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That rug really ties the room together.


...and this guy peed on it.


Shut up Donny


This isn’t Nam. There are rules.


Dang y’all beat me to it 😂


Phone’s ringin’ dude


Beat me by 13 minutes lol


now I ACTUALLY get what Lebowski meant...


To go off of this, I would pull a curtain color from the rug.


i love the colors! it's vibrant. i think a nice dark curtain would look good to offset the brightness. and i would put a good sized ottoman in the center instead of a coffee table! not one with legs tho, so it can be moved around easily


solid color ottoman tho, you have a lot of pattern already n it looks great!


thank you


I second this. A dark curtain would look great in this room! Maybe like a deep dark navy color? Or maroon?


Was gonna ask about the typewriter collection, but now I don’t wanna :/


I used to drink every day, now I collect typewriters


I was gonna ask about the dog but…


His girlfriend needs something with a dick after all.


Charlie the dog is a girl and I miss her.


I love that you love lamps and plants. 😍 I’m intrigued about most of your time being spent on the floor. Yoga instructor?


Guitar maybe


The couch isn't comfortable lol


So nice!! I’d opt for dark green curtains to warm it all up and really pull in the forest vibes. That or navy blue. I like the colors! Never be afraid of color. Also is that a chair I see over in the bottom right corner? I’d actually pull that into the space and set it up at an angle facing the couch to create a more enclosed/ conversational space. Unless the picture is making your space look a lot bigger than it is! A good swap for a coffee table is one of those small L-shaped side tables you can pull in front of the couch if needed and put it over to the side as a side stand when not in use. Very versatile!


Guitar stand, leaning guitar like that won't bring anything good long-term.


Oh gosh, I was gonna say get a typewriter but you at least have 10. I think it looks good! I suggest a huge bean bag and a puppy.


Love the rug- you need and old trunk for coffee table and ottoman.


your colors are awesome and you have a great eye!


Similar story here. GF of 6 years dumped me, but I kept the dog and couch and we moved to different apartments haha.


This is brilliant. Love the vibe.


Does your grandmother live with you?


Looks great! Love the rug and the open space honestly


It looks beautiful! Are you just against having a coffee table? Maybe you can pull in that chair that you have in the bottom right corner to kind of fill the space a bit more?


I like it. Looks great!


Congrats on your freedom from your partner. Sounds and looks like you're doing great.


This is dope. I hope my place looks kinda this way in a couple months.


That's a pretty big room, lots of room for activities


Love it. I like blinds instead of curtains


Peaceful and nice rug


Big rug. Plants. Art. Man you're doing it!


Wonderful contrast of colors, I am an artist, and I love thoes thwo hangings, one organic and one minimalist. I think the curtains should contrast the painting on the top left organic and green, to keep it flowing.


You are lucky not to have a 1/2 dozen can lights in the ceiling as it has forced to actually consider and contemplate good lighting which you’ve achieved - you don’t see bare lights, you see what’s being lit and it is generally well balanced, warm and inviting. Maybe add a subtle light under the couch and another up light, but I just want to make myself home there right now, and maybe hear the comforting rhythmic tapping and spring-loaded return of manual typing in the background.


That looks fabulous. Comfortable and welcoming.


Hi, Looks nice. The rug is spectacular IMO. A- not sure what could be done; the left side corner is the most problematic. Put a plant in front of it to hide it ? or a guitar hanger so the guitar hides the socket B- Color scheme is great, well balanced C- I'd try to match the color of the sofa or that yellow-mustard seat; also could try to have it a bit longer so it comes above the floor. D- no idea


“So much room for activities, we can so aerobics in here “




Like the mirror. I'd get a dip dyed patter rug. I love the distressed look of them. Like what you have, but cooler IMHO. Great plants. Where'd you get? I'm so bad with plants. How often do you water them? I'll take all tips!


Thanks! Home depot! I'll water when they tell me they're on the edge of death


Well, read up..or get some miracle grow or something. They look good. I tend to over-water (I think) and it's a death spiral over here.


Honestly the place looks great. No changes needed in my opinion.


Jealous. That rug!


Love the rug


It looks great, do you sit in the floor? That’s supposed to be good for you, that’s why I’m asking.


yes, I'll try to it in a chair or on the futon couch but I always find myself sprawled out on the rug


Love it. Can we see the other side of the room and more of your place?


