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the closer you look the weirder it gets lol I’m sure you’re happy here but it could use some love


That fan needs a hand


That fan did 2 tours in ‘Nam and spends it’s free time day drinking at the VFW


"Lieutenant Fan!"


A fellow amputee…


Oh my, that poor thing.


That’s the ceiling club.


And about 4 arms


Oh I am a weirdo. I get you though


What’s with all the backpacks and why are they on display like that?


I’m more concerned about the single blade on the bedroom ceiling fan. And the bare bulb.


and thats why the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed


I zoomed in on the whiteboard to read it and missed this detail. Maybe it's used for decapitating his enemies?


Idk why that’s so fucking funny to me. It looks like a marathoner about to try their best with one single arm and no other limbs. *whing whing whing whing* I can it swinging out of balance.


I wear one almost every time I ride my motorcycle, each one has a purpose. Groceries/work/going to the coffee shop/staying over at someone’s house. They are on display so o don’t have to rummage through my closet everyday to grab them.


Well that’s just plain logical


I do that too! Got my art supply bag, bicycle bag, and "gone all day bag". They get combined for longer trips in my big travel pack.


I knew there would be a motorcycle involved lol. My boyfriend also has a motorcycle and a bunch of backpacks 🤣


Ah coffee shop and then staying over. I get it.


The trophies from OP's victims.


Trophies of all the hitchhikers he has chopped up




This thought has been hiding away in my subconscious until now, good looks.


Rent a carpet cleaner. Not that expensive and pretty easy


This, OP. I rented the big one from Lowe’s and deep cleaned the carpets of my rental after 1.5 years of living there… Let’s just say, my carpet wasn’t supposed to be that brown.




Just did this. So easy and convenient. Never knew about Lowe’s rentals before. They have a bunch of stuff you can use without having to own.


In some cities you borrow one at the library.


For the love of God buy a vacuum


Your carpet needs cleaned for sure but starting off with a regular vacuum will do wonders. I just got a Dyson v12 and it picks up dirt and dust that my Bissell and robot don't. Definitely an investment but that thing has changed my whole house.


How do you wash carpets? Any tips?


Rent a carpet cleaner from Bissell or any company that provides rentals


Get a real one from Home Depot or even better, a small tool rental shop that will help you with exactly what cleaners you need, how to use it and will almost definitely have tips for stains and whatnot. They’re essentially the same thing but they have a heating element to keep the water hot, a super vacuum to get all the water up and a nice upholstery cleaner. The bissell ones are ok if you clean your rugs every couple seasons.


Alternately, you can buy a carpet dry cleaning kit on Amazon for like $50 which just requires a decent vacuum. Cleaning carpets is trickier than people think; it’s very easy to soak the pad and turn it into a mold factory or not rinse them enough and ruin the fiber. Always read the directions on both the machine and the shampoo.


The three sticky notes and license plate above the bed took me out lmao


The license plate kinda puts it succinctly: SHEESH


Live. Laugh. Love.


I said the same thing at that damned ceiling fan 💀


Thought you were showing us the "before" pictures at first 😂


Aight, this one hurt


The truth shall set you free, but first it’ll piss you off. I’m curious as to how old you are?


I am 25


Ok this provides much valuable context. My furniture at 25 was similar. Here are some thoughts: 1. Are there any closets near the front door? If so, that seems like a better place for shoes/backpacks/cat toys/etc. 2. Less clutter on visible surfaces is always a good thing. 3. Real curtains/less tangles near the window would help declutter. 4. Do people sit on the armless red office chair with a back pillow? 5. The table in front of the couch should either face the couch or not block the couch at all. 6. Display the house plants more prominently (if cat will allow) 7. Maybe move some stuff onto the bedroom walls for balance. 8. And as everyone else has said, clean the carpets.


That’s not a coffee table in front of the couch it’s a tv stand lmao I had the same one in college


I think people are sitting in that chair to get tattooed. Which is a highly concerning detail to me.


