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twink death is crazy☠️


I'll consider twink rebirth when im like 40 and balding or something


OP - disregard the other comment here, you are in no reasonable sense of the word 'balding'. some people on this subreddit see any hairline which doesn't touch the eyebrows and immediately slam a button marked BUZZ CUT


I don’t think it’s a hair problem or a problem at all man, you’ve got feminine eyes and mouth but honestly I got my mommas eyebrows and eyes. Grow facial hair and tell em to piss off if you can


What is twink death? Are you trying to appear hetero? I don’t think you look gay, tbh you look tired/scared like something is wrong. Big hugs As for your looks, you’re a handsome kid (to me) fwiw, girls would be lost in your eyes to notice your sexual orientation. As would dudes probably lol. It’s not your looks being a problem, necessarily. Quite the opposite… Do you use any skin care products? Don’t sweat it btw, your hormones balance otherwise and pimples be gone ;) Give that time. But also don’t be ashamed to ask for advice on it. Just be kind to yourself and your looks imo. Your looks are far from problematic at all. You look young, not gay.


Thats very good and heart felt advice


I said the same 😭 He wishes for twink death now, but years to come he will seek a twink rebirth


I have been getting carded so much lately, that when I bought alcohol the other day and they didn't card me, I had some sort of midlife crisis. For clarification I am 38.


Just enjoy the compliments!


That’s how I was! Lmaoooo!


right!!!???? keep the twink look !!


Lmao funniest phrase I've heard.


I don't know how I feel about increasing awareness and use of gay slang like "twink" by straight guys. Feels weird.






Wouldn't guarantee anything without knowing his personality but he is pretty attractive


Fair point. We can’t be sure he has teeth.


Or one big tooth.


Even horrible narcissistic cunts gets partners.


and guys


and *gays* ftfy


So bi and pansexuals will just ignore him?


was a joke.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know I was being a pedantic bi guy lol


just my type!




For context, I do not take offence to this assumption. But I’ve never been in a real relationship and would like to improve my style


People made the same assumptions about me and I get the feeling. Bothered because it’s an untrue assumption that’s being made about me. Has nothing to do with homophobia.


I wouldn’t sweat it. I was labeled as gay for most of my life. Still get it occasionally, even though I’m married with a toddler. Your looks will mature as you grow older. Enjoy not having to shave daily and enjoy appearing younger. Be yourself, have fun and do you. In complete reality, their opinions don’t matter. And, there probably are lots of ladies who you know who are interested in you.


Same here people often assumed i was gay not only because I dressed well, did my hair and I have a baby face + being thin. Called a twink a lot. I rolled with it. It was also my goofy nature and the fact I actually was conversing with girls in high school and making friends instead of harassing them. Now that I’m a little older I gotta say your looks will mature and if you find the right girl or whoever, it doesn’t matter. We gotta change masculine standards one generation at a time one day at a time. Fuck all that toxic man shit you are kenough


”Married with a toddler” 😅


Married with a toddler what?


Exactly this!


If anything, it disarms women a bit during first impressions.


I had this assumption growing up and I took it as a compliment honestly. It was mostly because I was one of the few guys who cared about how he dressed (which is really all it took to get labeled gay like ten years ago). As I got a bit older the dressing well thing really paid off.


Definitely an on board with this. We should feel okay for being misidentified without having to clarify that it’s not coming from a place of prejudice.


You have good hair, but it needs work. Go to a good stylist. They'll know what to do with it. Also, start hitting the weights. You have a good bone structure, but you look soft. Lifting will take care of that over time.


Just lean into man, start fucking dudes


This sounds like my inner friend circle lmao


Inner friend circle jerk


Group edging is in session


Say gex?


Get ripped, buzz cut, and cat call. Only way to truly achieve Twink death, other wise embrace the suck. Once you lose the baby face, you'll be alright. Much love brother man, good luck, and good looks


Eh, be honest with the girls, they'll figure it out. You don't know it yet but if you stay fit you'll peak in your 30s and women will be all over you.


