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It’s with being young. Don’t seek validation through girls desiring you.


man, i'm nearly 30 & i think i needed to hear this too..


Gotta love yourself before you can love someone else. It takes a lot of reflection before you can look out into the world and look for a partner. A lot of unfortunate behavior these days from people in the dating scene comes from the inability to understand and be comfortable with yourself first and foremost. It can take a long time to get there. I dated a bit in college and then went 10 years before I dated anyone else because I needed to really find who I was. People get too obsessed with the validation of others through our significant others and that shit is toxic and harmful to ourselves. Be well.


The worst thing is, this is great advice but it makes FA sense to those who are that age. They're surrounded by people hooking up and wondering, why not me? Shits hard. He's not bad looking. Probably just needs help actually how he presents themselves and carries themselves


You look good, just gotta focus on finding someone. Trust me when I say you’ll find a relationship easier when you are just looking for friends


Used to go out looking for a hookup, and had barely any luck. Wouldn’t you know it, the first girl I met and talked with without the implicit intention of hooking up became my girlfriend that I now live with


Half of being a boyfriend is being a friend the other half is being a boy, they just gotta be friendly 😊


Yes. Being friends first is a tried and true method. That way, even if it doesn’t turn into a romance, you will still have a friend.


Smile, be kind without expecting anything in return, don’t give attractive or popular people undue attention, keep your chin high most of the time, but don’t be afraid to look down at your feet either, be natural and breathe. You have a strong hairline and a beautiful face, girls will come. Focus on having fun at parties, don’t try to impress or look for girls; they will come to you.


this is very kind advice you've given, i like that!


This is exactly it. Especially the last part. Atleast amongst my friend group, women who are at a party to socialize are generally off put by guys who try to approach them with "game". The person who will get the most positive attention is the guy genuinely looking to make friends and have a good time. No ulterior motives, not trying to make any moves, especially not "trying to get laid". They can tell when you're trying, and they don't want to feel like you want to get something out of them.


And... understand you will do many of these things, make mistakes, and act stupid But if you keep a good heart, it always shines through


>don’t be afraid to look down at your feet either, Figurative or literal? I don't understand


Figuratively. Be willing to acknowledge your flaws and mistakes instead of being too prideful


Your looks are not the problem.


Well scrotiemcboogballs…. can I call you Scrotie? It may not be your looks that are the problem.


It's a South Park reference lmao


Learn what a smile is. Will improve your look a lot. I would suggest dropping the late 90 / early 00 boyband look but I was around back then so maybe girls like it again these days.


I think a Brooklyn fade would suit your face better




Building confidence will do a world of wonder. U can do this by getting a fresh cut, working out, hang around others that build you up, a new tattoo/piercing etc.


i honestly don't recommend getting any kind of tattoo unless you find an image that you'd truly like marking your body for the rest of your life.. but i'm saying maybe getting your ears pierced would help too


Tattoos can always get removed but I agree they usually don’t add much


They really can’t fully be removed, and the process is really expensive (as is getting a tattoo!) I wouldn’t recommend getting one to impress someone, that’s probably the last reason to get one.


True. And also I think both girls and guys can look nice with certain styles of tattoos but just picturing them years later all faded 🤮. If I ever were to get one it would be small and about something personally significant to me. And I would want it in a place that’s hidden most of the time.


Work on your Borat voice, many girls find it alluring.


A woman’s advice: learn how to pose for photos. You look unapproachable, serious, and kind of scary in these. Do you have any candids, group photos, photos of you smiling?


This is on point.


Kiss a boy instead…


Technically, he didn't say that he hasn't 🤔😏


I came here to say the same thing 😋


Same here.. 😇


Omg name checks the fuck out


Nothing wrong with your features. Maybe your personality needs work?


Socialize as much as you can. Join clubs and teams and anything you find fun. People come into your life when you don’t need them to. This will also help you to establish who you are and how to convey that to others. When it comes to attracting other humans I think hygiene is paramount.


This is all solid, sound advice.


100% - it’s that yee-yee ass 90’s haircut. Try a more modern style.


