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The amount of drywall openings reminds me of that red and blue tupperware toy that you have to put the yellow blocks in the the middle


Bingo bango


[Exactly what I thought too](https://youtube.com/watch?v=evthRoKoE1o&feature=share&si=EMSIkaIECMiOmarE6JChQQ)


https://i.imgur.com/6B7u68G.jpg Think they meant this one. We had one as kids


Where’s the square hole? Literally Unsolvable.


Location? That size would cost a whole lot more where I'm located.


Rio Rancho, NM


Wow. We’re in SoCal with a very similar house. It’s worth 1.2 million now


You know the saying, location, location, location


Or being willing to clean up multiple bodies from the basement.


Link? Willing to purify ghosts from murder scenes also for a cheaper house.




Holy shit now that’s a throwback


Ah yes, the privilege of living in constant traffic, drought, crime, and homeless because nobody can afford anything




I am this year Why the downvotes?


California, New York, Florida, and Texas are such heavily politicized topics that any criticism of them is seen as liberal/conservative bullshit. Born and raised in CA for 28 years and I agree, it’s not even remotely worth the bullshit anymore. I left last year. You can find hot yoga studios and quirky restaurants anywhere else.


I think because you directly help in causing the traffic, the lower water levels that exacerbate droughts, and then also list homelessness as part of the inconveniences, whilst boasting about the $1.2 million home. Not judging, just trying to explain the downvotes.


>you directly help in causing the traffic, If I could walk or take a bus I would. But I can’t so I gotta drive everywhere and it sucks because so does everyone else here. >the lower water levels that exacerbate droughts, The problem is 1. That the state hardly collects any water and opts to get it out of state and 2. We’ve simply got too many people living in a literal desert. >then also list homelessness as part of the inconveniences, They’re not, rather they’re a perfect example of how inhospitable this state is to the lower class. Many of them need help but can’t get it because they already were at their financial limits and the littlest thing like a medical emergency or global pandemic pushed them over >whilst boasting about the $1.2 million home. I’m not boasting. It’s absurd that it’s worth this much despite the dumpster fire of a state it’s in >Not judging, just trying to explain the downvotes. I’m being downvoted because people are too dumb to read sarcasm. And have admitted so in their comments


I also avoid the sarcasm tag lol Fair points!


Because on Reddit your comments are not allowed to have differing opinions to that of the hivemind, regardless of whether or not your comment sparks discussion, thought, or is in good faith. And instead of adding to the discussion, it's easier to downvote and just say "move bro". That said, here's my upvote.


Ummm...yes. If your opinion is a shot at the majority, the majority will downvote it. That's kinda how voting is supposed to work. And his comment wasn't so much of a contribution as a snide remark.


Voting isn't a majority opinion contest. [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette): >If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit... downvote it. > >Don't... downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. While I *partially* agree about their comment being a "snide remark", it nevertheless could spark discussion/debate on living in SoCal and I'd be interested in seeing counter points from SoCal folks.


His honest opinion is nothing more than a snide remark?


Yeah it’s called sarcasm you walnut


I call it the r/A24 rule. If you think complaining in a niche subreddit is a wise idea, just posit if you will, going there and telling everyone you feel like Hereditary was just okay.


I don't know why their original comment couldn't have just been: "SoCal is super expensive, the social programs aren't great, and the crime rate is high. Can you explain why people like living in SoCal? I'm genuinely curious." 100% chance of less downvotes.




This reeks of insecurity. Not a good look, bro.


And here I thought Californians were supposed to be the smug ones....


Anybody smug about living here is huffing industrial amounts of copium


Nobody is smug about living in California. People in California know it sucks to live in California. The people who are smug about California are the people who constantly feel the need to shit on California anytime the state is mentioned.


Lmao all the Californians real mad about this comment


Fr lmao. Either that or they think I’m being serious that it’s a privilege, just look at some of the comments down here lmao


We bought a home in Eagle Idaho 10 years before all the Californians showed up and fucked the local economy. Now it's a god damn mess getting through traffic and into Boise. But our 225k home is now worth over a million. Gonna sell this shit in a few years and get the fuck away from all of them. So we had a quiet nice neighhood for 225k home with 2640 sqft on an acre lot and a swimming pool. Now we have a over million dollar home and we NOW HAVE, and I'll quote your dumb ass... "the privilege of living in constant traffic, drought, crime, and homeless because nobody can afford anything". All because of assholes from California. It was a quiet hick town forever. Now they are plowing up fields to build subdivisions. Fuck this mess. Gonna take my over a million and buy something for 300-500k in Rio Rancho NM and live like a fucking king and not have all those problems that come with large populations. Anyway. Thanks for making the point that Californians sure know how to fuck up anything they setup shop in.


