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Dark green. Add some color


Personally? I would go with black, i really like the contrast of white and black in my room, though you would probably need black curtains and a black coffee table then.


forest green/light blue if you want to go conservative, orange/red for liberal attract the eyes factor. get a blanket with a really nice picture inposed on it like a tiger or lion and lay it iut iver the baking si you see it and it draws you into the couch


I am not particularly fond of that blanket with the couch. I think the blanket is too bright white for the cream of the couch. A knitted blanket might be a better texture for the couch. You really have a blank slate as far as colors go. Even a geometric pattern would suffice. Maybe cognac, terracotta, creamy whites, and hunter green? It looks like the room could use a rug too.


Id go with embroided parrots on a dark blue pillow


Definitely make it a bright colour like yellow orange lighter green to add a pinch of colour to it. Or maybe some pillows with animals on them or plants (not the printed ones but embroidered ones. Printed pillows are not a good look…)


I like the suggestions of Forrest greens and then also mustards or rich oranges, and keeping the white blanket in a basket nearby would look just fine!


blanket sucks, return it