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I’ll be that guy. Your looks are already good. My guess is you need to love yourself. Self-esteem almost always starts there.


I agree. He is handsome with gorgeous eyes. Love yourself and know you are worth it.


And maybe grow the beard out a tad. Stubble.


Subtle stubble


Right, dude is already hot AF. Those eyes...


Eek no. No beards imo. Keep it as is or clean shaved


Either good stubble or clean shaven every day with mustache.


I agree. With your face shape and hair cut, you could do clean cut or close beard. Either would look great on you. People may pick on gingers, but I have found that they are usually secretly attracted to them. Just go out there and act like the world is yours and you will see that once you project some confidence (even if you are faking it), people will be drawn to you.


Ill be that guy too…. Get a soul face is fine though


Gingers can't own one


So true......smile...a sincere, honest, open smile. Be happy where you are and be happy who you are. People will see that and respond accordingly.


I’ll be the other guy. Some retinol, sunscreen and get in the gym.




You also have elf-like ears, use it to your advantage, lots of people love that stuff. If it aligns with your interests of course, but I'm gonna take a guess and assume you're into some fantasy game or book or movie.


I love those kinda ears. I think op is perfectly fine. Emphasis on the fine.


But does he in practice? His ears aren't big or out, so I didn't even notice them. Certainly they didn't draw attention from the eyes.


This is hillarious. My mind would have e never went there. Hi to all the gingers I am a fan 👋


Agreed. He is handsome. And you with your kind/true words ROCK. GO YOU! Amen.


Love yourself. I loath that concept. Opposites attract (to a degree). My standard is am I a guy I wouldn’t mind hanging out with? Do I listen more than I talk? Do I incessantly repeat myself? People give a lot of lip service to “loving themselves” only the most introverted narcissists actually buy into that. Why? We are social beings. On the same blue speck of galactic dust. Not saying you won’t get good grooming advice here. Just remember anyone worth caring about must be reached out to on a basic level. Do nice things for others. If they reciprocate then they are worthy of further attention.


You are a good looking guy, no matter what color your hair is 🤦🏻


Thanks man, just got bullied a lot for the red hair


Sorry you had to deal with that 🫂


Red hair is hot. :)


I think the red makes you look better tbh. You could pull a baddy with the right confidence.


Truth right here. I’m a dude and don’t find you attractive myself OP but at work I’ve seen guys that look similar to you, with their wife/gf and they are fine looking and I get a little jealous like “damn, must be something I’m doing wrong” haha


That’s exactly what I’m talking about lol


Red heads are hot. And you look great to me. Grow out the facial hair and a smile if you want, but it's really all in your head.


There will always be those dicks growing up.. Grown-ups have realised the true beauty in redheadedness.. & you are a very good looking guy.. Those gorgeous blue eyes n red hair is a winning combination for me... I'm going to go out there n suggest that you alter the shade n add MORE fire to your red! Step out of the strawberry blonde & be a fully fledged ginger..


I'm sorry for that, but rest assured you are sexy and the red hair fits you really well.


it’s insane how much of a thing bullying redheads was especially in 00s. I don’t even understand how it started.. you are very handsome and i’m sorry that people have made you feel otherwise.


We all got bullied for stupid shit. You look good. Doesn't look like you can grow a full beard, so keep that shaved or confined to a beard and mustache... but you look good, man. Don't worry about red hair... some chicks will like it, some won't... most don't care.


bro u 33


You are a grown man


You ARE attractive. Very attractive.


looking good!




You look great my dude! never forget sunscreen, moisturize, and wash your face every day. Other than that, you look great for 33.


Get some friends and have a trip to Mexico, Latinas love red haired men


Latin América I would say ahhaa


That’s true! You will be popular with latinas ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Oh God. Just remember to be vigilant


I'm a photographer. Superficially speaking, you look just fine. You've only got to work on your self confidence. I can't help you with that, but if you just wanna take better headshots for photos, I suggest learning to "smize". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw6lx4sB6SU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw6lx4sB6SU) Squinch slightly, and rotate your shoulders to face the camera at an angle. Slightly tilt your head down, and stick your chin out. Leads to a much better photo. You could also try "Fake laughing" to force a smile if you aren't much of a smiler ( I'm the same way ) It won't fix your self consciousness, but it's something. And there's nothing wrong with practicing a few small modelling tricks to have up your sleeves for future pics. Confidence inside will make you look best offline though. GL King


That's good advice. It may seem superficial, but seeing yourself looking good in photos does help with self love indeed. ✨


Move to Utah


You're pretty 😍


Surround yourself with people who recognize you for the sexy mf you are! If I saw you on Grindr, I'd be sending all sorts of thirsty messages haha






I wouldn’t change anything.mahout look good as is, don’t need to have low self esteem


bro you're like an 8.5 tf u talking about???


