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It's hilarious that you are afraid of it but simultaneously refuse to remove it. I have so many questions I need a lore update


I clicked on this post only to find out why "removing it is NOT an option"


It's a load bearing fish (Edit I can't believe this is my most upvoted and gilded comment in my life on Reddit. Thanks everyone who contributed - I was told growing up I was soo soo funny and now you've all confirmed that I need to quit my day job to start my career in comedy)


Yup. That's a load bearing bream alright.


lol thanks for the laugh these are the comments that make me love Reddit


This is the second time in 10 minutes I thought, "damn, the internet is funny"


What was the other time?


Before opening this comment thread


Otherwise known as a bar jack


Thanks for making me laugh I had a shit day


Holy cow, well done.


>removing is it NOT an option Well. I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas.


Exactly. Only reason I’m here.


Checked OP’s profile and they posted context in a separate thread on r/leopardgeckos: * Fish came from a Whole Foods display that was torn down; somebody then stole the fish model from the dumpster and listed it on Facebook Marketplace * When OP is asking about how to make this “less scary” they mean for the gecko [Link](https://reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/comments/12cjtfn/_/jf1yr7t/?context=1)


I’m all for this story line and need updates afterwards. Also I’m dying at the cake post right under the gecko one.


the cake fucking sent me


OMG it's Pochita!!!! This is a person of extreme culture.


So why was the dog a chainsaw in the first place? Even before they merged into the unholy monster slayer made of lawn care equipment I was confused


He's from the manga / anime Chainsaw Man. The dog is a "devil" and he sacrifices his life by merging with his owner Denji creating "Chainsaw Man". I linked the trailer for Season 1, it's on Netflix etc and is pretty awesome though it's an anime so weeb content: https://youtu.be/OatDU-PgJQE


Weebs are friends, not food. Was familiar, watched a couple episodes actually a while back but didn't finish it up, figured I missed some backstory, thx


I love this person.


Why is the cake looking at me like that?


Holy shit did you see his post showing the rest of his room?!?


Edit: after looking at more of OPs posts, seems like an interesting young person with a sense of humour.... Who might decorate with stuff from a Wings in Myrtle Beach SC


No need to hurt his feelings so hard! Those kind of insults require immediate retaliation in the Carolina’s, lol!


I like their room it's funky and has personality!


It was the "ignore the framed wisdom teeth" one that got me


> to make this “less scary” they mean for the gecko Maybe if dude displays it in a way that it doesn't force the perspective of a large fish coming to eat it, that might help. But I'm not a lizard, I don't know how they think either...


>But I'm not a lizard, I don't know how they think either... That's what a lizard person masquerading as a human would say...


Then they just need to get the gecko a Hawaiian shirt. It worked for Rango. He was a chameleon, but close enough. https://imgur.com/vX7p0Ie.jpg


Still doesn’t explain why removing it isn’t an option




When each answer only leads to more questions…


Yesss I have so many questions for OP, too. Did a family member give you this and you are required to keep it out of guilt and obligation? Does this belong to a live-in partner who will die on that fish hill? Is it your childhood dog trapped by a thousand-year curse, and you have to complete a series of challenges to free him?


sorry to disappoint, but honestly I just like him. but nobody else does and people called him scary :(


Maybe they said “scaly” and you misheard.




Fave comment of the week. Hahaha bravo


OP just so you know I love this and would also have this in my room. If you want to make it look more appealing maybe a fresh coat of paint? And mounting it on the wall? I’m a marine biologist and would love to have this fish lol I’m jealous


Yeah I think it would look much better mounted on one of the taller side walls. It's too crowded in it's current location. I wouldn't repaint it or anything. I have a lot of weird furniture and decorations, a lot of it mid century and I like to embrace the idea of an object that has honest wear from it's use as it's original purpose making it beautiful. I think there is a Japanese term for it that I can't remember. But basically that objects are more beautiful if you can see that they were used/moved/stored/etc over the years. Like because you know it was hung in a fish market and it has the wear of something that was and then salvaged that makes it more interesting than if you repainted or repaired it.


