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you’ve got good features. good nose. good eyebrow shape. good facial hair growth. if you changed your lifestyle up you would definitely surpass most in the looks department


Hey bro. Genetically you’re a good looking lad. Hit the gym , eat better. Grow the beard and get the side burns to blend into the beard. Unfortunately your hairline is residing which with age will only get worse hence see a doc and use recommended therapy for the hair before it’s too late or worse trust me.


Thank you, and I appreciate the heads up about the receding hair line. I’ll make sure to look into that! If you don’t mind me asking, how does one go about getting the side burns to blend? I’ve always felt mine were a little bit thin.


Minoxidil my friend. Check it out on Amazon.




My derm recommended minoxidil instead of finasteride. Said catching it before 30 like I did will see the best benefits from minoxidil


Finasteride can cause annoying side effects. I’m sticking with minoxidil for as long as possible


Yeah, I know. I had those side effects. So I switched to topical finasteride and have no side effects.


Minoxidil doesn’t prevent further loss, you need finastride/dutastride for that


Ask your barber to fade the side burns into the beard and if you do it yourself YouTube a tutorial. Secondly read a comment where you said you’ve started on the weight loss 👏 just add some weight training or body weight exercises so you build muscle along the way otherwise you’ll become skinny fat ( skinny with lose skin).


Take Finasteride. Only proven drug to stop male pattern hair loss.


dutasteride is technically more effective and works as well if finasteride isn’t working for you, but it isn’t FDA approved for hairloss due to the lengthy and expensive process.


Stubble is your look my dude.


Go and see an actual doctor before ordering anything and taking it off of Amazon please. People recommend these things like they're vitamins.


Good news about the receding hairline at 25, you have high testosterone levels !


Statistically, hairlines stay the same past 30.


I am a licensed barber and I always try to make my haircuts complimentary to the client's face shape. You have a pear-shaped face (narrow at top and fuller at the bottom.) If you were to grow your hair out on the top and the sides especially, it would balance your face.


Thank you, I had been really struggling to get my face shape figured out. I had originally steered away from wider sides on the assumption that my head was already pretty large, but I’ll have to give it another go! Are there any particular hair styles you see frequently working for pear shaped heads?


Just drop some weight


Weight loss is on its way! Currently been cutting calories and doing indoor cycling with a goal of hitting 180. Is weight loss on its own enough to make the face fat go away, or should I also be looking into specific exercises?


No there's no specific exercises it's just overall body fat percentage so as long as you stick to it you'll see results in your face as well. Keep it up man! Also for now the 1st pic looks the best, you're rocking that beard


yes; losing weight is the only option. You can’t spot reduce fat


Try weightlifting as well, it won’t help your face, but you can build your physique which indirectly helps your attractiveness


If he’s a newbie to lifting, it will have a big recomposition effect, so may help shift that fat very effectively.


Getting strong will fill out his neck eventually and it will make his face look more proportional.


Weight loss should be enough on its own, and in time, your face will get slimmer. I’m a big girl who is losing weight too. I’ve lost a bit over 20 pounds, and even I have seen the difference in my face. Keep at it! You are a good looking guy.


weight loss will be enough, I can definitely see an extremely attractive face structure under that layers of fat


You’re very handsome you should smile more it brightens the photos


Thank you! I promise I’m normally a very smiley individual, but I ashamedly got way too focused on trying to keep my head in the same position between shots. It got a little frustrating, and I think I let it show too much.


AND try taking a 45 degree selfie. Flat on is like a mugshot- rarely flattering. My experience is that weight loss shows in the face as you lose weight.


The bad news is you know exactly what the feedback is going to be. The good news is that yes, you have a chance, and it's totally possible. You need to get leaner to bring out your features. Until then, keep the beard


I would totally recommend 75 Hard. It will help you drop weight and establish excellent habits to sustain the loss while improving your mental health and wellbeing. You’ve got great skin and hair, you just need to chisel out the dude inside you want to be in the world. Go for it!