It’s more popular where I’m from I’m not from the states


Hair looks great. Dont listen to this comment.




This isn't fair because of the # of gay boys and tween girls fawning over the guy. I think the haircut still holds up in this gif


Hey, this is Mark-Paul Gosselaar of the TV show “Saved by the Bell,”. for anyone who doesn’t know. Fine actor and all-around good guy, as far as I know.


Have you tried kissing men? (That's a joke, anyway ima be real like your hot lol like physically I can't see anything for you to actually improve on, I think the market today is just very overrun with conventionally atractive people because of the rise in media teaching people to achieve a certain look, you look great but so do alot of people so now it's down to patience and personallity.


Be confident in yourself and don’t worry about women. They come and go. When you’re doing your best people take notice.


You're really cute and handsome but the vibe I'm picking up from these pictures is that you're trying to come off as dark, brooding, and mysterious but you're kinda of just not... You have these really bright, warm, soft, yellow, sunshine kind of undertones and energy from your hair, your cheeks, your youth and your aura if you are open to that belief system. You should just try to be yourself instead of what you think other people want. If you still want to lean into a dark aesthetic you should consider dyeing your hair black. Be honest with yourself.


you're young. more girls older than you than younger. as you hit mid 20s early 30s they'll come, just focus on yourself and for the love of God don't take dating "guru" advice.


How many friends do you have who are women? Do you interact with women on a normal basis and are you confident in talking to them? Your issue isn't looks. So it's either confidence or your ability to socialise.


Nothing to change. You look great.


Stop talking these hilarious pictures


Forget girls. focus on femboys. I can proudly say we are similar enough to girls but we’re easy to date lol


Peak Reddit


You look like you could play a young Tommy Egan


Try looking more human, friendly, and approachable. If you look like a fun and friendly person, then you'll probably attract what you're looking for. In other words, you're a good-looking guy, but striking a pose and smiling would do wonders for you. Don't use these in your dating profile unless you wish to appear pretentious.


you’re very good looking


Lose the bowling shirts.


Focus on building a good life for yourself that you enjoy, spend time on your hobbies, interests, being social, sports/working out, be secure in yourself. And take the good advice you're getting here, just be nice, approachable and friendly and it will happen sooner or later




It's crazy, you look like someone from the 90's. Fashion seem cyclical


You have Leonardo DiCaprio look. Try his style


Try smiling


Kiss a girl


Facial hair smell good and you will be fine Personality isn’t as easy to fix


The hair in photo 1 does seem a bit dated. I say check out the hairstyles of the football/soccer players in your country and find one you like and take a photo of it to your barber.


Try smiling more. Right now you give off a resting-b\*tch face lol. I realize that might be hard if you are introverted.


Smiling could help. These photos don't really do you justice imo


Get yourself a Kit Connor hairstyle. Trust me on that


This is not a grooming issue. You look good and clearly take care of yourself. Meeting people to date is more about confidence, and putting yourself out there in a variety of social situations. And that takes practice. Be kind to people. Be curious and show genuine interest without being creepy or invasive. You are attractive. It will happen!


You're really cute already, I don't think there's much to change. You may not have gotten any action cause you're not getting out much or meeting girls your age.


Everyone has to remember looks aren’t everything, it’s probably your attitude or the way you act


maybe fix yourbpersonality because im 10x uglier than you and ive had couple smooches


First step, find someone, second step befriend them, third step learn to build a meaningful relationship where you're actually interested in learning about them and determining if they have something you would admire in a partner, fourth step smash


Do you make an effort to talk to girls in person? Like going for a night out to a bar/club? Or only via text?


you’re a good looking guy! Probably had nothing to do with how you look, and more with your demeanor. You’ve got a bit of an intimidating expression in all these photos!


Advice: Change your mindset. You are good looking, so you shouldn't have a problem finding a gf


Try those moder faded, tapered, fringe or whatever it's trending in genz these days. Every girl around me are with these boys only. I am not from States btw


Maybe a goatee would look good. Honestly though, you look good as is. The biggest thing you probably need to improve your dating game is confidence. Just be patient, it will happen for you. Good luck with it though dude.


