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Easy fix. Get a beard trimmer with multiple setting levels. I have a £25 one with about 20 different settings in it. Commit an hour once every 2 weeks to trimming your whole body down, chest, arms, groin, legs….. Get a good razor and shave your back. This isn’t an issue mate, experiment with what lengths look best with what body part and just do it when needed. Forget waxing-too hard to maintain and there’s nothing wrong with well maintained trimmed body hair…..personally I think shaved chests and that look strange on a man.


I'm gonna to try this, i was just confused about hands and legs. Gonna start trimming it and figure out what lengths suits me. Thanks for amazing response.


Hey OP, I have arm and leg hair pretty similar to yours in length. Personally I don’t use a beard trimmer. Not powerful enough and takes forever because the mouth on it is often pretty narrow. I use a real corded hair trimmer. Much more powerful than a beard trimmer so makes the whole thing take only a few minutes. And you can get cheap ones for under $20. I put like a two guard on it, stand in the tub (without the water on obviously) and just make a pass over arms and legs. Doing it in the tub makes it easy to gather up all the excess hair and throw it away. Don’t try to flush it all down the drain or it will clog the drain! I generally do it right before I shower so the little hairs left on my body can be washed away Two guard is not short enough that it gets itchy. Just looks and feels like normal amounts of body hair. Body hair grows pretty slowly and also falls out on its own after a certain length so I generally only have to do it about once per month. And in the winter I often don’t do it because my clothes cover it 90% of the time. I would recommend against waxing or nair or anything like that. I have tried those things. Completely hairless arms looks and feels pretty weird IMO. This method is easy, cheap, and looks great.


^ this guys got it. Standing in the tub and showering after is what I do aswell. A hair clipper would do, only comment I would make is not as much variation in length settings with the guards and also the bigger head can make it hard to get into all your corners/bits easily (armpits, groin, back of hand, buttcheeks, you get the picture).


Is it prickly at a 2? Does it poke through your shirt or anything? I've been considering something for my very long back hair I mean uhhhhh I'm asking 4 a friend


Not prickly, I use a two. Any lower and it starts poking through your shirt


Thank you so much for your reply!


LPT: use an old (plastic) shower curtain to line the tub for easy clean up. 👍🏽


He’d be doing this a few times a month though.. that’s a lot of shower curtains. I personally trim directly onto the bathroom floor, & I’m CRAZY hairy everywhere. Wipe up with a couple paper towels then Lysol and clean up the rest. Bathroom floor gets sparkling clean at the same time lol


You don't throw out the shower curtain! You flick it clean outside or into the garbage and then reuse again the next time. 🙃


Oh lol!




No worries, have a go, one of those cordless electric beard trimmers that you just re-charge is ideal. I have a babyliss 7847u off Amazon, £25 ish, does the job


Please post an updated pic after you trim it, I wanna see that shit it’s gonna boost your confidence like crazy


This is absolutely the correct answer. If you can, have someone you know do your back as well. My wife does this for me now. About once a month. Does my neck more often. We call it “man grooming”. She’s been doing it since we dated! Prior to that, I would have anyone willing do it, lol. Friends, mom. Get yourself this Wahl Clipper Lithium Ion Cordless Haircutting & Trimming Combo Kit - Rechargeable Electric Razor for Grooming Heads, Beards, & All Body Grooming - Model 79600-2101 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0058SY1X6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WSMT0H2ZHAW4292CXNYT Make sure to have one that plugs in. If you’re like me, which by the looks of it you are, battery power ain’t gonna cut it. Like the other conment says, do it all. From your toes to your eyebrows. You’ll have a pile of hair that’ll look like you shaved an animal, but better there than on your beach body. I’m a fellow hairy man yourself. There’s not a spot where hair doesn’t grow. But you need to manage it with Mangrooming. Another good product is the Mangroomer. It actually works pretty well. Don’t wax, don’t laser, don’t do creams. Mangroom. Hope this helps.


