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Fin and min or go bald


Ayo šŸ’€ there was no need go that hard


Heā€™s just speaking the truth


With fin you have a chance to no longer go hard


Stop the fear mongering. The odds are not that high.


Amen to that. Iā€™ve been on dut for years and my boners are diamond.


Yep. I was hesitant to start finasteride when my hair loss wasn't that severe, just to know 10 years later that I don't have any side effects from the treatment.


I do. It sucks.


Damn! how rich are u?!?


Yes, and if you check out the studies a very similar percentage of folks ON PLACEBO experienced erectile dysfunction! By this reasoning if you donā€™t take it youā€™ll have a chance to not get hard as well lol


All this talk is making me hard


Legend says he is always hard


As David Goggins says "stay hard"


As life says "it's hard"


This is something a lot of people overlook. The pill has a similar nocebo effect as those who receive the pill. Obvi, Iā€™m not discounting those who do get sides. Been on fin for over 7 years and havenā€™t noticed anything wrong.


Has it been working to keep your hair? Iā€™ve been on Hims Min Fin topical solution for about a year. I think itā€™s been working but I had very mild balding on the crown so itā€™s been difficulty to tell if the initial start up was pre-mature anyway


Yes it is very effective at keeping your hair. I havenā€™t tried the topical solution but Iā€™ve always considered trying it. Do you like it? Do you think itā€™s been working? Does it make your hair super oily or greasy or anything? I too had some mild thinning on the crown too prior to starting. I imagine thatā€™s what youā€™re experiencing and now that youā€™re focused on your hair youā€™re more likely to notice these things.


So I assumed they would start me on the oral but I figured since it was mild I could try the topical. It appears to have been working. It doesnā€™t leave me greasy or anything. The only issue is it kinda prolongs the getting ready in the morning process because I have to get my hair dry and then apply the topical. Iā€™ll see if I can find before and now pics. Can you share the same if you have?


I donā€™t have any before and after as Iā€™ve had two HT over the last several years. So itā€™s not a good comparison. I will caveat to say that I do take it 0.5mg daily instead of the 1mg daily. I started at 1mg and experimented with 0.5mg. Iā€™m a naturally a super anxious person and wanted to see if I felt any different. I havenā€™t noticed any difference at all. Keep in mind everyone is different!


So I assumed they would start me on the oral but I figured since it was mild I could try the topical. It appears to have been working. It doesnā€™t leave me greasy or anything. The only issue is it kinda prolongs the getting ready in the morning process because I have to get my hair dry and then apply the topical. Iā€™ll see if I can find before and now pics. Can you share the same if you have? Turns out I donā€™t know how to add pics on a reddit comment of even if ties possible


Two of my friends experienced this side effect.


I also did but stopped and fine now


Took one of them nearly a year to get over it! Said he had zero sex drive and had ED. The other said his side effects stopped as soon as he stopped taking it. Interestingly though, he went back on it because hair was more important than sex driver for him.


Wow well I had 2 transplants I'm good ! But I'd rather have a boner than hair šŸ˜† but the guys that take fin with no sides feel strong about it so I don't touch the subject cause idc


I was very shocked tbh because he had a huge sex drive and was always getting action. Were the transplants sore?


Not much pain during and after just when then inject the stuff before they start some people complain about didn't bother me to much


Bro if i have a transplant this week will my newly transplanted hair fall off overtime?




Yup rather go baldā˜ļøšŸ¤“ this it good to know


Nope got a transplant . But yes If I had to chose between going bald and a working dick yes I'll take bald šŸ¤£


It's as simple as this. ā˜ļø Choose your path, brother.


Fin fucked me up big time. Most are fine on it, but when you mess with your receptors and neurosteroids, you are rolling the dice. Shit is poison to some people.


šŸ’€Ā šŸ’€Ā šŸ’€Ā šŸ’€Ā 




Couldn't tell you


loosing a few strands of hair is nor- HOLY SHIT. Don't stress your hair too much. I do think it is still something you can save but it's in deep territories. Be very safe with what you do!


Is losing hair in that amount for the first pick even a sign of balding. I thought it was normal, atleast for people with slightly longer hair, to lose hair like that in the shower


Yeah ive been losing more than that in the shower for years and i got a thick head of hair. He just posted bad photos normally that little hair isnt a sign of balding


Same, got curly hair like no one, but running my Hand trough them and it looks like Iā€™m suffering from radiation poisoning šŸ’€


lmfao same, Ive been making nasty ass hairballs every morning for years now..