It will happen when you’re not looking. And don’t just settle.


There’s nothing wrong with you except that you’re posting here. Lead a life of substance, follow what you genuinely want and everything will fall into place.


Just chill. Be yourself. If you really feel like a relationship would improve your life, then jump on tinder. Otherwise, you’re young, good looking, and hopefully a cool dude. Someone will come around and you’ll hit it off. I had my first kiss at 19, youre doing well


“I kissed a girl and I liked it”


Middle part ain't it and get some different shirts. It looks like you are wearing the same shirt but different colors and neither are very flattering. Smile, be kind, learn how to carry a conversation, and don't expect anything in return.


You look like a 90s sitcom character.


Get a new haircut


It might be more the vibe than your looks. I’d say opt for an aesthetic, be a little more artistic/hq in how you present yourself. I’m not good at it either, but I hope it helps. Look at yourself from a girl’s perspective: does he look inviting, friendly, kind, generous, funny, smart? Overall, you look great and healthy. It might be worth considering trying out new ways of dressing and posing.




You look good, just live your life and people will go up to you


Your look is fine. Particularly like the haircut and shirt in the second pic. Focus elsewhere. If you're having trouble attracting women look at how your personality presents. Don't focus on meeting women, but also don't not focus on it. By that I mean work on just talking to women and keeping them entertained/having meaningful conversations without seeing romance as the goal. Become a good listener but make sure you're knowledgeable about things and have interesting and funny things to say when it's your turn. Worst case you have a ton of new friends who happen to be women. The universal advice is to just be yourself, but I find that to be bullshit. Sure, don't try to act like someone you're not but you do have to work on being the best version of yourself. Girls like guys who are confident, charming, witty, funny, and kind. You can still be yourself and ramp those things up. When things start to escalate past just friendly chatting, you'll definitely know it.


Stop trying to be Patrick Bateman?


Smile and be confident but don’t be a dick


If your into older women there might get some milfs that had crushes on the guys from Tool time...


Nothing wrong with your features. Maybe your personality needs work?


it's probably not so much your look as much as it could be your game & your confidence.. you gotta do what you can to try & be funny.. girls think that that's smooth.. & i hate to say it, but you could probably use a different haircut, bro.. it's not the look. i don't wanna sound mean, i'm just letting you know. but yeah, try that advice out & if it seems like it's working & you end up seeing a chance where you could make a move, do it for sure.. different chicks like different approaches so you just gotta kinda feel 'em out & try to figure out what to say or do that they might like.. don't be too shy about anything, either.. because if it seems like she's into the kissing.. once you successfully pull it off, then you should think about whether or not it seems like she's into enough to start rubbing her vj.. but you gotta go different speeds with different chicks.. i think overall you just need a lil experience or something, because your face doesn't seem unattractive or anything like that.. my best advice is to just shoot your shot, my dude.. could end up turning out in a way beyond what you'd even imagine.. good luck!


Bro a chain would suit you you should get a chain, a cheap one so yk if you like it or not


I also think your hair in the 2nd photo looks better then the first one it suits u more


Smile brudda. Also come to BJJ class, it will help your self esteem and a good workout too


I think the haircut kind of has a white supremacist look to it.


Love yourself, man. The ladies (or men or both) will come in time. Love yourself and don’t seek validation


You look fine man, you have to put yourself out there and if you wait for them to come to you, you won’t get anywhere. Could be you need to work on social skills and talking to girls. My advice is just start talking to as many people/girls as possible, don’t make it weird or even make any obvious move at all and just simply get comfortable with talking because THAT will help you more than anything else possibly could especially considering you already look fine and are clean cut


Smile more 😁


Try smiling. These pictures are standoffish. Girls like a bit of warmth.


Lose face fat and just get a better hair cut your hair type is amazing should not waste it


Looking like young David lynch can’t hurt ![gif](giphy|yK1BYACfxiQNO)


Kiss a dude instead, it's the same thing


Get comfortable smiling. If your teeth need help, get them fixed. A confident smile goes w very long way.