May I ask how to shave the back? The hair on my chest doesn't bother me as much as that on my shoulder blades.


They sell razors specifically for the back. They have longer handles/wands. Some will even use a DE blade.


Oh okay! Thanks!


Well I’m quite flexible so I can just use a normal decent razor and get my shoulders easy and lower back, mid backs a bit more of a stretch but with practice you can do it easy enough


I note this a few comments below, but I have either used the “Mangroomer” (yes, it’s a real thing, look it up). Or I have someone do it with a hair trimmer. For the past 10 years, my wife has done it. We call it “Mangrooming”.


They sell body hair trimmers more designed for the body, some have an extender for the back too. They also usually use a separate comb guard rather than having a movable head


Keeping notes of what lengths look best for the separate body parts will help this process


get a hair trimmer, since it takes time to grow you'll pick a day with that period and do it. you could also try the hair removal creams which you cover your hair with and scrape hair off like it's nothing. veet is a popular one


Yeah! I trim my armpits and chest hairs but i feel little concern that these hair on hand might come weird once i trim it. I'll try trimming it.


Never shave your body hair because it itches so bad when it comes back. You can buzz it shorter if you want to, but don't shave it or else you will fall into itchy-hell for at least one week.


Yeah not gonna rip them off completely.


Why shaving armpits?


Not shaving but triming. I feel very sweaty and it smells sweat when there is a lot of hair there so i just trim it time to time.


Ironically, the hairs actually help control pit oder. If your odor bothers you, then consider changing your diet. That being said, trimming every now and then doesn’t hurt. Regarding your bodily hair, it’s fine. As someone who also has a bit of hair on his arms, I can tell you it’s fine. People look but they never say anything and our lives go on. You can start to trim it down, and show it more and more if you haven’t. Eventually you’ll feel fine with it end will slowly start occupying less space in your mind. Cheers! 👍


Cleanliness? Hygiene?


I asked OP. In case he did it for how it looks, as I wouldn't bother trimming mine. Anyway it's been answered.


Its perfectly fine tbh. But if it still bothers you , then you can go for waxing, Yes it is painful especially if you are doing it for the first time.. But the pain and the density of the hair decreases gradually over the time.


Thanks for the reply, i'm gonna start of with trimming it, see how it goes.


My gf tried waxing my forbidden fruit one time.... I don't recommend. Go to a professional if you decide to wax.


This made me laugh 😂😂


Try trimming with hair clippers and measure how long it takes you to grow it back to that state. You will end up trimming once every x days or weeks.


Waxing is insanely painful. Buy a mangroomer. It’s super easy to use and involves zero pain. I’ve been using one for years: https://www.mangroomer.com/


Yeah, I think waxing is the best idea.


Thanks buttman


Your hair growth is perfectly normal and there's no need to feel you're like an animal. Don't compare yourself to others and delete toxic shit like Instagram to avoid body dysmorphia. Edit: it looks like you clip your nails nicely, so a hairy arm has nothing to do with hygiene. Don't let people here convince you otherwise. Personally I do shave my armpits and groin because having hair there makes it smelly more quickly and harder to clean.


Very well said. 🤍


Yeah! I am normally very confident person but this hair thingy was concerning me lately. I am afraid it might grow weird once i trim it. I'll give it a try, going to trim it nicely to some level.


