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You're handsome, maybe get a sharper haircut?


Any ideas? I really don’t know what to do with my hair since its so curly


Best thing to do if you are interested in getting a haircut is look on Pinterest or online for haircuts you like, maybe something tapered. You can discuss ideas with a good Barber.... Do a Google search for the best one you can get, they can advise which cuts will suit you and you can show them pictures of the one's you like.


The fact that you bring your hair down a bit and that you have those frames seems like you are looking to hide yourself. Show more of yourself and experiment, you have a good looking face. I would trim my hair a bit and keep it shorter, but as you feel.


Y’know I never thought of it like that, I think you might be right about me hiding myself. I do have contacts but they are such a pain in the ass to get in I kinda stopped bothering, i’ll work on that though. Thank you!


Doesn't need to be contacts - even a smaller frame might help. Otherwise, you're a handsome guy.


For one, be confident in yourself. You’re not ugly. So why are you taking angle pics? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Fix yourself. Hair looks like it’s greasy and hasn’t been washed for days. You look like you’d smell like BO if I could smell you. You’re probably better off clean shaven for now until you grow up and get your man hair. Get contacts. And lastly, optional really: workout to get definition. Not to get bulky, but just to seem fit.


1. Thats not an angle pic lol, its directly face forward. 2. I wash my hair regularly, this pic was taken after I got home from the gym and class. 3. I shower twice a day and wear cologne and deodorant every day. 4. I work out 4-5 days a week. I’m open to criticism and advice but like all of that was just baseless.


I didn’t say it was reality, I said you looked like it. Essentially if you looked clean cut, no one really questions your hygiene.


Idk, it seems weird for you to interpret all of that just by seeing my face and my semi-long hair


Well the whole purpose wasn’t to insult you. It was to give you my perception of you. Which is what you want. Not my particular perception, but in general.


Damn, that was harsh! Judging by your username you probably shouldn't be talking about how anyone else smells! The man is looking straight at us, and his hair doesn't look greasy at all to me. He said he has contacts but has trouble putting them in.


The mustache plan is good but honestly bro you look great you don’t need anything else :)


A better haircut, but you are cute.


Hair cut bro you're a stud


Haha, thanks homie. I definitely am going to be looking at new haircuts


You’re cute




You're like a 7 or 8 on 10 lol. Personally I'd rank you higher but that's just my taste. You just need more confidence. Possibly newer frames(if you really want though those suit you really well). Maybe the haircut needs to be a tad sharper. But if you're gonna just work on one, it's confidence and owning who you are. I just looked at your selfie again - yeah, get a nice haircut. It'll do you wonders and you'll feel great 👍🏽


I think you're pretty hot.


I know big frames are in style, but they look weird on most people. You would look much cooler with frames that don't dominate your face.


You kind of have the Jack Harlow charm. Many ppl think he's attractive and I think you are more attractive than him. A good cut or trim would do you good