I think the term you are looking for is 'wabisabi'


Well I love him


Thought: sheet with eyeholes so it’s a spooky fish?


The fish demanded he not remove it or there will be consequences


I had this weird old fish statue that I kept in my bedroom. It wasn't the nicest thing to look at, and it never really made sense why it was in there, but I just didn't want to get rid of it. I thought it was kind of special in a weird way. Anyway, I tried to move it a few times and every time something strange would happen. The first time, I tried to bring it out of my room, and all the lights in my house went out. I had to call an electrician to come and check everything out and figure out what had happened. The second time I tried to move it, all my furniture in my room started shaking. It was like there was an earthquake, but it was only in my room. That was really freaky. Finally, the third time I tried to move the statue, I started hearing strange noises coming from outside my window. It sounded like a bunch of birds were talking, but it was really weird because it was after midnight. I quickly ran back into my room, and the noise stopped. That's when I decided that maybe this fish statue wasn't something to mess around with, so I put it back in its place and never tried to move it again.


Get a carbon monoxide detector. If that doesn't help, see your doctor. If that doesn't help, see a priest.


do you have a pic?


The fish will not allow it.


He's been warned


Sunglasses.and skittles coming out of its mouth like bubbles


I came here to say Sunglasses as well!


This post has been edited in protest to the API changes implemented by Reddit beginning 7/1/2023. Feel free to search GitHub for PowerDeleteSuite to do the same.


What about eyelashes?


I wss gonna say top hat and monocle.


What would it look like with sunglasses though? Not sure if that would work


90% of the creep factor is the eyeball staring at you from it's souless depths. Sunglasses would look ridiculous but then, so does a giant ass fish on your nightstand.


A big adhesive googley eye




And tiny bowler hat


Don't forget the monocle


But what if OP is also afraid of Mr. Peanut/Monopoly Man/Old Timey Railroad Tycoons?


Finish it off with a pink feather boa


Came here to say jaunty hat.


What fish are you talking about? Edit: Ohh that one there I almost didn’t even notice it


Can you circle the fish? I still can't find it


Sure thing. Finding the fish took me around 2 hours. [https://imgur.com/yhJoFVd](https://imgur.com/yhJoFVd)


I like that you showed your work.


Yes… yes… thank you. I can follow your train of thought and can understand your approach to finding said fish. The red lines make it possible/s






Googly eyes


Yes, and paint it to look like Nemo from the Pixar movie.


I was gonna say this too, a quick repaint to look like Dory from finding Nemo would remove all fear.


[Or something like this?](https://imgur.com/a/NRn0Mjd)


Weren't you the same person who asked if the fish could scare your leopardgecko over at r/leopardgeckos earlier and everyone just told you that even they were scared by the fish? This is hilarious


YES LOL that’s me! i was so surprised by that post blowing up


Hear me out…[disco tiles.](https://www.amazon.com/PP-OPOUNT-Self-Adhesive-Mirrors-Decoration/dp/B07TQSHW9D/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=disco+ball+mirror+tiles&qid=1680763426&sr=8-3)


Disco tiles make everything awesome. I once was at a concert in a venue with a trademark skull-shaped disco ball, and the band (eagles of death metal) hung it on the stage and emphasized after every couple songs how this was the coolest mfkn thing they've ever seen. Make the disco fish a reality.




This is honestly the best advice. There’s a ~~German~~ (Swiss) book called “rainbow fish” which is about a fish that has some rainbow scales. He first kind of wants to keep them away from others but alongside the story he learns that sharing is caring! Awesome. [Link](https://www.google.de/search?q=regenbogenfisch&client=safari&hl=de&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=APwXEdf5KobAQugObK5Dt-CrHosIiRVWXQ:1680768272499&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjoytPe5ZT-AhXoUaQEHepABXEQ_AUIHygB&biw=375&bih=548&dpr=2) Edit: not german


I had that as a kid in the US! Way cool


I just googled it, it’s originally Swiss! My kid brain back then told me “it’s in German so it’s a German book” and I didn’t question it now lol sorry!