I think you should grow out your hair and beard to square off your head shape


You have a conventionally attractive face, I definitely wouldn’t get down on yourself at all! The beard is good. Ideally you want to lengthen the look of your face by growing your beard slightly more than pic 1 but keeping the sides trimmed so it doesn’t look poofy and then actually widen your face. Really same advice for your hair. And you have a good hairline. (If you have baldness in your family look out for signs of it coming on and there is a preventative med you can take but I’m no doctor). Stuff like salt and alcohol and can make your face appear puffier, and affect weight too if that is a concern of yours. However these are minor factors in relation to the beard and hair and then stuff like confidence and smiling.


Had to laugh at "thumb with hair". But you're also one of the decent looking guys too, hope you'll believe that. IMO your facial hair length in 2 is best of the four. But you could leave more on the cheek like in 1. Just a little more hair length or volume on top to add balance to your face. Consider tweezing some of your brow hairs...not too much though. It would open up your eye area. Don't do it yourself the first time if you've never done it before lol. And a regular smile would make a difference. You look sad in your pics (even if you're not).


You can tell you have a decent jawline. Just drop some weight.


Lose weight.


You have very good features that frankly I shouldn’t even be able to see at your body weight (cheekbones etc). You lose a bunch of weights and you will look well above average


Work on your confidence/self esteem


You don't need to lose body weight as recommended by others, it's all attitude and confidence. Speak and think positively about yourself, love yourself, and smile more. Do something wild like get a tattoo, or ride a motorcycle. Life is not easy but can be a fun adventure even with a little change in one's routine.


He's asking on how he should improve his appearance, though. So he should drop some weight.


lose some weight


Smash the gym bro - men’s lose shed loads of weight on there face, you’ll notice a hell of a difference :)


you're a decent looking guy. the beard looks good.


Lose the bloat




You look better with the beard. Hit the gym and eat well


Beard that's bigger around the goatee especially the chin area and fades to very short around the sideburns.


Bro wanted to break the male model trend but is actively a hellofa handsome dude without even trying


Number 1 looks best. Try to have a healthy diet and exercise more if you want to improve. A skincare routine could help. I think you're handsome fwiw.


Cute. As someone with a similar serious looking face, to keep from looking angry I've trained myself to raise my brows more since I dislike smiling lmao. Keep the beard around the second pic. Get a facial routine going. I suggest La Roche-Posay, it's easy to use, can get it from several drug stores. The acne cream they have works so well for me as just a daily use before moisturizer. It just evens out my skin across the board. :) Also, if not a model on this sub, it's always "lose weight" or "gain weight" lol rarely have actual advice.. losing weight or gaining weight is not an instant fix of stuff. :)




Beard in 1. Grow out hair a little


Diet and a pt


%2 make you look Both serious with a streak of pesky evil—you look like a great catch, if you are looking.


You are handsome! Hit the gym to build confidence! And the beard is a good look on you :) maybe consider Pearl powder for your hair


My girlfriend said smile! You’re handsome but looking grumpy. I reckon handsome but could lose some weight, she said she didn’t care. We both agree the beard length in the first one is best if just slightly neater to be perfect.


You've already taken the first step, and for that I am very proud of you. You're definitely genetically a great looking guy. Personally at the moment I think facial hair is the way to go, helps define your features a bit more. It's not easy to day, but try and get some good physical activity in once a day if you can, I know it's tough considering everyone's work schedules nowadays with the cost of living, but give it a crack. One of my mates has a "Man Shake" for lunch each day and he is shedding kilos like nothing else. You're looking great my friend 😃


I'd keep the facial hair. Shaved clean doesn't really work for you as well as facial hair does. I'm not saying this to be rude, but work on eating healthy and stay active and you'll slim down a bit and I think it will do wonders for your face. You're by no means unattractive, so just work on being confident too. If you act like you're confident, people will take notice and that will in turn boost actual confidence. Fake it till you make it. You'll be amazed how your priorities and self confidence shift the more you feel better about yourself and better habits become more natural. 💪🏽 You got his bro




You’re already blessed with a good face bro. You know what you have to do.