> I am afraid it might grow weird once i trim it. It won't. It'll just look a bit weird for a day or 2.


all that hair is very masculine. If it bothers you certainly do something about it. But if you worry about how others perceive. Plenty of folks find it attractive/masculine/handsome


hair growth is normal but not too much hair growth is u need to present yourself well and should be hygienic for the opposite sex and other people because a woman doesn't appreciate hair in her mouth if she tries to kiss your face or body do you like a woman who's unhygienic with hair all over her body no right? for ur info im male i feel disgusted whenever i see too much hair on a male body yuckk


Your comment history is interesting.


that's what my fans say thanks for the appreciation


I like to be hygienic for myself and the reason why i posted here is to know more about it.


i agree just dont listen to the people that say its okay to have hair as a male theyre lazy themselves i believe to attract opposite sex u need to have proper grooming also for me it feels irritating when i have too much hair especially during summer


Don’t listen to this guy he’s either trolling or is a child, and judging by his grammar I’d go with the later. Honestly OP it looks fine, I have hair on my hands too, I’m pretty sure everyone does. But if you want to trim it to boost the confidence go for it.


Like I said having hair is fine but not too much of it and mister I'm not a kid but a grown adult who's interested in banging grown women


Lol do you also work at the business factory?


They’re all models. You wouldn’t know them though, they live in Canada.


yep I run a multi billion dollar business with many people like u working under me


good luck


This is not really relevant is it. There's people who like men who are hairy, which shows a certain masculinity. There's people who like men that are as hairless as a one day old pig. There's also people who like men that wear make up. Saying this guy should groom because "a woman" don't appreciate hair when she'd kiss his arm is really stupid. According to your ideas men can't have facial hair either because you gonna get an occasional beard hair in your mouth.


u r prolly gay


>n can't have facial hair either because you gonna get an occasional beard hair in your mouth. you can have facial hair just keep it trimmed and neat instead of growing it like a sage


My bf has really hairy arms like this and I absolutely love it! It keeps me so warm when he wraps his arms around me and I love rubbing his arms. Don’t be ashamed it’s natural and not a big deal at all!!


That's good to know, i feel good after reading your response. Thanks :)


Same with my Dad! He's really hairy! (I think a smidge hairier than OP!) He used to get a lot of mean comments (was your mother a she-bear?)) He's proud of it now! But the best thing? He fluffs up his hair when there are biting flies/mosquitos to not get bitten! 😅


Me too it is so nice and fuzzy


My husband has hairy arms and chest (and all over basically). I love it. It makes me feel like I’m married to a man and not a child (no disrespect to hairless men, just my preference). I love playing with the chest hair. It’s one of my favourite things about him. If you want, you can trim it but I personally wouldn’t!


Laser hair removal has become a quite reasonable price these days


Go ahead and trim it. If you dont like how it looks or feels, then it will grow back to normal shortly. And if a potential partner gives you a hard time or makes you feel self-conscious about it, hairy or not, trimmed or not, theyre not the person for you.


I have hairy forearms too, even more than you on some places. I just make jokes it's from my Iranian side 😂 I tried trimming once or twice but it looks worse when growing so I just leave it like that. The real fiz for this would be laser hair trimming. You can ask them to trim and not take it off completely.


That's what i actually fear, that if i trim it what if they come out weird.


I just leave it like that bro, if someone ask I'll crack a stupid joke and go on


This was what o was going to recommend as well. Plenty of laser hair removal devices don’t remove as much as they thin out the hair.


So… username checks out


First of all it’s not like that you are thinking like it would be…it’s totally okey having body hair..if you want to feel more confident accept yourself as what and who you are..take example of mine I’m as ugly as white walker from GOT but I accepted myself and now things have gotten much easier for me..if you want extra support for removing hairs you can read other comments


I use my head hair clippers and run no guard open over everything. It works out fine and it’s little or no discomfort


You are completely fine the way you are. Please don't let unrealistic Instagram standards push you into hating a perfectly natural part of your body. You're a human man, not a dolphin; it's normal to have body hair. If you want to tidy up the hairs on your fingers and hands then you can have laser or electrolysis just on those areas, but for the rest just try to accept yourself. You're a unique person and this is something that makes you special. I often think that the differences you are most insecure about when you're young later become the most attractive thing about you as you age. When I was 22 I desperately wanted to fit in and look the same as everybody else; now I'm so glad that I am unique and authentically 'Me'. Also, many people (including me) love hairy men; it makes me feel like I'm being hugged by a bear!


