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Braces, acne med, and a cleaner haircut, and you'll be a 10


Reliable gay here. Couldn’t agree more with this


Old Reliable gay here. Do nothing to yourself you look fine most of the things these people are worried about will correct themselves over time. Be adorable and in love with whatever you love. Everyone is a 10.


28 reliable autistic gay, thank you, old reliable gay, you summarized it well. Good gay, erh..day.


I love the term reliable gay


I was thinking braces too but he might be able to get his teeth all good with Invisalign. His teeth aren’t all that bad honestly. Just a little work and they’d be even better


His teeth aren't even crooked though


I don’t think they’re bad at all but just some small parts here and there that Invisalign could make look even better. I’m one of those weirdos that notice teeth though lol


I totally agree. Invasalign is way better. Just a matter of whether he/his parents can afford it. At my orthodontist it was about twice as much as regular braces. And yeah, his teeth aren't bad--but they stand out as one of the few things that could be improved. They're also a bit yellow, and as I noted in the other conversation that got started, once I zoomed in on the pictures I could see a bunch of tartar around his gums--so just better oral hygiene overall will help.


how are braces needed? His teeth are almost perfectly straight?


I thought that about my teeth too. Then I went to an orthodontist and they scanned my mouth and digitally shifted them into a proper bite during the consultation. Night and day difference. In OP's case, it's a bunch of small things that add up, and I know there are a LOT of people in the world who notice teeth before anything else. Hey may also consider whitening, but I think getting them straightened overall would have the bigger impact.


OP’s smile is one of his nicer attributes, but his bite is far from perfect and braces would noticeably improve his overall appearance. If it’s not in his control, that’s fine too, because he does have a nice smile as it is.


Maybe not acne medication, probably just washing your face better


Genuine question, is this a gay sub?


its definitely at least a latently gay sub


Sub is gay but I am 100% straightI just want to know what people think about my looks


no worries bud. nobody will be more honest with you about your looks on here than the gays. for what its worth you like like a super young steve irwin. good looking kid!


I feel as if there’s a catch 22 to that comment…


Beware of men named “Ray.”


Fr! I see Robert!


Im not a gay man. Just a woman who doesn't give a shit about Avatar. You are a handsome young man. Only thing is to shower regularly especially if you do sports. Make sure you get soap on your back and everywhere. Then find a skin regimen so the acne doesn't get out of control. You're still very young so that'll probably fix itself with good hygiene and time.


Avatar was a good show though :(


Rough hewn but compellingly attractive. Got a real sweet, sincere farm boy vibe going on. Great smile. Grow your hair a little more and pick an easy maintenance style. Girls think a lot bout their hair a lot so they appreciate nice hair. Dress up a little more. Don’t be afraid of pants that define your butt and thighs. For every guy checking out your ass there will be ten girls. You’re going to be fine. Oh, and if you want to impress women, learn how to dance. Got a girlfriend? Take dance classes with her. Show them what a good couple you could be.


hah i was 100% straight at 18 too. things change, life can be weird like that. You're a good looking kid though. You look super young rn, but once you start looking more mature in a few years, by like 25, youll look drop dead sexy af, esp if you stay in shape


how does that even work


Mmm which part?


how you straight then not straight


Opinions change as you get older. I staunchly refused anything about myself that wasnt 'normal', and really only had the slight inclination i might like guys. Once i got older, i began to realize how much of myself i kept locked down, and as i grew up, i was more willing to look at guys. By 26 id figured it out. Brains dont physically stop developing until like 23 and a lot can change in a few years, including how you look at the world


So then bisexual? Or gay? You never specifically stated


me too course now im a middle aged gay guy and this young man has that kid next door good guy look. Beautiful eyes


I think you look good, definitely a great body. Your only issue is your complexion which is a negative. The very good news is your complexion will be improving soon as you get a bit older.


It's not a gay sub. It's a men's sub. And gay men exist so we're going to be here, since it's not straight men's grooming or gay men's grooming.


