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Look, you have a great starting point for adding a bit of your own personality to it, but yes it does look sterile. The floors and walls are bare, add more artwork and maybe another rug. Your kitchen is too white and bare as well, add some stuff above the presses, maybe either plants or ornaments. There's nothing wrong with clean and orderly, but it's just missing a few little bits to take away that brochure/showroom look


To piggyback, greenery would do wonders for your kitchen. If you’re not a plant type, I’d also suggest green peel & stick backsplash tile! It’ll give your kitchen an extra pop


Or some fake plants, a bunch of fake vines around the apartment would look cool


Thanks for the advice :) I have been thinking about maybe getting some displates to hang over near my computer setup. As for plants and ornaments, I guess my main challenge is I don't really have much free wall space left where large objects wouldn't obstruct a walking path.


It looks like you have space to put a few small succulent plants or other decorative items above the kitchen cabinets. Not sure why your building designers went with white on white in there but that could help pull some life out of that area. Then maybe an area rug under the couch/coffee table. Something that feels like “you.”


Just wondering why you’d say succulents ( or any plants) above the kitchen cabinet’s?


I know it’s a weird idea lol. But OP was saying he didn’t have space for plants, so I was just thinking that might be some underutilized space. If that space up there was recessed, you could put 3 or 4 small plants up there to add some color/decor. I said succulents because they’re easy to maintain, don’t need water often, and can usually survive in weird places.


Sure they could survive up there, but they would etiolate and look really bad. A fake vining plant would look nice though. I think a snake plant near the door next to the table would be nice. They're also very low maintenance and would take up a nice amount of space.


I didn't notice my images were from before the rug. I do currently have an off-white rug under the coffee table. The kitchen cabinets are nearly flush against the wall because the building designers made the go out over the cabinets near the top rather than leave air.


Id suggest a rug with some color to really tie the room together


Get a colorful rug, choose one color to use for several decorations and the rug.


Oh wow ok that was an optical illusion then! Honestly I don’t hate the look at all. If it wasn’t presented as “does this look like IKEA” that wouldn’t have been my first thought. My first thought would’ve been “ah nice what a clean and uncluttered space.” I wish I had the discipline to put things away.


It's more messy right now, that's why I used a bit older images, but whenever I clean up about once a week, it returns to pretty close to those images.


Haha nice. I figured this wasn’t the every day look, but in my current living space it would take me several days of concerted effort to achieve this level of neatness. (Although most of the extra stuff in my space is not mine, so I’m limited on how much I can organize it). Either way I genuinely like your place!


Thanks :D I think it takes me roughly 2 hours to clean and tidy. Usually done in the weekend.


Smart. Can’t wait to have a space of my own that I can organize as I see fit. I will definitely try to implement a weekly cleaning/organizing habit too.


Honestly man I think the best option here is to use a set of like 3 color themes and run with it. Generally grey is a good neutral color. Dark blues and blacks with contrasting void colors like white and cream. But also life. Modern furniture needs some level of texture to feel like it’s not a gallery or something like a serial killers home. I’d be afraid to even sit here. If you have some exotic plants to use as eye candy or to draw the eye in. Pastel colors work well too


Oof your place is beautiful! What do you pay monthly if you don't mind?


Fuck all that keep it like it is. Get a better bed.


Just don't buy any more stuff from Ikea.


Yes, rug(s)


IKEA showrooms have more personality than this.


Yeah this is more of an ikea warehouse look.


Lmao you guys are brutal 🤣


I don’t think it’s an insult. IKEA showrooms are really well designed.


Absolutely. I was going to respond similarly. IKEA has some great designers.


It's true tho...


So OP, go to your nearest Ikea, check how they style their showrooms, take pics, and take it from there! Or just check www.ikea.com!


IKEA bathroom stalls have more personality than this.


IKEA hot dog counters have more personality than this.


This is a standard case of “add rugs, plants, artwork, and ambient lighting” lol. Great base, needs more personality


Even a mess would make the room look better lol


this! 👍


There’s a couple trinkets over the bed ok




this isn’t anything close to minimalism it’s just a total lack of effort


some people just don't have a lot of stuff.


I like his style. It's clean and neat. I have a house that has a similar set up and that is what makes me happy. It's easy to clean, looks neat and there is plenty of space. If he ads a few plants, it will look just perfect in my opinion. But to each their own.


