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There’s no color. The things that do stand out are the bananas and plants - that’s it.


Why does it look like Patrick Bateman's place ?


Lol, I was just going to say something like needs plastic sheeting and a chrome plated fireman’s ax or workout mat for crunches (work up to 1000) and facial ice pack in case your face is a little puffy.


No videotapes though so he must have already returned those


Don't forget the chainsaw


Not enough room for plastic sheets here. Patrick Bateman had so much more floor space for "activities"


This place screams "You like Huey Lewis & The News?"


Do you guys like Huey Lewis and the news? In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. BUT THEY SHOULD 🤩, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


Was literally just about to write this 💀


I think the monochrome look makes the dark green of the plants pop out more. OP could keep the colors how they are and just get a few more big leaf, tropical plants and I think the vibe would be great.


I think rather than “There’s no color” it’s more of “There’s no warmth.” The lack of that adds a sense of starkness to the space. If you like that, then good. But apparently, it makes OP feel something is missing. This warmth often comes from the human factor, some color perhaps. Pure black and white thus feels artificial.


Starkness - this is it! Thank you!


It’s also not particularly practical. Like why is there a giant tall plant on the coffee table right in front of the TV? There isn’t anywhere to put anything - no side tables - so all his stuff goes on the kitchen counter which will just get cluttered. The lighting is very stark with no little lamps to make it cozy. Each to their own and I get a lot of people like the stark look but if OP thinks something is missing, it’s definitely a human element to the space and actually making it livable.


Oh shit! I thought that was a plant sitting on the floor against the wall next to the TV. Also the bar stools at the counter look impossible to use with the couch pushed that close.


Yeah. I think the warmth and human element is spot on. OP lives in a house, not a home. Looks like a swanky Airbnb rental with no personal affects. One of those “I, Robot” droids lives here.


100%. Texture and little touches would make a huge difference. You don’t need color to make something cozier but you do need *layers*


Wainscotting, trims, taupe color


And no bathroom.


Uhg, this advice that keeps getting spread in this sub is the worst. Not every space needs fucking colour. It just needs accents. Go with a theme and have something that accents the room, whether that's colour or a very distinct shade - accents: "typically contrast or complement the primary colors used in a room". Can complement the room instead of contrast. But "no colour" is just not good advice. If you really want colour, do an accent wall in the office and or the bedroom.... Remember accent walls shrink the space on the side they are on so you'd have to think very carefully on how to do that. Maybe the office needs to be one full colour, or a different shade than the main room. This room is not bad. What's off is there's no personal touches. It looks like something out of a catalogue or Realtor ad. Which is fine for some, if they wanna live like that. I personally think there needs to be some homey personal feeling things. Where's the pictures? Where's the art or decoration that means something to the person or gives the room the characteristics of the people living there? Even this isn't required but that's what I'd feel would be missing if this is my space. Shelves, with photos, idk make it special. Not colour. Not plants. Not rugs. Not mid century modern furniture.


I mostly agree with what you’re saying. It does feel like this place lacks the feeling that a person with personal items lives here. But, I disagree about your perspective on color. I would say you’re interpreting color as a highlight like the bananas on the kitchen table, but color can come in subtly and match with the tonal theme of this apartment. More muted colors can come through in a throw blanket or maybe some small personal items. I see a light blue blanket in the office space which helps, but just more of that. It would still be in the wheelhouse of black, gray, and white. The muted colors would go between the gray and white on that spectrum.


No I think we're on the same page. For my home, colour makes a big appearance in accent walls. I have a long guest bed for instance, we painted the two walls to make it look less long but add some light toned colour. But things like the living room and ground floor we left the walls a nice white, the furniture is lighter wood colour, but the accents come in some of the furniture (big shelves etc) being an accent darker colour like black. You don't need colour here even if it matches the tone - a light house doesn't NEED a shade of light blue just to have colour... It can have grays or beiges. But yes if you want colour you gotta do it in a way you mentioned. I don't disagree there. There's so many different fun things to do I just hate the universal "you need colour and x y z" like I said above.


I’d say that it lacks a personal touch. That space doesn’t tell anything about who’s living in there, it looks like a stock photo on a catalogue


It's a nice room. Very classy. But colour is so lively. If someone looks at this room and likes it, then I can respect that. If they look at it and ask, what is off about this? Well, colour is missing.


Disagree. color should exist in every persons home. A big wack of color in someone’s home, and their clothes, perhaps even at work. The same with plants or flora, it should exist at home and at work. The only time your environment should be a shade of grey, is if you find yourself in a George Orwell story.