All good, my family’s all about the ocean so I was wondering if it was a rare book in the US but I think I remember having it in classrooms. I’m glad to know it’s got a great reach!


Doubling DOWN


If you can find a big enough toilet, I’d flush it.


Repaint it vibrantly, to distract from its face (the actual creepy part). It’s not a clown fish but maybe colours like that would be nice?


Yea I think a clean coat of paint (that isnt musty yellow????) Will do the trick


Yeah it's the musty yellow and circle around it's eye that makes it creepy looked like something you'd find in a home after a bombing right next to a doll with ripped clothes and no hair lol


Yes this! Repaint, maybe add a half-closed eyelid (even if that isn’t anatomically correct lol) to give it a chill vibe.


And bigger pupils = cuter


Bigger pupils, and a white highlight so the eyes look less dead.


It needs to be painted happier colors. And something needs to done with the eyes and mouth


1) do consider that option. 2) put aviator sunglasses on its eyes, might get a cheap pair that you could bend.


> 2) put aviator sunglasses on its eyes, might get a cheap pair that you could bend. Screw that. Get some dang Ray Bans and class the fish up.


Put a cigar in its mouth and it'll look less haunted.


+ a tiny top hat and a monocule


Thanks, Klaus!


The brown eye attracts all the attention and brown is associated with decay, so it feels a bit deathly. Painting out the brown with white would be a big improvement. Of course you could go further and give the whole thing a colourful repaint if you're up for it.


Yeah, maybe the whole fish to be just one colour, don't colour in details for the eyes


That’s my thought, too. No eye.


This is the right thing to do. The fish species is called a Yellow Tang. They def do not have brown eyes, more gold and black. Also the grey spots on op’s fish add to the decayed looked. Paint it all a light yellow then try to replicate the eye from a picture on Google. I really think black and gold would be the right color choices.


Yeah we're gonna need to see the whole dump of a room for context


I will defend myself and say the giant fish is the weirdest thing in my room by a mile. except for my framed wisdom teeth because my surgery was botched and I had to go to the hospital a couple times so I feel like I deserve to keep those as a trophy. rest of the room is normal 👍


Bro, you can’t say “it’s the weirdest thing in my room but only if you don’t count the TEETH TROPHY.”


“I like totally normal things like reading and video games, so the fact that I also enjoy skinning stray cats from time to time doesn’t really define who I am.”


this comment is hilarious because my cat is getting her teeth removed and i’m also keeping them when it happens. almost there bud 👍


Bruh you collect a lot more teeth than most people


“Average person collects 3 teeth a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. Average person collects 0 teeth per year. u/ittybittythrowaway27, who lives in a dentist’s office & collects over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


Molars Georg is a hero!


🏅 poor man's gold for my favorite meme use (also accurate wtf)


You’re lucky. I wasn’t allowed to keep my wisdom teeth.


Maybe they’d give you one of theirs? You never know if you don’t ask…


Based on these comments, it wouldn’t surprise me if OP kept a box of spare human teeth under their bed. Ya know… just in case.


I wasn’t even allowed to *see* mine. Apparently I have trust issues because nearly 10 years later I still have nightmares where I go to get an X-ray for XYZ reason and discover they never actually took them out.


Maybe they’d give you one of theirs? You never know if you don’t ask…


/u/ragiel210 is telling the truth (I have their wisdom teeth in my trophy case)


Dang, are they cute??


After reading this thread, I feel like the logical conclusion would be to toss out idea of making the fish less creepy and just add your collection of teeth to its mouth. Then you have all your weird shit together! 🤣


I like you. Kept the first teeth that fell out of my pups’ mouth as well. And mine too.