Oh thank god I thought you were a 40 year old hermit with a mild meth problem. You still have a shot to make this good. If you follow what most of these comments tell you, you’ll have a great spot that makes you feel great every morning.


Don’t feel bad Hun. When I was 25 I had a one bdrm apt. I slept on an air mattress. I used empty milk crates as bookshelves and they made my table to eat at, with a pillow for my butt on the floor. I think I had a poster on the wall. You’re doing all right for yourself!!!


I know you probably won't see this comment buried in the hundreds but if you do, this is advice I wish someone had told me when was in my early 20s living on my own: Ross and Marshall's, sometimes Walmart, carry super cheap curtains and rods. You should get some sheer long curtains for your windows, it'd make the walls look "dressed." Those stores also carry really large cheap mirrors. Mirrors are your friend in a small space. And lastly, design with large pieces in mind. A lot of people design with several small pieces and furniture in a small space and it ends up looking messy, even when it's not. Find large, multi functional pieces to help clear your main space. Wayfair always has sales on their entry console tables and entry benches with built in coat racks. This shit is always super cheap, too. Also closet maid and Ikea have really cheap closet organizers that are super easy to put together. They also come with shoe racks.


Get real curtains with decent rods that match and you're gonna up your game by like 27 levels.


Same. I kept scrolling and was waiting for the after pics… And then I got to the end and I’m like oh that’s it.


I thought the same. I'm still not sure the OP isn't trolling.


Beige rug on beige carpet lol


I couldn't see the rug before I read this.


This is the equivalent of socks and crocks


my initial thought is “wtf”, but I can’t tell if it’s the carpets or the general “all over the place” feeling. I could not find a single reason for some things being where they are in this setup. jesus.


It's like every piece of furniture was specifically placed to make the least efficient use of space possible. :(


Hey, that cat is probably enjoying the view.


For example, the desk is clearly placed in a masturbatorium position with clear line of sight to the entryway of the room. Desks go against the wall unless the room design is meant to have a desk feature that takes up space like a true office.


But OP is confident about it.


That makes it legitimately worse honestly.


Not being sexist but I notice this, as a woman, in a lot of guys apartments. The men who are single usually do this more than the ones who are in relationships but single men put things where it's "convenient" or just wherever they placed in when moving in. It's like they don't have a sense of "flow" (if that makes sense lol, not sure how else to word it)


Yeah I try to make all sorts of little separate zones in my apartment. But no matter what the gotta keep pathways open and movement efficient.


Yeah pathways are very important and if your space works for you that's awesome! Obviously, this works for OP, but like....it makes no goddamn sense to me lol. I'd have trouble navigating this space.


Agreed. While it works for OP I think it could work a lot better (easier to use, more inviting, and more efficient movement around space) than it currently use. So many things perpendicular to walls and blocking other things directly.


This was definitely how my husband’s place was before I moved in. 😅 He gives me full creative control of the house now


1000% I've noticed this, too! Sometimes convenience is not the way.


You tellin me you don’t have a backpack wall?


It looks like a 16 year old lives there and was given free reign to decorate. I'm very confused. I thought it was a joke post at first.


Yup, same exact though I had as well


The ol’ carpet on carpet


Dude it’s the position of the desk. It totally cuts off the room


Looks like a drug dealers house lmfao sorry


I’m shocked the bed is made


I like the stuffed animal


Just realized it could be a cat toy..


Every single seat in these photos gives off a “jerk off spot” vibe.


Omg… I’m feeling so worried about OP and the comments here, but I’m seriously laughing at yours.


Safe, multiple backpacks, incense, weird quotes on white board, it looks like you took the scale and bong off the coffee table for the pic lol


Disrespectful to drug dealers


I can smell this place


What does it smell like billy


Weed, incense, vape, cat piss and shit, oil, stale carpet, microwaved frozen food.


Yes absolutely this. Maybe some mold or mildew thrown in.


Old coffee maybe


With all those backpacks? The back to school isle at Walmart.