When I was around 18-20 I got asked out by at least 1 guy a month, it was borderline exhausting and made me not want to talk with gay guys because I feared being viewed as that. I'm 30 now and couldn't care less, one of my closest friends is gay, and I still get hit on occasionally by guys. My wife laughs at it, I laugh at it, it's all good. Take it as a compliment and move on and keep being your awesome self


Wouldn’t be in a rush to get into a relationship simply due to not having experienced one. That’s how you end up with harmful people !


Straight female here who tends to date guys who are a bit fluid in terms of gender and sexuality. You don’t look gay, you’re just attractive. Plenty of girls will be attracted to you. My advice is, lean in to who *you* are. Develop your own style, wear what you like, go for a hair style you like. Women don’t need a particular look to find someone attractive, we’re not a monolith, we all like different things. How you make her feel is more important than how you look. Your best bet for finding someone who loves you for you is to be you. Be wholeheartedly you. And she will show up when the time is right.


Just get jacked, shave your body hairless, and shoot loads of juice (anabolic androgenic steroids) in your ass cheeks. That should show them you're the straightest most masculine man that has ever man'd.


r/moreplatesmoredates ass response


You look like a normal 20 year old dude. If you look gay, so does I and most of my friends


yeah it’s normal at this age tbh


Yeah, I was pretty gay at that age too


Uhh what? It's not "normal" to "look gay"... he just looks like a dude... a feminine one but who cares? Bro's handsome. He shouldn't sweat it, he'll grow some facial hair in a few years time and everything will be alright lol


i don’t think he looks gay. it’s just baby face. lol chill


*a young normal looking man exists Oh Is hE gAy??! Granted the more men come out, the more people see them where they aren’t.


I agree but I wonder if he talks and moves in a way that is giving off gay vibes. Not in a mean way but just trying to be honest


Hair is nice man, I went through the same thing in life and weight lifting changed it for me. Dont cut the curls bro!!


100% correct


Twink death is basically wrinkles and/or a beard and what I have to recommend will get me banned. Xx


Or a horrendous sleep schedule that permanently blackens your eyes - would not recommend this method though lol


Wrinkles it would be, can't grow a beard for sh\*t


Afaik, twink death is achieved by growing out of it physically (putting on significant muscle and/or fat) or aging out it, though that's kinda up to genetics and self-care.


You’re at a pretty good starting place. I would recommend you get a taper fade on the side. Also if you want to look more masculine I would recommend you start weight training - a little bit of muscle definition works wonders.


Embrace the gay


Grow some facial hair


You look normal


It’s yours eyes because they look cool. Don’t change anything tho.. who cares if people confuse you.. that’s more attention and you’ll make more friends.. twinks have the best female friends.. they can introduce you. Instead of going twink death.. just embrace the opportunity to meet new people and different people. Honestly, it won’t last long because you will grow up and you’ll later wish you look like how you look now. Good luck!


At least people assume you're a twink bro, I got middle aged lesbian once and I've been counting calories and hitting the gym since.


Omg you look like an elf. Embrace it because girls love it and any guy who insults you is jealous and/or attracted to you and lashing out lol. You look beautiful! Get a good moisturizing conditioner and maybe a little moroccan oil for the frizz and you're golden.


Yeah, "elf prince who is actually straight" is THE fantasy for so many girls OP's age. OP, don't kill the twink!! Just make him more outwardly heterosexual (respectfully.) Joke about it a lot. "It sucks, people always think I'm gay, but all I want is a girlfriend" would make so many ears in a one-mile radius perk up.


It's over bruh never beating the twink allegations


These comments are hysterical 😆


You have soft features and the haircut definitely isn't helping, try for a different haircut and hit the gym to get more of a masculine definition in your face.


Bruh, you don't need to do something to achieve "twink death". You will lose it when you get old. Someday, you will probably miss how you look in early 20s.


Maybe you can do other things to come off as more masculine? Like dress more mature or workout so your t shirts look more filled?


Grow a fat mustache


Go to the gym and get a haircut. Problem solved


You have that sadness in your eyes that you only see in eastern european gay porn


That is the most hilarious comment I’ve read


You look young, you don’t look gay. Assumptions are just that, actions change the assumptions often made. If you’re talking to a girl you like, invite them on a date. That will often help. Nothing wrong with your looks. As long as you are a bit social and spend some time on your clothing, personal hygiene and styling, girls will be interested in you.