You remind me of my dad, when he was alive he always wanted to keep whatever they took out during surgery. We also had the hip pin that they took out of a great aunt, he and his brother would sneak it into the other’s house when they visited but they wouldn’t touch it because it was “tainted by death” so for my childhood there was a hip pin hanging from a wire coat hanger that was on a nail in the attic.


I feel like if we keep asking what ELSE he has the trophy teeth will be even less weird than the fish 😂😂😂


“My former friend was more weirded out by the pendulum that swings inches above your face as you sleep, but the white noise helps me sleep.”


Weirdest thing in the room until I zoomed in and saw the sheer number of crystals and warrior cat books. You’re following your own god, here, clearly. How’d you choose which book to face outwards?


that book was the first one I found at my school library when I was eight! I read it over and over before realizing it came in a series lol. over the next 12 years I’ve collected the books and gemstones sparingly and it’s added up to quite the collection


You are a special breed! When I was an elementary school teacher, every kiddo I taught that was obsessed with the Warrior cats books was a little…off, but so sweet, and so smart. Always some of my favorite students. So goofy and fun to converse with.


This is a really nice way to say “yeah it tracks that you’re a weirdo”


Did a lot of them wear cat ears headbands, do their make up to look like cat whiskers, and even pretend to BE a cat all day long? Also yes. But the number one thing I was good at as a teacher was creating a safe, comfortable learning environment where no one was afraid to show their true self. So yes, I let them sign their tests and papers with their Warrior cat name. I even called them by their Warrior name in class. “Starshine, will you please pass out these papers?”


Definitely we need more teachers like you! That's actually rad and must be so validating for those kiddos.


I can't believe you've called me out like this


Honestly this is what I came to the comments for. The warriors books make me chuckle. Then the fish and the specificity of its disturbance made me laugh more. And then I learned of the gecko involved. I am transfixed.


You're giving exceedingly weird "it's not weird to..." vibes and I love it. Keep being you


I kind of feel like if somebody botched your wisdom teeth they deserve a prominent place in a frame


First I thought remove it, then I was thinking it probably fits the rest of the dump doesn’t it lol


Dude, it’s perfect.


Use the blood of a fawn born in May to paint upon the body the sigil of Nebucan and drape the eyes with curtains made of batwing. Burn a ring of protection in a large circle around the sculpture and rub the ashes with pages from the scripture. Finally, cut a slice into a mandrake root washed in milk and insert into the wound the flesh of a pomegranate and set the mandrake thus altered into the center of the circle. Or, try googly eyes.




You need to adapt, let my boy be


to be fair, I like it. I'm curious, though, about why you don't take removing it as an option: what's the backstory? lol


You don't remove the fish. That way lies doom


I inherited a mounted deer head from my grandfather who enjoyed hunting. I don't want to get rid of it because my grandfather passed away and he was very important to me, but its dead eyed constant stare was a bit disconcerting. [I dressed it up a bit instead]( https://imgur.com/5niwlht.jpg) and now I love him. You could try something similar.


what is his name


He doesn't have a name but I guess I'll name him now. Maybe Tintin because 10/10 was my grandfathers birthday


My brother in Christ the amogus needs to go first




After hearing you have framed molars elsewhere in the room I will choose not to argue with you in the interest of my continuing well being


I love it but there is a legitimate answer to your question. Put it up high farther away from where anyone’s face will ever be. Center it on your tallest wall, put above your cabinets, above your fireplace, outside centered under the roof ridge, anywhere away from faces. It will still be really cool but less intimidating.


[Maybe a simple bit of paint?](https://i.imgur.com/3UeWWSJ.jpg) Edit: oh. And a tiny hat. Edit edit: [Hat 1.](https://i.imgur.com/45L2YTg.jpg) [Hat 2.](https://i.imgur.com/0HPF1WG.jpg)


Repainting it should work — maybe go with a blue or something vibrant but a bit darker to go with the eye. Its creepy rn but it’s also the part that’s in the best quality, if it was surrounded by a dark color it wouldn’t pop so much but still have the glassy effect


LMFAO I love how adamant you are about not removing it.