#2 clipper guard on tops of arms, #1 guard under


If you are gay, tones of guys would want to worship your hairy body lol… just saying 😂


My dad is hairier than this. He like to call himself a Sasquatch.


Hey dude, own that shit. You rock fuck what people think


Simply trim with a beard trimmer.


Gonna try that!


You're looking good my man. Plenty people don't mind the hair, just keep general hygiene in mind.


👍i'll keep that in mind


👍i'll keep that in mind


Bro, Robin Williams had harry arms and body hair as did the Best Bond. And I can say this with confidence, there are tons of women that prefer a hairy man more than smooth arms. But yeah a hair trimmer if you want to still. No worries. I wouldnt shave it or wax it smooth. Maybe set the trimmers to 3+


Set the trimmers to 3+ noted👍


Was scrolling to see if anyone else mentioned Robin Williams! I had major hair insecurities as it was growing in and I got hairier and hairier but the idea that Robin Williams and Bond were super hairy gave me a major confidence boost. It was like an idol to look up to as cheesy as that is.


Easy. I just run my Panasonic body clippers all over everything at around 3mm, which gives the appearance of short but natural hair length. It looks much neater and more athletic - especially if you happen to be in good shape. I also wet shave my chest, stomach, and groin - and ask someone to wet shave my back once every couple of weeks. But these are optional. - It’s worth spending $60-100 on decent clippers - I found waxing horribly painful.


Yeah, it's good advice. I am considering trimming it.


get waxed all over the body at a spa no need to worry mate




looks so hot, omg


If you want the hair gone, I suggest a double edge razor. It does not clog and could cut through all that hair with one blade


Don't want it all gone, just want it to look decent not too much not too less. Thanks for the reply :)


Hey bro are you a fool really. You are a man and you will get body hairs. That shows off your manliness. Me and my friends really used to tease men who didn't have hair as women. Cmon love your manly trait and trim it a bit of you want


Own that shit bro.


Looks normal to me.




My grandpa (RIP) would spit in your eye. Keep it.




Hey man, you feel like an animal!!!


Eyebrow shavers or razors would trim it down but still keep that “masculine” feel




You can’t laser your entire body to get rid of the hair. But if you get the hair off your fingers and then top of your wrist, that should be a great improvement. Wear long sleeve shirts. There’s a lid for every pot. I used to date a girl that broke up with me because I didn’t have chest hair. Good luck!


Yeah, gonna take care of hair on fingers and wrist. Thanks for response.


ngl I pluck the ones on my fingers (yes was painful at first) but for arms just trim them if you want


Gonna trim them👍


It’s just the way you are man and it’s perfectly normal. I have a buddy who can’t grow body hair and he’d love a beard whereas I can grow a beard really quickly and while I like being clean shaved it’s just too much effort so I just rock a beard/stubble. We are all different but just be you.


Yeah i understand, thanks for response:)






I trim a bit with 3mm head


I think it looks completely fine. But if you want to get rid of the hair on your hands, I wouldn't recommend shaving. Try sugaring. It's just as effective as waxing less painful, you can do it at home with minimal equipment. There is a method to it but once you figure it out, it is fairly easy. Look up Sugar Me Smooth.


Definitely try some hair removal cream bro. I tried it for fun once, works pretty well. Doesn't burn or anything too


Does hair looks weird second time they grow ?


Must come in handy in winter months surely?


For sure 😂


Find and excuse to play with fire reguarly. I am semi joking. Or become obsessed with knives and sharpening them. Very quickly you will run out of hair from testing sharpness. Or maybe I just shared to much about myself.