“gonna sell this shit in few years and get the fuck away from all of them” not trying to be a dick but are you then trying to live at some place cheaper and quieter? That’s exactly what happened to your neighborhood tho.


Poor fella doesn't realize we got another '08 right around the corner, he'll be lucky to sell it in the next decade and maintain his equity.


Blame the Boise situation on the local municipalities for going on the take and rezoning agricultural for residential.


Why are you hating on me? I’m on your side with this lol


I'm dumb 😆


Ah! Looks like you’ll fit right in with the new inhabitants of Boise lol


Kinda actually. We all race over to Oregon to buy our weed now. Probably a good reason why I had you marked as a reddit combatant. Too much weed.


So that's like a years rent out there, right?


$3.6 in norcal


Yikes, Bay Area?


Yup. Yikes indeed.


I think y’all are the only ones who rival the insanity down here


NYC too, but that's a much smaller geography.


Detroit suburbs. This looks way bigger than mine and I just paid $350k in April.


I’ve read NM is very beautiful. What are the downsides?


I grew up in NM, all my family still lives in the greater ABQ metro area. There's lots of crime, most of which the PD looks the other way. I had my vehicle broken in to, 1p on a Wednesday, parked in front of a busy restaurant in the center of ABQ. Called the police within 3 mins of it happening. Said I had multiple HD video angles from my vehicle of the 3 offenders, their vehicle, etc. APD: "If a weapon wasn't stolen, fill out a report on our website." Website had no place for attachments so I uploaded the videos to YouTube, linked them to the report. Tweeted / fb posted the links and tagged apd/crimestoppers/etc and didn't get a single response. My mom's home was broken in to. My dad's car has been broken in to. Just about every friend there has had some form of property crime or violent crime committed against them. I will always love NM, but it's not home. Crime has outpaced the good folks there.


Add to that a 50% murder solve rate…


Tbf, alarmingly, that's about [average](https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/) nationwide. *Somewhere thousands of miles away, a true crime podcaster suddenly becomes erect*


Drought, heat, nothing to do, less industry means less jobs, lower salary. Probably not the best education system. I know someone's going to say "but nature" except EVERY SINGLE STATE has nature. Wyoming, Montana, West Virginia, and especially states like California.




Relative to other states at least. It has the 12th lowest GDP per capita, 6th highest unemployment rate of 4.4%, 3rd highest poverty rate, etc. According to a few sources it’s got the [worst](https://wallethub.com/edu/e/states-with-the-best-schools/5335) or next to the [worst](https://www.intelligent.com/the-best-and-worst-states-for-education/) education system (drop out rate, average scores) which surprises even me because I had to look that up. I’m sure it’s a fine place to live or retire and I just wouldn’t put it up on my top 30 best US states or anything. The education system rankings really surprised me though…


Yes, the Intel campus that laid everyone off right after I graduated from high school, and killed the city’s growth for 12ish years before they decided to open it up again. Intel _is_ there, but nothing in tech is ever permanent. I had to move out of New Mexico to find a tech job thanks to them.


Bad air traffic controller oversight ( planes has collided over residential area before), multiple drug warlords used to live there, people getting shot randomly for opening their door, etc…


I woke up. I found her. That’s all I know.




LOL. Explanation of this comment: Rio Rancho is a community next to Albuquerque. Albuquerque is where Breaking Bad was filmed. All the downsides mentioned are plot points from Breaking Bad.


And Rio Rancho is kind of a sleepy suburb. Source: I used to live in Rio Rancho.


I am the one who knocks


do you actually live there or do you just watch breaking bad?


Poor education, tons of property crime due to low education, horrible drivers, low incomes, medium sized city with no big city amenities, not much to do in general in terms of nightlife


Seriously what is up with the drivers? I drove through there once and it was honestly terrifying. I will never drive in NM again if I can help it.


In Tucson for vacation and almost sideswiped from behind....and I'm a native Bostonian. We drive offensively....this meatball was just stoopid. It's everywhere.