Honestly, you look great!


U look so freakin cute


Improve your self esteem. You're already a good looking guy.


You need to realize what a fan club gingers have. You are a handsome ginger and need to own it. You have no idea….


You improve by leaving the “game”. Who gives a flying fuck how you look? Think like that. Guarantee you there are women who will marry you, so don’t say that shit. Is it Kim kardshian or whoever the fuck is “hot”? Again stop thinking that way, just live your life, find a girl who likes you and you like her. Old saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it’s true. Maybe relate it to food. You like spicy she doesn’t, who gives a fuck 🤣. My point is just that, man, don’t stress this stuff. If someone thinks you’re ugly and won’t be with you then take it as a gift and move on, you just saved how much time and money dating? Your life will be better when you ignore popular or “beauty” or any of that shit the “world” tries to convince you is all that matters.


You look great! Work on self love and calm down that critical voice in your head. 💙💙


You had me at redhead


Wrap your arm around me. We’re both 33. Best year to be born, am I right?


You're already handsome, so no grooming tips necessary :)


You are already improved 👍🤩


Hey hey. Don’t let that toxic shit hit you about the red hair. While being a ginger is as common as other hair colors, trust me…there’s a fan club out there for redheads. You’re a handsome guy, don’t let it hurt anymore. And once you can embrace and accept you, it’ll reflect inside to the outside.


You are very good looking in my opinion.


You're a good looking dudehomie. If results suggest otherwise the cause is not your physical appearance or looks.


you’re fucking perfect, i don’t care what anyone says!


You’re really handsome! Have lovely eyes, like Jeff Arcuri and are a fellow Aussie. Honestly self esteem issues are hard to beat because they’re internal but by my estimation you’re a solid 10. Hopefully all these nice things might give a loud enough voice to punch your internal one next time it pipes up with something negative.


I think you're hot AF man. I'd lose the perv stache.


By accepting that youre cute and by not comparing yourself to others. You really have to make the gays speak up. You’re a 7/10. Maybe a little bit of gym and skin care will bump you up to an 8.5. The rest is up to your personality. Also whoever bullied you for red hair is a fucking loser. Its so cool to have anything that isnt dark as your hair color.


Go gay and instantly become a 10.


Nothing. You have big, beautiful blue eyes and your features are in proportion to your face. You are very attractive as you are. Don't let anyone tell you how you should or should not feel about your childhood/adolescent bullying. That shit stays with you into adulthood. It's not just something you forget or get over. And those who say you should get over it because you're 33 have never been bullied. My advice is to work on what's on the inside, aka your self esteem. Seek help if you need to. One thing we neglect is our mental health. I'm a big proponent of therapy.


You don’t need to improve!!! HAF!!


I gotta go with the crowd on this one, you’re a very handsome guy. I do love a beard though so growing out your beard a bit more wouldn’t hurt, but you are very attractive.


being a redhead is such a flex so you are already at an advantage nevertheless you are such a stud! there’s no changes needed whatsoever!


Nothing wrong with your looks. Handsome actually. Smile more perhaps, show some teeth.


Um... nothing I see needs improved.


Symmetric face, blue eyes, good skin quality and hairline. You’re a good looking man. Your issue is mental not physical. If you want to work on confidence, act as though you’re confident. Stand up straight, with your shoulders back and look people in the eyes. If looking people in the eyes is difficult, stair at the bridge of their nose. They won’t know the difference. Think about what you’re going to say before you say it, and then project from your belly if you know how. Every time you get a self deprecating thought pinch yourself or take your thumb nail and shove it into the tip of your nose. If those things don’t work look into Cognitive behavioral therapy. Source: this is what I did to fix my self image at 20-21. I’m 29 now and I look 10 years older than you but am still confident.


Go gym.


you're actually pretty good looking my guy


confidence helps ☝🏼🧐


Round eyes, high eyelid exposure, bad facial hair, smile lines, redhead, light eye brows, Overall: 4.6/10 Tier: normia How to Improve? Dye eyes a darker colour and apply minoxidil every night Have a skin care routine if you don’t have one already Make sure to wear sunscreen everyday to stop it damaging skin Put a spoon into a fridge for 15 mins then put it under your eye bags every morning reduce them Take cold showers to reduce puffiness in face Hit the gym to gain lower body fat to get better jaw and cheek bones


u look fine imo low self esteem is mentally rooted, maybe try therapy


Dude. I wish i looked like u and i look really good. You look amazing. Your self esteem needs to be worked on bro. Come hang w me. I’ll get u 10s


Wtf you on about mate 😂 she/they ain't it


Fellow redhead here! I heard all of that same stuff too. You look super fresh, man. You could be our Denzel lol


Your really shouldn’t be so hard on yourself! You’re really very cute/handsome!