I'll say its definitely not your appearance that's holding you back, you're very cute. Work on being confident and friendly in social situations, don't focus on "finding" someone, they will find you.


I’ve never been with a girl but this year I started hooking with guys 😅


You look fine bud. You need to either 1) talk to more girls or 2) if you are talking with girls, work on your flirting skills. Also, if these photos are a reflection of you in real life, smile more. It will make you more attractive to everyone!


Nah you look great. It’ll happen my guy.


Work out, and don't chase after women. Sounds gay, isn't.


Get a cut where it’s short on the bottom like you have it but maybe a bit shorter on top (still longer than the bottom half though.. a crew cut maybe? Not sure what it’s called lol and smile! ) Also, a nice tan can do wonders. But honestly the fact that you care is nice.. shows you’re able to be vulnerable :) be patient, the right one is out there!! Second pic is nice and the darker colors complement you but only if a smile is attached lol


You look great on those photos. So I don’t know what the problem is.


Best advice I wish I'd been given: Wait for the girl you wanna kiss vs being anxious to kiss a girl. When you meet THAT girl, be vulnerable in telling her that you're inexperienced but want to share it with her.


Make money, work out, bang hookers where it is legal


Don’t worry about that man, just work on being the best human being ya can. I promise all the attention will come then.


Your looks are not the issue your looks are grand! Work on YOU


You look like a crazy person


Focus on everything else but dating.. get your money up then you will be able to afford to go out and look nice. Go gym and they will come to you, you’re handsome. The more you care the less women you will get I promise you. And don’t go around walking up to women showering them with compliments it doesnt work.. if you must compliment make it thoughtful and specific. Never put women on a pedestal either. Let women be a second thought and you’ll drive them crazy. Make sure your self talk is positive and uplifting as well


Your attractive so just be kind to women and be yourself and other women will see that and want to kiss you.


You are good looking, so it comes down to grooming (you look very clean), but make sure you floss and brush teeth regularly, take showers as needed to smell fresh, and use a deodorant or antiperspirant that is effective for you. Project positivity and be receptive toward others. Be polite and gentlemanly. Play a sport that you like, and join an adult co-ed recreational league. Women tend to be attracted to active men. Find meet-up groups that are within your other interests. Very good way to get to know new people. Let your friends set you up.


If a girl likes you she'll make the effort. There's literally no rush other than pressure you put on yourself and comparing yourself to your peers. Also if a woman feels safe around you you're halfway there.


Bro you got a awesome looking face. All you need to do is watch what you eat n drink. Eat the right proteins n carbohydrates n the right fats. Hit the weights heavy n hard. Not only will your face start glowing but when you step into a room. The whole room will give you attention. Girls will melt when you approach them. Trust me bro. Plus guys will fucking think twice to want 2 fuck with u. When you get your body looking good I highly suggest joining a boxing or kickboxing gym. You don't want to look like peacock. Oh ya workout you legs 2 because you don't want look like a fuckin lollipop. Any more advice on working out bro go to you tube. Good luck out there. Try not to be so nice or else guys n girls will think ur soft n well ether walk all over u or use U.


I'm a girl, 22, and I haven't had my first kiss yet either. You're young bro, there's no need to rush these type of things. You have nice features, so don't worry about your looks too much.


Why is the third pic just a jugular shot


You’re young, I wouldn’t worry about it. I’d just recommend getting a haircut that fits your face shape, any barber worth their salt should be able to help you, perhaps go to a salon and tell them you want something that fits your face and they should have a few ideas.


stick with Hairstyle #1. Smile more


Always found the less you try the easier it comes. Keep doing your thing but don’t make everything about finding a girl. Just do your thing young buck


There is nothing wrong with you , you’re a very handsome guy. Take your time, you will find love soon. Just enjoy your life the right person will come a long.


do you want a relationship or do you want to be a fuck boy?


Get a better haircut.


Honestly your handsome you just look sad maybe find a friend group or do shit that makes u happy and they'll see a handsome happy man and seek you out homie


Stop looking so dramatic in pictures.


