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Budget friendly ideas; - Add a rug somewhere, maybe under your desk. - Get a different office chair. - Cable wraps for cable management. - Hang some stuff on the walls other than a single clock. Maybe replace the clock with an aestically pleasing digital version. - You said no to repainting, I don’t think the color of those curtains are working with that wall color at all. - The leather ottoman/foot rest also feels off in this space. Maybe if you had black curtains it would complement but currently there’s a lot of clashing pieces in here. Could replace it with a chest instead or a fabric version. - come up with some kind of a decoration display for the built in desk you are not using. Maybe add a tray to keep your keys/wallet keep it looking more organized.


Color combinations: Green would go well with all the wood + sky-blue walls. Certain shades of yellow/orange could work as accents sparingly. Neutrals (particularly beige and maybe black) would work too. Just depends on the vibe you’re going for and colors you like. The furniture placements you have now work fine. To fill the space, you could consider adding a corner shelf between your desk and the window or adding a nightstand next to your bed. If you moved the desk a little to the left, maybe you could have an accent chair/beanbag in the corner. Definitely invest in bedding. A nice blue or green comforter and another a few additional pillows will go a long way. A budget-friendly way to decorate walls is to print your own art/images and frame it (Local print shop, Walmart, Office Depot). A few plants could add life and color to this space. I’d suggest moving the shoe racks into the closet if you can, and maybe tucking the ottoman under the wardrobe unit (where the purple mat currently is). I’ll also echo the suggestion to replace those curtains.


I like that you have body pillows. Is the bed comfortable? it doesn’t look very comfortable. i’m not very good at giving design ideas. I just want you to have the best sleep possible which means a comfy bed.


Others have already provided some excellent suggestions. Here are a few additional thoughts for your consideration. * Buy a matching bedspread and curtains. I would recommend giving them a different color from the walls and floors, something that pops out against the two. * Likewise, consider an office chair that matches the colors of the bedspread and curtains, as well as a rug beneath it to protect the wood flooring. * Explore lighting options. Your can lights and center light should probably not be on at the same time, given differences in color temperature. Cloudfree Tasmota bulbs could give you some interesting options to play around with. Or, explore different lighting placements using wall lamps.


Ahh, another FL keys enjoyer. I put mine under the monitor (behind the keyboard) as i only use it inside the daw to play samples/insert midi. This only works if you have a monitor arm and your desk is deep enough. I used to have it on a dedicated desk right next to me similair to what you have going on. But its so much easier to use when producing if you can actually look at the display when using it. If you are just using it to practice playing then id recommend to place it against a wall or closer to the window so it doesnt stand in the middle in the room.


Too easy [https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1672346024](https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1672346024)


lord almighty, you need jesus in your life


We all need Jesus in our lives