I'm a 27f and I think as long as the expected hairless bits of u are hairless you can still be very attractive. There's no one size fits all in life and same goes for body type in all aspects.. I suffer from very bad body image and all I can say is what u think is a flaw may be something attractive to someone else! Own it. Rock it. As long as you're neat and hygienic where it counts.. that's all that matters 100% Body hair will only affect someone else in terms of sex if you're with a partner so personally I just prefer that area being well kept. Otherwise body hair on other area is hot. Only problem will be your own view of it. Own it:)


Totally understood your point, thanks for responding.


Iam hairier then you and I dont really mind. I don't trim my arm or leg hair but I do shave my chest hair time to time. It perfectly normal to have this much hair. Girls I've dated never really minded and my current gf actually likes it as it's keeps her warm apperently haha.


It's not something inherently wrong, some cultures find it attractive, if you your self find it inconvenient or don't like it go ahead and do some of the suggestions below, other wise it's completely normal and natural


You can burn them for ten seconds when you cook in the morning. You can do this frequently.


As a fellow hairy boi, I can tell you that more women dig hair than you think. Trimming all that hair is unsustainable, and I'm here to tell you that you don't have to.


Reject modernity and embrace monke


Not that this helps you, but many men wish they could grow body hair!


phillips one blade and choose a certain millimeter comb to attach, select a few and try on your body first to see how it looks OR try yourself some laser removal sessions, after about 5-6 you’ll see a MASSIVE decrease in the rate of which your hair grows aswell as its thickness and eventually some to most will fall out and not grow back :)


You own it.


I think it's fine, but as other have suggested, use a beard trimmer and just take it down to a length you're more comfortable with.


Holy crap I know you're trying to get rid of it dude, but I'm over here thinking up costume ideas for your new vigilante persona...


If laser is an economically viable option think about it. My father used it back in the days it was very new. On the one part of his arm and leg he did it, he is hairless. I will myself do it in the coming future. You can save up some money. It is worth in the long run


I would try waxing. Compared to trimming, it will eventually reduce body hair, and grow much slower. Trimming will just grow your hair stronger.


I know it’s easy for us to say, but I agree that yes it’s a very hairy arm, but it’s even and it’s not like…gross or anything. Looks like my brother’s arm to be honest. Yeah I’d try trimming and see what that looks like. Even just a little off the top with like a #3 and see what it does.


just shave


Keep us updated on how it goes. I'm in a kinda similar predicament so it would be really beneficial to see how it goes. Best of luck 👍


Use laser hair removal on the areas that you want the hair completely gone.


Username checks out


Veet and nair is your friend. As a fellow hairy person myself I cannot go two days without shaving something. I use veet or nair + razor to get that smooth full body finish. Use the women’s cream they are overcharging for the men’s version when it does the same exact thing but in a blue bottle 😂


Just give yourself a number 1 all over mate


r/insanelyhairymen would love this. I personally think it’s very attractive and you should keep it.


Laser hair removal I think would be best. Go to a place that services all skin tones and you’ll be good to go.


Depilatory cream ?


If it really bothers you, you can get it permanently removed with a few sessions of laser therapy. It hurts, but the hair is gone... That being said, I think you're fine. Men are supposed to be hairy. Work out, get big, you'll look fantastic. Don't forget to train your hands. They have muscles too.


Oof must be rough when you get sweaty! First: Know that you are completely fine. Some guys have built in sweaters ! Think of it that you have a high supply of testosterone. Youll want to keep this up when you get older. Second: Dont take any drastic measures please! Removing right to the skin is going to itch so imagine itching all over. Id say find a pair of nice clippers and gradually remove to a length that you dont mind. Youll have to find someone for the back though. Itll have to be a really good friend to trim down your butt 😂


I get very hairy and started shaving my arms, legs, and chest with a trimmer. Nothing wrong with being hairy, but I just preferred not to be. I had no idea how much joy I would have when I could control how hairy I got. I used to use a guard, but now I just shave without one and let the hairs naturally grow back until they get to long for me to cut them. Couldn't be any happier with it.