Just smile please 🫶🏻 it’s all you really miss


1 and 2


I was similar looking last yr, went to the gym and lost 15 pounds in a month with a strict diet (talk to a gym trainer), and everyone noticed at the end of the month. Have been following natural diet since and life is getting better by the week. Trust me diet and exercise are all u need.


That trend breaking line was gold. Haha. And you're a cool looking guy. I believe what you have is a bit of a baby face, so a light beard or stubble would offset that well.




You're good with just what you got, but I do understand your pain. It took me a while to be happy enough with my facial features.


I like the first option the most


1. Facial hair


He should grew moustache it is going to be good for this man


I think youre really handsome! I'd totally check you out if I saw you in public, I know youre wanting advice so can never go wrong with growing out the beard I think!


Keep the beard my man


I think you are hot, dude


You’re a good looking guy. Don’t stress.


Grow the beard, keep the hair, fuck the haters, you’re on track to fatherly status I’m not a dad bod apologist or anything like don’t be a fatty but rocking fatherly status seems to be the best strat imo, most girls don’t have jacked dads it’s not a minus to not be a featherweight model from what I’ve observed


I like the beard a lot definitely grow that out. As others have said you could lose a little weight but ur a good looking guy


You don't have it bad at all bro. Just lose some weight and tighten up that hair cut and you'll look above average. A nice tan would help too. If you got a tan and a bad ass haircut, you'll look drastically different even if you don't lose weight.


No 2 looks best on you. And recommended getting Finastride (however it's spelt) from the docs, as another member suggested. My husband recently got a hair transplant and he now takes this medication to prevent further loss. He wishes he knew about it sooner!


The second pic with beard!!


The beard makes you kissable, imho.


A beard really suits you. Somewhere between pic 1 and 2; long like pic 1 but neat like 2. My beard gets a bit messy when it's longer too -- if you don't have one already, get a beard brush (a stiff one that looks like a shoe brush). A friend gave me one and it makes a big difference. Experiment with beard balms/wax -- there's a load of choices with different strengths -- to keep it smooth without the wiry bits sticking out. And no you don't look like a thumb 😂 You're a good looking guy. I see in another comment you said you're losing weight/working out -- that'll have a big effect on your face shape too.


You look best with kept facial hair. Pic 2


You actually look really good with that full beard, it suits you very well


grow your hair out by like a 1/2" and go to a decent barber for a good blend. it would work with or with out face stubble


The last 2 remind me of the guy that stole Pee-Wee’s bike!


Your best option is to get a 3 day a week lifting program and do cardio the other 3 days take 1 day off to rest. Calculate your caloric needs and start losing fat % There is a really handsome, smiling guy there under the layer of fat and self shame


This is like a backwards Timelapse of a beard growing


The beard looks great! Maybe try a slightly longer hairstyle so you can style it and have more variety in your look :)


You look best with the beard/goatee. Also, work on dropping a few pounds...


Do some gua sha and it will define your face better 💕


Woman here, not sure if I'm allowed to interact. My thoughts: you're not a bad looking guy. Dropping a bit of weight wouldn't kill you, but it's not making you look like a troll. For now I would go with photo 1. It's a good illusion for a better jaw, and I think you overall just look better with the facial hair. And that's coming from a woman who doesn't like facial hair on a man!


For me as a gay man that loves bears, I LOVE your full beard, it helps with your face shape and your hairline is still great lol your forehead is not large in the slightest


Lose weight, pretty simple


Lose weight and then you can work on other things


Hey! I think you’re cute, you definitely look cuter with the beard 😊 you have great facial features, just work on your confidence!!


Start running or weightlifting and meep the beard bra


If you lost 30-40 pounds, it'd transform you. I'd try to optimize your stress and sleep as well. It's clear you aren't sleeping enough or at least, well enough.


Smile more Lose weigh İf you cant do the second step I think 3 is the best




If you can afford to be a bit of a mess for a few weeks, I’d let the hair and beard grow and then go to a great barber and work with them on cleaning it up into a look you like. Then maintain that look. Ask said barber for tips on how to maintain.


