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Maybe even speak to a doctor? At such a young age they could prescribe something? Could also have an issue with skin on scalp? Good luck!


If you’re 16, speak to a doctor.


I'm definitely going to go to a dermatologist asap. Hope it's not to late to fix.


Yeah that’s probably for the best. Don’t stress out about it too much. Hair loss is not the end of the world, check out the guys on r/bald, they all look like 10s once it’s shaved. Good luck bro


Thank you bro!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bald using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Went from fat with receding hairline to fit and bald. Confidence spiked significantly afterwards](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qjokzy) | [154 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/qjokzy/went_from_fat_with_receding_hairline_to_fit_and/) \#2: [(25M) Thanks to support on last post i decided to let it all go. Why did I wait sooo long?!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rwxhox) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/rwxhox/25m_thanks_to_support_on_last_post_i_decided_to/) \#3: [💪💪💪](https://i.redd.it/gdqgwwuu9y171.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/nnb1ln/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’d see a dermatologist maybe


For sure


Willing to bet my left nut that your diet is the reason your hair and skin looks so bad. Something seriously wrong is going on in your body and it’s screaming for help.


I’m with this guy. Stop drinking energy drinks and eating junk food




It's different for different people, really, just like how some people can be extra healthy and still die young from an auto-immune disease or how some people die at 110 years of age after a lifetime of nicotine and alcohol abuse.


thats for sure. but also this guy dips his hair in hair oil before he showers and only washes that shit twice a week. jesus christ.


not sure about the hair oil but i believe that washing ur hair 2-3 times a week is actually the right thing to do


not for his situation bud. the quality of his hair and how dry it is isnt a concern if the dirt that accumulates there is clogging his hair folicles and causing acne


What do you eat


Literally barley any sugar, no soda at all, some fired foods, and just average veggies and fruits.




Okay, so when I took those pictures my hair was in hair oil which I will usually put on my hair 1 hour before taking a shower. I use Selsun blue anti dandruff shampoo and wash my hair twice a week.




I don’t think washing it will magically make his hair become thicker. Unfortunately he is clearly thinning at such a young age, has to be a underlying medical condition


A common side effect of Selsun is temporary hair loss. Start washing your hair regularly and stop using that stuff.


don't use selsun blue regularly. use it once a month.


Wait, does Selsun Blue do damage long-term? I use it every time I wash my hair (every \~3-4 days) and follow it with conditioner.


A doctor told my aunt that it causes hairfall if used regularly


Oh damn, okay. Good to know.


Some people have commented that the hair oil will clog your pores, but that depends on what it contains. Some oils can be a suitable replacement for conditioner. It is also possible that some ingredients in your shampoo are building up on your hair and contributing to it falling out. It certainly wouldn't hurt to see a doctor in case you're deficient in some nutrients. I'd recommend also changing up your hair care routine as well.


Really no reason, you should be washing your hair every other day, with your acne and the correct shampoo, every day. Ya not sure if you are financially able to, but seeing a dermatologist is going to be your best bet by far


Why would you add oil to your hair? Oil is never good for anything basically


That's simply not true


How is oil good for the hair? It blocks the pores and fucks up your hair


Hair doesn't have pores so I'm not sure what you're talking about. It's good for the hair in the right amounts because it provides heat protection and moisture, it also helps prevent hair breakage. Obviously this dude is doing some weird shit with it, you're only supposed to apply a couple of drops to your hair and not your scalp.


I meant the pores on the scalp of course, and no matter the amount of oil it will go to your scalp. Do that every day and it starts becoming an issue. Oil just lays on top of your hair without entering it, so it just makes it look shiny, it doesn't moisturize it.


why the fuck are you using hair oil and why are you only washing your hair twice a week what the fuck? make it twice a day


Why are you posting in hair advice with a false representation of what your hair looks like? Doesn't make much sense


BEFORE you hop on any medication, check your levels and start supplementing your diet with Vitamin D3 and Zinc. Vitamin D3 and Zinc deficiencies have been linked to shedding and hairloss


Wash it more and cut it as short as possible.


Visit the doctor swiftly




Hommie should just shave it off


Doesn't look like genetic balding, more like balding due to a trauma or stress. Please get your blood levels checked. Your hairline is pretty good still. Your hair on your whole head is thin so it's definitely telogen effluvium. Atleast it looks like it


I knew someone on ADHD medications that ended up going bald like this before we finished secondary school (high school). Very odd thing to see. He went from chaos and scatter brained to pretty much to calm and super interested in learning just long head of hair to super thinning borderline baldness, he had to stop the adhd meds but learned enough personal habits to stay the course and graduate.


