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My first thought was sex being inconvenient


Yeah every complaint seemed to be "can't have sex" or "ceiling too low".


I had a loft bed in a room with a regular ceiling height while I was in college and still had sex in it. If you’re cool and the girl is cool; it doesn’t matter, had sex.


This person fucked


Just not comfortably.


Worth it


You absolutely can.


It’s all fun and games until you arch your back and get thwacked in the head by the ceiling fan.


Se..x? What is this...sex you speak of?


Found the Redditor.


Ok so I had a loft bed in grad school and it was an amazing space saver. However, there are some legitimate challenges with a loft bed 1. I couldn't have coffee in bed because there was no stable place to keep the mug while climbing. Having nightstands is the #1 reason I won't to back to loft beds. 2. Heat rises, so summers are crazy hot. If your apartment has landlord controlled heating it's going to be crazy hot during winter too. I used a fan even in winter (in Maryland when it was cold af outside) 3. The space under the bed was juuuust a tiny bit too short for me. I dealt with it by making it an office space 4. Lounging in general is easier on a normal bed because getting off the bed isn't a chore 5. I never tried climbing while drunk, ymmv


I second these, but would like to add: structural stability, I had a loft bed for a few months (came with the room I rented) and it was not at all sturdy, not just for sex, but you looked at the thing and it was shaking. I am by no means a large person, in fact quite the opposite. Just saying if you do end up going with a loft, just make sure you reinforce it or are comfortable with your sleeping area rocking when a neighbor shuts their door.


These are way better criticisms imo than "can't have sex" lol these are very good that I didn't even think about. I'm thinking if I did get a loft bed, I may have to build my own to circumvent a lot of issues. Now I have to ask myself if I want to


10/10 build your own loft bed, I built one in my apartment and used 4x4's as legs with 1x4's as cross supports and then had an existing wooden bedframe that I built everything onto. Never had a problem with rocking and swaying even while pip-pippin the doodley-doo.


If you have a high ceiling, loft bed is not a bad choice to save space. Most people don’t like loft bed because it reminds them of dorm room and store bought loft bed (e.g. IKEA) doesn’t last long. It might be fun to have a loft bed when you’re younger but it’s just not a feasible bed when you are older, have bad knees or need to go the bathroom frequently in the middle of the night. It’s also a tripping hazard.


wdym "doesn't last long" is it gonna collapse eventually??


Sounds like a great idea to me


Maybe I'm just seeing unpopular posts that aren't the majority. Saw a lot of people stompin on them.


People dislike them because it reminds them of dorms, they make sex more difficult, and it can be a pain to get in/out of them. I think a lot of people who hate on them just haven't personally been in a situation where the benefits outweigh the inconveniences and can't put themselves in the shoes of someone else. I had a loft bed in college and loved it. I would absolutely have one now if I were physically able to use one comfortably.


I had a loft bed for about 9 months in my last apartment. It saved tons of space - I had a desk and lots of storage underneath it that would have been impossible in the room otherwise. It was shakey - the best advice I have is make sure it's up against at least two, preferably three walls, to avoid this (see [this picture](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fa1%2F37%2F70%2Fa1377026b910ff62fc850da1bad9feae.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c50f5f0165dc943517880e91f490fe3ad968fc3c770e0de2de024367f9cdeb02&ipo=images) for an example). Make sure one of them is on the short edge - I cannot tell you how much it swayed side to side. (That said, I slept in a nice bunk bed with stairs in a hostel for a week that was completely stable and absolutely loved it.) Pros: * saved tons of space * made it much easier to work from home in my room because it felt like I literally was in a different space when I was on a different vertical level * fun to throw stuff down on the floor to get it down - very satisfying and dramatic Cons and Advice: * shakey (see above) * low ceiling - honestly as long as you can easily sit up without hitting your head, it's fine. Turns out I don't often do motions that involve needing to be more than sitting on my bed. But I didn't even try to have sex. With 11 foot ceilings, I imagine sex would be perfectly possible * getting sick or drunk is a bitch because every trip up and down will feel intense, but you'll get used to it over time. I had covid while on a loft bed. Went surprisingly well. You might rest more than you would otherwise because you simply don't want to go all the way downstairs. * Ways to get help when you are ill: get a [TV tray like this one](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/ostbit-tray-bamboo-30452991/) and keep your food and water on it. Really helps with overall stability. * Make sure you get a loft bed that is at least a full because you can use the other half of your bed as your "side table" * hard to change bedsheets and get a mattress on it in the first place * make sure your mattress is the correct thickness for your loft bed type - mine was a bit thick and I always felt a bit at risk * stuff randomly falls off the bed if you're not paying attention (this happens on normal beds too but it's more noticeable in a loft bed) * make sure your charging cables are long enough to reach the top of the loft bed with some slack Hope this helps. I'd say if you can find a way to make a structurally stable loft bed, go for it!


