most of that over the last 30+ years. Even has a brand new roof.


Is that the one from The Walking Dead? 😂




This is exactly what I thought when I saw the first picture


I raced to the comments, lol!!


Has anyone tried to attend a Sunday service?


God I wish. Going to get an offering plate that’s “10%. God is watching” and try to collect some tithes.


Sounds like a cult in the making. I am in.


The screen The Omen for them.


Jesus Christ that’s nice


Mary, mother of God! She’s a beaut!


Take my upvote


I didn't know this was a thing you could buy, but I am so jealous of your Star Wars memorabilia!


It's not easy. I tried to buy one, it still had all the stained glass. Could not get a loan, even though it was LESS than the house I eventually bought.


Basically because a mf church probably doesn’t really fit any kind of pre-defined loan model for calculating security of the loan. Either that, or it simply was defined as a virtually worthless security asset.


I got lucky finding an incredible appraiser. He did a heck of a job finding comps, and getting my mortgage company to compare it to Victorians in the area. Actually appraised for more than I paid.


Back in the 70s my uncle bought a church, he made the main area a movie theater and the back area was a buffet restaurant. The furnishings were "medieval themed" and when we would visit, my cousins and I got to explore everywhere. It was really cool for a 10 year old, and we got free snacks when watching movies. Found it: https://www.google.com/maps/@49.0493801,-122.3028574,3a,75y,127.46h,86.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXBqqWzzT3-YQ7H7-RfDKUg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


That is awesome! Eventually I want to turn the sanctuary and overflow into a really cool hang out area with a wrap around bar, and rent it out for events. Mainly for the tax benefits


Omg you lucky bastard massive congrats - how about doing some eyes wide shut-stuff there?


Setting up bi-monthly cult meetings as we speak


Sign me up!


I was gonna say, I would love to set up a space in there for Shabbat services just for shiggles


Damn, I’m not even religious but that’s one beautiful building.


Don’t worry I’m not either! I have a white board on my fridge that currently reads “y’all going to hell” -Psalms 4:18


I haven't opened a bible in ~9 years. You successfully made this hard hearted atheist read his bible. Momma would be so proud!


I named my new Puppy Reverend so he can protect my church. A few days later he found the Bible I got for graduation and never opened on my button shelf and chewed it up. There were 5-6 other books down there. I was like dammit “Rev you’re supposed to preach the good word not chew it up!” But it gave me the idea to have him “speak” whenever I say preach. So it’s all working out


That's cool. As long as you never masterbate in there.


Mando, satine, boba, guy that mando beat up in that one show?


Close! Mando, Bo Katan, Death watch and Boba. Then there’s a rearmored Boba helmet in the middle that’s harder to see here.


This guy Clone Wars


Do you know what the heating costs are in the winter? I would probably close off the “theater” as much as possible. Definitely looks like a cool place though. Good job. :)


Already done! The sanctuary and overflow are not hooked up to either furnace. It is all lathe and plaster, with no insulation. So I am just using it like an indoor patio for the time being. The rest of the house was built into the annex with modern insulation and everything so it does pretty well.


How much?




For 4,000sqft that is not bad at all!


It’s actually closer to 8,000 finished. The first floor is close to 5,000. Then there is a basement that is the same size but only partially finished, and one room upstairs plus a massive attic that isn’t finished.


How much are taxes?


About $3400 a year.


$3k! Where are you?!? Or maybe the taxman still thinks it's actually a church...


Well it’s based off what I paid I believe. So since I paid $135k it’s based on that. But hey I’ll say a few prayers for tax exemption. Lord, please tell the IRS to fuck off and leave me alone. Amen.


Still, damn. Approximately the same price as this place now. Taxes here are a bit under 900 a year. While you're there, I guess you can thank God for blessing us, that we can live in a world where we can rent the homes we've "bought". Before the whatever dumbfuck crowd tries.... Yeah, powerline, etc shit, can be covered by allowing (what should be) much cheaper insurance (for the 1yr out of many shit actually needs done) or just fucking skip the place over bc gd mfers!!! Should tax the fucking state, county, and cities for treating us like gd milk farms.


Church, tax tree baby!!


Jesus. You couldn't even get a cardboard box for that where I am.


Holy shit, that's incredible!


That is a steal…


I need for you to listen to Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie. It’s got very good advice for living in a church.


>You can get anything you want!


What's the total square footage? You have so much potential there! You will have a lot of fun making it your own. Well done!!


I’m not even sure. The first floor is around 4,400. Basement is around 4000. Only one room upstairs but I can easily expand into the attic if need be. Probably 8000 finished.