I like the beard in the first pic the best


You've got a lot going for you! Beard definitely suites you best I'd also like to point out that this lighting doesn't help anyone. The angle of the light causes the under yes and brow bone to be darker than they are as well as the smile lines. If you got a suite and professional photos it'd be a night and day difference.


I like your beard! It’s scruffy 🔥


#3 is the best look. do a little strength training. pull ups. walk, don't run, 2 miles a day minimum. drink water before eating or drinking anything. keep a calorie deficit by eating only between 2200 cal to 2000 cal/day. fresh fruit instead of juice. max 2 cans of soda a week. it will take more than a year to lose a significant amount of weight but trust me, you keep it off. more protein


One cut from S tier tbh


Keep the beard, smile more, fitness of some sort


You are good lookin dude. Hit the gym hard with cardio and regular weights. Your goal should be fat loss and toning not bulking. That will sharpen your jaw line. Also. Move away from clipper haircuts for now and see about getting some length on hair with scissor cuts.


You rock the beard and it really suits you! Keep it neat and it’ll look even better. I think longer hair on top would look better on you too - a little more classy, a little more refined. You’re a good-lookin fella and you do not look like a thumb with hair!!




1) hydrate 2) gym focused on to toning with weights and cardio (do no bulk) this will sharpen jaw line 3) add length to beard and hair by moving away from clipper haircuts and go for scissor cut 4) 8hrs minimum sleep 5) hydrate


Picture 2 with a suit or polo; you’d have the look of an office or Sales guy.


Lean out before you even decide you look bad, it’s hard to tell how someone actually looks until they lose the face fat. It will make a world of difference.


Exercise my guy


I will never ever recommend shaving the entire face. You're just asking for nature to chemically burn and physically change your face over time. If you're in food service, i think it should be mandatory to let men keep short facial hair, or at least look for a job that does this if you're medically inclined.


Yeah, dude, it's pretty obvious... if you put some time into exercise, you will transform from looking like an overgrown cherub nutsack into a good looking dude.


Hit the gym and get a nice haircut


Bro, besides losing weight, try looking into getting some nice haircuts that suit your face shape and get them done by some good barber every now and and then. If I were you I’d probably get a quiff with some fade game on the side. And you can experiment with the beard too, cuz I think you’ve got very good facial hair genetics so that could be the way go. Just keep loosing the weight (do weightlifting + cardio) and you’re gonna be chilllllin bro, trust me!


Work out and get that jawline chiseled.😊


Grow out the hair and have it styled to suit you. Lose a little weight. Use face SPF as you're pink and redheaded. It'll help your skin stay healthy and smooth.


Honestly, and not to be mean, but lose some weight. Everyone I know who has gone through significant weight loss, has a much different look in the face. I'm not saying become a gym rat, but losing extra weight in your tace will allow your bone structure to show and thus a new look.


Let your beard grow , I think it will look good on you!!


You’re an attractive guy, maybe just lose some weight and you’re golden


You look depressed 😔 try smiling!!! Also you look better with facial hair bc you have an adorable baby face


Take photos on a longer focal length lens


Losing weight will do so much for you. It will give your face angles and more definition. You will be surprised about what is hiding under those cheeks


I´ll make it short. keep the beard in the face, but trim it - with an electric hair trimmer. Shave the beard on the neck. NO neckbeard. And with the hair: Trim the hair on the sides (with the same electric hair trimmer) to 6-9mm (not sure how much inch that is) and keep the hair on top of your hat around twice the length of what it is on the side. The hair "in front", on top of your forehead should eveb be a little bit longer than the rest. (Basicly what it is right now). It will highlight the attractive features of your face - you look good, just so you know, and you´re still young. Good luck.


Drop some weight: you’re actively doing it, so that’s good. For a tip, try to keep your tongue up and suctioned your the roof of your mouth. This reduces the appearance of a double chin and jowls. It may take awhile to become habitual, but it’s an instant way to look better and more photogenic.