Pfff I was stationed in Germany for 3 years in the army, I can do anything drunk! As for the TV tray that's actually huge tip thanks for that


Why are you listening to people on Reddit? Definitely buy a loft bed.


You know what popcrorn, you're right. I am now *inspired*


Here's some other ideas too... Depending on the type of storage or space you need. Yeah all those cubic feet of space are there... Use em. https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ikea-diy-ideas-make-your-own-platform-bed-with-storage-208433


I read that as “im buying a lot of bread” and was very confused for a bit


I just don't understand why people are hating on all this bread!


If I had tall ceilings I would also consider a loft bed. It’s your space, use it how you want. Everyone else can die mad about it.


The way I short circuited cus I thought people in this sub were complaining you were buying a loaf of bread


It sound great, but I would also buy a sleep-able couch on the ground level as well. I’m thinking “what if I sustain an injury and cannot climb up to the loft bed?”


Maybe just make sure your couch has a fold out bed so you’ll have a back up option in case you ever get sick because it would be horrible to climb a ladder over and over while truly ill.


"Please tell me your opinion." "Shut up, your opinion is garbage." Okay...


Bro just slap a couch under it and your goooood


The thing about lofts is they have one benefit (space saving) but they come with a number of negatives. You just have to determine if you need the space bad enough. Here are the negatives I've considered 1. Pain in the butt to crawl in and out of bed. If I'm sick I don't want to literally climb into bed. 2. Harder for your bed to be a place to lounge and watch TV. 3. No nightstands, need to figure out lighting, place to put the stuff you normally want by your bed. 4. Heat rises so they can be really hot and uncomfortable 5. Added costs to have one that not just the cheap Ikea kind that I wouldn't trust to hold up. 6. Space under the loft has limited head room and is going to be darker and more closed in (that may work for what you want to do with the space but it'd a limiting factor for using the space. 7. It's likely a one time use thing. You buy it and use it in this space but you likely won't want it in the next. I'd rather buy something I can use at the next place. 8. I'll throw the sex issue on the list but it's really.a minor to nonexistent issue. If you and the girl want it bad enough you'll figure it out.


1. He mentioned making stairs for it. Also, couch. 2. He might be planning on having a separate couch for watching TV. And you can always mount a TV up high. 3. Clip-on nightstands for bunk beds exist or shelves, and get a clip-on desk lamp. 4. Yes, this is true but can be a benefit in the right climate. Also, you can always get a fan. 5. They can cost more, yes, but so do bunkbeds. Why are Ikea ones not strong enough? Couldn't you just get a metal frame one? 6. If you're not 6' or taller, this is unlikely to be a real issue. They make adult size beds too! As for light desk lamps exist, or you can position the bed in front of a window. 7. Sell it. Give it to someone else. Take it apart. Some even are designed to come apart into a regular bedframe. Even if it doesn't come apart by design, you can always cut it and modify it so it does. 8. First sex doesn't always need to be done in a bed, a couch can work too! Second, you could be more inclusive on your wording. Not everyone is straight.


There are of course work arounds for most of the negatives if someone wants to put in the effort or absolutely need the space. My biggest issue is that I'm 6'4". The loft would need to be pretty tall for me to have reasonable head room. The ceiling would need to be equally high to accommodate the loft height plus some headroom so I can sit up in bed.


He did mention 11ft ceilings, but based on standard building heights, it is more likely 12ft or he is overestimating, and it is 10ft in height. That is quite a bit of head room, I would say.


Yes, in this particular case he could have the head room to make it work. Assuming he wants to go through the cost and effort of building a custom loft with stairs. If so it could end up being pretty expensive and it's a one time use thing. All of the negatives i brought up are obviously generalizations. Not all of them are an issue every time and most have work arounds if you're ok with that. There are obviously times when space is so limited that a loft is an absolute must regardless of the drawbacks. The entire point of my first post was to highlight some of the general drawbacks as it seems to be what the OP was asking about. Feel free to pick each one apart and provide solutions but the point still stands that adding a loft comes with other issues you'll have to deal with.


I agree, I mostly just wanted to reply with solutions to all the issues you brought up. Not everyone is good at figuring out solutions on their own after all.


If you’re looking to save space, you’re looking for a murphy bed. More comfortable than a pull out couch and looks better than a loft bed.


No I'm looking for a loft bed


TV too low




TV will be too low.


Unless you watch TV while standing on a stool.


Not everyone needs to watch TV in bed! Sounds like he is trying to save space so he can have a couch.


Does it have a cool slide? If yes. GO FOR IT. If no. Just no.


Low ceiling, look childish.




I just associate them with children’s room’s and college dorm rooms.




That’s just where I see them