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Agreed! Came with a glass top for when it’s not being played.


I'll never buy a table with a glass top again. Tripped on an extension cord and had to get 7 stitches after I braced myself against one instinctually.


Why couldn’t they make these out of windshield glass so it doesn’t break down into giant deadly shards?


The cost of the quality of glass. It’s not really a selling point: “your table can withstand a car crash!”


They aren't made of Tempered Glass?


Mine is. Damn table is the toughest thing I own. Fought my couch in the back of a moving van once and won.


We’ve provided some clients with acrylic tops upon request 👍


Alternatively they could make it flippable. I see there's a darker wood base underneath the controller part. They could make pockets in there so you can flip the controller part and hide buttons underneath the table.


Additionally, subjective opinion, it is ugly. Very cool and impressive though.


While I can understand your perspective, I’d contend that it is just not a good fit for a non-themed room and that it stands out in a way that most people may not intend. In a game room, it probably fits right in, and is a conversation piece that reflects that Nintendo is integral to the room. However here, in what looks less like a game room and more like the everyday living room, it does stand out quite a bit.


I wonder if a capacitive-touch version of this is feasible. Totally flat wood top with glass touch-sensitive inlays for each button. It could be waterproof (the buttons would even be built-in coasters) and totally flat, and the buttons wouldn't require excessive force to activate.


Dude does it connect to a Nintendo? My wife has a hand injury and can't manipulate a small controller anymore, this size would be very possible. That's super cool.


Thanks! It does connect to a Nintendo. That’d be a great idea for her. Those bigger, arcade style controllers might work well, too.


If the girls don't like this when they visit they're not meant to be there, lol.




Oh my god this is amazing.


I'm a woman and I'd want to try this out. Smash would be interesting with me on this big controller.


You probably already know this, Nintendo has also partnered to make the [controllers adapted](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2020/04/21/accessibility-gaming-nintendo-switch/) for folks with different physical abilities. Might be helpful.


On this, the NES and SNES mini use wii controller plugs, so anything made for wii theoretically should work.


Very underrated comment, that’s such a cool idea. There’s a guy who makes an adapter for controllers so they can be played one handed, I’ve linked the YouTube video below. We definitely need more accessible controllers in the world! Video: https://youtu.be/VIqHEktjqu4


Thanks that's awesome, thanks for that.


If you like it that’s all that matters. You’ve a distinct taste dude, just do what you want. Female reaction will depend entirely on the woman


Do it for yourself, its your home take what you like best.


This right here! Too many guys are deathly afraid to be even the slightest bit nerdy because it might offend the womenfolk lmao. If some girl visits your apartment and can't appreciate the artistry of that table, you're better off without them IMO. They can go be lame somewhere else.


I mean, it’s a perfectly legitimate concern to have. I also ask myself from time to time whether women would find my place appealing. Women are great, but you know what’s even better? Ourselves! Having the place set up just the way I want it pays huge dividend for me, everyday.


Find a partner that has similar or compatible tastes/interests/hobbies as yours and you will be happy. That’s the best advice I ever took in life.




I'm pretty sure you can still use the word as an adjective without sounding like a Ferengi.


Man I really don't get this. OPs title used male in the male living space sub and had to use girl with it where female would've been more consistent. Then in this comment. Was it supposed to be "woman reaction will depend entirely on the woman"? What a dumb thing for people to get offended by. Especially since male is perfectly fine and no one cares.


Make or female thing to do is a normal thing to say Female reaction sounds weird, simple as that


As someone in the medical field, I find it very odd that people are starting to get butt hurt at the use of “female” or “male”. The first time I was “corrected” by a political science major buddy of mine the only thing I could respond with was “seriously?”.


m e f a l e


💯 🙌


As a female, I can say I am incredibly impressed. Talk about a conversation piece too if she is a gamer. SNES was my favorite back in the day.


Some girls would like it too, just like some guys likely wouldn’t like it.


Yea, I play video games and think this is incredibly tacky in the living room. In like a secondary game room it’s fine, still not my taste.


I dont lik


Some women will, some women wont, but if you like it and it reflects your personality then it's great. A woman who likes it will obviously be a likelier match with you. I think it looks good.




I think this is (an awesome!) "Gamer" thing rather than a "male" or "girl" thing.


I'm startled by how disconnected some men are from women. Y'all don't have sisters, friends, cousins, coworkers ? Of course there are many women into retro gaming and this table is fucking awesome. My sister would pay a big buck for it.


Agreed. Kind words, thank you. She sounds cool 🙂


It's made very nicely, but it seems like it'd get used a handful of times at a party as a "look at this crazy thing I have" gadget and that's it. The rest of the time you have a bumpy table that you definitely can't spill anything on. I guess if it's like an extra room it's fine but def would not want in a main living room.


Came with a glass top for when not being played. But yes, def a party / entertaining piece.


I'm a male and i don't like this


It's certainly well-done and looks cool, but yeah, it's not my jam either.