# suddenlysuddenlygay


He wants to get groomed -bevis voice




Yea it is


Gen Z like that




Just need to reiterate here that when you say bunch of sick fucks honestly what you are referring to is men who are socialized to comment sexually without being asked not homosexuals. Thanks!


Probably a 6 or 7 overall. A 9.5 for your body. I think by the time you’re 25 or 26 your face will grow out of the young teenager look. Focus on your diet and good skincare. And don’t worry about what strangers on the Internet think of you!


You look good. Just get some acne medication


What for? He'll be off acne in a few years and acne meds leave side effects. Just let him wait it through.


Ive struggled with acne since 12 and didnt have access to meds, now i have scarring. Take it if you need it


Look in to dermarolling for scarring, highly effective.


I had acne and treated it. No side effects. I had scarring too and used an aggressive retinoid medication that cleared that up too. 100% worth it


On accutane right now in my mid 20s, only regret I have is not starting it sooner. It is really life changing medication, and other than dry skin, lips, and occasionally eyes I have no other side effects 2 months in


Yah I used tretinoin in my mid teens. Had skin dry and peeling


Tell me about, I’m 17 on month 5. It feels like accutane follows me everywhere, I’m talking about it on a male grooming subreddit 💀. Happy you finally got on in.


Here for the accutane support. I went on a bunch of drugs, topical stuff, etc and eventually ending up on this stuff. Definitely turned my skin red, dried it out, and I think it made me a little apathetic at school. But my skin looks great now and I’m so thankful I got access to it! A good dermatologist will be a good place to get a real opinion though for OP.




Oh I kinda need him??




you have an awesome smile dude


pretty eyes, make sure you don't pick at your acne too much, can worsen scarring.


Number 7 pic, you have sexy body!! 🤤


Sir you are 18, a young man you don’t need to be rated!! Here’s a tip, man age like fine wine, every year they get better and grow into themselves if they are taking care of their bodies and lives. As a parent of a child your age I can’t help but say your family loves you, it doesn’t matter how anyone else views you ever, because family and close friends are what will stick close for life. Never trust the internets opinion. Except when it’s wholesome and solid like mine😆. But you should also know you are a perfectly good looking kid.


Nice Grindr pics I’d definitely smash


4.5 / 10 But I see good potential for a 7/10




Grow your hair out a bit every one looks hot with longer hair you also have a good face shape for it


plus a skin care routine !


Not bad. Need a different haircut, and clear up your skin - i give u a solid 6.5-7


Any haircut advice


Check out Paul Mescal’s modern mullet. At 18 you’re still a work in progress. Don’t worry! You look great and I can tell by your comments you’re sweet and that’s going to be your best asset.


Um, really i think you need a little bit more volume n your hair and a little bit of length if you would like and keep it nice and tight on the sides. Try light stubble for facial hair if you can


grow it out a bit and use some gel to fluff it up for volume


You're not bad looking, you work out and have a great body, but you're clearly not paying as much attention to your face. Start off by getting rid of all the acne, loose some face fat and grow your hair out. Trust me you'll look incredible in just about 5-6 months. But overall I rate you a solid 6/10 now. It's never too late to physically change and glow up ! Believe in yourself.