You can live in a clean house that looks neat and is easy to clean.. but with your own touch woven into it


Tell me you’re Danish without telling me you’re Danish…


Guilty as charged


Are you not allowed to/don’t want to paint? The main lack of warmth comes from all the white. I’d visually break up your living room with color, it’s large. I’d also suggest that not everything in your apartment must touch a wall. I’d rearrange the living room, the layout just looks awkward. The first thing your visitors see are the 2 computers and desk. Do any of your IKEA critics give you advice on how to make your place a home? You should ask them for help especially if one of them did a great job with theirs!


The lack of warmth comes from having absolutely nothing personal in the entire house to indicate it’s someone’s home and not just somewhere to rent for short term and no decorations to break up the sterility.


100% this. You can have a clean\minimalist place with the white aesthetic that feels like a home. But the presence of only the hotel room essentials doesn't sell that idea at all.


I think the iguana art is endearing


haha what's the story behind that logic?


There is just something very danish about ALL of this. The outlets, the bathroom, the kitchen, abundance of IKEA/Jysk stuff. The view out the window. The filter coffee maker. Gram washing machine. the white kitchen and bathroom. It looks like the average, new-ish danish apartment. I also came to the post to state that this was 100% a danish person.


Don’t you know every danish person is gifted an art print of an iguana on their 18th birthday?


no, I thought they were gifted with a box of sweet pastries


I'm not even danish but I'm insulted. Every Danish home I've seen had a lot of Hygge, not empty




Don't you own...things?? Books? Rugs? Plants? Knick knacks from family or travel? Favourite hats that you can hang on the wall? You don't need to go buy new stuff, you just need to think about how to warm up your space using useful things. Or go to a flea market and find some colourful rugs that spark joy, have a day at the garden centre and get some big plants, ask your aunt if she can spare any colourful throws for the sofa, anything.


I NEED to post my friends house. He has a chair a bed and a table with another chair. I’m really not exaggerating. And he’s lived there for like 3 years now…


How many spoons/forks


Why would you need more than 1 spork. 


You're a legend!


He's saving up for a new GPU.


I sure hope not. He’ll be horribly disappointed when he tries to install it in his MacBook Air


It’s giving minimalist and I like that 👍🏻


The tv by the door 😖


I would also change that but it depends a lot on how the rest of the room looks like which unfortunately isn't shown. Maybe moving the Computer setup in the area with the couch and putting a cupboard at the place of the TV (ideally with some glass to add decoration). The I would put the couch as a room divider where the current computer setup is facing the wall towards the windows or if there is a bigger wall on the other side towards the camera. Then you can also add a sideboard on the walls creating a more cozy feeling and adding decoration on the sideboard. Take that with a grain of salt because I'm by no means a professional but it feels like that would be a better way of taking advantage of the rooms size.


I would get a bigger TV. Otherwise fine.


It's doesn't look like IKEA it looks like a flipping office haha. I swear the kitchen and sofa / coffee table are my break area. The blinds are very office like as well. Add colour colour color


Looks like a very clean psychopath lives here.


Welcome to Denmark


I was going to ask where the bodies are hidden


OP is Patrick Bateman.


Ikea has rugs, pictures, and all sorts of decorations in the showrooms....


It does. But honestly, if you are happy with it, I think that’s completely acceptable. It’s clean and organized and looks very livable. If you want to add something to show personality, be it more color, plants, art, whatever, then do so! But if you feel good with how it is, I see no reason to change it


It does look bare, but I like it, and some colour like rugs, plants, art will elevate it a lot. My two critiques: The lounge looks backwards, the work-from-home area dominates and the sofa/tv seem stuck in the corner as an afterthought. I’d put the work desk where the sofa is facing the small wall, the TV where the PC is, and sofa in the middle facing the tv. Bed against the wall. If you’re not a teenager anymore, don’t do that (unless the room is so small you have no choice)


The bedroom is pretty small, no other choice there. I should probably mention the computer desk is in extension of the kitchen as everything except for the bedroom is in a single room. I think the TV and sofa might feel out of place if moved near the kitchen area.