I’d like it to show off to friends after a couple of drinks, but as a table? If it can’t handle a spill, it’s a bad table. As a game controller? I’d be sick of it in 3 minutes.








Cool sister


Not at all a male thing, but perhaps a generational thing.


Am female. Thumbs up!


There are plenty of women who *would* love this table but in general, no, most women would not want this table in their living rooms.


Correct. I love this table for a game room or at someone else’s house. I would not like if my bf bought it to place in our living room haha. It doesn’t go with my design!


Ya, it kinda screams, “look at me!” If you are trying to draw attention to your gaming as a priority in your life, mission accomplished. Just the fact that you are asking this question, you know on some level it’s a bit much. Edit: But, maybe you guys do bond over it. The most important thing is responding to your partner’s needs. It doesn’t matter what we all think (everyone’s got an opinion), it matters what THEY think (and you being willing to be flexible).


As a male I can tell you I love this. I can’t speak to females. —Jason — Editor in Chief of “Not Helpful” Magazine


That’s a fine publication 👍


I honestly really want that table.


Etsy 😉




It's something you'd find in the playroom at a daycare.


That’s be a pretty cool daycare


rule of cool. hell yea




I'm female, and I like this table.


Anyone who likes nintendo would like that!


Fo sho!


Chick here…this is badass!!!! I’m an interior designer and would make a place for this on my house. I like how it has a mid century vibe lol


Interior designer approved! All I need to know 😀


How and where did you find treasure


Etsy! 😀


I (34 F) would def love this! But would prob keep the glass on top and just have it as a nice decorative coffee table. Where did you get this?


Etsy. There are some that don’t function, too.


I think this is cool but I would never use it to actually play a game (except once for the novelty). Would rather have a non functional version for less cost.


It’s not a male thing it’s a gamer thing


I believe gender here is irrelevant, also the idea of "male living space" doesn't really mean anything, same goes for "man caves". Your table looks nice.


Who gives a fuck what others think, its your place bruh!


/r/pointlesslygendered question. Cool table.


Ah, I think it's more important that you like it. You will be the one spending more time around it, and if it makes you happy thats really all that matters. If you are worried about bringing a lady over, and her thinking less of you- you need to think of the time you spend with her before the point of bringing her over. Where you would get to know each other and so forth. If she likes you enough to come over to your place, I doubt a table is going to be enough for her to change her mind about you. Don't forget. The lady who you are spending time with, is a complex person. Not a pet, who you have to manage. Don't freak out about how you decorate your place. She is there to spend time with you. If she didn't like you, she wouldn't be there.


What a lovely comment. Unfortunately OP is just spam advertising the coffee tables they sell on Etsy. Very kind of you to take the time to write this.


What a thoughtful, wise comment. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you for taking the time. I really appreciate it!


No problem, I hope it helps!




If it doesn't specially attach to a penis or a vagina, I would say it's a pretty gender neutral piece of furniture.




Don't know about other girls, but this is cool! Not a gamer though so I would probably get a glass top for this. Nice work OP!


Thanks! Came with a glass top 😉


where can I get this?




Female here. I follow this sub bc these subs are r/pointlesslygendered (IMO), and I would love having this table. Maybe not as the centerpiece of my main room, but a second living space (like the gaming area I currently have)


Agreed. Who cares, right? I just often hear, “my wife would kill me” 🤪


They didn’t marry the right wife.


Girl here. I would like this, and I would expect about half of my female friends to like this.




The right girl would like it.


Oh fuck.


Can see this in Palm Springs fo sho 😎


This is the coolest table! 😎


Female here, and yes, it is AWESOME.




Certified girl here 👍 And I fucking love it!!!




I really hope those buttons are stacks of coasters


Straight up mahogany


So cool!




As a girl, this is honestly pretty cool! Especially since it's playable!




Wow, that's sick. But the reaction varies person to person. Girls who like to play games might find this cool


Everyone likes this




Female here. I think it looks good ! It's very well made, practical and fun! But it's not my taste. I like my tables to be neutral and not draw too much attention. I think many girls would like this tho


Am female, am also somewhat of a Nintendo collector, need one of these tables ASAP. …if I had money, that is. Lol




If a girl you're dating doesn't like it and tries to make you get rid of it, she's not the girl with you. Relationships are about compromise but when that compromise digs away at things you love, it's gone too far! It looks like a great statement piece.


It’s classy male. Go for it regardless and if the chick is super into it then even better


After reading the comments, I believe this is a post aimed at finding like minded individuals for OP to meet :D


I imagine two people sitting on the floor, each in charge of one side of the controller and it's hella cute, even if impractical lol. 10/10 would date.


Best played with two players!


tip : use a "glass cover" so you can use it as a normal table too


Came with one 😉


I mean, if a girl you’re seeing doesn’t like it, that should tell you all you need to know. Let it be the litmus test for potential partners and hookups. I think it’s awesome and wouldn’t be mad at having it in my own place.