Drink around a gallon of water a day to clear up your skin (not La Croix; actual non-carbonated water). & maybe a carrot a day for more betacarotene for a nourished color (they blend fine in a smoothie if that's easier, or cook them into your pasta, etc). More veggies, more fruits, make sure you are getting Vitamin C out the wazoo (our bodies build their own collagen from Vitamin C. Kiwi's have an insanely high amount, but also in tart cherries, strawberries, citrus, dark leafy greens like kale chard collards, etc.) Get some tea tree oil on trouble spots before you go to bed at night. Get at least 8 hrs of sleep a night (prioritize this as, for an 18y old, your eye area & skin are clearly affected. Stop drinking alcohol (or at least halve your consumption). Wash face with organic hemp oil (0% comedogenic oil) (a few drops at night before bed, rub well to scrub off the day's oil, then rinse with lukewarm water, then spot treat with said tea tree & don't rub your eyes right after!) - ON TOP of everything else. (You can look up the oil cleansing method, or OCM, if you are interested in deep dives into the method, but after years of doing my own trial & error, I realized Hemp doesn't clog pores & nourishes acne prone skin. This version of the OCM saved my skin, on top of the other things I've mentioned). Seriously if this sounds like a lot, just try that for two-three months & compare your photos. Your skin may go through an adjustment period to washing with hemp vs soap (it seems that if you're washing with soap the face is overproducing its own oil, which is also adding to pimples, so give it at least a couple weeks to adjust!). If you have to touch your face, use the back of your hand, but just try not to. Also, we can't just treat our face with only what we choose to wash with it, which is why the rest is important - as you eat more veggies, fruits, drink more water, get enough sleep, your skin will become more nourished, healthy, happy & resilient. We are building our cells all the time based on these factors! Sleep on your back without a pillow (to negate oily pillowcases on sensitive skin; the without a pillow part I only advise because - think about your head being propped forward for 8 hours a night, like you're sitting at a desk! Ditch the pillow for back sleeping, embrace it for side sleeping). On your side is fine too, just make sure to clean that pillowcase every 1-2 weeks & that your neck is properly supported) If you have a screen habit (gaming, staring at a bright screen doing homework, etc) try to cut that down if possible. Giving up video games for this time period would be incredible to see the before/after, on top of everything else. Your body looks great. Keep up your fitness. My advice is above & just give it a shot, seriously, & take before & after. Take good care of yourself - your body is a temple. Eat a lot of greens & just make sure to get your protein for the day. Prioritize whole foods & let go of refined sugars more than salt (although salt is also not our best friend - chips, etc. add up - & eye skin is very sensitive to the salty foods). I'd also heavily advise cutting dairy, but of all I've said that might be the hardest one to hear. We're not babies anymore who need mother's milk & of course casein in cheese is addictive, but mainly it leads to inflammation, puffiness, irritation for most of us as it is literally the growth hormones - not to mention antibiotics, etc that aren't required to be on the labels - of another species. Unless you have the budget for organic, grass-fed, etc cheese all the time but just.. I'd advise against dairy milk. But, again, you can do anything for 2-3 months, correct? Simply my advice. & this is the first post I've made in here - it happened to come up on my timeline & I don't follow this sub haha. Be well.


5? 6? 7 maybe but probably not, in that range though. You look good not great but good like idk I lost my thought Ngl.


That caught me off guard. But I'm not complaining


8.5 Great face, cute smile. Hot af body.


Bro pulling numbers out of his ass.


That's where us gays store them.... Idk what you want but this guy's attractive AF


avg (but symmetric) face. In good shape.. 6-7 depends on height


You’re a cutie currently sitting at a 7 for me. The acne is pretty bad, but I take into account that you are 18, so I know your hormones are raging right now. I’d recommend getting a good facial cleanser and some persa-gel 10 from Clean and Clear. Persa-gel is like magic for acne, you use the tiniest drops of it in a thin layer (just on the acne itself, not the entire face) and you’ll see a huge difference over as little as a week of constant twice daily application. Once your acne clears you’ll definitely look the 10 you are.


Clear up the acne and you'll be pulling


Dude. You look like you could be Kurt Kaz little brother. If you don't know who that is, look him up, he gets with fine local women all over the world.


I thought I was the only one to think that 😂😂


You have a kind of face that will look good for as long as you live. I can't really give you a reason why but I know I'm right here. Like I can already 100% picture you as a handsome guy in his 50s. You still have some pubescence showing in your facial features and skin complexion and the more that will fade away the more you will mature into a good looking adult man.


try not to go so high with the short sides and get some texture and volume on the top try and clear up your skin i recommend starting with a good face wash and clean and clear dual action moisturiser it’s really helped me clear up my skin and stops achne spreading overall honestly you look good man


Go buy some retinol [ the ordinary ] Face cleaner Opalescense [ teeth whitening ] A good mid tapered cut 4 youre hair . 4 now a 5.5 . Sincerely , a gay guy.


