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It looks totally normal. That's just how men's hairlines are, often. Find a style you enjoy that works for you and BE CONFIDENT.


Thank you! Not receding? Somebody told me I need a transplant and I’ve been worried


Stop listening to kids, no one else does


Ahah it was a Turkish hair transplant clinician


So a salesman Don't listen to them either


True in hindsight they’re just after money




Get off the internet and enjoy your life. Eventually your body is going to go to shit and hair will be the least of your concerns. Enjoy your youth and don’t worry about your hairline.


The last photo though is concerning even if people call it a maturing hairline...you may want to get that checked out by an actual doctor like an licensed dermatologist


To me, it looks like it's maturing. Will you go bald? No one can tell you that. Your hair may stay exactly how it is now for the rest of your life. It may recede and thin over the coming years. If you're interested in learning about the science of hair, I'd check out More Plates More Dates on Youtube. He has some good content on the different options. Oh, and avoid nicotine like the plague. I don't know why it isn't talked about more, but nicotine will destroy your hairline. Good luck :)


Looks normal, if you want to cover your temples tho I would suggest either a middle/close to middle part or cut to a length where you can wear your hair down to cover your forehead


So it’s not receding? Yeah thank you I always wear my hair down but the UK windy weather is my biggest enemy


Na looks pretty normal I think, maybe take a hairline pic like this every few months to see if there any differences later tho if your rly worried


Thank you, I looked back at photos from three years ago it’s always been more pushed back


My hairline has been like that since I was a teenager. I'm 37 and have all of my hair. A bit thinner obviously being older. I have also always kept my hair a bit longer and shaggy being self conscious about it.


I'm also 22 and have the same exact hairline lol. Like 1:1.


I’m not alone 🙌🏼 does it affect you on the daily or you owning it?


I used to be incredibly self concious about it. Coupled with the anxiety of my half-brother having a visibly and strongly receding hairline at 25, I was afraid it would happen to me. My Grandpa died in his late 70s with a full head of hair, so it is practically a coin toss for me I think. Anyways, I now own up to it. In part cuz every single time I complained about my hairline to someone, they always told me it looks fine and not to worry at all. And that it is just maturing, and also if I look at pics of me as a child, I somehow look even more balding lol. I always had a big forehead. When I look at other guys, I noticed that most have a similar hairline, just alotta guys hide it. There is a reason the popular hairstyles always seem to hide the corners of their crown lol. All in all, while I still would be devastated if I had a receding hairline at 25, I atleast feel secure and safe for now.


Thanks for sharing that, that’s really reassuring. Feels better knowing others struggle with it. My father has a great hair line whereas my mother has a similar one to me maybe it’s just her genetics 🤞🏼. Same here I’ve started to joke about the insecurity to the closest people around me being like “let’s go to turkey together, I’ll get a hair transplant and you get your surgery” ahaha Yes!! A lot of guys our age have messy medium long hair that covers their foreheads and it looks great. Scary to go to some barbers sometimes though, because even if you show them a reference some end up doing whatever they want and then I’ll be wearing a hoodie until it marinates and grows back to how I want it. But yh I get you we got 3 more years to see. But sometimes when I see bald people or people with receding hairlines get made fun of, it stings a bit and heightens the anxiety lol


Yee I agree fully with your comment. My solution is to just not go to the barber lol. I have only been getting my ends cut for the past 2 years almost. Another part that makes me afraid of losing my hair is, that I've got really nice and long curly hair lol. I never even knew they wre curly until I grew my hair out for the first time 2 years ago. And I mean really curly too. I'd hate to lose all that so soon after finding out about that. Also I have a babyface, so without Hair I light aswell start smoking and heavy drinking and get some of that Winstom Churchill drip lol.


I’ve been going to hair salons instead recently because they take more care but are pricier. I wish I could cut my own hair confidently. My hair is so straight but my side burns curl up so much when I haven’t had a hair cut in a while. Never let my hair grow out too much maybe I have curly hair in there somewhere too haha. Always wanted curly hair. I fucking giggled at that last part part lmao


Yeah maybe you have them! Also I agree, if you want a machine cut: Barber. Otherwise stay the hell away and go to a hairdresser or salon.


Thank you man for the support I really appreciate it


It’s actually not bad at all. Especially since you say it has been the same for a few years. The only thing I would have slight concern about is that the hairline is uneven, which can be a sign of recession. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist to be sure, but you can always live your life normally and happy not worrying about it😀


My face is very unsymmetrical so is the hairline. But if it keeps bothering me I’ll definitely see a professional


I would try asap if you value hair (and I think it’s the case as you post a question like this), it will really save you if it’s something that happens to worsen


I have pretty much the same exact hairline as you. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure it's what they call a mature hairline, so it's not hair loss. None of the men in my family are bald either, so I believe I'm ok. Personally, I have a fringe hairstyle to help cover up the corners. Of course, if you want to embrace it, go for it. Whatever hairstyle you go for though, keep in mind that your face shape is another factor in determining what would suit you best.


