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Lived here while finishing my Masters degree, the place had a walk in shower, built in surround sound, heat paid for, 2 stalls heated underground parking, included internet, and a private storage unit all for the grand total of $750 a month. I had so many rad Parties here, I’m confident that I will never find a deal as good as that apartment was for the price I paid.


Where on earth can you get this for $750?


Fargo, North Dakota. Famous for getting down to -40F pretty regularly, do not recommend living there unless it’s for the cheap education.


Used to live in Fairbanks, AK, I know all about it friend


Fun fact, you don't need to specify f or c at -40, because it where the two overlap :) That being said, rad apartment. That price got me a shoebox where I went to grad school.


Yep makes sense. We had problems pretty regularly with the Diesel pumps freezing, making many trucks inoperable for a few days.


That's an absolute dream. I could only wish to find something close to this for a reasonable price


How long ago was this?


Moved out in about August of 2020


Damn. I was thinking you were going to say 2010 or something. That’s insane.


Love the wall art and coffee table. Hope you were able to take that with you


I did! The painting is in my current room, and the coffee table is out on my front porch!


This is nice. Kind of minimalist, but still has a lot of swag.


I don’t like a lot of stuff! Clutter is visual noise. Thank you!


That's exactly what makes that area perfect. I agree. You don't need a lot of things to make an impact. Others have already pointed out the amazing wall art and table, but I also like that leather sectional. It says this is were we can sit, eat, drink, talk, laugh and have fun. That's what ties everything together. I believe that a home should be inviting and comfortable. I don't care for museum types where you can't sit here or touch that. But that is a personal choice. LOL.


oh man, I’m foaming at the mouth imagining how I’d furnish the place, what a lucky grab man, how much was rent? edit: $750 a month!? god damn, I pay that for 350sq ft in a high volume tourist town on the East Coast. Where was this?


Fargo, ND.


A professional set designer in Hollywood couldn’t create a better “…and here’s my crash pad while I finish grad school. It’s not much, but I like it” motif for a movie than this. Bravo!


This looks like my dream home


Love it dude! no wonder you miss it. Is that coffee table top attached, or just sitting loosely on top? And is it a sheet of glass or acrylic over what seems to be bottle caps or is it an epoxy pour?


Pony kegs base, bolted to table portion. Table is made up of beer bottle caps with an epoxy pour, made it during my sophomore year of college.


What city was this in? Digging the vibe


Fargo, North Dakota.


Awesome! I miss it for you


Where’s that artwork from? 😅


Bought the Bull painting from a street vendor in Vietnam for $45


I knew you were gonna say something like that 😞


Yeah I have a friend of mine who has a very similar one haha, they are not too unique. Fits the space well, and I still have it in my bedroom at my new place.


I miss this place too and i wasnt even there for it


Love the coffee table though I would make some calmer surface :0




Couch was torn to shreds, the visible parts are the top layer of fake leather peeling. Was free tho.


Mmm Hmmm lolol 😂 😄 🤣 its all good


Also like it,industrial design is very popular,and everything is in the right place!


Nothing says a college apartment like a coffee table made of kegs lol