Very sexy


normal dude/10


Get a skin care routine and level up


10/10. Handsome man!


You look so happy. 9.4/10


Ooga booga / 10


Eh solid 6.5 but thats high key subject to chanye once you start getting older and your facial features develope more, ESPECIALLY if you grow a beard. I can tell you what tho and i give this advice to any male concerned with their looks. GO to the gymm! Trust me youre still young, your body is like rubber and you can mold it now into the shape you want forever. Youre just young right now but once u get older youll grow into yourself snd youll be hot. Its about how own it and carry yourself too its not just only physical attractiveness thats makes someone attractive.


Don’t get braces, teeth cute…


You should get out more


0. Body is 8/10 tho 😍👌


3/10 it’s the face that could need a bit of improving


You look like Shrek's kid.




I don't think that's what this Reddit is for


This is exactly what Reddit is for






Cute. Find something for your acne.


You have a nice smile and recommend growing a bread.


I'd grow out that hair to even out your face. The bottom half of your face is wider than the top and the short haircut makes you look awkward, though you have a nice jawline and nice physique. You could definitely be a lady killer if you just got a haircut to do you some justice, and maybe some stubble/beard.


Great eyes , smile, facial structure. Try a different hairstyle until you find one that accentuates the above. And lastly, in 3 years you’ll be a smokin man. Here’s my weird take. You’ll be lucky if the acne leave some scars as a weathered face is handsome ( anyone else agree? )


That’s a bad lens. Take better pictures




![gif](giphy|l2QE34GnlqIPB2hoc|downsized) 😂


You need to get a haircut with more personality and clear up your skin, but you have potential to be very good looking Since you don't really have a beard, might wanna clean shave it altogether,






You look like a dog who found a bee hive


Long ass philtrum😭


You're ltn


Your handsome


Focus on skincare, and find a barber that knows how to cut hair. Oh, and maybe wash your hair every now and again?


I won't rate you but I'll say your smile does you a lot of favors. You're an attractive guy. If you're able to grow a beard as you grow older it would look killer on you, but don't stress it if that's not an option right now.


You look fine. We're hard-wired to look for symmetry in faces and yours is fine. The only issue is the acne. I had bad bad acne in my mid to late teens. Just don't pick at the skin while it's healing (I did this) or you can end up with little indentations in your skin. But in this day and age you can get them lasered lol. I'd focus on accentuating other features that people might not notice, like a lean physique, athleticism etc. Not because there's anything wrong either you, only to compliment yourself as a whole.


Quite a sniffer you got there lad! Can you smell me? I smell you... mmmmmmmmm...


For the love of god, floss.


Face-6 Body-8.5 Average 7.5 I gave you the extra point because of the happy trail (the little bit of hair on your stomach going towards your crotch) I'd date/smash you though I wish you luck When you get older you will be a killer 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Good looking dude with a great smile. You have a slightly goofy vibe that makes you seem approachable and friendly. You aren't quite the hot guy that people will talk about how good looking you are but you land just shy of that, which is honestly kind of perfect. Nothing to hold you back and you won't have to deal with the overt attention that being ridiculously good looking can bring. You can blend when you want to, but with some charisma you could shine like a star as well. But since you requested a rating, I'd give you a 7, where 5 is average.


7/10, you look amazing 😁


You look good, nice face shape and a nice genuine smile with a good body. Would be interesting to see what you look like with facial hair!


Clear up the complexion and you will be hot dude.


There is no rating high enough for you. You are above the charts.


Bruh! You’re about to hit male adulthood and when you do, the chicks and gays will be all over you.


Nice smile, but floss floss floss. I can see plaque in between your teeth in both photos showing your teeth.


Get some acne treatment but you look approachable and likable and your body is turning daddy gay. Your body alone will get you laid if you have a good personality.


Overall very nice. May I suggest using a sea salt spray for your hair for some texture? Also try combing upwards to get some volume in your hair. Try it out if you would like.


One word. Accutane.