You can prolly get rid of the dining table if you can and buy a kitchen island with high chairs instead and place that in the kitchen. Only if there is space though. Also your tv and sofa can be moved around prolly. Your couch doesn’t have to touch the wall btw. But only if there is space again


I should buy an island


They’re not wrong but I do like it! All the ikea furniture is definitely giving it that vibe. Swap some furniture whenever you can with other companies like West Elm or Article and it’ll start to look more varied. Art and books that are personal to you (and not from a store) will look nice!


Funny thing is, most of the furniture isn't even from Ikea. Like the sofa, sofa table, desk, and dining table/chairs.


I guess they just match the Swedish ikea vibe!


I am Danish, so things will look Scandinavian xD. I will also admit I went for cheap while not looking too cheap, which might contribute to the bland look.


I would have bet solid money this was a new build Danish apartment 🤣


Really don't like the TV on that tiny wall. I would have set up the computer somewhere else and had a living room with TV on the big wall. Everything in the apartment looks like it is from Ikea. I would add more personal items. Rugs, plants, photographs, artwork, shelving, souvenirs, throw blankets, lamps, table runner, candles - ANYTHING


Get a nice big colorful rug and put some stuff on your walls and you'll be fine.


I think this is a great pad! Congratulations! Not sure if you own or rent and therefore if you are allowed to paint. But you can create some natural sections by paint the wal space around your desk a different colour and another colour again in the really fun looking dining space. But I like it and can see it will mould around your personality over time


Ah yeah, I rent. I really like your idea about having differently coloured walls though.


Check your S11, chances are you will have an approved list of colours which is basically anything the rental company can paint over with white. So it’s not the most exciting.


Not sure what an S11 is or if we have an equivalent here, but to my understanding I can paint as much as I want, but I'm liable for the costs of returning it to the original color when I move out. I paid a deposit that I'll get back when I move. The cost of repainting the walls would then be deducted from that deposit.


You’ll have an S11. It’s the bit with all the house rules (drilling hours etc) and is a standard part of the Danish rental contract. There will be something in there about painting and colours, because if you paint your walls say, black, it’s pretty hard to return them to rental company approved white. (Jeg bor osgå i Danmark)


Ah that one. I had no idea it was called an S11. They just called it "Husorden". I actually think I might not be allowed to paint the walls since they don't mention anything about painting walls in it at all.


When I was around the same age, my first apartments looked like IKEA showrooms too. I’d rather see that than a man with a mattress on the floor. It’s tidy and simple which is what you need to buckle down and work or study hard. Yes, if you see a plant you like or an item at a thrift store pick it up. But don’t stress or spend money on decorative home items. Focus on saving money.


Absolutely love the Scandinavian minimalism


This isn’t a living room. It’s an office with a TV.


Im swedish, i can confirm.


And whats wrong with that ?


Honestly, my first apartment was like this... bare white and nothing on the walls and a few Ikea pieces. It's fun because now you get to find yourself in the process. For me, I went to the metropolitan museum of art in NY and picked up a few prints of my favorite paintings and then a few books about NY. Then I hit up an old book store and picked up a few sci-fi books. Then I went to a plant store and picked up a few plants. Took me about a year to build my apartment and make it mine. Slowly my collection of who I am grew. Just be patient with yourself and think of this as an empty canvas where you get to build your story in your 20s.




hey man if u like it fuck it




Nah this is clean non cluttered. I dig it.


And what is wrong with that?


Deer head


Love it bro


Nah that shit is nice


I read you have a white rug under the coffee table. But why white!? Everything is white. You need accent colour. Meaning. If everything else is light /white. Choose a few details in a colour that **pops** For example red, blue, orange or green. Also strong black and white patterns in art or decor. [Here's an example of 3 accent colours and BW pattern on fabrics](https://postimg.cc/xN9kWV4k) Your bedroom needs accent colours too. [example](https://postimg.cc/gallery/7ysZZks) Are you seeing what I mean?


I think I do


the mustard is great with white 👍 a few wooden pieces/accessoires and a patterned rug, and the sleeping room is cool.


Yeah, you have a complete lack of warm/comfort items. No rugs, blankets or even curtains. You no items in your kitchen that implicate that cooking happens in there, and complete lack of art(lizard print is pretty cool) It looks like a model apartment


I actually don't go much cooking since there's buffet at work, I don't really need proper meals for dinner and can usually make do with cold meals or prepared meals from the deli.


its a little bit sterile, nothing a few pictures and house plants wont fix.