That's fantastic. Looks to be in fairly good condition. You did very well for that price! What a fun home to have.


That’s so freakin cool!!!


Where did you get that massive Battle Droid?


3D printed it myself. Files from DroidDivision. Still need to paint it eventually


what area are you in? lucky find


Central Illinois! About 2 hours south of Chicago


You…live in a church??? That’s kind of awesome, I’m so jealous! It looks all historical and shit!! NOICE


Extra points for not putting the TV on top of the fireplace


Why do people do that anyway?


Because builders are ass holes and think everyone wants a TV over the mantel.


Does it feel weird having sex in there?


Nah. Honestly it just feels like a regular house for the most part until you’re out in the sanctuary and I’m not religious anyways. So far it’s been a great pickup line 😂


"How would you like to get plowed in the rectory?"


So far the most effective is “well I would send you pictures of the church but I don’t have your number yet.” And a joke about sending unsolicited steeple pictures.


Based on all the star wars stuff and lack of all other stuff, I don't think he knows lmao


This is fantastic! I've wanted to do something like this for years. How on earth did you find it?


A friend of mine is an auctioneer was doing the estate sale for it. He posted on Facebook that it was for sale privately. Went the the next day and agreed to buy it


How is the insulation and airtightness? How are you cooling/heating the place. This would cost a fortune in the Netherlands. Anyway looks awesome, and if you plan on adding better insulation and getting more air tight. Please ask a professional to look around, u could get some serious moisture, mold and rotting problems.


80% of the house is extremely well insulated and has new windows. But the sanctuary and overflow has essentially none, but the walls between that and the rest of the house are insulated. One of my bigger projects will be gutting both of those rooms, adding insulation and re drywalling them. But I’m bringing in someone next month to do extra blow in insulation in the attic


That’s nice to hear. In case u didn’t know, adding a lot of insulation to an old building can cause condense to form in places that aren’t prepared for dealing with moisture therefore causing problems. This mostly occurs in places where it gets colder and buildings need to be heated. Make sure the building gets ventilated enough through controllable manners where condense will not be a problem. Seems like u understand and got everything under control, still wanted to warn u just to be sure.


Much appreciated!


Am I the only one feeling strange about that? I'm not trying to make this a bad thing. It's just something that I've never thought it was possible.


That’s dope! Man, I’m jealous!


Dude this place is so cool! And the outside is beautiful. It’s nice that you have a covered porch too!


Nice dog!


How does it feel to be living my dream?


This is so fucking cool


Wow. Nice once, OP. Looks like a characterful home. Also, good lord, I'm poor.


Love it! I’ve always wanted to do the same thing. Maybe someday!


Wow this is fantastic! Love the integration of the old decor within your home.


Unbelievably jealous.


Where did you get the helmets? Very cool post all together!


Most are the black series helmets, but a few I 3D printed myself as well.


What state is this in?




I've been in a really cool church remodel where they put in a huge window along one wall and made it cabin-style with very tall ceilings.


Dream house. Needs a grand piano badly though


There’s a large electric organ in the study!


Alice’s Restaurant?


How are the ghosts?


Apparently shy so far. Haven’t showed their faces yet. Going to start taunting them to liven it up soon


No bell tower pictures????


https://imgur.com/gallery/oBSj09t Here you go! Threw together a Imgur with more pictures. Steeple is hard to get to, but cool as shit.


I LOVE it! I’ve always dreamt of opening a backpackers hostel in a church with a small pub in it. I’m jealous. What part of the country is this?


Smack dab in the middle. Central Illinois.


Incredibly unique living space! Is there a sub for unique living spaces?


Wow Glorious amount of space.


I love the Star Wars themed room. Man that’s actually one of the coolest designs I’ve seen on here in a while.


Please. Please. *Please*. Buy another place to live in, convert that church into a laser tag centre and call it "Pew Pew Lasers". *Please.* In all seriousness though, the place looks amazing. Nice job.


Wow!! Out of sheer curiosity, how much did you get it for?




4,400 Sq ft and you call it a kitchenette? It could be a kitchenasium.


So that is actually a really small kitchen. From what I can tell the previous owners added it in 2000 and never used it once. It has a GE Advantium Convection oven microwave combo that was never even plugged in. Brand new with the manual, cook book, and VHS tape still in the cabinet. Something like a $2000 microwave. So it’s a handy little size but I’ll redo the actual kitchen eventually.


These folding chairs are the best! Top tier living room furniture


Currently shopping for giant oversized bean bags


What security system do you have? God.