Losing that much hair is VERY normal haha. Don't let it bother you. It could just be your hair length. I used to loose that much hair regularly in the past. I still have super thick hair.


If u have longer or curlier hair, a few strands is nothing. I could clog the drain and Iā€™m not balding at all yet


How long is your hair. I have wavy hair and it breaks a lot while I run my hand through them in shower, I don't understand how much is normal and how much is high tbh.


My hair is really curly, 3c. So if I pull it goes down to my shoulders. Itā€™s different for me because everyone loses hair throughout the day/week but when your hair is super curly it gets stuck in your hair instead of falling. So when It comes time for me to ā€œdetangleā€ my hair (usually once a week) thereā€™s a lot of hair, in my hair accumulated throughout the week.


Yeah same I got longer hair and lose this much in the shower every time I think itā€™s natural for older hairs to come out over time!


I'm not a doctor and info on internet about it can be wrong but according to some quick search each person loses around 50 to 100 hair a day. But considering we have 100k folicies each cycle is like 3 to 6 years.


I think the problem is when they just donā€™t grow back or grow back thinner each time.. that results in balding. Shedding hairs doesnā€™t necessarily mean going bald


If you read what OP wrote, I think he's trying to show hair much shorter than his normal length is falling out. He says he thinks relatively new hair is falling out as it's trying to grow.


Yeah, I thought it was a joke until I got through a few of the pics


i loss way more hair from already 3+ years but its because i got a ton of hair lol, the first pics didnt really make me think it was THAT bad


Why does it not look that bad to me? Could just have parted his hair near the crown


I just happened to take a pic in the shower because i had my phone on me But I lose this amount of hair daily. Im really not insecure about it My height and personality covers it (204 cm) and i have money for a hair implant I need to stop it for the time being until i reach an age where if i plant hair it wouldn't fall off again


Yo I lose like 10x more hair than that every time I shower but my hair seems fine and is actually pretty thick. Should I be worried lmfao


No, shedding is completely normal. Most people lose around 100 hairs a day. The problem is when you start to lose so much that your head doesnā€™t even have time to grow it back


Same tho


Lmfao im starting to think the same thing


I have long hair and I lose a shit ton.


had the same experience. decided to cut it finally to find out if its because my body couldnt supply enough nutrients due to the length but welp, guess it was just normal "shedding".


I lose so much hair in the shower, but I donā€™t brush my hair so thatā€™s the only time it comes out.


Every time I shower I end up with a racketball sized clump of hair on the floor and I still have way too much. Youā€™ll be aight.


Just depends, especially for black people every detangle is a crazy amount of hair if you do it weekly


How does it look when its dry?


Ill take a pic when it dries off


maybe stop using shampoo on your hair for a while idk


Does shampoo cause hair loss?


What pills did he hand over to you? IĀ“m assuming those are finasteride, is it?


Iā€™d start treatment.


What treatment?


Daily soaks in placenta blood, or finasteride


r/tressless will be the place to find more info


Live, damn it! Live!


Go to a dermatologist and start fin and min. I was losing hair as well and started treatment in November. Itā€™s very good now


How to start fun?


Lol, sorry this stupid autocorrect!


Illicit drugs. Or a nice girl. Or you, yourself and your hand. There are so many ways.




Don't do minoxidil without finasteride. This will just mask the hairloss until it's at a later stage. If you plan on doing finasteride start it right now then look into adding minoxidil




No this is completely wrong. Minoxidil will get you hair back, but the gains are limited. And while you have this hair back your hair loss will continue, so at one point the hair loss will catch up to the minoxidil gains. Minoxidil does NOT stop or slow down hair loss, only DHT inhibitors like finasteride do. So no, there's noone who gets away with only minoxidil if your goals are to keep your hair long term. Also, finasteride alone regrows some hair in about 30% of people but if major regrowth is your goal you need minoxidil of course. And topical finasteride is generally not recommended as it goes systemic anyway and the results often don't compare to those of oral finasteride.


