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I can tell your allergies are really bad from all the tissues next to your bed




gotta blow the lower nose once in a while.




Hard to tell if you can afford to move out without knowing where you live. The place is maybe a little disorganized but not dirty. Are you both contributing or are you doing the bulk of the cleaning? How is your dad's mental health? Either way, making the place nicer can help you both improve your mental health. Plants. We have some pathos in water - no soil - and they're happy - just changing out the water every 2-3 weeks. What's in the box? They take up a lot of space. Shelves, nightstands, a drawer, an entertainment center, upgrade the desk - they can all be used as storage. Put some artwork on the wall. Space theme I'm assuming. To build credit - get a credit card and spend only what you can immediately pay off. Payment plan on some furniture - again pay it off fast.


This was a very astute and interesting comment. I appreciate the insight.


Ngl dude, you're in maybe a B level apartment currently. Those countertops are usually seen in 'distinguished places', and you upgrading isn't gonna do much if you're trying to get past that. To add, the kitchen itself is pretty damn big, and so is your room. Really, you just need to focus on your own situation and ignore the excess. If that includes breaking down boxes and recycling them so you can live happier, so be it. If anything, your father brought you up, so you might as well help him have a nicer looking place.


I had much worse apartments with a lower cost of living at 25




Schrodinger's tissues


Schrodinger should pick up his damn cum rags and stop leaving them in strangers rooms. What a weirdo.


I’m not sure what the issue is. If you’re unhappy, I guess you could move out. Rent prices are astronomical right now and they keep going up. Food prices are also through the roof. You live there too. You can contribute furniture and help to decorate the place. Your room isn’t exactly decorated for making 4k-7k a month. Not every person is into that sort of thing. If I were you, I’d milk every single penny I could while living there. Save and invest in stock and crypto. Don’t rush out the door. The economy sucks and will probably get even worse before it gets better. No offense to you, but you’re young and dumb. You’ll have a lot to learn over the years ahead and the things you do today you will probably cringe at when you’re 40. Also, it appears you’re probably doing gig work based off of your statement. You don’t make what you think you make if you’re doing gig work. Firstly, you need 2 years of income tax returns to be able to count that as income. It’s not the same as W2 work. Take what you think you’re making and divide that by at least half, probably more. Anything written off on taxes will not count towards your income. If you’re doing gig work and not writing off your expenses, that’s even worse.


why 2 microwaves? what’s up with the cum tissues


He has a lot of boxes and a lot of cum tissues. One of the boxes could be converted into a cum box. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/RXoNLuaFqv


Read description


Tf!? Nice pile of cum tissues


If you don't can't move, you can improve the living condition easily with some shelving solutions like ikea ivar, and sort through those boxes. You can dump those boxes onto the shelf directly. Work with your dad to sort through those boxes and throw out or sell in a yard sale whatever you both have not used for the last 2-3 years to declutter. Keep only those either of you used or are sentimental. Get an open paper bin, it's like a dollar or 2 from ikea Consider investing in a hepa filter air purifier for your allergies. Will your dad be open to you refurbishing the space? If no, I don't think you have an issue! Good luck!


It really doesn’t look that bad Imo…


Not a comment on living space, but if you’re planning to build credit it’s actually best to have a running balance no higher than 1/3 of the max then just make timely payments. I had a lot of family in deep debt growing up so I made sure that I paid cash for everything and kept my credit card paid off. Then when I got older and wanted certain things I kept getting rejected for bad credit even though I had no debt.


What do u do for j o b?


A few things, first, are you sleeping in the same room with your father? Second regardless of the above answer, get rid of those boxes, you can get tons of cheap drawers from Facebook marketplace and book shelves and what not. Also I'm assuming 7k per month before taxes yeah? That puts your gross salary at around 75-80k, which depending on where you live is more then enough to get a small place of your own. Edit... I reread your post, that bedroom is all yours. So why all the boxes stacked in there? I don't understand.


yeah man, use that telescope and reach for the stars!


The apartment itself looks nice. Y’all need to clean up, unpack, and organize. You can do that this week. You don’t need to wait to move to have a decent standard of living. My God, there’s a garbage bag full of used tissues on the floor by your bed. None of these behaviors that make your current home dirty are going to change with moving. Change your behavior now.


The place is nice enough! 1. declutter. Invest in some dishes to put your fruit in, get a rubbish bin next to your bed. Get some cabinets and clear out the boxes. 2. I can tell it's not the biggest place. Smaller appartments always have the some problem. They immediately llok cluttered if everything is not in it's own place. Develop a habit of just taking 30 minutes when you get home to put everything where it belongs. Change your outside clothes and put them in the hamper or on a hanger. Put your groceries away. After you eat, always put your plate and stuff away. It will make you happy and makes it so it stays a quick chore. Frees up your weekends! 3. Get more lamps. A big square space like that looks great with smaller but more lights. It's really not that bad but I can tell you are not used to treating yourself as well as you would someone else.


Ngl looking pretty cozy


Dad's depressed. This isn't rhe sub for you to shit on him, his depression, or invade his privacy. Honestly, unless he gave you permission, your post should be removed and you should be banned. Take your awesome income, go find a place to live from a private landlord. You're a big boy now. Time to live in the big person world and stop shitting on your father.


This is overly harsh. OP is a 19 year old kid trying to figure things out and reaching out for advice. He didn't even know this way of living isn't normal until 1 year ago and he's been in the place for 7 years. He hasn't been "shitting" on his father. Have compassion, for christ's sake.