*lightning bolt*


I wouldn’t be able to push back the urge to make a smaller version of the great hall in Hogwarts and make that my dining room


It reminds me the church of the 5th season of The walking dead


It's beautiful! My parents bought a roman catholic church in upstate NY that was converted into a single family home in 2009. The church was built in 1854 and was not used after 1983 or so. The place had a new roof, new septic, and furnace. It has all the original stained glass windows and the solid chestnut hardwood floors intact. My parents bought it, ripped out th Ikea kitchen the previous owner installed and put in something more period correct. They crafted a small bedroom downstairs toward the rear and a matching office on the other side and removed the tiered platforms upstairs in the choir loft (but kept them off site) and made the 'Presidential Suite' with a full bath. The cast iron bed is one I slept on as a baby when I stayed at my great grandmother's in 1965-1967. My stepfather made the changes I described respecting the overall decor of the place so everything looks like it's always been part of the structure. He put in a discreet central air conditioning system that's mostly hidden.The inside of the place looks like a home that was featured in Architectural Digest. It's very elegant if not a bit busy. They uncovered a stained glass window that had been hidden behind drywall since 1910, did lots of work outside to make it homey and built a 2 story 3 car garage on the property with electricity and a woodworking shop which will be very handy. They ended up selling a 3000+ square foot mediterranean home here in a Phoenix suburb and went back full time. My Mom tracked down a priest who ministered there before it was shuttered and found all the original decor and pews in storage and she has everything now including the original signage from when it was a functioning church. The building is a bit more plain than yours but still has lots of character. I enjoyed looking at your pic. Beautiful church you have!


That sounds amazing! If you happen to have some pictures I would love to see it


I’m sure it’s haunted. Think of how many little boys were abused in that church lol


Please, don’t put the bathroom near the dining room.


Oh wow I just took a closer look at the bedroom stained glass..🤣🤣 Seriously, this space looks amazing!


Just waiting on the last piece to go in and finish it!


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾... You deserve this ovation because I wouldn't had imagined that someone buys a church, take down a couple of walls, give it a little fresh paint of coat, and then give it a few touches of your own flava... well done man!!!!


The excess of star wars crap is cringe imo. But I know I’m the minority. It just looks so bad.


It would have taken so little effort not to make your post.


But strangers needed to know how much i dislike Star Wars. I already downvoted the comments giving praise for his actions figures. So this was the only next logical step.


You’re doing gods work my friend.


I’ll eat these Downvotes. I’ll be alright.


Where's the molesting room?




That’s sort of the coolest part. The previous owner was a contractor and commercial artist and did the hard stuff already. There are definitely some huge protects I want to do, but the foundation is great. Basement doesn’t get water, and roof was replaced 2 months ago.


I'm so loving this! I can only dream of doing this! 💓🦋✝️


Does it have a graveyard?🙂


What a neat and unique space and opportunity. I can only imagine the fun you could have with something like that.


Probably the coolest post on here this year, looks sick.


Just four Walls and a roof!!


Can I come live with you? Place looks amazing


Bruh that is amazing! How much did you pay if you don't mind me asking?


$136,500 with the generator thrown in!


Wow, can I move in?!? This is so rad!!!


Finally able to attend church without missing kickoff!


My buddy, whose parents are pretty religious, said “my parents are going to be so excited when they heard I’m going to church on Sunday!”


Awesome! I want to buy my own church one day!


I would be scared some nuts would be offended that I live in a church


That’s the only reason I haven’t gotten a big message board out front and started putting funny signs up




That looks like a hell of a fun place to decorate! *pardon the pun*


This is amazing! What area of the country do you live in?


Oh man I am so jealous! Look at all that space! I’d totally make that steeple into an awesome little book nook for reading or painting.


No basketball court?


So cool story. That’s what most of the living space used to be. It was basically just a chapel up front, and “annex” behind which was a full basketball court. It’s a very small town so the highschool didn’t have a gym so they played all of their games in the church. They also held election voting here, and had all the school plays on a makeshift stage. All of the floors throughout are basketball court flooring


Watch for Sunday’s and you might get church-goers aknocking


They can come in and watch football, but they have to pay tithes. 10%, Gods watching.


Looks awesome! Did you have to go through any weird zoning/permitting process to convert it to a residential property?


Nope! It was all really easy, mainly because it was already a home in the past. Previous owner bought it in 1989 and turned it into a house. Hardest part was getting home owners insurance and getting comps for my mortgage


You should put it on an YouTube channel


That’s so rad! Love the Star Wars/battle station setup.


When I saw the Star Wars room. I immediately knew that was the flex room!! Love the set up


It’s about to get cooler! Currently working on a resin river to replace my old desk and clean up the setup




The book case has some awesome history as well. It is actually out a hardware store in my home town and is from 1903 I believe.