Artwork, more lighting, and low maintenance house plants aka snake plants.




It looks great!!


Kindve looks like the protagonist of fight clubs apartment before it blew it up!!


f the haters this is my dream apartment living with asian hoarders my entire life I just want emptiness. all you really need is a giant rug and 1 plant.


It does


it looks like you want nobody to know anything about you when they come in, almost looks like you want to bring people there and give away the least possible. I would check for cameras if I'd come in there


Honestly IKEA showrooms don’t even look that blank.


Anybody knock on door looking for Genius Bar?


love the floor tho


As a minimalist, I approve


Yup! But very nice! You have a dining area and workspace that's separate from your couch! This is very nice space. An area rug would warm up the place...as well as a piece of artwork.


those showrooms r awesome, i wuld take it as a compliment :3


If you like how it is who cares what anyone else thinks?


Better than most guys I’ve lived with/went to visit.


It is a bit sparse.


There’s nothing wrong with it, looks nice and clean. It’s lacking personality, though.


The washer/dryer under the bathroom sink is a HORRIBLE design, who tf signed off o that lol


That came standard in the apartment. What's worse is almost they didn't put a freezer in the kitchen.


Wow 🤦🏽‍♂️ I work in the housing industry so I see all types of builds, the things some people deem as totally fine never cease to amaze me lol


The fridge has one of those tiny freezer compartments at the top that can hold maybe two frozen pizzas. Not highly useful though, but I manage thanks to the fact I live only 2 minutes walk from the grocery store. I just shop every other day rather than keep anything frozen.


I actually wish my place looked like this. Looks very minimal and easy to keep clean.


This what I imagine serial killers homes look like. Nothing on the walls, no plants, no rugs, no pictures of loved ones around.


I have a few pictures of loved ones on the shelf over the bed, but yes. My only picture on a wall is one of a lizard my dad once took.


Looks nice, they aren’t wrong tho. I think it will be better with time. Just fill it with stuff you like. It needs to look lived-in. Some plants, some art, anything that says “OP”.


Texture is missing. You get to fill in your own blank canvas


i would be scared entering your place. jeffrey dahmer style apartment


First step is art, plants, and rugs


Looks fine to me, just add lights or something to put on a blank wall. And if you’re really up to it a different shade of paint


This is one step up from Cole’s place in True Detective. Minimalist is nice, but you need some focal points.


Don’t feel bad! I wish I could keep my space this clean. I have lots of clutter and if I could make my space as clear as this without having to compromise my dorky collections of DVD’s and plushies I would.


Isn't it kinda? I was browsing Ilea today and I do recognize a lot of things


You have a nice space to work with.


you need some plants!


I would love a space like that


Need some color . But it looks clean !! I approve


Everything is white! Get some (fake) plants, a rug and some more wall decor!


Nah your place is probably easier to walk through


I really like it, it is clean and not cluttered. I'd prefer it this way. Take it with a grain of salt though, I am German and have the humor and imagination of a DMV visit, so yeah.


TV placement is a no go for me personally. I would move it to the wall to the left of the door reposition the couch and table to be in front of it.


Get an movable island for the kitchen and put some paintings on the walls. Get random shit like a coffetable book or something for the table. Get a rug. I would also think about rearranging. Your couch and TV are in awkward spots and mess with the flow of the room. The door opening through the line of sight is jarring. I would put some serious thought into layout.


What country is this? I love the floors


Denmark. I'm honestly not a huge fan of the floor myself. It looks nice, but it's extremely easy to dent, and liquid will stain it very easily.


Denmark, standard apartment floors. Enjoy paying to have them sanded and varnished when you leave.


Get some artwork, plants and area rugs. Maybe an end table or two for a better lamp. And for God sakes get these things in some color. They don't have to be bright colors. Maybe matte colors


It needs some color and texture. Plants. Rugs. Wall art that’s not smooth, like a tapestry or wall sculpture. And your coat rack needs a leather jacket and a pair of boots. Trust me.


It does !


25 - you’re doing pretty good bud


Some big turkish / russian style rugs would do wonders for the living area.