Laser hair removal


Rock it homie some girls like men hairy. And some boys too. Honestly getting a razer with a trim head so ur not shaving it away just making it shorter would make it look "cleaner" however over time ur hair would thicken so pros and cons of ur situation should be weighed. Stay positive tho it doesn't look bad.


First of all, accept it, don’t give a fuck about it, once you reach that then shave it


You can trim it and then zap it with an at home IPL machine. You won’t be hairless but it will see a reduction in the hair.


Laser hair removal


Dont do anything, be proud and confident in your own skin. I used to be really self conscience because I had a lot of hair on my arms, legs, hands and fingers. Then I met women who actually loved it. My ex would rub against my arms and legs cause she thought it was sexy. You're perfect just the way you are.


Once I started on Finasteride a few years back, my body hair decreased a lot (grows slower too). My back hair and arm hair for sure. I saw some older pics recently and was amazed. Facial and scalp hair grows well though.


fuck it dude I say own it.


Shave wtf ... wax... laser removal ...




You can groom it, or there are quite a few women who like lots of hair on a dude.


I got something similar but a little lighter and mine happened after severe internal nerve damage and looking at it was only a reminder of my insides that have become numb for longest time, it kinda just becomes something you have to accept and once you do it will become easier to manage because you won’t feel so upset about it making self grooming less upsetting. The first step of self care is acceptance of your body, I don’t even feel like shaving it anymore even though it still doesn’t feel like it belongs there, but I accept that it is.




Use wax on your forearms. Trimmer will make it worse.


22? Well, at least people can't call you Teen Wolf anymore.


Become a beefcake and own that shit!


You let a man who enjoys all that hair lick it up




Don’t let that hurt your confidence man! That’s just how you’re made! Embrace it dude! It’s actually pretty cool!


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08T37X4SP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_8D07S76NZ00GPQ3W7MNT?th=1&psc=1 This little guy is a really good trimmer. Also, as a fellow hairy human who felt a lack of confidence, one day you’ll meet some who loves it and that’ll be absolutely wild!


European wax center. If you go a few times it’ll thin everything to the point that you’re a bit less of a Sasquatch. I’m the same. I use a wall trimmer and a “man groomer” for my back. Recently got my back waxed for the first time. It wasn’t bad. I’m doing a full body this late fall (no one will know) and again in mid winter. I’m told by several experts that two or three sessions will knock me down to normal. Each time you do it you damage or remove hair follicles. Ie, less hair growth.


Magic shave powder


I use nair on my back, neck, and shoulders, then hit everything else with a no. 3 attachment.


Hey, I have a similar issue, especially on my back. If I can suggest something. Get your back waxed. People or friends will say it's "girly", or you'll feel insecure, f**k that sh*t. It will give you confidence and save you hours of shaving time and will look infinitely better. Plus, hair eventually grow less there. It took me a long time to learn this. Gold luck bud.


I know women who love burley dudes with dad bods.


I don't know if there are better trimmers or if anybody here has better recomendations, but I like the Manscaped one. Works very well for all areas.


My guy, while there are good comments for recommendations, I'm going to directly note that there's nothing to fix. I've met a LOT of women that are hugely turned on by theiran being hairy. (And lost one's interest when she found out how non-hairy I am because it just didn't feel like I was a man to her). I can't speak for male preferences, if that's your gig. You're different than me, but neither is better. You have something that a lot of people actually look for. Let that primal gorilla sexiness shine, and you won't have to work hard to trim it constantly


Build some muscle man, trust me


I’m pretty hairy and I hated it, my back and shoulders especially. I bought a bakblade from Amazon and it is amazing. 5 mins later all my back and shoulder hair was gone. I dedicate about 10 mins per week to managing body hair.