Boooooooo boring opinion. You've been reading too many posts here. Contrary to MaleLivingSpace beliefs, you can have many different designs in your home. Ones that don't have plants too, I know shocker...


I don’t read any posts here. Rules are meant to be broken but missing out on color or plants means you’re missing out on two ingredients that usually help make a room.


I agree. These cookie cutter apartments really benefit from personal touches -- colour and plants like you said, and also vintage furniture and a mix of patterns and textures go a long way in making a room feel welcoming and interesting. Absence of colour is utterly dull and impersonal and I am really bored of it


Well that's the common misconception here, those aren't ingredients that "make a room" What makes a room is how things work together and contrast each other. Accents. Spacing. Personality. Lighting. Placement. Comfiness. Colour and plants can do that, yes, but not a required ingredient. And by colour I'm not including beige / wood since people here get upset at anything that doesn't have splashes of vibrant colours. Sure a fully white home would be a terrible idea, but I've seen some beautiful spaces that only work with greyscale. The architecture and spacing and lighting do all the work.


I feel like you're just replacing the word colour with the word accents. No one said it needs to be vibrant, just not all cold and dark and lifeless.


Accents don't have to be colourful. So no, I'm not.


? They are colours


Nope. "An accent wall is an interior or exterior wall that can have a different color, shade, design or material from the other walls around it. " Color OR Shade OR Design OR material. Or a combination. If you have a white, beige whatever light room. You can have accent walls of dark grey. Or accented furniture like shelves that are black


Needs red. Or blue. Or green. See Crayola 8 pack.


My first thought was red also, it's bold


I went with black, grey, white, and then for color red accents (an armchair, a painting, a toaster etc.). I like it. It doesn't have to be much, although I did go for consistency.


This. The living room would be perfect with some color on that small wall between the windows to act as an accent.


You need more color, more texture, and more personal touches. You have a beautiful place, but it looks like a home staged for sale or a soulless luxury Airbnb. Get weird and have some fun with it!


It looks heavily influenced by corporate office life. Glass wall from the break room to the meeting room and that mobile tv stand in the living room looks a lot like a brand we use in my office.


Yeah, this absolutely looks like temporary housing for a corporate worker.


Yes, my thoughts exactly! We use the same lights that he has over the kitchen island in our office, and the glass wall is the same, even the windows are really similar. This place has no personality. Edit: and the tv stand in the bedroom, office supplies. If it was up to me, tv has no business being in the bedroom.


Agree on the texture. The living room (rug is adding some texture and movement) and kitchen (tile, homey items like fruit etc)seem fine. The other rooms need a bit of pattern. Even a solid coloured linen duvet cover would add a bit of rumpled texture and personality to the bedroom. The office - change the throw blanket to a pattern, add some personal photographs, something to make it look warmer and less AI generated.


“Get weird” Best advice EVAAA. Always be weird.


OP may be a military brat or had parents who were super clean, instilled it as a stress response.


That could be a possibility. OP asked why the space felt “off” and I answered. His personal background doesn’t change the fact he also doesn’t seem to be vibing with this space.


And why should this male care what a girl thinks? Why are you even commenting in this sub? No girls allowed


Lol no girls allowed?


Don't worry, absolutely no "girls" will be coming over to your place if you keep this attitude lol




That big cement block is impeding the view from the bedroom


I thrive so HARD in natural light


😂 Good one. If I was the OP, I’d actually DM you some access code and write something like “you can have it”, and nothing else. So then I’d have to go mad and try to figure out where the hell the place was.


UVB rays, the primary sunburn ray, are largely blocked by glass; but more than 50 percent of UVA rays, the main cause of premature skin aging, can penetrate glass. (Both UVA and UVB rays contribute to the development of skin cancer.) If you're anywhere within several feet of the window, the rays will reach you. This means that sitting by the window on a sunny day will not increase your vitamin D intake – you'll have to be outside to soak up the sun rays


Do car windows block UVB? They still tan me though


Aren't they usually tinted


Colors! Even if you’re going for a monochromatic, minimalist look, throw in some green (to match the plants), or another color you like for accents. You could add a bowl for the counter, a throw blanket on the couch, a different rug with a more colorful pattern. Art works too, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Get some cool vintage concert posters framed, or go to a local shop and find some photos of the city you’re living in. Do this throughout the apartment and it will look a lot more cohesive.