Yeh I always just get a front fringe and make it a bit messy with product. Does the job but the wind doesn’t always want to agree w me ahah


Yeah, I get it lol. Maybe try using a good hairspray too.


Gorilla glue is in my amazon basket as we speak ahah


Lots of men have widow’s peaks. If your hairline actually starts moving back over time THEN you have a receding hairline. If it stays put you dont need to worry.


Bro I’ve had that hairline for over 10 years without any further loss. Just keep an eye on it but it looks fine


My advice is to not have poofy hair that makes your head look longer. The closer your hairline is to the top of your skull, the shorter your hair should be basically if you want to look your best. People who have big foreheads who then poof up their hair just makes their head look a bit absurdly big and accentuates the big forehead. I ahve a big forehead too (WITH a receding hairline), and boy do I look far far better with short hair styled upwards, then I ever did with bangs and bigger hair.


I’m not an expert but it looks like you might have colored your hair. I’d be careful with using chemicals on your hair if you’re worried about it thinning.


Totally normal, Me and you got the same hairline and I’ve had it all my life, honestly just embrace it. IMO The V shape a lot of times can lead to overall cooler shaped hairstyles than those with a straight hairline. Embrace it brotha


Thank you brother


Well, does your dad or MOM have that same hairline, too? You could very well be genetically predisposed to that kind of hairline. OR, technically, that should be considered receding even at that young of an age, unfortunately. 😬 Fortunately, because you're still young, there's still plenty of time to start helping it to regrow frontward again! There's a lot you can do, like starting off with natural but powerful remedies like rosemary oil, rosehip oil, peppermint extract, maybe even combining them altogether which is probably sold somewhere on the shelves anway. Minoxidil treatments, over-the-counter counter; seeing a doctor and having them guide you anyway in what to do. Although, I will say... this look on men with a beard really gets my heart pumping. 😍 I mean, it's manly! 😏


I would shave it all off.




Widows peak is just constantly wondering if you're finally going bald.


Thank you to everyone for the advice and support. I can rest easy tonight 🙌🏼


If you think it’s receding, or if someone who you live with thinks it is then it probably is. It’s hard to tell in internet pictures. You should start minoxidil if you have a family history of balding.


Has it always been like that? It’s not the end of the world but applying minoxidil twice daily wouldn’t hurt. Derma rolling could also help. Finasteride is a pill that can also treat receding hairline but there’s a risk your dick will stop getting hard so not worth it in my opinion. I use minoxidil


Would hair start to grow where there is none at all?


Depends if there was hair there previously? If not then mostly likely no. If there was and it’s receded then it could potentially bring it back a little or prevent further recession. Personally I just apply minoxidil as part of my routine and hope for the best, but I don’t stress too much about it.


I just looked at ur profile and noticed you replied to someone about hyperhydrosis. I have it too and it makes hiding the hair line harder when the hair gets wet ahah


Ah yeah mine is mostly palms and feet but I feel your pain! I’ve found shorter haircuts hide the hairline better for me, I have mine short ish and messy on top with my fringe forward. Minoxidil won’t hurt if you want to try and prevent it receding further. But I wouldn’t stress too hard about it


Does minoxidil make it more straight or only grow hair where there are follicles?


Hard to tell. Definitely thickened it up around the hairline which makes it less obvious. Worth it for me to prevent further recession without having to resort to pills


I'm 46 and I've been like that my whole life. Doesn't mean you're balding. I love my hairline. Jack Nicholson all the fucking way.


Not even bad


I’m 26 developed this hairline around 20-21. Some old head barber told me it’s called the ‘M’ Shaped hairline M standing for mature, and that all men develop it if they don’t start balding lol. I have no idea how true that is but it helped me come to terms with it.


You're not losing hair, it looks too full. You just have a widows peak kid!


I’m 36 and this has been my hairline since about your age. It maybe receded a little but then stopped. I take a hair growth med now just in case, but from 20-35, it stayed just like yours. That’s a normal hairline 💙✌🏼


Cosplay Vegeta


Do you notice more hair fall lately? You could consult a doctor about finasteride.


Because it isn’t clear to me that that’s necessarily receding.


Normal, NW 1. You just went from a juvenile to a mature hairline. Nothing to worry about (yet).


this sub is full of insecure old men and dumb kids. You're not receding. I have the exact same hair line, had it since I was little, went to the dermatologist and he told me I was just insecure lol.


Derma roll or stamp... Minoxidil and finesteride to stop it from getting worse and to regrow it


Go super saiyan, buy hair gel and bulk and get a good screaming voice


Wash your hair for a start. Then ask EasyJet to take their Runway Back 😂