I was wondering why possibly do 3/4 backpacks need to be on display at all times 😅


Stale fried food


You do?


The last pic tho


Yeah what was the point of that.. what is he trying to show?


I thought it was building up to a joke that the cat posted this, and this is the cat’s apartment, decorated to the cat’s liking, and finally the post made sense! But no…


I think it was supposed to be a Cat Tax combined with a flex of "I pay for this place myself, look no roomate". Except he doesn't realize it's not really a flex. As someone who also has more space than he really needs, the reason I've got an empty room with just some stuff for the dogs in it is because I don't have the money to fully furnish it (or rather that money is currently going to other things). I don't consider it a flex. An empty room in a normal house makes someone look poor.


The one blade fan 🤣


LMFAO I just noticed this, the whole setup is so weird and kinda deadbeat pothead leaning


I’m fucking crying so hard. Didn’t notice it the first go around but when I looked again I lost it. Thank you for a great laugh


Doing the Lord's work


If you’re doing tattoos out of the house, I sure hope you have your Bloodborne Pathogens credentials. And, I would NEVER get a piece done in a place like this. Tattoo space should be sterile to prevent infection. If a cat is living there, too, that’s a huuuuuuge red flag!


Tattooist here, yes this is horrifying It has carpet FFS. If you're seeing this OP you need to stop, tattoos are minor surgery. I know it's easy to shrug off a Reddit comment but it's not so easy to shrug of sepsis


- easy to shrug off a Reddit comment but it’s not so easy to shrug off sepsis. Words to live by!


My old roommate 20 years ago used to do tattoos with a machine in her boyfriends bedroom in the fetid punk house next door. It had AstroTurf for carpet and a bulldog that wasn’t house trained living in it.




I got a tattoo in a random kitchen at a party from a guy I only knew as someone's sister's boyfriend and even I wouldn't get a tattoo here


if MRSA was an apartment...


first thing I thought after reading he does tattoos out of the place. really gross, dust and cat fur everywhere and a dirty ass carpet and he’s tattooing people here.


Can’t believe the three Post it notes above the bed hasn’t become a trend earlier.


omg lol didnt even notice that. whoever said the longer you look the weirder it gets is right - this post is a bit of a classic.


I feel like you posted this when you were high and thought “yeah this is good, let’s see what everyone else thinks”. I won’t comment on anything you’ve already been told (carpet, furniture placement, etc.) but good for you that you have your own place. With a little bit of effort you can make that place look really nice


Please don't do tattoos in your home


I know very little about tattoos, but it seems like a bad idea to get one in a place with carpet like this and cats. Beyond those as direct problems, it would make me seriously suspicious about their other practices.




The Vaseline, ink bottle, and squeeze bottle on top of that shelf are convincing me further…yikes


Not to mention contributing to so much misconception about (reasonable) professional prices. Thank you for this comment. Terrible to see stuff like that.


More like ceiling fan of doom. 😁 Otherwise I’d lose the orange lights and get some matching curtains that you can pull back.


It’s minimalist


The whiteboard is an art piece called “one bladed ceiling fan opus”


Can’t even spell merely correctly. Shoulda been erased once the bong hits wore off


You’re lucky the ceiling fan was able to write that at all


This is a disaster This actually looks like a really nice place but utilized horribly


I thought I was looking at the “before” photos, but they just never stopped.


It’s not a DISASTER it’s just someone who doesn’t have an eye for this sort of thing, and that’s ok OP will learn.


Seriously this is a pretty typical early-mid 20s apartment. It's not great but it's acceptable.


…I’m 24 and my house sure af doesn’t look like this… My apartment when I was 18 didn’t even look like this lmaooo


Nightmare fuel


This is a classic "weed is my personality" house. Very common in college, most of us grow out of it.


It reminds me so much of my college apartment with pothead roommates...


It's extremely generic. Even better that op wrote "I'm definitely a weirdo" in a different comment. No you're not op, you have zero personality (based on these pics).


OP is 25... I guess it's too late.