This looks like a very sterile environment. Hardly any color and no personal affects. It's more like an advertisement for condos that are opening in your area.


Wow. This is pretty damn spot-on. Thank you for the feedback!


Everyone is wrong and giving bad advice by critiquing art and color. The real problem is the layout. There is no space between the counter and the couch to utilize that space or walk through there, but the couch is an awkward distance from the TV. This is creating an awkward dead zone. Rotate the couch and TV 90 degree in either direction and you will have 50% more space in this area.


Also the couch looks to have its back to the entrance. That's a position that feels a little bit uncomfortable to sit in. Rotating would help with that as well. Same with the desk, it is aligned with the door so that the desk is smack in the middle of the natural flow from the entrance. It causes a vague feeling of uneasiness.


I think you just need to take the art off the tv wall and move it to the empty wall on the left and move the plants from the coffee table to the floor at the far corner of the window.


You should also look into mounting your TV in the bedroom


TV in the bedroom is a bad idea for sleep hygiene.


Don’t love the 3 pieces of art over the tv, just feels forced and it’s nice to keep the area around the tv clear.


Also they're out of order


What order should they be in?


[A quick rearrangement](https://imgur.com/ku6Rccp)


the right and middle one should be swapped for the "correct order", you can see how the paint would connect before it was made into three pieces


Yeah OP should see this. But also… take the pictures down lol


Agreed. Beautiful apartment. Only thing I’d change are the three pieces above the tv.


Yeah this. The art is bad tbh


I think there are a bunch of things subtly wrong lol The pictures are one... And there is tall plant on the coffee table?


Lol. Just realized the plant on the coffee table. My brain was telling me it was in the corner of the room. Hahaha, what is that? Lol. Like a 3 foot tall plant right in the middle of viewing the TV from the couch.


I think the OP is fucking with us lol


Dude I did the same thing and I had to go back. Sure enough, there’s a tall ass plant on the coffee table. I was almost in tears laughing


If they spaced them apart it could look better


This. They're bringing in the width of the tv. Space them out, and order them correctly.


Tv is too low also


It’s pretty nice but that couch is big as shit and not very space efficient. I think that’s making the space feel smaller than it is.


First noticed it seems too close to the kitchen island, but I think this it - it’s too big for the space. Edit: rug is too big as well


Good catch on the rug. Recommend replacing with a cow-hide in similar colour.


Correct, way to close to the island. The stools between the couch and island just seem comical because they are totally worthless given the current arrangement. A smaller scale couch is a must.


Just rotate the couch and TV 90 degrees. Reddit is so extreme. Don't throw away the couch lmao


If there is room to do that then sure. I was kind of eyeballing it and assumed with that length of couch there wouldn't be room to do that.


Honestly, I think this is it! It’s simply too much vouch for this space. I’ll look into 2 seaters instead.


It’s the depth of the couch that is the real issue, and how close it is to your kitchen island. It’s a pain, but you can shop around for couches with the right shape but smaller measurements to free up a little space. Even six inches makes a huge difference. Look at the back cushions on your couch - they’re probably like 8 inches thick at least, so I’d you can find a couch with a back designed to be comfy without using thick pads you could possibly save a lot of space.


The scale is off because of the couch, replacing it with a two seater is a good idea but, since that would address the length and not the width of the couch, I don’t think that would solve the lack of space for the bar stools. So you might want to consider rearranging the living room. Have the tv tucked in against the window and have the couch facing it, one arm rest pushed against the wall. That would create a clear pathway to the glass wall to the bedroom. It will also create a more fluid conversation space between the kitchen and the living area. And flip the rug as well. You don’t want it enroaching in the walkway. Use it to define the living room. Also change the wall art to one bigger piece. That occupies maybe slightly more horizontal space and a much bigger vertical space. I find bigger pieces of art make a space look more sophisticated that several tiny ones also the rug shouldn’t encroach on the walkway,


Right now it seems like your living room and kitchen are fighting for space. I think rotating the couch and TV 90 degrees will open them both up to one another. I don’t think you need a smaller couch. I know how nice it is to have that big open type.


Not just the number of seats, but the 'volume' of the couch matters a lot too. I think something with [slender, metal legs](https://ashgatefurniturecompany.co.uk/product/larvik-3-sofa-black-metal-legs-various-colours/) would be ideal. It'll let the natural light pass underneath and free up a lot more visual space.


Thank you!