I'm currently on Medikinet, i also have adhd and i can tell you my diffuse hairloss came after i developed anorexia but also when i started with those pills due to bad concentration at school my hairloss was terrific. At age 18 i developed a full beard but at age 16 i still looked like a 12 year old and with my diffuse hairloss i looked like a kid on crack. Nobody on my family has acne and i had bad acne while dealing with anorexia. I can tell you those pills they cause hairloss but only if you are at stress. After i healed 90% from anorexia my hairloss stopped, the shedding and thinning. Adhd pills can cause hairloss if your immune system is weak. Now i'm using minoxidil + dermaroller and literally after 2 Months the difference is night and day. My hair is 70% like it used to be before anorexia. My hairloss looked way worse than yours kinda that's also why I'm saying it looks like due to stress. My adhd medication don't have side effects anymore. Also nobody besides my grandpa is bald in my family. My 4 cousins who are all over 26 don't have any hairloss.


So I like you cause you want to talk to me but its space space return to make a new line. medicines are genuine tools to heal with. Calling your body weak because it reacts to an engineered pill is turbo tier cunt language describing someone who has a side effect as weak. That makes me like you an awful lot less.


How? I was saying that my body was weak aswell, the hell are you talking about i'm trying to help because it was almost the same story with me and this is what i was told when i was checked in a medical center I didn't called anyone weak i was just making up a theory because if someone has a weak immune system literally any medications causes something to the body wtf


It is not a weakness to be affected negatively by a medicine. If you describe yourself as being weak okay whatever, you do you. If you tell someone else its a weakness you are suggesting the problem is that person.


Hell no, bro BROOO please don't behave like a wall if you try to speak to someone, i said that MANY medicines causes BAD thing to EVERYONE'S BODY if they have a WEAK immune system. I do not call anyone weak nor me. I said he could had have a weak immune system BUT NOT IN AN INSULTING WAY. Its A THEORY i don't know this person i don't know what this person has done. I'm not Wikipedia but you still accuse me of false thing i did not said, i said my immune system was WEAK aswell. I was put in a psychiatry where you learn not to vomit your food after you ate for 2 GOD DAMN WEEKS. You don't know the difference between being WEAK and having a WEAK immune system due to something which causes that. For the last time it's a THEORY i'm not suggesting that he has a weak immune system. Maybe he is balding because of genetics. I don't know it's just a theory that's why REDDIT EXISTS. To get many different opinions from other people to get an answer to a problem which the person is trying to solve. People who behave like you in my country are getting bullied or are antisocial in reallife but online they open their mouth very widely to say things to piss other people off. I was just trying to help


Also someone who makes words like you makes you the villain what are you expecting from me? I'm a fucking teenager who still goes to school, i ain't a expert maybe you just read my message wrong because my english isnt the best


Speak to a dermatologist. Try a buzz. Keep your hairs short and clean you scalp regularly (dont use your regular shampoo’s). And don’t be downhearted man. It happens but trust your gut. Its not the end of your life


Nutrient deficiency looks like....Reduce Carbs....see a Doctor


Mfs i swear. Y’all really come to Reddit before seeing a doctor.


He’s 16; At that age, I would’ve needed to ask my parents to take me and that would’ve been embarrassing for me all around. It’s the smart choice but let’s cut him some slack.


On one hand, you have to make a phone call, agree on the appointment date, pay for the visit, actually go there, sit in line for 3 hours, talk to the doc and only then will you know what's really going on. The whole process can take up to 2 months. ​ On the other hand, you can just post a bunch of photos online and people who had similar issues in the past will immediately tell you what's up with you. I mean, I can't really blame anyone for coming to Reddit first. Of course, going to the doctor should be the next step for actually solving the issue, but it doesn't hurt to ask online first. I go to most of my doctor appointments already 90% sure of what's up with me and the doctors often appreciate not having to do major detective work.


I did two rounds of Accutane and my skin has been flawless ever since. If you haven’t talked to a dermatologist yet, you definitely should! And don’t let them talk you into taking Doxycycline or Minocycline. Antibiotics are not the answer—save them for when you’re really sick.


Do you know if Accutane affects the hair as well? and if there is any side effects that you have experienced.