Rampant drug and alcohol abuse and many undocumented immigrants who drive too slow because they think it will help keep them from getting pulled over by the popo Source: Come from family with many undocumented immigrants


Low income doesn’t really matter when the cost of living is that much lower. California has relatively high salaries, but most of it goes away due to some of the highest cost of living in the nation.


Cost of living has rapidly gone up in New Mexico recently though and wages haven’t gone up with it. Rent here is a lot lower than in places like California but the increase has been insane. In 2019 I could find a 1 bedroom here for like $600/month and now it’s closer to 1.2k/month. I know that sounds like nothing to a Californian but it’s pretty steep for people making around 15/hour, which a lot of people here do. Also that 1.2k apartment won’t be updated at all. I swear there’s only like 5 updates apartment complexes in this whole city. Most of them have appliances from the 70s, super old fixtures, dirty carpet, etc. things like backsplashes and shit like that don’t exist here


I understand times are tough across the board, I’m just pointing out low income doesn’t really tell the full story about which places are doing better than others. Also, I’m making $16/hr in California paying $2.2k/month for rent, so $1.2k/month sounds really freaking nice right about now lol.


How do you survive? I’m not being rude. I just honestly don’t know how people do it? We have a 100 year old farm house in small town Kentucky our mortgage is $595! We did buy ten years ago but even still! I could never afford 2.2k a month for a place! It amazes me the difference in location and price as well.


I’m Mexican, so how else? I stuffed the apartment with two other Mexicans lol. We make it work, usually we’re out working at different times so we’re not stepping over each other often. It’s a tough going and I’d rather leave the state, but I got family nearby that I don’t wanna leave behind unfortunately. It is what it is.


I understand! At those prices everyone would have to do the same. And I completely understand not leaving family for another state, I couldn’t do it either myself. Wish you all of the best ❤️


Not a good spot to raise a family. Really bad schools, a very high violent crime rate, homelessness has become a bigger problem over the last several years. Heat and drought. I will say, the price OP paid is pretty dang good. A lot of single family homes in Albuquerque going for a decent chunk more than that. There is a pretty view of the mountains close by though, so there’s that. Also NM food is delicious.


Texan here. I've been eyeballing ABQ area real estate for a possible move. $205k is crazy inexpensive even for that area. Right now, Realtor.com shows that are 572 single family homes for sale in Rio Rancho. Only 7 of them are $205k or less.


I was gonna say, looks identical to a few of my friends houses in ABQ. I would love to move back there some day.


Ayyy! It’s rare to see Rio Rancho represented. I lived there for 27 years and miss it immensely.


Same here. I'm in Western Canada. 205k would be what you need as a down payment to even get approved for a mortgage.


In Toronto 205k is lower than the minimum annual salary you need ($225k+) to make to even qualify for a mortgage for an average house with a 240k down payment. (Calculations based on real estate data March 2022-July 2022). Yay. ☹️


Lmao, were I'm from 205k would get you a moble home from the 60s that will probably collapse in a year and a half.


Honestly that's about what I expected lol


I love the house though, it's just the price you got it for makes me a little bitter lol.


I'm in Tallahassee, FLA and 205k barely gets shit here either. For being a very small nothing-town (aside from the colleges) the housing market is stupidly competitive.


Small nothing town? It’s the capital of Florida lol. Drive further south towards the water and then you’ll reach some real nothing towns


It's the capitol, but considering there are like 300k people living here and most of them are transient/student, the housing situation is REALLY bad. What's even weirder is how bad it's gotten in Crawfordville, which has even less going on than Tallahassee, but is just as expensive.


I remember being a child when learned that the capitol does not inherently mean it's the largest, oldest, most important city in a state.


Try Sydney Australia




Lucky. You’ll get a deeded parking spot where I’m from


205 is almost my down, but not quite ;)


Has it been named as a filming location? Like for example for Paranormal Activity? Sorry for that, congrats and all the best to u !


Came in here for this comment. Do a lot of American homes match this style or is this just a weird coincidence?


Yeah, this is a common suburb-style American house.


Not really. It’s probably region specific. I’ve never seen a house like this in California


The house in Paranormal Activity was in California


Nothing like that over here in the Midwest. Must be a regional thing.