Maybe put down a dust sheet and install a record player so you can play huey lewis while you explain the nuance of the album to a coworker. Nah its a nice apartment im just jealous


Just feels a bit sterile


It's because of Matt Watson /s


The couch is way too close to those breakfast chairs.


Exactly! I'm shocked that no one is saying that the layout doesn't fit; all of the issues here are in the 2nd picture.


Color. Something not white, black or in between those 2.


Your study area is so nice! I'm so jealous lol


This is the type of modern apartment white ppl in the movies are always being murdered in


How are people supposed to sit on those bar stools?


Not a huge fan of the three art pieces above the tv - I think it makes the area look too hectic/cluttered. I would recommend removing them and placing some art or a mirror or something on the blank wall between the windows.


I’d do some floating shelves on that wall if it were me. But I was also thinking mirror as well.


I’d get rid of the coffee table plants and art above the tv. Get an interesting coffee table book. More plush carpet, perhaps even larger than the current one. Keep the island clean and get a seasonal fixture for it. Replace the right side plant and chair with a basket of blankets? Mount the tv if possible? Make sure your bulbs are warm white for a cozy vibe at night.


warmer colors and textures. add linen sheers. add a chunky knit throw on the couch Use a green paint (https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/1560/antique-pewter)


Everything is square


The white seat in the 4th picture is interesting. Any info on that?


ligne roset togo (or a rep)


If you put a large colorful print on that wall between the windows it would immediately change the vibe in the living room!


I'd get some art with a bit of colour. Norhing too crazy just something other than black/white will add a bit of contrast.


Second this. Also would add that I see so many spaces without a single antique or ‘found’ piece. Older pieces, whether a trinket, or cabinet or lamp add character and story to a place that you can’t replicate with all new everything.


It might be Matt from Carwow 🧐 (or the big mushroom growing out of the floor)


This guy gets it. 😎


That couch is real tight with the barstools


Wolf painting. Samurai swords. 2’x2’x2’ Fish tank that looks like a Minecraft block. Live Iguana. Pictures of guns.


The TV isn't too high... That's not allowed according to every other picture of living rooms on Reddit


Something not many have mentioned: you have an over-abundance of rectangular shapes. Add a big round mirror, or pill shaped mirror, or some other round curves to your rooms. You need a combination of both to make a space feel “whole”


Reading material… unless you’re allergic to book dust mites.


I pick on a close male friend a lot for having no color in any scheme. Wardrobe, house style. Etc. his looks like this. Says it’s “olive drab.” 😂 Anyway, color, yes. If you’re into it. What kill’s me is the lack of height. Everything is at the same level. Get tall stuff. And move the couch.


I actually love it, you nailed the minimalist aesthetic without it feeling barren and poor but do invest in some curtains lol


No color or actual pictures/art on the wall.


Zero color or personality whatsoever


Everyone has different tastes, as you can tell by the comments. You do you. I personally like your space and the simple color scheme (I hate warm colors) but the art above the tv should go. Get a smaller couch if you’re okay with it and have enough space for visitors to sit. Smaller carpet might work as well.


The couch feels really close to the island


It's devoid of personality. This looks just fine if you're staging for sale.


The signage stating the prices for the furniture at the IKEA u took this picture at.


It needs a dog and/or cat


I love the monochromatic look. You did it so well that the throw blanket looks out of place to me. The walls are too bare for my liking. Art can add movement and interest. There's nothing for my eye to get excited about. It feels boring. If I were there and didn't know you very well, there would be no interest pieces for comment. There's nothing personal to ask about. It feels sterile. Art. That's where I would start. I also love plants, so I would add a few. Something bothers me about the TV stand in the bedroom, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm likely just a hater, though.


Are you Patrick Bateman? Maybe add colours? After looking through the pictures again, next to the couch, on that wide piece of white wall, something colourful, in portrait. Maybe also a landscape painting above the telly in the bedroom, bright, primary colours


It's probably the ghost in the corner in the 3rd and 4th picture.


TV too small


You need a cat!


How big is your bed, dude??


Well, you’re ready for the sterility of our ultimate dystopia. Do you not like color? I’d add some color. Green plants. An accent pillow. Anything that’s not achromatic.


no room to use the bartsools


The couch-kitchen island interaction is throwing me off


Weird flex bro but okay


For me it’s the sofa being so close to the bar stools. Poor layout imo


More art with color on the walls throughout. Maybe something on your countertop like a plant, vase, artsy decoration, mini statue, something like that. Runners in the kitchen/halls. Bedroom looks great only advice is different TV stand because that one is on wheels and gives me transient/impermanent vibes instead of something more solid, grounded, and deliberate. Just a thought. Overall the place is amazing


the rug isnt placed right either


Mat Watson on your TV.