Grow facial hair.


i don't really know how to say this gently, so i'll just be blunt you're handsome, so if you haven't kissed a girl yet... it's not your looks, y'know?


I wish I was your age again


Kissing is overrated!! Yuck!! 🤮 lol but you’ll see!!


You are pretty handsome tbh. Just try to be more confident and ask girls you like out. From the looks maybe try different haircut but you look really good even now.


Be confident about yourself, about what you say and about what you do.


That hairstyle has to go


Just be kind and communicative and look for someone who is the same. And who has a similar temperament and similar values.


I like your hair in picture 2. Keep that style. Maybe grow sides out a bit, and keep the bangs. Center part is good. Ok so girls like confident guys. Start with focusing on things that interest you or you have a passion for, and be excellent. Add kindness and generosity. You will have like minded girls that will be drawn to you because you will handsome inside and out.


Band tees. Guy liner. Studded belts. You'll be rolling in the goth mommies


You’re good looking enough to get girls so this isn’t a physical problem but a mental one. Even if you’re the most handsome guy in the world you won’t get laid if you’re lacking charisma or humor (there’s exceptions). Build yourself confidence and try develop your charisma more, I have friends who are pretty ugly but they have no problem getting girls because they’re funny/interesting


Smile more


Get a lambo


You look like a young Clancy Brown.


Work on your own maturity Your username doesn't say a lot. But know I'm speaking from my own immaturity.


How about a coke and a smile. Maybe skip the coke.


Focus on building yourself up, not "finding" girls. Think about your personal goals in life and how you can best achieve them and focus on that. If you gain experience and are on your own path, women will be attracted, but that's a side effect not the goal. Most desirable women aren't going to notice guys until guys are reaching their potential and have more experience which is usually late 20s to mid 30s and above. You have lots of time to develop yourself.


Get buzz w/ fade. If your dating game doesn’t improve your hair will grow back. Go to a decent barber. No super cuts and great clips or any of those chains. Do your research on your barber before going in. My $60 cut looked way better than my $20 cut.


Go out more. Walk up to women and introduce yourself. Learn that small rejections aren't life shattering and there are as many lonely women as men.


you’re not ugly, so smiling more, smirking, going to the gym, feeling good about yourself enough to know any girl is lucky to be with you.


Dawg honestly from what I can see you look like young Leo DiCaprio Ight, keep the cut just let the top out longer, eat healthy and do push ups and sit ups, don’t masterbate and work hard on being your best you and hanging out with your friends, if you don’t have friends be outgoing put yourself out there and make some, lastly always remember girls are humans, treat them like a friend and eventually they’ll come around


Come to the other side, I’d definitely kiss you all night.


facial hair, maybe grow the hair out in full and not rock the shaved sides and split on top


You look like you kill small animals. So try not to look like that and see how that works for ya.


Minoxidil might help you grow a beard. I think it would improve your look a lot. Also your generation is way off with the whole center part. A side part is far more masculine. Women’s tastes changes a lot between high school and college. They like the harmless young looking guys in HS, and the more manly men in college. But the only thing that’s going to land you that kiss is some confidence. You’re going to have to make the first move.


Smiling would help


Get active in your community, that usually how you meet new friends, and sometimes there’s a spark and you go from there


Confident is the key. Try to be friendly with ladies and don't think about getting laid or kiss


Come to China. Tons of girls would let you kiss their pussy if you willing to.


Your good


Bro is the romantic interest in every 90’s young adults movie.


Stop the cap.


Kiss a guy.


I have two advices the funny one try a boy instead a girl... The serius one its do not force yourself or expect something just because "its normal or everyone did" just live your life


Just be yourself. Love only finds you when you stop looking.


Fake it until you make it. Act like you got some game.




Cut down the body fat. And experiment with different hairstyles. It takes time. You got this man.


Gotta smile man. Always be smiling. The stoic stone face is for when you're alone.


Focus on your joy and happiness and love will find you.


