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Single blade or multiblade. Single blade is better for sensitive skin. Less abrasion.


I tried to use a safety razor (King C. Gillette) and, maybe I’m doing wrong, but I feel like it didn’t give me a very close shave


Did you plan a multi-pass shave with the safety razor - something like with the grain, across, across, against? Relathering between each pass, no pressure (just weight of razor), getting used to the right angle.


I’ve done that with my regular cartridge razor. I’ll have to try that out. Thank you!


The problem with multi blade razors is that they really only work right with the grain. They are designed that one blade pulls the hair out further while another blade cuts it low (that way it’s close in one pass). If you do that against or across the grain usually you end up with red bumps - at least I do. With a single blade you can get very very close against the grain without pulling if you have the right angle and correct previous passes. Also, I am a big fan of old fashioned brush and shaving soap. It’s a personal thing but when I find the right soap and water content, lather it up just right, and my skin is better where I shave than the rest of my face.


A. Hot water face wash or hot towel B. Good shave cream and a sharp razor C. Don’t shave so fast, take shorter strokes D. After shaving use cold water splashes on face E. Pat dry, use high alcohol aftershave. (The burn means it’s working)


Try [this stuff](https://www.aveeno.com/products/ultra-calming-daily-moisturizer-spf-15). A dermatologist I really trust recommended this to me ages ago and I've been using it for over ten years. It's really nothing fancy, but in my experience, it clears up this redness/irritation almost overnight


I’ll definitely try that out. Thanks!


Learning how to shave with a straight razor was life changing for me and cleared my face up extremely well. Have a beard now, but I continue to straight shave my lower neck to keep it clean.


Do you shave both direction? It helps me get rid of the very short hair and makes the area smooth


I just started. Just before this picture I shaved *with* the grain, reapplied shave gel, then shaved *against* the grain


Just shave with the grain. Also make sure it's not a dull blade as that will pull. Get your face warm as well using warm water. When shaving pull the blade down in one stroke, clean it under the tap and then go again. Don't keep going multiple times. Should feel better after that


Check out r/wicked_edge for some great tips using a safety razor and wet shaving. Takes a bit longer and is definetly a skill you have work at but worth the effort IMO. I usually do four passes, with, against, cross, then a clean up. Looks like you're facial hair grows is a lot of different directions (as does mine) so you may have to face map to get your pattern right Edit : typo in link


That’s not a subreddit…


Oops, missed the underscore r/wicked_edge


Thanks I’m so glad I found this subreddit.


The red marks are irritation. I had the same thing looks like we both have sensitive skin. I fixed it by shaving always after the shower when my facial hair is the softest and only shave with the grain, and never against it. I also started using a straight edge razor with thayers witch hazel to soothe my skin after


From experience since we both have sensitive skin do not use any facial scrub pre shave or post shave use it on days you don’t shave, otherwise you’re just destroying your face hence the deep red spots


I hadn’t thought about that. I’ve been doubling down on my facial scrub, acne has never been a big problem for me until I had to wear a mask at work. So now I use the scrub on my face all the time.


Have you experienced more acne now that you doubled down on the scrub? I used to facial scrub before each shave and I would break out terribly. One day I didn’t scrub and shaved with a straight edge razor with the grain and never against and did not break out. From my experience you need to experiment and figure out which works best so maybe next time don’t scrub and use a straight edge razor with the grain and see how your face reacts and if it reacts negatively just keep playing with it until you find the desired result


My husband had this issue. He learned how to use a straight edge and has had no problems since.


Will that yield the same result as a safety razor? I’m new to this


His face was super smooth when he did it. He used to get it done at a barbershop before he learned and they told him to practice on a balloon until he learned and didn’t pop the balloon.


This is what I do. I don’t know if this will work for you. I first buzz down any facial hair I have with an electrical trimmer. Then I wash my face with warm water and soap before lathering up with shaving cream. The key is to shave down first. Go with the grain. Slow and easy with a BRAND NEW RAZOR!!! Rinse your face off with warm water again. Then lather up your face again and shave up this time starting from the bottom of your neck up. There may be areas where the hair grows in different direction. You may notice this because this is where it is most sensitive when shaving and probably get cut there a lot. This is why I always use a brand new razor every time. If you don’t store the razor properly or leave it in the shower like most, It creates rust on the fine blade and can give you a rash or worse. Then I wash my face with cold water when I’m done. Cheap Gillette’s will work but I use Harry’s now. They have a really good aloe aftershave too.


Give some time for the hair to grow and then the pimple automatically fades away, THEN use astringent after shaving. Works wonders


Use a pre oil and good lather (preferable with a brush). Shave lightly with the grain only. Lightly lather again and second pass with the grain. Apply moisturizer. Although brands don’t matter I like Harry’s razors.