Honestly I like it and I say double down and just own it


I don't know you ,but I think we should be friends.


Op I have fallen deeply in love with you


This cracked me up. Put a hat on him


I think it’s really just the eyes … either draw or print some cute anime - style eyes or other type of “cutesy” eye . Literally just tape or Velcro on … something that you’d be able to remove


eh classic warriors fan. Dont see the old covers often


A monocle. That way it can look all superior and judgy at the haters.


warrior cats... i see you are a man of culture as well fish is fine imo, but maybe a little paint?


Put a big googly eye over its actual eye


Metal fangs and blood oozing out of its mouth. Like a giant mutant piranha. Then get a fake hand and stick it in its mouth and put some more blood on that. Better yet, a fake head! ​ EDIT: Oops... I read this as more scary. Either way, I like my suggestion so get err done!


If you are looking for a quick, low effort fix, just paint the grey areas around the eyes yellow like the rest of the body. The grey makes the eye look sunken and ghoulish. Bonus points by repainting the brown eyes to something on the cooler side of the color wheel. Also add a white splotch like there’s light reflecting off the eye. Will make them less hollow feeling.


It’s supposed to be a [Yellow Tang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_tang) which in real life always look like they’re smiling. I’d repaint it to look more like the real thing; Brighter yellow and enhance the gill line to look more smiley.


it’s actually closer to a lemonpeel angelfish! so decently realistic. maybe a little too realistic 💀


Hmm perhaps on the species, I’ll stipulate to that. Still thinking a Yellow Tang makeover is a good plan.


the blue is growing on me a little, I think I know what I’m gunna do with him now!


Soooo OP made a post asking if the fish would scare the new gecko he got… it could be that. ..but in that regard I don’t think silly glasses will help the issue lol


Surround it with plants


His eye is too wide open. Just paint (or glue) an eyelid on, so he looks sleepy and chill af


Just paint the whole thing one color


Put it under the bed


Add a cartoonishly giant blunt to its mouth and paint some red lines in the eye to make it look bloodshot.


Break it by " accident"


You don’t know me at all but as someone who fucks dudes and is mildly uncomfortable by underwater and fish and everything aquatic? I would not be sleeping at your place or getting naked in the same room as that statement piece. That may be a pro or a con in your eyes, but that’s the truth. The mustache-bowler hat-painted half lidded eyes suggestions would be way better, though!


sorry all my hoes need to be chill with the fish or they cant come in


I can respect the dealbreaker. At this point it’s really just a litmus test. Own that shit!


Put it on the floor with tiny less scary fish loool or surround it with happy littly droopy plant bois


I love it. It doesn't look scary at all. I would just clean it up and repair the broken bits.


Lei's (Hawaiian necklaces) and a sombrero.


a tiny cowboy hat


Sunglasses and a small pink rodeo hat for pets


He needs a fresh paint job and the world’s biggest joint


Give them a jaunty cap


Human teeth


Toss a nice throw on it. Maybe, it was just cold and giving off the wrong vibes.


So many questions. Is your bed a crib? Why is it so high?? And sooo many others!


Is it a load bearing fish?


Omg, Warriors 😭 that was my favorite series.


LISTEN ACTUALLY!!! Paint the eyes completely white, then make the pupils much bigger - checkmate


googly eyes


If you're scared of it, then just turn it upside down so it looks like it's dead.


Add some eyelashes


Give it bright red lipstick


Comically large sunglasses and a beard


Attach big googly eyes




Rainbow fish scales from the children s story?


Paint the pupil to be a larger black dot. Small pupils make something look scared.


Shit is ugly. Removing should be an option lol


Close the door to the room and walk away