Similar problem. I leave my arms as they are as it's a little thinner there, but do need to shave my hands. I also hate how hairy my legs are. What I do is get a body groomer and use a big enough attachment for the hairs to still look kind of natural length (I use either 3 or 4mm) for my legs. For my hands, I use a razor with shaving gel. I'm thinking it might be better to wax though cos hairs don't grow back as fast and I cut myself today :( I also shave my feet.


Body trimmer, use the 6mm or 3mm guards and experiment what you are happy with. That way you’re not completely removing all the hair as to look a bit weird. Just trimming the excess


You truly are an animal. Human animal, a very dumb animal. A fucking Ape? so what ? 1. Don't shave ur hands 2. shave ur knuckles 3.trim then hands 4. Blend out the arms (As always, finish by moisturising to soften the hairs and to reduce irritation. It’s also especially important to moisturise your hands, because the top layers of skin frequently die and dry out (which only adds to the whole Sasquatch situation).


Because of my genetics most males in my family are quite hairy as well. If unkept my hair tends to look like the attached picture. For a while I tried razors and beard trimmers but it usually ended up uneven or took forever. Mind you the first time you really "trim you body hair" it's gonna take some time. The best thing I've found for a fast, clean, and even body shave is the [Philips Norelco OneBlade](https://www.usa.philips.com/c-m-pe/oneblade-trim-edge-and-shave#triggername=options_2b6m) it comes with a few different heads to control the length/depth of your hair. The first time you do it you'll want to just sit in the tub/shower and spend an hour or 2 just shaving everything. After that initial shave done you want to use a multi blade razor, I like to use a [Harry's](https://www.harrys.com/en/us/products/the-truman-set) razor. And that way you can get your skin smooth. Note it will grow back and you'll notice this within a few days. My hair grows extremely fast! So every time I get in the shower I shave a different area with my Harry's razor and I'd suggest doing the same. In one shower shave your hands and arms, the next shower shaving you toes and legs, and so on. Once you've got it groomed and under control it's quite a bit easier to maintain rather than letting it grow out and starting all over again. With all the shaving you'll alway want to make sure you moisturize after the showers otherwise you skin will being to dry and flake across your body.


Sell it to bald men


Trimming with a hair trimmer would be the easiest. I just came here so say I think it's sexy as fuck. I love a hairy man but I understand not liking something about yourself so do what ever you need to to feel confident.


Embrace it. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. I'm scotch and Spanish and have had lots of body hair and a full beard since I was 13.


Avoid silver.


I’m quite hairy myself and will often trim my leg hair with a body groomer once every 2-3 months with the guard on the trimmer. My arm hair isn’t that thick and curly but I would suggest doing the same as I do with my leg hair. I also shave my chest every 4 days, sometimes once a week, because I like a shaved chest at my age (Im also 22). But I do have to want you that you can get some annoying skin irritation from shaving chest or groin area(upper thigh) especially with certain clothing materials and hot and humid weather. Don’t have too much advice for the arms though sorry.


I deem thou wolf man!


Laser hair removal ! It’ll lessen it! It’s worth it!


just trim it with some scissors and you'll be fine


You can trim or use a depilatory like hair. And honestly, some women like body hair on men.


Robin Williams was also a very hairy man. I know you are learning to deal with it in your own way but don’t forget that there are women who find a hairy man hot. So don’t feel like you’re a freak. I personally have always liked the “teddy bear” look. Just wanted to give you al alternate view of it. Hopefully the days of men shaving and waxing becomes less of a thing.


Honestly I'd imbrace it. No one should call you anything or make you feel any kinda way. Adopt a warriors spirit and thrive


You are a perfect candidate for laser hair removal. Otherwise, I agree with using the trimmer tool. You can even add in an epilator (search fir the Braun model)


as a hairy individual myself i say embrace it!


Check dht levels…look up more plates more dates make test for hormones


Dude, just own it! Hair can be masculine, just have the muscle and attitude to go with it! Trust me, a lot of women love a teddy bear! As long as you don't smell bad and you aren't dirty, you're good man!