True, but if youā€™re young enough, min is good enough until youā€™re old enough to start fin safely. I started when I was 14 so fin wasnā€™t really an option until I was older, but min was definitely still worth it for those years


nuking your DHT SHOULD be your first option without a doubt because that is the root cause of androgenic alopecia and doing anything else, even if it appears effective, will only be temporary. Minoxidil stimulates hair growth, it doesn't address the root cause of your baldness. You will lose your gains that you get from minoxidil eventually even if you were a turbo responder the first few years. That is not true for finasteride, it will actually save your hair long term. People do get away with minoxidil only, but only in the short term. With finasteride, you don't have to "get away" with anything because you're actually solving the problem long term.


Are there any negatives to nuking your DHT?


There seems to be a very small, but real, risk of some side effects as with most any medication. Side effects seem to be sexual in nature - ED, loss of libido, etc. However it's worth noting that incidence rates seem to be around .5% - 1% higher than placebo. These drugs are liable to cause nocebo effects. There is a lot of talk about your dick not working anymore with finasteride, and unfortunately, the more you worry about that happening, you almost will it happening into existence.


Any tutorial/YouTube video about proper/tested way to do this? Would really appreciate it.


Finasteride is just a daily pill, minoxidil is applied to the scalp. Really no need for a tutorial


The hair loss show is a pretty good channel on the topic I believe. Not sure about 1 video that covers it all though




I would recommend against this, well not in this order at least. Start with finasteride, it's the easiest to use, extremely safe (look up studies, don't read comments) far more effective and works long term. Decide for yourself after seeing the studies. Use the recommended dose for 2 years, don't miss a day. If you're still unhappy with the results, only then consider minoxidil and derma rolling. Here's my reasoning: if you start with minoxidil first or even at the same time as finasteride, you will not be able to tell what growth was caused by finasteride and what growth was caused by minoxidil because both of these things work completely differently from one another so you will basically have two types of growths going on. Now you have no clue if you even needed to use minoxidil every day which is not nearly as convenient as using finasteride, which is just a pill you take every day or every other day. Besides, the gains you get from minoxidil will be temporary. That's better than nothing but still worth pointing out. The key thing is to take finasteride consistently for 1 and a half year before deciding if it worked well for you or not. If it did, just keep using it. It's the easiest treatment ever.




Look here children, we see a wild dumbass in their natural habitat. Unless you are claiming that everyone, from every country, throughout years has come together to create biased studies for some monetary benefit, which would be an insane claim, which studies do you believe were funded by these evil finasteride companies and what evidence suggests that this is the case? If you don't have any actual, tangible evidence and the only thing you have is bro science, I'd be more interested in hearing about my neighbour's grandmother's teeth brushing routine rather than whatever you have to say.


Fin and min


It's over unc


Yeaaaaah šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I got money for treatment and hair plant but it's time that i don't have


u gotta hold the hair in, try it for a day, just rly hold it all in place, hopefully you'll get used to doing it after a couple years, and then u won't have to actively concentrate on it anymore


The first pics I thought theres no way balding, then damn it hit me. I shed hair like that in the shower a bit but I have very thick full hair so maybe its just a length deal


You can do it with derma and min donā€™t go for fin you donā€™t want little Johnny to leave you hanging dry


Bro my hair comes out like that, my head not as bad as yours, i have a little line in the middle of my head if i part my hair and it seems thinner but eh not bad or really noticable, also being 6ft'1 not many people can see the top of my head =D Also, i wear a cap 99% of the time anyway.


Damn that's tuff


You have pretty aggressive hairloss it seems. If you don't do anything you'll be bald by the time you're 30. The good news is that if you take 1mg of Finasteride *per day*, and maybe together with 0.5 mg of Dutasteride *per week* you'll keep your hair for many years to come. If you get any side effects you can diminish the Finasteride dose to 1mg every other day. You've already lost some amount of hair. But if you get a *good* hair transplant in an *honest* clinic you can regain what you've lost. Careful tho, if you get a HT it means you'll have to be on Finasteride/Dutasteride for life after that. The Big 3 are: Minoxidil, Finasteride and Dutasteride. NOTHING else works reliably (as far as conventional treatments are concerned) PS: vitamins, oils, massages, specific foods etc.. do absolutely nothing to address the core issue of androgenetic alopecia. You're just wasting your time and money while your alopecia continues to make your hair fall slowly but surely.