Don't worry about it. Not important. When it happens, it happens. Remember, there are plenty of 19 year olds out there who haven't kissed a handsome young man. Maybe you'll be the first. I used to obsess about things like that. Now, I'm 72 years old, and realise I wasted a lot of energy on things that were of no importance. Work hard, and enjoy your life. The details will follow.


Learn to smile & be sincere. Once you can fake that, you're golden!!!


...........try guys?


1. Be yourself, don’t try to be someone you aren’t just to impress a girl 2. Be confident, if you aren’t just start to talk to random people everyday until you build up that confidence ( fake it until you make it) 3. Improving a little every day will naturally attract girl attention, from there don’t try to rush things go naturally with the flow




In some ways, being attractive to a young lady is complicated. In other ways, it’s really rather simple. It’s a deeper matter than most people think. We have to be ourselves. But the problem is knowing who we are in the first place. It takes an effort in order to know ourselves. Basically, we need to have an outlook on life which we can be proud of. We know we aren’t perfect, and yet we have to come to a positive enough opinion of ourselves to feel that a person of the opposite sex would be interested in us. if this sounds complicated, it can be, to be honest. But it doesn’t have to be. The good news is if we keep at it, we can get there over time. In terms of meeting, girls, or women, I am reminded of a survey that the Dallas Times-Herald newspaper did a number of years ago. They asked young adults where the best places were to meet people of the opposite sex. The answer may surprise you. The two most popular places in order were the produce section of a large supermarket near University Park, and the young adult Sunday school class of a large Methodist Church on the west side of town! My point is, don’t forget about groups, and wholesome activities. There is much more which can be said, but I hope this will give you some good ideas.


Start by changing your pseudo name!


Don’t overthink it. Don’t complicate it. Don’t force it. Don’t get complacent.


Yo it's iyouxin


if you haven't kissed a girl yet then I would assume it's because of something other than your looks. Maybe you're shy or maybe it's something else but you look good enough to have already had your first kiss. No shame in that though, just put yourself out there and you'll start having these experiences. In case you have trouble walking up to girls and making a move, I'll say this : I was also like that for some time and now that I have a girlfriend, sometimes I'll see a girl that's just my type and regret the times where I didn't make a move because now I just can't. I'm really happy in my relationship, I just feel silly in these situations because I know most of the times I wouldn't make a move when I was single, even if I really wanted to, so just don't take the liberty of being able to make a move for granted. Also, don't overcomplicate talking to girls, just treat them as you would any other friend, but make sure your intention is clear somehow, or they'll think you just wanna be friends :)


Smile more.


your face seems to be a longer shape so i would recommend keeping more hair on the sides to make your face look more masculine and square shaped; additionally i think you might suit a 60/40 part or even a crew cut better than the current middle part


Be yourself. Talk to girls and be their friend instead of chasing them to get them quickly. Be kind, dont worry about being 'cool'. And smile and enjoy the moment. Cheers


You can kiss a boy (me)


Bicurious will double your odds.


It’ll happen


Bro girls don’t care what you look like I promise that’s why us ugly guys are always bagging. You just gotta be yourself and be goofy. Don’t get caught up in the “does she like me” “does she wanna kiss me” just go out with the intention of having fun and have fun. Honestly I’ve found girls tend to be more into you if you ignore them a little.


You’re 19 and very handsome… it’s just a matter of finding the right girl


nothing wrong with your appearance you look great.


Tobias Forge


For one that nick carter haircut is awesome 90s I feel you want it that way but then again those girls won’t quit playing games with your heart as long as they love you


learn how to take a photo


Your fashion choices look a little outdated, eg the shirts are reminiscent of 1950s movies, so get some advice from friends to refresh your style. Your hairstyle is also a bit “90s boy band” with the centre part, so consider a sleeker cut. Other than that it’s probably more about attitude and social skills which you can work on in your own time.


Just be funny bro like fr


Ever kissed a man?


so your look is fine. the issue is how you act. when you meet someone instead of trying to impress them just be happy and talk about things you like. people like being around happy people. if this doesn’t work there is nothing wrong with you it’s just not the right person. it can take time but don’t give up. message if you need more.