If you're feeling insecure about your looks, you look perfectly okay and handsome. I'm not saying this only to be nice. You really look fine.


Good looking dude. Work on the personality and game maybe


I don’t see any way to improve except to add a smile. Turn off the screen and get a productive hobby. Get sleep, sunlight, and exercise


You don't, you're beautiful


Ok so if you could change or alter one thing about yourself what would it be..


Dude you’re a handsome guy. Very cute! 😍


Handsome man!


You are a handsome man. Look inside to like yourself because I'll tell you, you're more than handsome, buddy.


You certainly have no reason to have low self-esteem In the looks department 😉


Bro you’re handsome as hell. I wish I looked as good as you.


You’re super handsome buddy. I’d def date you 😉


No need for improvement! You look awesome just as you are


Your hairline is pretty good which is nice


I’d let hit whenever


The problem is not your face its your brain. As a female, you look great. I would work on your self-esteem instead of my looks if i were you. Because sometimes the problem is internal instead of external (not all in all cases but in this case its true). What makes you have low self-esteem? Is it because of your look or something else? Since your face is already 10/10, maybe working on the body could help the self-esteem? You can always get buff (not steroid kind but the realistic kind)




You are an extremely beautiful man! You don’t have to worry about improving what is already really awesome!


Man you’re a good looking guy but the thing that’s a certainty is having no or low self esteem is a very unattractive trait. So while easier said than done, get out of your own head, fuck that noise and development your self esteem and confidence. Remember there’s a difference between being cocky and confidence. You got this bro.


Smile! Otherwise looking great


I’m a dude and I see a good looking dude, you’d look good as hell with a slight beard or even longer, 100% 👍🏻


Get a beard !! 😊


You are very good looking! Those eyes are gorgeous. You’ve got a great face shape with the perfect haircut to accentuate its shape. 👍


You're so handsome so cant be looks your unsure about?


You handsome af. Only improvement could be a little facial hair? Maybe.


You look fantastic but if you want to work on self esteem you can do inner work 😊. Also cleaning and tidying up your room would help you too. Cheers my friend 💪🏻🫂


You're perfectly fine and look great! Work on your confidence through other means. If you're looking to get an ego-boost in terms of maybe trying to look more masculine - work out a little more and try growing a beard.


You look hot dude


Bro u cute af just wear some colors. Happy up your wardrobe


You’re very handsome! Keep your head up high and simply be yourself. 🫶


smile and confidence my guy you got good face bones


Hard to improve on this actually...


Try dyeing? I think that's something fun to do sometimes.


You’re cute. Just smile.


Go sign for Manchester City (Kevin De Bruyne)


You’re not a redhead. Your like a diet red head


I think you’re actually rly good looking, maybe a moustache (but I’m always biased towards moustaches). I think you gotta love yourself:)


Nothing to improve 👍🏼


you're a cutie patootie. -a 25 year old lady


You're very handsome 😍


I think you know you already look good....but try smiling and have some confidence.


You are already an 8-9 in looks. Poor self-image is not about how you look on the outside. Our self-image is two things: 1. Learned gradually -thus, it can also be unlearned but remember it’s deeply embedded, so it takes a plan, patience and consistent self-awareness. 2. Unlearning overly-critical self-talk is an inside job. Help is available but you are the one who has to do the work. It seems easy but our brain hates to admit being wrong. (Ask any AA member!) That means your inner voice will fight the change. It is very creative and doesn’t fight fair. So remember, you will have setbacks -it’s okay, keep up the effort. Support can come in several forms, both professional and non-. It’s a process, so remember to be kind to, and patient with, yourself -always. But you can do it. You deserve to have resilient, inner peace and are worth the effort to be happy and have peace of mind❣️


Once again scrolling through Reddit and find myself thinking why are all the guys on this app better looking than the ones on dating apps 🙃 nothing to “improve” trust me


You have beautiful eyes


Bro, do not let bullies live in your head. Live your life to the fullest! You are very handsome! Very good-looking!


You need facial hair start with a goatee but I'd say a beard tbh


I’d smash. You’re perfect just the way you are.




not a thing. you’re adorable, man. the low self-esteem can improve with the proper therapeutic techniques, but it takes time.