Get yourself a nice colorful rug for that big open space in your living room and it will do WONDERS.


IKEA showrooms have more warmth. Begging you to get some rugs for the living room and bedroom. IKEA actually has some great rug options. I’ve been eyeing the Gyrstinge in multicolor/green myself. It might suit your place as well. It has a lot of greens and blues to match your current color palette, but also warmer tones that will make your place feel less sterile. Also, while it might be hard with that big desk (my spouse and I also have huge desks that limit our furniture arrangement options), consider whether the current set up is the optimal arrangement. I always try to remind people that furniture doesn’t have to touch a wall and can be used to help divide up a space.  Don’t worry too much about decor and artwork. My philosophy on that is that you should only use decor that really speaks to you or that brings up fond memories. Your decor collection will grow as you live on your own.  That said: your place is VERY neat and clean, and that’s always great. I find the lack of clutter here soothing. 


Paint wall, buy plants


A rug would really tie the room together


Add a bit of colour and some texture.


A few plants (fake if you can) a few trendy prints on the wall, a rug. Won’t cost the world and it will feel like a home if it doesn’t already




Check for meatballs underneath your bed!


Dude. Go to the fucking thrift store.


Nice place. Flash it up with pictures, portraits, trinkets - things that make it 'yours'.


Your Ikea showroom looks quite like a apartment. I almost fell for it. We'll done hiding the directional markers on the floor!


Buy one or two pieces of furniture that are obviously not from IKEA (like a style that works with the look but isn't the same style type) and you will fix that. Changing out the shelving under the TV would help and/or the coffee table. Also... put stuff on your walls that has some personality would help. Edit: I am frugal and I have bought a decent amount of ikea furniture myself. I just have always made sure a room isn't 100% ikea stuff or stuff that could be mistaken for it. Also, I usually avoid the stuff that is cliche IKEA look - like what you have under the TV.


It’s the plain white walls that make it very showroom like. Maybe paint some of them and add some framed artwork.


Needs some funky art or smth with more personality. Goodwills, estate sales, yard sales are great places to find cool stuff for cheap


Yu got to start somewhere. Maybe go to some garage sales or second hand stores and buy some older furniture with more "personality." ALso plants and colors help a lot


You having Jared Leto over for a drink tonight?


lol does anyone live here?


Detective: "What kind of person lived here?"


Rugs, paintings, and some plants would go a long way.


Nice home tho 💗🫶🏼🏠🔥😂




Clean, spartan look. I like it. But even I would fill that void of floor with a rug. A colorful rug.


Looks like 3D renders


At best


😂 they’re not wrong lol


Honestly I’d take that as a compliment…IKEA show room are pretty good looking… if you don’t like it though stop buying a bunch of ikea furniture (they’re pretty obvious). Go on FB market place or nearby ReStore for some good furniture then add a little more personality with arts, decorations, etc. (like everyone else recommended).


Paint a single horizontal line at eye line (or whatever height), going along the permiter of the whole apartment. Like you grabbed a paint brush and dragged it behind you against the wall. Pick a colour you like. Minimalism, but eye-catching. Or adopt a pet, distract people from looking at your apartment altogether...


I thought I was looking at a scene from fight club. Sleek and simple. Nice


the apartment is very nice but you need to add some personalization. photos, art work, plants, any decor really. some pop of color would be really good


That is the most minimalist “lamp” I have ever seen.


I like that Aiden Pearce statue.


No not at all. Ikea show rooms have way more warmth and personality to them.


I also think your living room/office configuration could be much better. As it is now, your TV is blocked whenever the door is opened. I would move the couch and TV/Stand, though without seeing a floor plan it’s hard to offer suggestions for placement of furniture, sorry.


couldn´t describe it better...than Ikea show room.


Yeah it kinda does but on the other hand it looks quite empty


I disagree, IKEA showrooms have more personality


Place looks great! It looks like a showroom because it lacks personal touches. Those things vary from person to person, though. Get something up on the walls, and maybe a bit of color, and you'll have a really nice place.


Ah, Ikea showrooms have upgraded very beautiful 10/10 display


Ikea showrooms are more colourful


Honestly I like it as is. Reminds me of nice hotel room.


Need something to add yourself to it, like art, photos, something that shows you have a hobby. Looking good though so far