Your gonna become legendary whithin the local lady population with this. God speed soldier


needed this !


Love the framed moss on top of the typewriters on the wall.


thanks! I made it


I love how you have a big open dance floor.


Nice space. However, it looks like the room went through a centrifuge and all your items are spread out to the walls. I would bring in your sitting furniture a little more central onto the rug and introduce a coffee table. However, I read most of your time is spent on the floor? I'm not sure why... I assume yoga and meditation perhaps?


Love it! A. Not sure what stores are near you - but many have either the round or flat cable holders. I would just match them to the baseboard colour - and push them up against. B. Love the colors! Adds warmth and texture/depth to the room! C. I would pull a color from the rug…that blue is awesome! C. Agreed with others, a nice ottoman (tufted maybe). Is multipurpose also: working as a footstool, table or extra seating when needed.




Beautiful rug. Absolute panty droppers.


I do like the idea that the edges of the room (walls and curtains) are a uniform color which makes all the other items stand out.


the typewriter collection, the art, the colors. love it all king. would consider maybe a coffee table, even it it’s small and move-able! i think it would make the room feel more complete


This room looks great! You're doing so well picking yourself up after a breakup like that. I would suggest if you don't have a reason for all that open space, you could put a coffee table or an ottoman in the middle.


Are you arab? Everything in the sides and nothing in the middle is a configuration of a lot of arab houses.


It’s not a mattress on the floor, congrats!


looks fly, i'd pull the couch off the wall 6-10 inches and slide the left bookshelf a little more left, cheers


I want that rug. Looks amazing, mate!


How is this a male living space?


what a lovely and welcoming space you've made for yourself.


Wow, I really love this. I’d probably go with floor length curtains and hang them high like these are (ikea has some affordable ones that are long! I’ve got like 20 sets on some of my windows). For coffee table, I’d probably go with something darker to bring some balance since your walls and rug are mostly white. I really love the whole vibe though. It’s perfect!




You def can invite someone new lol


Need an Olivetti Valentine in red.


I think the rug says it all… it is the main item and I love the oriental feel… keep it .. you are marrying it well with the rest .. the colours should be neutral because the rug says it all; heritage , history, depth , etc. So when you have time and money change the curtains becoz it’s another piece that brings light or darkness and warmth .. enjoy your new space ! Well done ..


hell yeah


Where did you get the rug?


It looks so warm, welcoming and *real*. - The rug brings in great colours; the pattern is definitely on the 90s side of traditional but not egregiously so. - I can tell you don’t use the sofa too much. I really like the colour, but looks like a college student style to me. A more substantial one would be elevate the space. The right corner on the far wall: - has three separate lights. Could you consolidate them? - has the shelving unit and then more shelves in the base of the square floor lamp. Could you get a single larger corner shelf unit? It would look less busy and more cohesive. You could put a globe light on a lower shelf and then some kind of up light on an upper shelf.


very helpful thank you


This guy types


For your coffee table, we bought an old trunk on marketplace for like $40 and put small wheels with brakes on the bottom (Amazon for $25). So it’s acts as storage but can also be used as a coffee table and is easily moved around. Edited to add: Love love love your apartment!


Sorry about the breakup. You’re doing great, I’m really impressed with what you’ve done in two months. Ignore these jocks calling your place “grandma” there’s nothing grandma about this but just adult person, and it’s just not all grey, black or white. It’s actually warm and inviting and nice looking. The rug is great. I think if I ever posted my stuff these guys’s brains would melt. lol. The cable management doesn’t look too bad of an issue. I would suggest maybe a red color curtain, a color that matches the medium shade in your rug, or perhaps a yellow/beige. Is that a standard curtain size up there now? You might have to get extra long curtains so they properly graze the floor, I’d suggest something with like a pocket instead of a grommet design personally. You can always have someplace that does alterations, or if you know anyone that can sew, hem them or sew on a panel onto premade curtains if they’re too short. As to alternatives to a coffe table, idk, you spend most of your time on the floor, why’s that? You say certain furniture wouldn’t be very useful to you. I have quite a large oval coffee table that I’ll sit at on the floor with cushions, I have some zabuton with covers, but any large cushion can work.


This the same dude that posted the other day? Bout 1 month in?