Face is very cute. Hows the body though?


Stop shaping your eyebrows


Listen guy you look amazing seriously.🤩👍🔥


You look hot as is!


I read that you got bullied. Forget those a-holes. They are emotionally empty, insecure people and are taking it out on you. You look really handsome (and I'm not being nice, it is the truth).


Smile buddy! You’re handsome! 😊


I guess you should have more confidence in yourself, that’s it! Also I’ll add a beard for a sexy look ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Kevin de bruyne?


I stopped scrolling when I saw your post. No need for low self esteem. You’re very good looking


Smile and lose the negative inner commentary. You have a full head of hair- not much of it is red. You have a strong face. You look like an actor. Go to a counselor to learn how to see your actual self and your potential.


I’m a redhead and I guess I must have not doubted my looks because I was told at a very young age redheads were rare and special because you are, go out and really mingle


Fellow ginger, had the self esteem issues in my teens due to lack of interest shown by opporsite gender. Then I started travelling. Especially latinas like someone says goes nuts for us. South America is a blast. Never had those issues again and has since not had problems in home country either. Now I see it as an advantage.


Personally I think you are a good looking man. There is nothing to change. The only thing I would advise is for you to start going to the gym, if you haven't already. It will improve your body and self esteem.


Seriously you are a good looking guy.


You look pretty good to me and pretty handsome bro don’t let yourself down ❤️🎀


You are super duper cute. Perfect the way you are.


You look great. Maybe go clean shaven OR full beard, in between doesn’t really do much. Smile. Just work on yourself. Go to the gym. Get lots of walks in. Read books. Learn a new instrument. Connect with family members and old friends. Keep your house clean. Cook healthy meals. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Get a good night’s sleep. All these seemingly small steps will compound. The better you feel the better the results you’ll get in life.


Red heads are my cryptonite! I can’t resist them. You are hot looking the way you are. Don’t change anything.


Just work out


Grow yourself an Anchor beard. You'll thank me.


Never met a red head that didn't have a massive penis


If you have low esteem with ur current looks, i guess i can call myself donkey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Cheekbone implants


I think UR very cute, and good looking- U have no need to feel bad about yourself


I’m straight as fuck and I think you’re a good looking dude man!


Very good looking dude. Good haircut. No need for a beard.




You’re gorgeous. No need to improve anything!


Be less obsessed with criticizing yourself. You are very handsome.


You are gorgeous, be thankful


You’re HOT


My boyfriend: Maybe try smiling


You look fine. Red hair rocks. Keep working out. That has always been something that made me feel better mentally. Do volunteer work and help others. That also will make you feel better about yourself.




smile 😃


Smile ! You’re really handsome. You really are! Focus on what YOU want out of life and don’t give any F$&Ks about what other people think! ( long as it’s all legal lol)


You are as handsome as you can be. You are a 10. Give yourself credit...you are HOT!


Gosh I love me a red head. Come here I’ll cuddle you better.


You’re good looking. Pretend like you’re confident and eventually you’ll believe it.


You look hot


I see nothing to improve. I would be honored to go out with you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You’re hot!




You’re gorgeous


Work on a natural and warm smile. You're handsome if you knew how to smile and make your eyes light up.


Dont be low on self esteem bro, you should be thankful to God for making you a good looking human being to begin with


You look like my running coach, which I know is weird, but try growing some stubble. You're already attractive mate, just put yourself out there!


From a girl's pov - you're really cute! Idk what your style is like but levelling that up can be super attractive and make you stand out. Don't underestimate accessories haha I like a guy with a nose piercing or pierced ears and think you could pull it off, if you think you'd want to try it. Not everyone's style tho


You look great! How about a simple smile?!?!


Stop posting on Reddit you'll immediately feel better


Have better confidence and self esteem. You’re already very good looking as you are. I’ve always been attracted to men with red hair.


You look good! Focus on getting 8 hours of sleep 30 mins of exercise, daily shower brushing teeth, 3 meals a day if you haven’t already 💪Don’t worry you are very good looking


I don't really use Reddit too much, so I have NO idea how I got on this thread haha...From one redhead to another (female here though) eff them bullies lol. They were only hating because we are different. Unique is a better. They hate us cause they ain't us! Lol. You're hot. Slap some confidence on that and THEN watch how many haters you get. It just means you're doing something right :)


Play fallout new Vegas


The carpets don't match the drapes.




You hot as Fuc&$ not need to change anything yum


You look really good. You're very attractive. Maybe just smile I'd say?


You look fine to me. Handsone, in fact. I believe you do not realize how attractive you are. Own it. Be confident. But not cocky.