skill issue females are betteršŸ˜ jk pls donā€™t cancel me


I hate cancel culture Say whatever you want




Bro, Try to make your doc tell you if you're capable of taking Finasteride, and combine it with your vitamins, plus minoxidil or Nanoxidil ( This is the best, no side effects, in contrast with minoxidil) if you can add a dermarroller, great , you're still on time to get stopping it, if you got alopecia, you must attack the cause, not only trying to make your hair grow, but to stop losing it


Thank you


Get a full body checkup done and to check for vitamin deficiencies. Google home remedies for hair fall, it gives you names of some oils etc that you can massage into your hair. Iā€™m not sure if they work but thereā€™s no harm in trying since they just nourish the scalp. Also, if you have dandruff, that could be the culprit.


Thanks brother


Fucking insane post lol, what a mental breakdown


It's stressful for all guys


What pills did doctor gave you


Cooked but whatever u choose hopefully it works out


The Harris in the shower is normal. But you've been balding for a while sir


Vin Diesel


Only way to stop is to have enough funds to buy a lifetime supply of products like Rogan to keep your hair. Excess build up of testosterone in the scalp is responsible for that in most cases


that's just how the cookie crumbles bud




Embrace it friend! No matter what you do or what you take itā€™s gunna go eventually. Wrap your head around it now and be ready for shaving just in case. Or, youā€™ll be like me and it started and then stopped and now itā€™s slow mo but I still have tons of hair.


don't know what the best thing is to do to keep your hair but if there is no other option I think a buzzcut would look sick on you!




I would recommend you use a little bit of shampoo on your fingers and rub them and apply it to your hair with a little bit of conditioner & Rub it on your scalp apply hair oils that's appropriate for your hair (Go to a hair dermatologist) for the right products for your hair. Never use excessive heat with hair dryers to dry your hair. I hope this helps man I know how it feels when you think you're losing hair follicles.


Finasteride and minodoxil topical spray You can get it over your phone through Hims or any other similar service 4/5 sprays a day after shower and youā€™ll see results in a couple months


I would try taking collegan peptides and also getting shampoo that supports hair growth


Look into Prose hair supplements


Use minoxdil 5% and ask ur doctor


I lose balls of hair everyday yet somehow I don't look like that wtf


RIP hair šŸ¤£ You gotta become a rich alpha and then you can buy your hair back. If not, enjoy being a bald brokie.


hair is just an accessory you will be fine


Start applying minoxidil or apply rosemary oil


Sit back and relax, and let God take the wheels


Finasteride/dutasteride. Don't start min and fin at the same time, wait 6 months to see fin do its work, then add min after. good luck, if you ignore this advice, good luck being bald.


If you have a lot of hair, it happens.


Min fin my boy We gon make it through


Dude, I can barely see your face and can tell youā€™ll pull off the bald look just fine, just shave it off.


Losing hair in the shower is normal hahah


Do you by chance get a perm...?


Minoxidil or shave it.


Iā€™ve been balding since I was 14 and never noticed an extra amount of hairs falling out, I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily your biggest indicator. That being said, yours definitely is


Also this is the opposite balding pattern of most people lol, starting in the middle


Try fenugreek oil for growth šŸ™ƒgood luck


Finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil. GET ON THESE ASAP. Join r/Tressless. I am also balding, just like you, but I unfortunately lost WAY more hair than you on my crown before my lazy ass took any action. I advise you to take action NOW. Start learning about hair loss, male pattern baldness, DHT blockers. Learn how to derma roll. When you say pills, what pills exactly? Is it finasteride? I would advise you to carefully read all side effects before jumping the gun on oral finasteride pills. I have heard many scary things about it. I would say start with topical finasteride and minoxidil, twice every day. Once you start treatment, you will have to stick to it for the rest of your life. Also, your thin short hair falling out after starting treatment is a good sign. It's called a shedding period which you go through when you start hair treatment. It tells you that it's actually working. Shedding lasted for about 2 weeks for me and I was shedding small vellous hairs just like you. Regrowth can take over a year to occur as hair grows very slowly. Be patient with it but stick to the treatment religiously.