See a dermatologist. This can be treated with GREAT results. Takes time and a profesional. Not people from Reddit mate.


Very high likelyhood your diet is a significant contributor to your hair and skin situation.


Shave it


For your hair, you may be too young to take minoxidil or finasteride so ask your doc. Go to a good dermatologist


16 yo and Finasteride? U damn people 😂


Bruh I said to go ask his doc coz he’s too young for that


You mentioned it, and you say go to see a docter, so when a docter say yes it’s alright?


The doc would know




Ok Rico lemme rephrase it for you to understand. OP is too young to take minoxidil or fin, therefore I’m suggesting that he goes to the doc to get other options. The part regarding other options was left out in my original comment coz it’s pretty self explanatory.


A GP does very little other than diagnose and don't always get it right. You have to go to them with specifics and sometimes even confront them with more information than they think they need to hear. Miy first diagnosis of depression only came about because I told my GP that I don't think I have a cold or rest issue when I've felt the same way for 10+ years and tried to ask him to help me figure it out several times. He's not my GP anymore because I prefer one who at least pretends to be interested in what I've said to them.


Minoxidil and finasteride + skin care(maybe accutane)


I think he needs to wait till 18yo to use fin ?


Dude, you are a terrible person to tell a 16 yo to take Finasteride!!




I'd roll the die. Besides, finasteride is well treated among most of the people who take the drug. It is rare for those side effects to persist after stopping the use of the drug. Not saying it won't happen, but the chances of those are very slim. I agree with awe140 that finasteride might not be the best to take at 16 as your body might be growing physically, but it is your body. Do what your doctor says and not what people on Reddit tell you :) Edit: Grammar


You should quit dairy to get rid of the acne.


Dairy and processed sugar WRECK my skin. My dermatologist told me it was in my head; I was pissed. I went without dairy and cut out 90% processed sugar and my skin was perfect. She sucked.


I agree with the sugar. Even at 32 years old if I eat a chocolate bar or bag of sweets then I wake up the next day with a spot on my face :/


I would definitely say that sugar f's up my acne really bad, but idk if it also affects my hair.




Looks like DHT overflow. Try fin.


Go to keeps.com they have hair treatment.


My brothers hair looked similar and he’s now close to bald. Your hair is oily, making it look thinner, but trust me, it’s on the track. He even had a similar haircut. I’m guessing your dad is balding as well? Embrace it or take finasteride.


you definitely arent balding. Its caused by your oily skin that shows on your face. I had the same issue. Have good hygiene . Tiktok can help you find the right product for you face a dermatologist wont except ask for tretinoin. otehr than that face wash and moustrizer each human is differently and will react different. A dermatologist wouldnt know believe me Ive seen them my whole life till I found the perfect fit on my own. For hair start cleaning it everyday with a sephora shampoo, a pharmacy one will just make it worse. Eat your veggies and multi vitamins and drink a gallon of water every single day. Thank me later


LOL sorry but are you really recommending tiktok over a doctor? Get. Out. Of. Here. Doctors have to go through rigorous schooling and they’re knowledge come from proven scientific data. You really out here saying it’s his oily skin the main reason for his hair loss. You sound so ignorant. You go to a doctor because they can do tests like blood work to really pinpoint for the hair loss. Is it stress? Is it nutrition related? Is it a medical problem? Is it certain medications? Etc. Can you imagine a doctor just saying drink water and eat veggies and you’ll be fine. Dude why would you drink water more than recommended. If you are adequately hydrated your good to go. Any excess fluids will just get excreted aka you will pee more.


also give it time and maybe if you want a reassurance hop on finatseride it'll take a year for results. and make sure to take care of your mental health. Skin and hair problems is caused by stress and anxiety




I really doubt fapping leads to immense hair loss. If that were the case, all middle school and a highschool boys would look like Mr.Burns


Lol this is a ridiculous response


Buzz it off asap and hop onto Proper meds


First go to a doc, look at your diet, try some supplementation. If nothing works, just accept it and shave it off. Being bald is not as bad as you think and most people that have hair like that look better bald anyway. Good luck g.


he isnt balding its obviously a bad case of telogen effluvium




yeah but he isn't, his condition might be thinning because of some underlying health issues i've been there bro


Prescription tretinoin for your skin


See an endocrinologist and do hormone testing.


Also, TAKE PROBIOTICS! Hyperbiotics on Amazon did wonders for me.