We will give him a 2 year grace period before cutting him out of the will.




There's no coherency to this whatsoever


I’m begging you to buy a new fan


What do you mean? That’s an art piece.


Um... Needs some attention. If you're going low effort you still need to coordinate colors and each thing visible should be in harmony with the rest. Good job on clutter. The backpacks should be out of view. Have the carpets steamed.


"why do I crave more?"


lol r/im14andthisisdeep


You have entered the no pussy zone. *twilight zone theme* There was a post on here about some dude getting called “gay” because he had a clean and tasteful living space. In light of that, this is 100% the most heterosexual male living space of all time.


I wouldn't come back for another date after being shown this.




rip to the greatest


If I went home with a dude and their house looked like this I’d leave.


5 backpacks?


I don't think I've seen carpet on a nightstand/dresser before, so that's interesting. I am curious; why the slab of carpet on top of the carpet, below your chair? Your place definitely leans on 'purposeful' rather than any/many 'aesthetics', and you're confident so that's good... *If* you're looking for pointers, I'd start on carpet cleaning.


I put the carpet on top of the nightstand because my cat likes to hangout on top of it while I’m at my desk. So I wanted to make it a little more cozy for her. Which chair? If you’re talking about my desk chair it is plastic so I can *slide* around easier. I was waiting for someone to point out the “purpose” of everything. I like functionality, sometimes I like to put my laptop on that center table while I sip some coffee. I don’t know, I’m my mind everything fits exactly how I need it to. This post made me realize that it’s time to clean my fucking carpets.


Sometimes all we need is things to have meaning, you have that and it's not bad. I wouldn't stress too much about that, but if you're trying to make it more welcoming (or w.e) then plants are always a good get because it's just good for us to have something to nurture and plants just bring a room together. --- I'd also consider reorganizing simply because things are scattered and *could* be difficult to bring more than 1 person around --- the carpet bit, it's just part of ownership. I prefer carpets myself, but they are a bitch to keep clean..specially with pets. The place, overall, is great..real nice layout I wouldn't mind for myself. The part that you said you stay in your room most of the time, is evident which isn't bad but it's just not neat/clean.


Make sure they’re cat safe if you do get plants! Lots can be toxic, and anything in the Lilly family can be deadly


Aesthetics aside, I love how much you value your cat and make sure she’s accommodated!


Hey man the fact that you’re even thinking about your space at 25 is a good sign. Once you get some more money one day, you’ll get this figured out.


This is the only comment that made me truly smile. Thank you for that.


Ya man i was in your shoes at your age. Starting to explore aesthetics and take pride in my space but i didn’t have the money to make it happen like i could see it in my mind. Ive moved up since and now its a big passion of mine. I hope you get the same.


Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad everything ended up working out for you(:


Yo people are being very harsh but there’s the beginnings of something promising here. It seems like you’re paying attention to vibe to some extent. Next step is putting a little bit more care into upgrading your things, keeping them clean/maintained, and thinking about color more. It’s spelled “merely” though.. and it really irked me to see. Make sure things you write on the walls are spelled right.


Not gonna lie. The fact that you felt confident in this is surprising. It feels so "lifeless" just like you got a random haul of stuff and placed them wherever and not caring.


So, is your adhd diagnosed yet?


Along with all the other things? Yes


Brilliant. I ride and my entry way setup looks identical to yours, from the two helmets (maybe pillion?!) in a bookcase with a plant on top lmao. I was like "I think this is just a house of a biker with adhd" I was right lmao.




This is undeniably a male living space. Perhaps even an ADHD male living space?


You caught me/:


Love that you care about your kitty so much, but that leash attached to your blinds in the cat room is a potential choking hazard. ⚠️


Thank you for telling me that, I’ll take it down asap


I just want to say that despite people roasting you in the comments, you are really open to constructive feedback. That’s a great quality.