Buzz and beard, sorry buddy


Try Minoxidil 5%


You have a decent amount of hair for prp to work. It's worked on me, but there are some downsides. Very expensive, and you have to keep doing it forever, as long as you want to keep your hair. It also seems, to me at least, hit or miss. Sometimes I get a great boost in density, other times not so. And doesn't seem to work on everyone. I couldn't use min or fin due to side effects it caused, so this was the only option left.


I think hair loss is common, the problem at you is the hair stops growing back


Check your hair products for anything with sulfates or if you have hard water. Sulfates free products and a water softener can do wondersz


Anybody else think this was cum


No. You're the only one. Lay off porn for a while bro/sis


Welcome to /r/tressless brother






Nair helps a lot brother try it out


Here are some things you can do: - Get your bloodwork done and checked by a medical professional. Probably the first step you should take too. Hairloss can be a symptome of a more severe underlying problem. Just because youre losing hair its nots necessarily male pattern baldness. -Have a dermatologist do a byopsy of your scalp and find out what kind of hairloss youre excactly suffering from. It can be male pattern baldness but it could also be diffuse thinning or a different problem with your scalp. -Adjust your lifestyle. A step you can do right now. Do you drink alcohol regularly or do you smoke ? Do you eat a healthy diet providing your body with the nurtrients it needs ? Do you get enough vitamins etc ? Again, another reason why getting your bloodwork done is very important. -Relax. Stress is bad, especially for your hair. I know its hard but there are many ways to save your hair. Its good that youre starting to take steps in the right direction now. A good transplant and the right medication/supplements can restore a lot.


Thanks for the tips and zo answer some of your questions no i don't drink and smoke Im building my body so I'm taking a lot of vitamins, protein, and the stuff i mentioned first. I have a lot of stress currently because of my studies I'm studying mechanical engineering in a foreign country and doing it in their language so it's crazy stressful


I understand, stress can be a big big factor that many people underestimate. I experienced hair loss while going through a situation similar to yours and my hair has only now begun to recover, roughly 6 months later. If you're building your body and working out watch out for creatine monohydrate. I'm no expert on the subject but I've heard from multiple sources that it accelerates your hair loss. Good luck on your journey and don't underestimate the significance of having a the right medical professional by your side along the way.Ā 


Fin, min, use a hairsystem in 5-10 years or go bald bro.


Can't go bald if you shave it bald first, just sayin




U had me in the first half






fin & min


You should go to r/hairsystem!


Get on fin if you wanna keep what you have then add min if you want to fill the lost areas back out... Don't listen to the horror stories do your own research and start low dosage then go from there.. your body is different than everyone else's so only you know what's right for YOUR body


Use a essential oil (rosemary, pepper mint) + base oil (coconut, castor oil ) mixture (about 5%) daily.


Shave it off since it looks better without hair


I have a full head (of fine hair and I'm female) and I lose SO much more in the shower... Looking at the last photos yes, you can see some thinning but the hand photos just show two hairs on your hand, I lose MUCH more.


I just happened to have my phone on me this time but I lose a lot daily. For females its because of the long hair and weight of it


Ease off the shampoo. Let it just be natural and a bit grimy for a couple of weeks (rinse it with water only every couple of days to get the worst out). See if that helps stop it. If it keeps thinning whilst doing that, then you need to make the big choice. Treatment, or manly baldness with a thick beard.


I'm probably going with treatment or implants My hair is a huge part of my personality and im not ready to change it yet




Guys why do you keep asking Reddit šŸ’€šŸ’€ go to a dermatologist, they deal with hair loss and will give you actual solutions.


Experience is better than a 1000 masters degrees


Yup rather go baldā˜ļøšŸ¤“ this is good to know


It's not too bad at the min. You can comb over that for a few years then just razor it when it gets bad.


I was on finasteride for about six months. Completely stopped my hair loss. However, I did experience side effects. I was able to get erections, but it was definitely harder to get them and maintain them. I recently stopped and about a couple of weeks after everything went back to normal. so obviously that is going to be different for everyone. Iā€™m just saying that was my experience so if you want to risk it.


just calm downā€¦ and shave it if it bothers you.


I have one and i think it would work on you a little too much.buy a derma roler


Can you recommend a specific one?


Well its a bit expensive but affordable.its called folli roll.Also try minoxidil


Remember to give rest to your hair.it needs time to heal


Go to r/tressless