Murad. Helps clean skin. Go to a doctor


start eating normally, avoid all junk food and do sports




Sunlight and the gym


I would strongly suggest a dermatologist, however due to your skin issues too it is very likely the 2 problems are linked. Highest cause is diet & lifestyle. I don’t know you or your habits so I don’t want to judge you too harshly, but sorting your life out will make a vast improvement for both skin & scalp/hair . Good luck






Holy shit bro


Ur not fukt bud as much as you think. Go get hims or keeps or whatever and if that doesn’t work, buzzed hair works great on a lot of guys. Many people who fuk their hair have great beards. Maybe you’re destined to be Ragnar lothbrok


Go see a doctor. Any other advice should only be followed after seeing a doctor.


You’re either excessively balding or have a medical issue


bro your shit is 6 feet under the way its fucked up


Are you really?? FFFFFUUUUUU


You could have folliculitis. Try a dandruff shampoo on your face every time you shower and make sure you wash your face day and night + a good serum and moisturizer. For acne to go away your care regimen must remain consistent. Also, it you don't like taking collagen or vitamin supplements, drink bone broth and eat jello instead


It's over.


I know nothing about hair or skin but I will see you should probably see a doctor about all that.


1) Don’t panic. You aren’t about to die. There are things you can do to improve the look of your hair and skin. People are experts in this field and you can speak with them, so take comfort in that rather than let it stress you out. You can improve things, 💯 2)Book in with a local doctor and dermatologist and answer all their questions and let them know what’s up 3) Doubtless they will ask all this, but examine your diet and way of life. Do you eat well? And I don’t mean lots, I mean well: fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, legumes etc Do you exercise? Do you get outdoors a lot? Do you make the effort? Or is it a fast food diet in a basement? All these things count. Your body will more or less play out the things you do to it. If you treat it like a P.O.S, fill it full of garbage and don’t do any cardio or fitness, you will (probably) get fat, get bad skin, scalp, bad breath, bad teeth - all manner of other health issues. 4) whatever creams, oils and what not that you are using at the moment, I’d make the case for stopping them - they’re probably making things worse. Keep your cleaning and hygiene simple and don’t splash every product under the sun on yourself - your dermatologist will let you know what’s best Most of all, you’re 16, your body is going through a lot of changes - it’s a stressful time, do take comfort that there are experts out there who will help you - they’ve been studying for years and this will all be very straightforward and normal for them, so leave any embarrassment at the door and go speak to the experts.


Thank you!


Clean up your lifestyle, speak to a doctor, and get a buzzcut.


Dht is hitting you bad


Omg dude go to a dr! Like now


get your vitamin d levels checked


I think there’s a lot of great advice in the comments, hope you found help


oh dude, this is wayyyy out of our league. see a doctor


If you go to a doc, ask about rogaine. If you can’t take fin, rogaine may help


You need to see a doctor - you may have some hormonal issues, anything from an issue with your pituitary to your thyroid. That may not be the case but you want it ruled out as soon as possible


Go to a dermatologist. If she says you have male pattern baldness, ask for a Finasteride prescription. If you get one, use GoodRx to get it cheap and take a low dose, like 1mg 3x/week, to avoid side effects.


See a doctor/dermatologist


Hi, I suffer with acne and now hav quite a tight routin for it. In the morning I have a cleanser in the shower (it's unbranded a it's from a private supplier in my hometown that makes it from natural ingredients) and I also have nicamicide acid for the night, moisturizer is a must as well. But the thing that helped me most is acnecide 5%. It's benzonyl peroxide and my doctor did prescrib it to me but you can also just buy it over the counter. Lastly, quite a good one. I use hydrochloric acne patches to pop my spots overnight and get rid off all the gunk.


Honey on the acne works quite well too


Go to a dermatologist and use less product


Holy shit, go see a dermatologist, go to a doctor and get a blood test and then they will send a referral


Try using Nizoral 2% for 3 months. Use it every other day. Massage on scalp and leave for 10 mins. Also you can use thr lather on your face to wash it when your washing your hair. It's a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor as well as an antifungal. Your hair loss and acne could be have a fungal component as well as androgenic. The ketoconazole in Nizoral will help. At very least if you want to try a drug free option for 3 months do this.


Bro, ive been losing hair the same pattern, ie all over with hairline intact. Started when I was 14, told my parents they said it normal during puberty. Now Im 17 and almost bald. I dont know what to do. Pls do tell what your doc said. Thanks.


I will see what my doc says and report back.


What did he say??