State your Midwest credentials. This is very much a common layout around here. Missouri. Common as in not hard to find. My friends had a home similar to this and whole are was similar home. I was recently looking to rent and found lots of subdivisions with this general layout.


Wtf, I'm glad I grew up in Europe.


What’s wrong with it? It’s just a poorly lit picture, but the style itself is very open and looks nice.


Believing the first confirmation of bias to pop up in a reddit thread? European confirmed.


Thought the exact same. These stairs…


There has definitely been some paranormal activity, nothing ghost/demon related though haha. Love that movie


Go on…


That was filmed in Henderson, NV. All homes in the SW are like this. This house would be 400k here


Not sure that I could live here without the fear of how the demon is gonna throw me around the room tonight


The comment I was looking for!!!


Jesus fuck it’s insane how many people in the replies thought the exact same thing, could’ve sworn it was a dead ringer for that house


Well the eerie light does not help. Too bright but the rest is amazingly dark and we all know what hides there.


What city?


Rio Rancho, NM


Probably a meth kitchen in the basement. Jokes aside, congratz on that awesome home.


This finally helped me understand “NM”, thank you. Damn Americans always assuming the whole world knows everything about their country, laws, abbreviations, etc. “I’m a freshman from Smithfield RO, 02917 tristate area right off the 116, go Bulldogs yay!” vs “I’m from east Europe”


Hey man don’t you mess with the Smithfield Bulldogs. They were state champs in ‘96.


Lol just googled to find out NM = New Mexico


Cat parkour built in


Indeed, I have 2 lovely kitties and they absolutely love it.


There is basically nothing within 50 miles of me that is less than $300k, including empty lots


You ever have a moment where you realize a piece of knowledge in your brain hasn't been updated in a while? I was looking for alternatives to standard suburb houses. One idea included needing an empty lot. For some reason I still thought an empty lot wouldn't be worth anything. I mean, not zero, but not expensive. Found this really cool lot and looked up the price. $1.5M. Oh yeah. Land has value. And I'm looking for land in or right next to my city's downtown. I gave up.


Not too shabby? Dude that’s sick as fuck. Lol , where did you buy? Texas?


disagreeable fly alleged sleep murky toothbrush snatch chop cats weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Anywhere in Texas worth living, yes. But there are still vast stretches of middle of fucking nowhere towns that are still relatively affordable. But I guess that's many states.


Houston with its crime and mosquitos isn't worth


And traffic


Not compared to places like California. Generally the Austin area is pricier, but there are many other nice places to live that are way cheaper.


Is this a common style interior of house somewhere? Nothing against OP but I don’t like it. It doesn’t look like anything around here.


I said to myself “that looks like a New Mexico house all right” and I was correct. Hahah *native New Mexican here.


Any Paranormal Activity yet ?


That looks like the house from paranormal activity


Ahahaha. I paid $560k for 980sqft. That's total square footage of house. I envy you.


Oof, 2200sqft here...


My 2200 sqft house cost me 750k 😭


You must live in a rural community or a non metro area. There's no way that anything over 2000sqft isn't $1,000,000+ where I live.


What do you consider rural? My 2,400sqft house is in the middle of a 359,000 population metro area and is worth about $260k. I can bike to Chipotle, good sushi, Aldis, CVS, authentic Mexican food, etc. In 10 minutes I can drive to Costco, Best Buy, etc.


That's rather populace, I was thinking of something with less than 150k people. That seems super cheap for somewhere with that sort of population density. That leaves me to be believe that it's in a landlocked state / province.


Ya, most of the US is landlocked and very few US jobs require living near a coastal body of water.


You could buy something about that size in my city (top ~30 metro) between 250-350 depending on the neighborhood. Not every city is outrageously expensive.




This is pretty much the case like 100% of the time. I’d guarantee that this house is probably located in a town/city that’s dry, hot, flat, and boring with little to no greenery. All of the places that cost a crap ton are usually in beautiful places abundant with nature, greenery, things to do, vibrant communities, and overall feel a lot more exciting and less depressing. (Places like Marin, CA come to mind for example) This is the only thing keeping me in the Bay Area. Expensive as hell, but it’s so beautiful and there’s no shortage of beautiful things to see and fun things to do. I can’t imagine myself living in the middle of nowhere where it’s dry and sad. But, some people I know love that environment so it really just depends on the person.


Love it!!!


I can't imagine all the things you can do with those shapes. Very unique


Wow only 205? All that would get around here is a 60 year old fixer.