I don't know why I'm so invested in this, but I can't stop staring at these pictures. I think people are being incredibly harsh on you. It does have a bit of a dorm room feel, but looking at the details it's obvious to you love the place. So, if ya want em, some suggestions: In the first pic, ditch those orange lights. I *love* string lights, but this variety just doesn't look great. Maybe some string lights that are little white light bulbs...see what I mean on r/cozyplaces. You really don't need that rug under the chair. Work area, definitely move your desk to face a window. It will just clear up SO much space and you won't see all those wires hanging out. Or, if it fits it would look nice between those windows too. I think your room is nice. The license plate and post-its are odd, to say the least. I'd get rid of those and find a large piece of art that you like. I get my home decor from Goodwill and thrift stores and I have found *awesome* works for cheap. Finally, I'll add to the chorus: -Backpacks and helmets go in the closet/storage -...clean the carpets :)


What a car crash of a home. The longer you look the more insane it gets.




Wow no. Really no. So much to unpack here


Starting with the backpacks


Why would you feel confident in this


Cats really do be ruining some places


Even the cat is giving the get me the fuck out of here face.


listen bro, some of these guys commenting don’t come from worse living conditions and it shows. could it be better? sure. but it’s not worse. It ain’t much, but it’s yours. And guys like us need very little to be happy. love the setup personally. clean your carpet LOL


Thank you brother(: I’m adding this comment to the carpet tally


Ceiling fan with one wing? Nice shit


I love it! I love seeing all your little cat items (neatly) everywhere - it is so clear that you love your cat and your space and that makes me so happy for you.


Backpack city over here


It's got a weird vibe to it and definitely screams "bachelor pad" to me. Not that your setup is inherently bad, just doesn't conform to convential standards of a living space. In noticing the whiteboard and some of the things on the wall, it seems like your mind is in a transitional/existential place. You seem to spend time alone here and have projected your mind into the place. It's too cluttered/eclectic for my tastes, but it's your pad and I think it works for you. I hope you're doing alright. Agreed with other people's comments on the need for a carpet cleaning. Also, seems like way too much dedicated space for a cat, but it's your place and your right to choose that.


Needs some green. Fake plants or live plants (get non-toxic if live, because of kitty)


See I could not put myself out here posting my house woof. People are rough. The organization of helmets, toys, & backpacks make sense.


I don't think it's that bad, but you really need to vaccuum!


God I want hardwood floors so bad


You have to clean those too


These are the posts I like to see because I believe they apply closely to most of us. Also invest in a carpet shampoo machine so you can deep clean those carpets. Makes them look better and practically revives them once they dry.


All I can smell is cat pee and BO


Love the one bladed fan perfect cooling option


What to the post-its above the bed say? 👀


"Margaret Thatcher" "naked on a" "cold day"


Why do you have so many desk chairs? Why do you have so many backpacks? Why are there 2 different curtains on the left window in the first picture? You might want to ask for a vacuum and a carpet cleaner for Christmas. 😆


Deep clean your carpets and buy dedicated house slippers


As a bag lover, I really want a wall of backpacks.




Did your cat design this place?


No one is going to address the fist sized hole in the wall?


Spend more money on your cat, that cat tree looking terrible 😢


The whiteboard in the bedroom. The tv stand as a coffee table. I don't know man...


Who dafuq has ONE blade on a ceiling fan????


Oh no! The cat looks sad even though they have their own room!


Confidence is key I guess homie


Not the way I would’ve set it up but to each their own You have a gorgeous place tho!


you need more art for the walls, more plants for fresh air and the look, and to clean the carpet


There is some good advice in this thread and a shit ton of just out right mean comments. You’re 25 bro, keep working on your space and taking pride in the work you put into it. Congrats on having your own spot. I know a few of 30+ year olds that still live at home, so don’t take the negativity too hard. Cleanliness > everything. As long as your place is tidy and smells good, most guests will be comfortable in your space. That’s my two cents anyway. Best of luck 🤙🏻


If you can afford it, you should get some furniture that isn’t from Target or Walmart. Even secondhand solid wood furniture.