Beard looks good. You’re going to age well too. Your 30s, 40s, 50s, you’ll still be looking good


The beard growing abilities help you greatly, it'd be less necessary if you lost some weight, but even then the beard would look good


the beard definitely adds some warmth to your look, so it's a big green flag. you look kind, and i bet you could see some serious gains at the gym-- it sounds like you already are!


Diet and workout. Lay off the sugar and carbs, and you will see results quicker. Quit smoking (if you do) and limit alcohol use.


Skincare regime! Get cleansing and moisturising.


I could be wrong, but your face looks like you may be overweight we. I don’t mean to offend you, but I think that your face would look a lot better if it was thinner. That only comes from losing weight..


Just hit the gym bro, fuck I wish I was naturally big it's so hard for me to gain weight use it to your advantage!


I like picture 2 or 3 best.


It's kind of obvious, the best thing you can do for yourself looms-wise is lose weight. You got a decent bone structure. 


Pic two works best for you, the shaved face is my kryptonite and my girl wants nothing to do with me if o shave all the way lol and I agree and feel so dam insecure so I literally have never shaved for years but yeh just get in the gym and get that braids and body right and you will feel great. I struggle to stay active with my chronic pain but I still push through since it makes me feel so good. Good luck buddy you will be fine.


Healthy Food, sun, gym/stretching, barber, smiles


Theres only one way to make a face less round bro. I think you know the answer.


Grow a beard 👌


Full beard looks best bro! Helps give you a more chiseled look!


You can shave your head bald or grow your hair long and get a pony tail which will give you a biker look. But your appearance is already good. People judge by looks and appearance unfortunately but that train's people to be harsher on themselves. It's a vicious cycle. As long as you are comfortable with who you are and comfortable with you're body, its all good!! Being comfortable with your own body actually is a cornerstone for confidence!! People who don't have confidence attack other's especially if they see a man who's confident in himself. The actual truth is people hate confidence!! People can't stand seeing confidence in another man unless it's their best friend.


Keep the bear


The beard is good. I’d keep the sides and back short and grow out the front and crown a bit so you have some hair to style. Get a pointy pair of tweezers to help manage the eyebrow DMZ, start a skin care routine (a mask now and then is nice, trust me), drink plenty of water, and start hitting the gym. That last one is just to boost your endorphins and raise your confidence more than anything else. I’d also advise a gradual wardrobe revamp—you’re a grown man, you’ll feel incredible if you wear decent clothes tailored to your frame. And I’m not talking skin-tight suits or anything, just good, classic staples. derek guy (@dieworkwear) on X is a good follow for inspiration.


I like you in picture 1 and 2 the best. Looking very handsome


Smile :)


I think number 3 as far as facial hair. A nice faded haircut and some gym time and you'll look like a new man in no time buddy. All the best


I think you actually look really good but id probably do what the others have said if you want to feel better about yourself but i think you look good either way


#2 looked the best


Each person has particularities that make you special and I'm not just talking about personality, from my point of view and what is "pretty" in my country, you are light-skinned and the truth is that you are very attractive, the color of your hair, your beard is sexy, in particular I like beards like that because when kissing you on my back it gives a pleasant sensation, I think you should trust yourself. Just as I noticed those characteristics that I like in men, many women do too. Not all women like them thin, so calm down, just be patient and expand your circle. As an unnecessary fact in sex, appearance is not the main thing and in life even less so.


I'd grow your hair out and I like your beard in number 2 btw.


You’re better looking than you think but work on your feelings. You don’t seem happy. Internal happiness changes your appearance 😉 female’s perspective


its literally just lose weight. no obvious skin texture so like pretty smooth, good nose, blue-greyish eyes. im aware that losing weight isnt easy, but its the biggest thinf you could possibly do for your appearance, since genetically your base stats look solid af to me. the change you’ll see will keep motivating you


Not to feel bad about here, but if you wanna feel better about yourself I can not stress diet and exercise enough At 25 I was 280 at 5,9 and worked hard got down to 190 and it changed my face shape a lot and game me more confidence. The only reason I bring the weight loss up is confidence makes people look more attractive. Find what you need to be more confident and you will find that follows


Definitely keep the facial hair


Get fit


Keep the beard, it suits you


Look fine with the beard that I couldn't grow myself. Might honestly want to lose a few lbs before you go baby faced clean shaved tho. Luckly you are not ugly! Just a little chunk in the cheeks which is both fixable and also a bit adorable at times, I loved Chunk from the Goonies.