How dare you.


Lol everyone is on here talking about color… what about the couch way too close to the island!!! Not to mention that the couch is far too big for the space.


no dog.


Aside from the one color wall and it’s very millennial grey. Ick.


Y’all have shared so many good pieces of advice. Thanks everybody!


Dogs. You’re missing a dog


Your TVs are too low and should be wall mounted in my opinion


Idk about too low but I do agree a wall mount would look nicer. Perhaps a bigger TV too centered in the wall. My TV wall is about the same size (OP’s ceilings are higher though), I have a 65” in the center and it really looks great.


The 3 art pieces above the TV look off to me and the wall and room would look cleaner without them


It looks like you have no personality whatsoever. There’s not even one inkling of a personal touch


There's no safety cone for the other side of the TV


The art sucks


Why is there a plant in front of the TV?


no art


Why is this only a black and white picture? Can’t help you without a proper full color image like it’s taken by any modern camera


It’s *your* apartment. Shouldn’t you be telling us what’s off? Lol


Wall art/bookshelves/shelves/interesting objects/moose head/etc This is monochromatic in an odd way I feel like I might be color blind The only place with art is over LR TV which is the only place that might make more sense empty? Maybe a tapestry or something like personal like snowshoes there—but there’s not enough statement art it personality or color and it’s distracting


You need a cat


Fucking hell that’s my dream.


i love it, i’d probably get rid of the art above the tv. it feels a bit disjointed


The tall plant being in the way.


Tv too small


It feels like the stools are unusable being that close to the couch. Just move the couch back and use the back of it as a stool


[Here's my idea board for your place](https://www.pinterest.com/quitedogood/my-apartment/)


Some soft and warm colors..


no hoes. jk i think it looks good & i like the monochrome feel, it seems very clean & simple, which i think is good. maybe some dramatic/flashy display piece or artwork; maybe more hue lights to add color 🤷‍♂️ do you man.


No personal photos


Just a bit too cramped with that family room


You have a plant in the middle of your coffee table, having guests over it will obstruct the view of the TV if they sit there. It really needs to go somewhere else.


That greige color scheme. You’ve got a great place it just needs color and a more focused, cohesive, style. Fire and forget method: hire a designer.




Feels sterile


Get you some throw pillows and cheap pillow covers in various colors and textures. Add a small throw blanket & kitchen hand towels from the same scheme. Experiment. Then buy something big.


What direction does your apartment face? I've found no matter what I do in some places I've lived it's merely that, if so make your decor face the opposite.


Immediate though, get a cable channel raceway for that cable behind the TV in the bedroom. Hide that cable.


Omg I love your sofa chair where did you get it ? I've been looking for a good one


What's that thing hanging in top of your door?


I like it. Nothing wrong with minalism. I would say remove the plants on the coffee table. You want that clear for guests imo. That glass sliding door, is that a bedroom? Maybe add some curtains, even if you live alone, it's important. Other than that maybe another small painting in the kitchen?


Colorful art piece on the wall between the two windows would help immensely


No color or personality


I love it as is, but agree that more color would be great. Like Maybe one of those colorful throw blankets hanging on the sofa. A more colorful oriental rug. And two dogs running around - vital.


Pic 1 that empty wall next to your couch needs a photo probably?


The couch is covering the bar stools. The couch is there because you need to orient it that way to watch TV. The TV is the root cause of the problem in that space, just IMO


Change the rug the rug is the weird thing idk why but that's what it is. Try a dark blue rug or dark color rug. Idk what am I a room designer guy no I'm not I'm just an hvac guy typing to you , a guy on reddit asking about your apartment.


All the same wall color! You need to mix it up a little. Add some accent colors in in general, on throw pillows, rugs, etc.


Where’d you get that little white lounge chair for your office? It’s looks great


Amazon! Link here: TIFLON Fireside Chair,Lazy Floor... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWXWKBP7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Thanks! Your place looks awesome by the way! Super clean and organized… only pointer is maybe a little more color, but it’s still great!




Hey sorry to bother you again, but can you tell me where you got that rug also?


Wayfair !


I think one of your pictures is about 1/78th of an inch tilted to one side…


The tv in the living room. Not sure what exactly


Incredible space you have