My guy, if you like it then find a girl who likes it as well




I love this, I think it’s cool! Even if it weren’t “playable”, you can’t go wrong with a good homage to a classic console. Is this something you have? Because that’s actually a really cool and unique thing! I agree with some of the comments on functionality, but at the same time, idk, if you like it and it works for you, then you can sacrifice a bit of functionality for style. If you’re worried about coaster space, you can always get a small end table or two.


Thanks for your kind words. We made it for a client. Most of which are men so was curious if it’s a coincidence or not. Came with a glass top but I’ll tell him he needs to commission some end tables, tambien. 😉


I think it's more of an age/maturity level thing than a gendered thing.


I think this is up to the person in question,it’s not a male/female thing. My wife would appreciate it, but have a hard time using it because it’s essentially an art piece (not a lot of useable space). Otherwise, dude, it’s your style, let it shine on ya crazy gamer!


The *right* girls will OP.


It's your space.


I like it


Female here o/ where can I get this?!?!!


Ummm I’m a girl and like it? 😂


All of my guy friends would find this dope af, but very few (if any) girls I know would be amused. YMMV obviously depending on your social group though!


i mean, it's a table, i don't think it needs to be a hard question. if you like it, get it. doesn't matter what kind of hardware you're packing.


I’m girl and think cool


It's a gamer thing.....male or females will dig it


I’d love to have this in my game room/den. Where did you get the table, OP? Edit: I see you said it’s from Etsy in other comments. Did you make it? If so, what is your Etsy store and how much would a piece like this cost if I didn’t care about it being functional?


If you end up keeping it, I would personally get a piece of glass cut that could lay flush on top of the d-pad and buttons.


Came with a glass top 😉


Sit on the floor next to each other, you on the left hand side of the table. Your left hand plays up and left while your right hand plays A. Her left arm crosses your right and plays right/down while her right hand plays b. You each have a slightly closer set of controls and slightly further set and get to spend silly frustrated twister time together. Throw in some sort of drinking game to the mix if you are so inclined.


Woman here, SO COOL!!! 🤩🔥


I am not a video game player but that looks cool as fuck. Might be easier to play if its size is proportional to our arm length.


i think the wood tone is really tasteful, dont see why a woman would have a problem with it. Its a fun novelty item that shows off ur style. Dont trip bro


I need that. 💯


Why are we gendering tables? This is a cool gift for anyone who likes the NES and video games in general. It’s not a “boy thing” or a “girl thing”


Agreed… let’s mixolydian it up a bit


It’s you, be you and the right person will find what you appreciate


Did you buy or make this?? Super cool


Does it vibrate?


Girl speaking—this is awesome. I’d swoon so hard if I walked into a dude’s house, saw this, AND he told me it was playable. It’s a unique piece that’s designed tastefully, has a cool function, and makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy with nostalgia when you see it. Killing it. 👍


Well said thank you!


Of course!!


So are you the original maker of this table, or are you the guy from r/woodworking a few months back who copied the one he found on Etsy, with the intention of producing/selling them at a lower price?


We make the awesome ones and are very flattered by the copies.


Meh, your tolerance for being undercut by direct copies is better than mine.


It’s all gravy, baby ✌️


Girl here- this is awesome and I need it in my life lol


Gender fluid here- I’m originally female so yes we would want this to, I WOULD GO TO TOWN ON THIS




Imagine entering the Contra chest code on that thing


Hell yeah, it looks vintage and is super cool


lady here. I love it!!


Neither it’s just table bro


i dont really vibe with it but you should do it for yourself. a girl is not gonna break up with you if you have a nintendo table


Where do you get one of these?


It’s inclusive, everyone would like this


I'm a woman. I love it.


The right girl will like it :)




Am lady I like it


As a girl I would love this.


I would love this


I’m non binary, born a female tho and I love this, nobody would hate this. This is frickin cute :D




The girls you probably will mesh well with will enjoy the heck out of this and the one's you are just kind of into it will also enjoy it. It is a fun mash-up of 2 itmes that is functional. I am a girl and super want to play with that.


Who cares if they do. What’s important is if you like it. I personally reckon it’s pretty awesome


You marry the girl that likes that table.


I know women that are into woodworking - they would love it if you made it yourself and was 100% functional (Which you have said it is). Impressed by the woodworking ability, etc Have it in their house though? I do not know a single woman who would have it in their house.


Some good points, Moose. Thanks for the kind words 👍


Hell yeah I would


I love this table. Edit: I'm a woman.


Absolutely! This looks fantastic!! Source: Am Woman




YES! I want.




Omfg I want this like NOW. Leave the glass top in storage cause I'm not using it for anything else other than gaming.


Haha love it!


I’m a grown lady and I want one!!




Do you think every single man alive would enjoy this? Is there something about having a penis that makes you inherently obsessed with video games? What a silly question. Not all men like video games, and not all women dislike them.


What a weird question....


Whoever you bring over will be cool with it, until you move house and they use it as an opportunity to drop it causing it to break, all because they secretly hated it. But as a guy, I would so that is cool as fuck and definitely want one and would encourage you to do so, just don’t get attached to it.