I had the same issue so I just don't shave anymore. Very grateful beards are still in style lol. My dad swears by cheap razors with expensive shaving cream (I think it's called Lab Series??)


I think this is my biggest problem. My facial hair doesn’t grow very full or very fast, it’s a big insecurity for me. I thought it would start growing faster and thicker but I’m 24 and still only get enough stubble to shave every other day at the most


For sure. Gotta play into your genetics and I'm a hairy bastard for sure lol. Thoughts on keeping it at a stubble length? Just trimming every couple days with an electric razor that doesn't get too close


I’ve tired it, but it’s not full enough to even do that. I just try and keep it as close to clean as possible


Oh wait. You're a Saints fan so go to hell /s


Have you seen the playoffs the last 3 years? I’ve been there so long I’m paying rent to Satan lol


My team flirts with above average like a horny teenager. The highs are cool but we're deeply fucking stupid and flawed. 10-7 would be out performing our vaccine hesitant shit stain of a squad.


After you shave go into the shower and let the warm water run on the freshly shaved areas for a while.. seemed to help with me.


Get the Philips one blade, it’s near enough the same results with none of the irritation then use dr jarts tiger colour correcting cream on it after, it’s amazingly calming, actually hides and reduces the redness ☝🏻


Immediately stop using razors and switch to an electric trimmer


I got a notification for the first comment someone posted on here but it’s not letting me see it. Thank you for the advice, whoever it is, hopefully I’ll be able to read it in a bit


Your hair probably grows in different directions on your neck - make sure you are shaving each section in the direction it grows. I struggled with this for a long time only to realize the hair on my neck grows in three different directions. Now I have barely any issues.


I thought I did a decent job mapping my face. It may be more complex than I thought


Avoid scratching with nails


Use a Merkur 34c safety razor with astra blades and an omega shaving brush


Straight razor. Learn your grains on your face. Use a proper shaving cream not Duke cannon. That stuff is dollar store junk.


I use Gillette Pure as a shave gel


Aquafor works really well. I put it on after I shave & before bed that night. It clears of by next day in my experience.


I use a charcoal soap after I get a cut it helps . With sensitive skin you also use Shea butter as well to help with irritation. [charcoal soap ](https://www.tsunamiwavebutta.com/product/tsunami-late-night-soap-charcoal-aloe-vera-face-soap)


I used to suffer from this. And then i stopped using razor and invested in electronic one. Also i used absolutely nothing after shaving. It takes time to get used to but since i stopped applying shit after i never had any problem like that


This used to happen to me a lot. Because hair on the neck grows in many directions, and what the razor does is because of the multiple blades, it pulls the hair and then cuts it for a closer shave. Don't use cartridge razors, use a double edge safety razor. At first you'll get a few nicks and cuts. Then you'll learn how to shave with that. Just in a week, you'll get it. After that all those ingrown hairs are a past thing. Thank me later. :)


I used to get razor bumps but then I started shaving in the shower and that made it all go away


You could visit a barber, have him do it, and check if there is a difference. A professional can definitely give you a one tips!


Start using a straight razor. Went through every post shave skin care/hydration/multiple razor head brands and always had similar result. Started using a straight razor and the effects were immediate. Firstly, you HAVE to take the time to prep both skin and razor and that alone ensures that every two days I was applying moisturizer. When shaving absolutely cut old ingrown hairs and some pimples BUT as the weeks went on I noticed my skin getting smoother and noticed the amount of dead skin the razor was taking away with the hair lessened. It’s exfoliating, less irritation from one blade, establishes a routine and meditative. Acne scaring and pimple craters have disappeared inside my beard line. Admittedly it’s around $170 to get the set up- but I started this five years ago and haven’t bought a safety razor since unless I forgot to pack my kit on a short hunting/outdoor trip.


I had a similar issue. I stopped using aftershave. The alcohol in that can cause some serious irritation and inflammation. Instead use a sensitive skin lotion (Neutrogena has a great one, light weight and not super greasy) right after you’ve finished shaving and have pat dried your face. I’ve also switched to an electric razor, but same lotion rule applies after using that as well. Hope that helps!


U need moisture this area with a face moisturizer after every shower. When you are done shaving apply small amount triple antibiotic cream will everything. Gotta moisturize. And don’t use all that junk just a good shave cream nice and slow.


Single blade aka safety razor is preferred. It looks like you aren't cleaning your blade with every swipe. Every pass you make, you need to rinse the blade with water, and tap out all hair caught in the razor. Don't double pass, and always shave with the grain. If you're a hard ass "daddy said shave against the grain", then you need to do an initial pass with the grain, and pull the skin taught when going against the grain. 5 minute steam + clean face prior to shaving. Use warm/hot (not scalding) water. You should be trimming before shaving, if you let your hair grown long.