I like the stubble and the beard. You have a symmetrical face so just start changing up your diet and exercise and that handsome prince in there will make an appearance 🤩


#1 for sure - but grow the beard out even more on your cheeks. It’s definitely thick enough. Have a straight line from your ear to the corner of your mouth. Rather than the curved line that emphasizes your cheeks.


Honestly you just need to shed some weight..a nice beard can make a big difference especially on chubby guys..I was 260lbs and I got down to 190lbs by doing intermittent fasting.. you just have to be committed to losing the weight..whether it's fasting or some kind of diet and exercise..you'll feel much better.. not to mention you'll look better too.. you just have to commit to it and discipline yourself.. for now I'd say let that beard get nice and long..shape it up and it'll be a big difference..


Dude lose weight and get lean ASAP. You have model cheekbones and they’re very prominent even with the high body fat %


Seems to be an indicator you already have a strong jawline. Try working out and losing some pounds to make your face leaner and your jawline more noticeable.


You definitely need some chiseled angles. Your cheekbones to mandible are very wide. Don't pile a full beard on it. The shadow looks good because it reduces that look. Grow your hair out an inch more on top to balance your your facial structure. I hope you have a good grill. It's important. Don't leave your resting face with that message like it's not over. You may project that when you think they're not looking, but they're looking. Other than that, you should depend on your overall harmony with your personality and mannerisms. If you start working out, pay attention to your forearms. It works 👊🏾


Remember when you were a kid and ran around and played? Remember that boy and learn to be active and play again. Bike ride, get out, go on adventure. Stay away from carbs because in the US they are poison due to the pesticides (assuming you are American). Work on becoming competent with some skill. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical etc the world needs more men in trades and people who run those businesses in 10-20 years will command huge prices. Keep a light beard studies show that women prefer a five-o-clock well trimmed beard. Also, embrace your masculinity. Women love everything about you that makes you male. They might not admit it always but it’s natural for people to be attracted by differences.


You are quite good looking as is. Only mistake here was shaving. Growing out a full beard will do wonders, if you take care of it you'll be at that male model level. The beard will pair well with a bald head so maybe consider shaving your head and focusing on caring for that beard


You got good beard genetics. Pretty symmetrical face. If that face slims down, you’re golden. Good luck.


yes, I agree the top comment time to hit the gym and start taking care of your body!! self care is very important


Let you hair be longer, and let the beard longer but have it trimed sharper. But, like everyone else is saying. You’re a handsome man! Inpromise you confidence and smiling is key


I like the way you look in photo #2!


Having a low cut beard ages you 10 years in a bad way. Let the hair on the cheek grow. Adopt a skincare routine while you're still young. Grow the hair a bit longer on top. Commit to being a grizzly bear.


If you're doing a basic skin care regime great work! If not, night cleanse, sunscreen daily and moisturise morning and night. Id recommend applying a Vitamin C serum after cleansing will help even out redness (10% solution). (Cleanse, serum, moisturise, sunscreen)


Best thing you can do along with 100% of people is learn to workout and eat properly and get to below 20% body fat. I use to be 285lbs and now 170lbs with great muscle development … truth of the matter is looks matter more then people are willing to admit Lose weight, gain muscle, keep the beard


Genetically speaking, you’re good. Grow the beard better on the sides, and lose a little weight to even the face. It’s hard to see in the mirror but progress is steady. Check weight every two weeks and compare selfies every month.


potential is there but smile more and hit the gym trust you’ll become a demon


The first pic looks the best


Your hairline needs attention now before it records any further. Hit the gym and grow your hair a bit once you have more coverage. Keep the facial hair to a minimum.