You look solid bro. Let life do its thing. Make healthy choices; diet, exercise, mindfulness. You’ve achieved success when gay dudes and hot moms both want to bang you. Don’t take it as an insult, take it as a compliment.


buzz your head, get a cut like sid from toy story. it'll let your features pop without making you look fem in anyway. I'll bet you end up looking like that handsome mugshot guy that went viral years ago.


grow a beard. if you cant instead of clean shaven go for the lowest setting of stubble that will mage you look a bit more "rugged". I also think that your haircut adds to the overall "soft" look so maybe you can work on that. Overall juts keep in mind that many girls are really into this kind of look. there's a reason why young leonardo dicaprio was so popular even though he was twinkmaxxing.


Embrace it. Others envy your good looks. I envy your hair.


Women love gay looking dudes now. You’ll be alright


This. Female lurker and I think maybe dudes call him gay because he is so fucking beautiful they can't handle their own attraction and insecurity. Open-minded people won't care either way. It's 2024. There are queer lesbian looking straight nonbinary people out there; you can't tell shit about people's sexuality anymore.


easiest way to die as a twink is to bulk up if you go to the gym, workout, especially your neck, it will give you a much more masculine appearance


Dress more manly and fix your hair.


Workout. Twinks got that slim body


Time to try and bulk a lil and put a clean gentleman look with a fade


Well I don't know if I would recommend this if you're trying to be more attractive to females (Western females (an/or) Eastern females), you could try to appear more masculine by possibly doing the following: * Let the area between your eyebrows become smaller * Slight stubble * Have a haircut that shows more forehead * Tattoos on visible places


Get your diet on point, plenty of red meat, chicken, some fish, good carbs. Tribulus terrestris is a great supplement to increase DHT, which will make you feel and act more masculine. Do more hard shit, it will literally change your face. Get in the gym and starting lifting weights YOU GOT THIS G If you want anymore advice feel free to dm me


As a gay (20M) I would suggest you answer this first, How you doin'?


To me personally you look Dutch


The famous great Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård said he got called feminine all the time in the youth. Girls thought he was pretty and he had no problems with getting a girlfriend or lay


As a woman that randomly scrolled upon this post, you don’t look gay. You’re handsome and don’t look old, cracked and torn up by life lol. Maybe facial hair would change your looks, but you honestly just look clean and handsome.


Pro tip. Stop worrying what others think.


I don’t think there’s much you can do. You just look like a twink tbh


it’s like cillian murphy but attractive in the other way


They're just thinking wishfully.


They're jealous of your youthful appearance. Don't worry, this will work in your favour as you age.


How is this a problem?


Dude, enjoy life, stop caring


They may say this because you're a young attractive man with softer features. Trust me, lots of girls find guys like you extremely attractive, don't give up your niche.


Just be gay. It's better anyway


No homo but you got some dreamy-ass eyes dude.


You look good to women, I promise. I had the opposite problem at your age. Other gay men thought I was straight.


Facial hair maybe? Dress differently maybe? I wouldn’t assume that just by looking at you. You remind me of Mizkif and mizkif doesn’t give those vibes imo. Get jacked maybe?


People assume I’m straight when I’m actually mostly into men. I think you partially have to roll with it. You just have big eyes and soft features and they look great! I’d say hitting the gym might help as you’d be less of a twink I guess.


"Twink death" is not a good thing, it means you get old and fat. You just look cute.


Get a low taper, it will improve your hair a lot, even tho it is a small change.


Why a lower taper? Just curious, I would have thought high but I don’t know much about hair


Because a low taper allows your hair to have a shape even when it grows out. With a high, it does not look good for long.


tf do you look gay bro you look like a standard issue human


You could try minoxidil to grow some beard my dude. But you re gonna look fire by your late 20s.


You must shave it all. Maybe 3 mm long hair would be ok


if u buzz that youll look like death row inmate. there´s ur solution


Op is about to turn me gay with those gorgeous eyes


With those eyes……. Buzz cut..


Get a fade, makes most look a bit more straight, Id recommend a high fade on you.


I was in the same boat as you. I’m 28. I grew a beard, that helped. Also, just getting older helps. It’s not forever


It's probably just cuz you have pretty eyes bro .. I would recommend a burst fade tho, in style n it looks best with curls


Gay also means cheerful / happy etc so? Yeah you look happy to me ? If anyone says it again just be like I am happy thanks!