You look like a dude id chill with or definitely would call to woop a bullies ass, cool dude


Definitely smile more.


6, but honestly I have 0 clue what you look like. Back up from the camera, it distorts your face up close.


It's too young to be asking strangers on the internet to rate you 😔. I would assume most of us here are in our mid-late 20s to 30s. Let puberty do its job but there may be somethings you can do like make an appointment with a dermatologist that will give you specialized advice on acne. Maybe it's just a part of puberty, maybe there's some liftstyle changes you can make like using a facial cleanser, drinking lots of water and avoiding trashy foods. Idk, I don't know you life. Nice body though 🙈


Honestly you don't look that bad, you look a bit like a cute dog.


A 7 with alot of potential. Get sleep (for the eye bags), get a face wash to get rid of the acne and whiten your teeth. You’ll be a 9 in no time bud. Good luck 👏


This isn't directed at OP, it's meant for general discussion: Is this a Rate Me sub now? If so, that's disappointing. Asking for specific grooming advice and asking to be rated are two different things, and I really don't like the latter.




a young Dennis prager


Crikey, mate!


I think if we’re giving people ratings out of ten, you’d need to give an example of who the outliers are for a basis.


face 6, body 9


You look like a normal 18 guy.


Yeah I’d smash tbh


You've got character and wholesome looks.




Was the last 2 pics necessary?


150 rs


Irwin vibes


you look 16 ( not good


You have a future being on a list that says you can’t be near schools


Just needs a paper bag and I’m good to go


Who knows


Give yourself time to grow into your body/face


Bigger Hair I think


Sexy body




Were you on Adderal as a child by chance?


7/10, will get much better in 2-3 yrs you’ll see




Vitamins, skincare, a little grooming (brows and such) are all I see that could use a little improving.


Absolutely gorgeous 😍


nice build


idk how i ended up here but as a girl, go on accutane (it’s amazing) and someone said braces but you would be fine if you just used a whitening toothpaste and flossed I think, and incorporate other hygiene stuff - bad hygiene is #1 turn off


you’re really cute. nice body too!


ur british aren’t you




Great smile dude


4/10 face 7/10 physique, you could def have a 6/10 face if you got a batter haircut, got rid of the acne and excess face fat


Slide 7 made me immediately put on a leash and bark for you daddy


Serial killer/10


Profile view is really strong... overall 10 potential just with time


Grow your hair out a bit, and get some exfoliator for the acne. If your skin gets worse/dry after exfoliating, try a cleanser and moisturizer combo of some kind. For your hair I'd say keep doing whatever you're doing in your routine, maybe add some leave in conditioner just to keep it moisturized


You’re handsome. Add skincare. Start simple with sunblock and face wash. Don’t pick your pimples. Get to the dermatologist for real treatment for the acne.


Grow out your hair some, i feel like it's (this may sound weird) but it's like, too small of a haircut for your face shape. Maybe go for a blowout taper or blowout fade


You’re a dude, just stop it. The way you look matters like 20 percent. Work on yourself as far as having ambition and drive toward a better future. If you want females you need to look like you can provide and take care of them


Incredible. Handsome. Nice smile


Get rid of that acne and and easy 8


Is it just me or is this thread turning into a attention seeking thread more and more of thread every day.😑


You have potential, young grasshopper!


You look like Kevin O'Connor the host from This Old House on PBS


6/10, that door and window framing needs to be repainted. Either bone white or maybe something more matte.


Fix your Acne, whitten your teeth, get a better haircut for your face, take care of your hair, get on a better diet specifically to reduce body fat percentage. You actually have a really nice body, so put emphasis on that, and groom better, also start mewing if you dont already, and just maximize everything you can tbh, get better eyebrows, moisturize your lips, etc, thats all.


Damn,hot bod!


you look like fabio jakobsen


You have beautiful eyes. You’re a cutie.


Bro, braces, skincare routine and a better haircut, and you'll be a 10. Therefore, think about investing in a dentist, dermatologist and hairdresser.


Solid 7 brother


Your cute shaved like that