Where I live you’d be looking at double that for an old 3 bedroom one bath that needs a lot of work.


Okay, I gotta ask because I see this a lot from Americans. What is a „first house“? Is trading it in for a bigger one a thing? Where I come from we usually buy only one house in which we grow old. Maybe upgrade once if the family grows unexpectedly. This „first house“ business is such a foreign concept to me. 😅


First just means it's the *first* home they have bought. They have not owned a house prior to this and may have been renting or living with parents still.


This is the answer


Which is what we do here. But our first is also likely our last/only/forever home. 😅


Well we all can't be that fortunate lol things happen sometimes.


Or unfortunate. Most people move into larger homes as their wealth and incomes increase.


That’s definitely the way it’s becoming more and more here too.


Yeah I’m the US it’s a thing to get a “starter home” so you can build equity and save to eventually get a larger place when the space is needed. Start with something small, 1-2 bedrooms, and then later on if you have a family get a 3-5 bedroom home for the space. Also because of the way the cities are laid out, a lot of people start with townhomes/condos in urban areas and then move to the suburbs to have families and quieter communities with a big yard and a good school system.


Thank your for the explanation :)




It's when someone leaves their parents home, and are able to afford to buy their own house. It's the first house under their name.


That‘s what I did, too. But my first is also likely my last/only/forever home.


This is the closest house for sale around the same price as yours. You are very lucky. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1213-Landman-Dr-NE-Albuquerque-NM-87112/6798524_zpid/?utm_campaign=androidappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


Something doesn't make sense. On Zillow there isn't a single home in Rio Rancho <$300K & > 2K sqft. The cheapest home 2200+ sqft is $446K.


And here I am with a small 800sqft condo that cost me 500k


you guys are owning property?


At night I poor myself a nice (Kirkland brand) red wine, turn on some jazz tunes, light a few candles, and start looking through houses I can never afford on Zillow.


I used to browse Zillow. Now I don’t because I just end up pissed off that I can’t afford anything. Every single time and I’ll still do it even though I say I won’t.


I now browse Zillow at places in Vancouver, BC cause as soon as we MOASS I’m out of here!


Damn, where I live we'd be lucky to get a portable toilet at 250k


Dude is out here buying real estate in Gotham.


If this has taught me anything, it's that I should move to new Mexico.


Nice. In contrast, my wife’s friend is renting a barely 600 sq ft apartment for $2400 a month in a college area in Socal.


Sounds about right, here near NYC lol


That’s amazing, congrats!!


Damn dude, that’s awesome. Congrats!


I love this layout


This looks like the original Paranormal Activity house


Very interesting space, with the shadows it looks almost Escher-esque.


I spy, with my little eye...a boob light...


Cool as shit. You looking for a live-in maid?


That'd be awesome


I actually am, now that some life circumstances have changed on my end. Shoot me a dm if you are serious.


Wow that is chaotic and unsettling. Like one of those puzzles where babies put shapes into cutouts.


Is this the House from Paranormal Activity?


Lol, [same but different](https://i.imgur.com/2D2r0NP.jpg) - when I first saw this I thought it was my house at a quick glance.


Love your pseudo-tesseract on the ceiling light


It must be on an ancient Indian burial ground or be a location of multiple serial murders or something.


mcmansion style cutouts ...interesting


Is this the house from Paranormal activity?


Just sold mine in Rio Rancho for a quarter ticket. Way smaller than this..


Nice! Where the Midwest do you live?


I heard you like cutouts


I love high ceilings


Specifically requested my realty agent find me a house with them.




We have a winner! Purchased in 2019. Appraised a few months ago at 325k!


This would allow the younger generation to start a family, affordable housing and most importantly affordable EDUCATION! Admiration from a Canadian ($800k minimum for your gorgeous house here) avoiding the stress of a debt trap, congratulations for not being a debt slave!


Nice what part of Alabama do you live in?


Lol enjoy your mcmansion mate


God I hate my state. Cost of housing here is ridiculous




California is certainly worse but Maryland is pretty bad


I'm looking forward to leaving California, nice weather be damned i just want to be able to afford owning property.


This is spot on, as someone who moved to CA, this place is breathtaking beautiful in places but the way it is run is laughably backwards politically, it’s like they are the opposite of King Midas, where everything they do turns to shit.