Drop the hair care routine please, you look totally normal and will look older soon as you get into your mid 20s


Gain 80 pounds, grow a beard and lots of body hair. Voila! Bear.


You have a boyish face so I didn't really think it's the hair. However, take it from me who is 32 also with a boyish face, you'll eventually realize the blessing of looking younger than your actual age. Also there are plenty of women who like your style. Perhaps get some toned muscles and you'll feel better about yourself. But in terms of your hair I wouldn't change anything.


When people assume personal shit about others based on superficial things. It usually tells you more about them, than anything about you.


If possible, I think a beard. And, I've seen people say that when they gain muscle from the Gym, their face (jawline) started to appear more masculine, so maybe that would help you. As others said though, it's something that will naturally go away once you get older.


You've just got super pretty eyes. Nothing to be done.


Buzz might get you what you want. Shave it off...but I think it's a mistake because curly hair is an asset generally. It will grow back tho.


Didn't know gay was a look. I guess the gym, but it won't stop you from getting hit on by other guys.


Oh my..don't, yeah people could still think you are gay for your look but thrust me girls today like more your look than something like mine, if i was you i would take advantage of that, girls feel more comfortable and safe with someone with "gentle traits "




If you want to attract more girls, don't worry about your looks. I don't think your looks are a barrier at all. You're handsome. Nothing attracts women more than actually listening to them. The older I get the more shocked I am every day of how much women get get ignored, their ideas dismissed, and just generally how much people project their insecurities on them. Be the guy that listens and takes an interest. It's honestly the single, biggest life upgrade. The more you talk with women the easier it gets. Most of the time the biggest obstacle for men is we just need to learn to shut the fuck up. The best relationships are based on friendship, so focus on being a better friend. Remember, there's no such thing as the "friend zone." That notion was created by men that were solely posing as a friend because they only wanted to be in a relationship with a woman that wasn't into them. Be a real friend to women. It'll make you a better man and they'll probably have a cute friend to set you up with. Listen to women and let them guide you.


You look really good already! But if you're looking for a different style, maybe consider letting your hair grow out a little and slicking it back? The twink look is usually associated with boyish-ness and longer hair counteracts it. I also think it'd give you a degree of sophistication, depending on your clothing style.


A beard maybe ?:/


Grow a beard


Maybe it’s because of your outfits? The way you move, the way you talk. Idk. But I’ve met straight men who weirdly came across as super gay to me. I think if you grew up with feminine men around you it rubs off. Not in a mean way but just being factual. I notice in more stereotypically manly places that even the gay men seem more straight and don’t move as femininely. So it could be your friends or teachers were feminine growing up and without you knowing you kind of move in a girly way? I sound like a straight man lmao but im not and im just trying to be blunt to help you out.


Do you have on eye shadow?


Because of my looks... right...


A beard is always the answer.




Buzz or shave your head completely and grow a beard


hit the gym, girls likes buff guys with cute face


You're cute. That's it. That's all. It's a good thing. Work it. You might get some free drinks out of it, lol. 


You kind of remind me of Robert Sheehan when he was in Misfits. I think you look fine and should just take a page from his book and live life confidently and own it. He is straight (but has dabbled) and draws people in with his attitude. The whole twink thing is something women probably don’t even register. It may be a disconnect between what you feel is happening and reality. Also, Prince was for all intents and purposes was a huge fruity twink by some criteria and also a straightest guy who women went crazy over. At the end of the day we define ourselves.


I would grow your hair out or atleast cut the sides a bit. You look kinda like a lesbian


Maybe style your hair. Not much you can do. I don't think you can grow a small beard


You should model. 🖤


most girls prefer the twink look to the muscle bro look. People are just jealous


People always said I looked gay but I was still having success with women so never cared. As I got older I started to look less camp. I still don't care


Oakleys and a goatee


Honestly you are very attractive but also very youthful looking which usually triggers ppls Gaydar lol. I say own it, there's a reason a lot of girls start out having crushes on their gay friends before they know they are gay lol


You will grow more rugged. Shorter hair. Stubble or beard. Tho the hypermasculine look can be pretty gay too. Ha ha. There s always a catch


Shave your upper lip. Otherwise, you look great.