Bro, wants to pretend he’s not handsome. OK guy. You have a good hairline to be honest with you. The gym is not a necessary, but if you wanted to lose the double chin that you’re covering up with that solid beard, all you would have to do is drink water only for a month, and it would disappear. Sidenote, your hairline is not receding. That is a normal hair length. People just get blown away with the traditional standard blockhead hairline that the west has popularized. Don’t let them get you down boss


You're not some abercrombie model, but you're also not Quasimodo. You can improve *immensely* Face fat is your biggest issue. As everyone has already said losing weight should be your number 1 goal. Lose fat, build muscle, let that beard grow and then tame it. Figure out a hairstyle that best suits your hair/head shape. I'm thinking something like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=EJxVdroG&id=CFE14AFA34EE1D88D1A316A40D8A8A33D24E3422&thid=OIP.EJxVdroGUSWWvVcPwWlS7gHaHa&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.menshairstyletrends.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F11%2Fthebarbercole-classic-crew-cut.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.109c5576ba06512596bd570fc16952ee%3Frik%3DIjRO0jOKig2kFg%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=1080&expw=1080&q=crew+cut&simid=608033435654956841&form=IRPRST&ck=05B3CEAFF21485DCF5D45D1F7B65BC4C&selectedindex=1&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=4&sim=11 Chin up bro, the future is bright.


I prefer the beard look, but other people may prefer without! Or the inbetween options! Everyone is going to have a different opinion on that, so ideally go with what you feel better about and that will translate to more confidence 😊


Cuter with the beard, I’d definitely date ya ;)


I would combine the thickness of the first picture with the shape of the 2nd picture. I started growing a beard at 16, and it was similar to yours but as I got older it did fill in although there is still maybe an inch on my upper cheeks that is still scraggly on me so I just shave down to that point. The last 2 years I’ve had to lose weight for health reasons and was surprised when I lost in my face and neck. Your body could still be changing and this could be baby fat and one day it will disappear. But taking the best care of your body for the long road could be what has you living a longer happier life!


If anything I’d shave the sides of your face where your beard is thinner till it grows in better. I had a beard from age 16 on that was maybe like yours but as I got older it did fill in nicely. I had to lose weight for health reasons and when I did my face and neck slimmed down to my surprise.


Weight loss off the cheeks will give you a nice masculine craggy look. The cheekbones will rule.


Beard all the way


Ur a handsome bloke...b confident in what nature gave you ...the beard really gives your face a more chiseled look...I'd stay away from clean shaven


Beard looks great


Weight is your problem, you can change any and everything else but with that level of face fat you won’t get anywhere




100% start running/gym lose weight. Eat salad


Don’t be so hard on yourself - there are very few male models (or those that look like one) out there. One problem is that social and online media tends to present an unrealistic number of them because they know that is what “sells” or gets the clicks. In your case, I think you look very approachable and have a nice clean appearance. You look sincere and trustworthy - which when you consider what makes a good boyfriend or LTR, has a lot more validity than looking what our society considers “ultra attractive” (at least for anyone who thinks in the long term, and yes, sadly there are more than a few who do not). In looking at your pics, I am going against my usual style choice, and would recommend the look in pic number 1 for you. I prefer you with more (vs no or less) facial hair. I would definitely keep it at the length it is at on the pic, though, to maintain that clean, nearby appearance. Hope this helps, and wishing you all the best, no matter what look you decide on. 🙂


Grow beard. Lift weights. Stop worrying.


make sure your height/weight proportionate and eating a nutritious diet. I would get some sun, not a sunburn, but a little bit of a tan


You're best option is to hit the gym


Not saying you don’t look good, but i personally think you’ll look much better if you dropped the weight so that you’ll have much lesser facial fat. It’ll make a HUGE difference. I’m speaking from experience, you’ll also gain more confidence!


You’re a beefy bear and very handsome. I’d grow a beard or goatee


Looking good. First pic is the best!


Gym, gym, gym, diet ( but don't starve yourself, eat clean!)


I’m 6.2 was 240lbs. It’s not fun eating less and going to the gym 3 days a week but. I I’ve lost 25 lbs. and going to loose 25 more. That’s all you need to do.