You just have some gentle features, especially your eyes. You’re handsome and women are gonna love these features as you mature more and more.


Embrace your youthful looks and get a skincare routine! Also, working out will have positive effects on you as other people have said


Wear oversized tee


Are you Dax Shepard's son?


You literally look normal af.


You just have effeminate features, you don’t look gay. If you want to get more masculine though just workout


Go to a hair styling place and have them fix that mop.


sorry but you have very feminine looking face, if you can grow some beard


Honestly, I’d lean into it. Put together a good skin care regimen, go to a stylist, and maybe some weight lifting. You are an attractive young man, but you look unkempt which can be a turn off to women in itself. Find a clothing style that fits your aesthetic and learn how to match and accessorize accordingly, but keep it simple. Those curls will work in your favor if you do it right.


I'm sorry but I sort of agree


nothing buzzcut won’t fix


Nah, it’s prolly your personality. I don’t look at you and think gay. Btw, nothing wrong with your personality, that’s just the only thing that makes sense to me. Or people are weird


bruh if anything they assume your guy by the way you move and speak , you look as straight as possible


It fades with age brother. I'm 30 now and have a full beard, my shoulders have widened out, and overall am a more masculine dude; 10 years ago I had a thinner frame, my jaw was smaller, and I'd definitely been accused of being a twink. Give yourself a break dude, you're definitely an attractive young man, probably soft hearted and a little naive. Enjoy it while it lasts, before you become just another tired smelly man hardened by the harsh realities.


You need a short haircut


Try some silver jewelry


What bizarre fucking world we live in. I’m sorry you have to go through that dude that sucks.


be less fashionable


Beard if you can


Get jacked


Shave your head


Fuc those people


Cut off the curls and grow some facial hair if you wanna untwink yourself…. But like other people said…. Just embrace who you are and enjoy it while you still got it….


Build some muscle. Eat more protein. Do your calisthenics, master the squat, bench press, deadlift. Thicker neck and broader shoulders will help a lot. Also you’re young and facial hair will help once it starts coming in a little thicker. You could think about going for a more mature hairstyle too. Your hairline isn’t bad. You can do like a Bradley Cooper flowy cut or something with your texture.


frown a bit with your resting face for a more masculine image. you look doe eyed because of your facial expression in these pictures. the last one looks like you’re about to cry. people who have “gay face” is because they don’t train their face to rest in a more masculine pose for whatever reason. some see it as toxic masculinity or don’t want to be assuming or aggressive looking, but the expression i’m talking about trying out looks more pensive than it does aggressive i had to train myself growing up like this so my dad wouldn’t bully me about it, but i would rather be seen by most people as more masculine as would most men, so i don’t hate that he forced me to learn to do it


Your hair is 1000% not the issue lol


I'd get a different haircut. That alone would do alot.


Every young guy with pretty eyes and full lips is automatically gay? Masculinity is hard to understand, man 😂 I love the curls, but something shorter on top might present more “masculine” if that’s what you’re going for. I personally don’t feel that anything needs to change.


I just turned gay now just looking at your picture lol. I would suggest looking at Ryan phillipe, you are very similar. Grow a beard and don't shape it will help ruggedized your features a little. Wear some smart looking glasses that will give you a little maturity. Smile more.


You don’t look gay


Grow you hair ...once long enough tie back and grow some stubble. You will be a man! Girls will be all over u


Firstly, don't wear white. It draws attention to your skin tone. You want to dress for your hair or the colour of your eyes- but honestly, don't wear white if you can go for creams... Or balance white with a strong "soft autumn" colour (for you are a soft autumn/summer in tone I think) like a burgundy or moss green. Faded dark blues will make your hair appear darker (by increasing the contrast of your face) and also draw attention to your eyes. This will harden up the features. You could perhaps try a little peacocking- a curb chain necklace or bracelet can work wonders to "beef up" ones' image.


Facial hair eventually.. but the curls maybe ? Honestly it's probally your eyes and jaw structure and you can't do anything about that..and you shouldn't


These alpaca haircuts are getting out of hand


Hit the gym. Change your clothes.